Disclaimer: I do not under any circumstance on the Hills have eyes,; But I do own, Summer, Victoria, And Kelsi, Enjoy! Review Review Review afterwards too!


The patter of raindrops against the car window, made the girls shift a bit in their sleep, The driver in the car, Summer, sat back against the cars window,her coat brushed against the damp fogged glass while she settled in, and crossed her legs over one an other, among both front seats of the small van. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes, and tweezed her fingers in between the opening pulling two out, tucking one behind her ear, and beginning to light the only thing that could be seen in the sheer darkness of the van and the outdoors, was the orange glow of her cigarette bud, giving off its fluorescence in the midst of the night.

Summer was a calm, cool, and collected girl, Never really cared to bother anyone, mostly kept to herself. She had a pixied off haircut, rising above the top of her ears, but an angel face, to even her out. Her Brown eyes complimented her dark hair, which also complimented her fair complexion among her face. She was built, not big, but made of curves unlike the other two girls sleeping in each others arms in the back.

Victoria And Kelsi.

Kelsi was a short Italian girl, with multicolored hair, and tanned skin, She had a pretty face, it always seemed to be soft, and tender,

Always filled with loving expressions. She was lengthy, with long limbs, and a love for running, traveling, and exploring to go with it.

Victoria on the other hand, was quite different feature wise from them, Their bubbly, laid back, and sporty personalities, were about all the same.

Instead of having dark hair, and tanned skin, Victoria, had Platinum blond, almost white hair, with a few dark strands that was about a little below her waist, it was voluminous, and daily, she was complimented on it. Unlike the other girls, Her skin had a paper white hue, with what, Which contrasted from all the dark clothing that always fitted her petite figure. She wore even darker makeup around her eyes, making her look about in her early twenties, when she was among the age of sixteen. The same age, as Kelsi, but two years younger then Summer.


Victoria raked her long fingers throughout her long white mane, and batted her eyelashes confused, as she began to wake up, making her way over a sleeping Kelsi, popping her head in the middle of the two front seats to greet Summer.

Her brown eyes gazed at the girl who was now flicking the remainder of her cigarette out the window, and blew the last of the smoke, in Victoria's direction, which made her wince. Before she could say anything, summer began to speak slowly but surly, in a low tone.

"Did you get what you want yet Vic, The perfect getaway?- Do you even know where we are, Because i've been driving on this road for hours, And there has not been one inhabited place around. The most i've seen is a goddamn Lizard on the side of the road."

Victoria,taking in the smoke her friend had blown her way, nodded her head and retorted quickly, and turned away.

"I Never asked for the perfect getaway." She rolled her eyes, and plopped back in her place in the back seat, too tired to argue with Summer any longer.

"Listen, I know you wanted to do something nice for Kelsi, take her to a party, but in reality, the only nice thing you did, was get her way from her parents. you dont even know where this party is, and i've been driving for hours on a broken road, without a map, and a GPS, That only works, whenever its convenient for itself ."

Summer rubbed her hand on top of the dashboard and titled her head back.

"That was a really dumb move on your part-" Before Summer could finish, Victoria interrupted impatiently, and slightly annoyed.

"Christ! Summer I know, Iam sorry, It was my fault, But what do you want me to do? What can I do right now, at this very moment, to make things right, because if there is something, name it, and i'll bend backwards to do it."

"Just, be quiet," she scolded, turning the key in the ignition, and glancing back at Kelsi for a few moments.

"What do you think you're doing? i thought we were done for the night?" Victoria hissed in a low whisper, mocking Summers words from earlier that night.

"You see the lights up there?" Summer ignoring Victoria's words, vaguely began pointing to the far left of the windshield.

Victoria becoming suddenly uninterested in testing her patience, followed the direction of her finger, seeing dim lights across the sands,

that seemed to fade on and off at every moment.

She leaned back in her seat, and shook her head, realizing that when you're lost in the night, and you have nowhere to turn, and when there always seemed to be a refuge point, it was wise not to take it.

