Soul: Hello people of the world and welcome to 'Bitter Dreams'! The sequel to 'Helping Danielle', go read it if you haven't. Terry Disclaimer!

Terry: Soulful100 does not own Danny Phantom, only me and the plot.

Soul: Thank you. Oh and in a side note, Danny's enemy in this is NOT the guy mention at the end of 'Helping Danielle'. Got that? Good. Now, BEGIN!

Dreams can be anything, anything at all. From the most mundane day at work, to the excitement of flying through space and touching the stars. Some are weird, some are strange, and some dreams something else altogether. The dream is controlled by each individual dreamer, their sub-conscious and their memories, allowing the dreamer to experience events that are deemed impossible in the real world.


Danny was dreaming. But this dream was different. It was not a dream of bliss, like him and a certain goth girl (coughsamcough) finally professing their love for each other and kissing. Neither was it a horrible nightmare, showing his worst fears and the revival of the ultimate enemy.

This dream was neither of those, and he had been having the same dreams for a while, even before Dani came back.

Danny was standing on top of a hill. There were two other figures with him, whether they were human or ghost he couldn't tell. They were both speaking, but Danny could never make out what they were trying to tell him.

"I can't hear you!" Danny shouted. Instantly the figures' mouths were opened bigger, yet Danny still couldn't hear them.

"I still can't hear anything!" Danny shouted once more. This time the figures appeared to be shouting, but to Danny it was as if someone had muted them.

"Danny!" a voice boomed from nowhere, and the two figures started to fade.

"Don't go! What are you trying to say!" Danny hollered.

"Danny wake up!" the voice boomed again. This time only the faintest presence could be see, and the hill top was fading along with them.

"DANNY WAKE UP!" And it was all gone. Only to be replaced by the sight of his ceiling and Dani, Jazz and Terry about to pour a bucket of water on him.

"One. Two. Thr-"

"I'M UP!" Danny screamed, nearly avoiding his watery doom. Nearly being the keyword. While Jazz had let go of the bucket when Danny opened his eyes, the two pre-teens weren't too quick to react, leaving a soaking Danny in the aftermath.

"Good you're up!" Dani said.

"Was there really a need for the water?" scowled Danny.

"Yeah! We're going to be late for school! And your sister and Terry are going to late on the first day of theirs'!" Jazz stated.

"Plus your girlfriend is outside waiting for you." Terry said.

"SAM IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Danny shouted.

"We never said it was Sam." Smirked Jazz.

"Uh..Whatever! I need to change!" Danny stated as he hurried his sisters and Terry out of his room in an attempt to stop them from seeing his blush.

Once they were out and Danny locked his room. He quickly set about his morning routine while thinking about the events that happened over the weekend.

Sigh. Last Friday was Halloween, and so much has happened over the weekend. After getting Dani away from death's door. Her ecto-plasmic signature was finally rendered stable. After some persuasion from Danny and Jazz, their parents had adopted Dani, finally giving her an actual family and a place to call home. Today was her first day of school ever.

Not to mention Terry's too. Danny thought as he spat out toothpaste. After Saturday morning, the pre-teen genius and the Fenton siblings spent the whole day looking for an empty house for Terry to stay in. They had finally found an abandoned apartment a few streets down from FentonWorks after searching. However, it was going to take a few days for his nanobots to turn it in to a suitable home. He had spent the weekend at their home on the excuse of his own being fumigated and his parents had gone away on an urgent business trip.

I wonder how Sam would react to seeing Danielle. The last time Sam had seen Dani was when she was still being tricked by Vlad and had backstabbed Danny. Danny wasn't sure how she would react when she saw Dani but he would deal with it later. Not to mention Terry since he was supposed to be in Montana.

Even as his mind raced with these thoughts, even as he rushed off to school, he couldn't help but think of his strange dream. He tried to convince himself that it was just a dream like all the others, but having the same dream over and over again with the exact same things happening was not helping. And two questions kept popping up in his mind.

Who were they? And what were they trying to tell me?

Soul: There you go people! The prologue of 'Bitter Dreams' is done!

Now on to more pressing matters. I still can't decide whether Dani should be in Middle School, or in High School. I have three votes for Middle school, three for High School, and one for either. So it's a deadlock. To those reading, PLEASE GO TO MY PROFILE AND VOTE OR PM YOUR CHOICE! And if you're wondering Dani is 12 ½ years old.

Well that's the end of this author's note. Review please and once again I hoped you enjoyed the prologue of 'Bitter Dreams' !