"Oh, Sum, I dont know about that," She squeaked out uneasily, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, her cat like eyes seemed to at that point fill with worry. She knew how Summer was, How reckless she could be sometimes, and not even notice it, She always seemed to be getting them into some kind of dismay.

"Really what choice do we have." A voice from the backseat spat out.

Causing the two girls in the front, to dart their heads back at Kelsi, who had appeared to have been awake the whole time.

Summer narrowed her eyes in Victoria direction, noticing the nervousness that was now consuming her now, non speaking friend.

"We have to," She said, as she pressed the gas and began to drive across the lonely opposing road. Victoria only shook her head full of long hair, and pouted to herself, glaring violently at the outskirts of the dark, and desolate wasteland before her eyes.


Pulling up at the gas station, The lights appeared stable. It was a rickety old building, with ongoing land surrounding it,

and an out house on the side of it.

Summer and Kelsi both got out of the car, and peered inside the old station.

"You coming?" Summer questioned

"No." Victoria said turning away from her and turning on the radio, which was just static at that point. She turned it down, but not off.

It would give her something to listen too.

She pulled down the mirror in the car, and wiped the fallen contents of her eyeliner from her face, and looking down giving off a subtle sniffle, before looking in the mirror again. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Kelsi was headed for the outhouse, and Summer was opening the door, to an old man greeting her, and then starring at Victoria in the truck.

She ignored this as she closed the mirror, and saw something scampi across the sand a few yards away, It was big, much like a human, and it was carrying something, long, but before her eyes, and before she could let out a sound it was gone.

In shock and a state of fear, She let out a drawn out,

"what the F-" Her sentence was interrupted as she began to here something on the radio, in between the static,

Her eyebrows folded, and her heart pounded, as she seemed to hear laughing, along the channel,

"Goggle! Goggle!" A deep and scratchy voice hissed.

Victoria began to unbuckle her seat belt, and reach over to lock the door, as she began to hear their voices more clear.

There was a long silence, and the sound of Victoria's breathing was all that was heard in the car.

Her eyes searched the premises of the area surrounding her in silence.

And out of the silence, came a booming heavy breathing on the radio that lasted for several moments.

"..Fresh meat."

Victoria pulled on her boots scared to death, and unlocked the car, she straightened her skirt while diving out of the car, and pulling on Summers white trench coat from the front seat, and began lacing it frantically and as she was about to leave, the voices were back.


"Shut tha fuck up ya idiot." A voice growled

"Get em." The last voice ended that chat,

And the static resumed.

Victoria sloshed into the mud puddle while running to the station where summer was inside.

Starring at her and the man, she began yelling at them

"Summer! you fucking bitch do you know how scared I was! I wouldn't have figured that you were up to it, unless you didnt bring up a name like "lizard"

and "Goggle" You mentioned a dead lizard today in the car, next time you try scaring me think of some better names! She mocked.

"What are you talking about?" Summer asked her unbelievably, turning away from the old man to her friend.

"On the radio! The voices,Goggle, Lizard, Fresh meat, I know it was you!" Summer stared at her,like that was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. and turned away, to begin asking the cashier for directions; Annoyed by her friends nonsense.

"Through the hills, There's a shortcut," Victoria could here him say as she was storming out the door and back into the car.

she could see that Kelsi must have still been in the bathroom, because she was not in the car, and the door was still open, just like she left it.

Just to make sure, she let out a soft


And with that, there was no response. Figuring, they were all in it to scare her, she shrugged angrily her blond hair flouncing as she made her way to the van. She crawled all the way in the back seat, and plopped down, feeling warmth, and skin under her.

"Oh! Sorry Kels," She giggled as she snuggled close to the person next to her. Feeling a leathery hand turn up her side, she shivered a bit.

"Your hands are freezing, get them off of me," She declared, The hands dropped for several moments, and a slight smile spread across her lips, realizing she was not going to be bothered any longer. Until once again the hands shot up, this time reaching down her skirt.

"Woah!" She let out an unexpected shriek abruptly slapping the hands away, and facing the person beside her. It was too dark to see, but feeling the persons hand upon her she remembered, Kelsi Wasnt wearing gloves at all, infact she despised them, and refused to wear them.

In the darkness, she raised an eyebrow and reached in her pocket, pulling out her cell phone for light, and flashing it up to see.

With a echoing scream of horror, she now knew, the person in the car with her was not Kelsi.

He had leathery, skin, looking almost burned, but even in the cell phones light it was too dark too see clearly,

He had tattered dirty blond hair, and blue eyes, that seemed to pierce right through her, And a deformity upon his lip, It was cleft lip.

He has a spiked belt slung over his shoulder to his hips, and a ragged vest.

She wanted to scream, but her body wouldn't move, she stared in amazement and horror and the person, or what seemed like a person in front of her.

His gloved hands shot up to grab and handful of her hair, pulling him close to him, so that her chest nearly rubbed against the spikes on his belt,

And put his finger up to her mouth.

"shhhh.." The mutant scowled slyly at her,

She began to scream, and that when his fists came flying. And not another sound was heard.

"Night, Night girlie." He cackled and pulled her out of the car hauling her over his shoulder, disappearing into the hills.

"Goggle, over, I got er."


Summer and Kelsi came out of the building, linking arms, holding some bags of food, most likely junk, all the girls seemed to have had a sweet tooth.

They narrowed their way to the car, and knocked on the windows,assuming that a certain someone was in the car. Kelsi, and Summer,began to get into the car and buckle their seatbelts,, repeating what Victoria had claimed she heard earlier, mocking her.

"Goggle!" Kelsi taunted, and Summer let out a loud snort "Lizard!" They both yelled almost in tears. Wiping her eyebrow, Kelsi stared up into the review mirror to get a glimpse, and see if she was in the back, because neither summer or Kelsi heard her.

"Vicki?" Kelsi questioned in a tone that was starting to become a little serious, she knew Vicki would usually be the first to fly at someone, or insult someone for mocking her, but, it was silent in the back, and that gave her a strange feeling, as she called out her name a few more times.

Summer made a shrugging gesture, and started the car, heading for the hills, giving one last glance to the old man watching them ever so closely drive away from the gas station. She began turning towards the hills, and got a shiver.

"Wow, What a creeper," She said, speeding up in the direction of the hills anxious to get away.

Kelsi ignored her, and departed into the back seat, searching the rows of seats, she found Vicki wasnt there.

Almost making her sick, she began to sweat a little, And starred up at the drivers seat.

"What?" Summer asked, giving her a curious look as she made the shortcut through the hills.

Kelsi got off of all fours, and flipped her long brown hair.

"Vicki's not in the car."

Summer stared at her in disbelief,

"you're lying, I saw her get in the car when she walked out of the store."

"She's not fucking here Summer!" Kelsi screamed out in a panic,

The tires came to a sudden stop, as the car was stopped.

Kelsi saw something glowing in the back seat. it was Vicki's cellphone.

"maybe shes back at the station using the bathroom! Maybe she thinks we left her! We should turn back!" Summer yelled with a tone of humor in her voice,

"Summer NO! Shes not, and this isn't fucking funny!" She flashed the girls cell phone towards her, it had a crack in it, the screen seemed to be be broken, but it was on.

"Someone was in this car" Kelsi let out a little cry and began to gag a bit.

"How do you know that ?;" summer whispered, scared to get clarification on her question.

Kelsi pointed on the seat in front of her, on it, was tiny specks of blood, and a tiny spike.

Both of the girls looked at each other, and the mishap of them not paying attention, was the reason why, in a heartbeat the window was smashed open,

and three men, with disfigured featured were pawing at them. One grabbed summer, but it took two to hold her down, as she let out screams, and began to try biting their arms to free her from their grip, the Bald one with the disfigured head,pulled out a baseball bat, and swung it at her face, causing her to spit blood and fall to the ground. None of them realizing kelsi was slipping away through the hills.