
Characters: GaaraxShikamaru,

Summary: It was all a horrible, terrible dream.

Warning: Vague OOC, spoilerish content, etc

Rating: T, just in case someone decides talking about sex should have a high rating.


"Would you like pancakes for breakfast, dear?" Gaara asked with a smile on his face and a big apron with little panda bears all over it.

Shikamaru smiled back and nodded eagerly. "Why yes, honey!" he replied happily. "I always loved your pancakes."

Gaara giggled. "Oh, you're going to make me blush, Shika-dear." He giggled again.

Shikamaru grinned and...

... sat straight up in bed, screaming like he was dying. Once he realized that it was all a horrible, terrible dream, he managed to calm himself, though he was still staring at the door directly across from him in horror when it opened.

"Gods, man, what is your issue?" Kankuro demanded, glaring at him and running a hand through his sleep-rumpled hair.

Of course, that's when he smelled it. Pancakes. Shikamaru sat frozen in his bed, terrified to ask, for the next few minutes before he managed. "Pan... cakes?" he whispered. "That's not... Gaara, right?"

Face filling with confusion, Kankuro sniffed the air. A little bemused, he shook his head. "Nah, that smells like Temari's cooking," he said.

This was more than a little out of place. "What?"

"Gaara can't cook," Kankuro clarified. "So it smells like a burning building on the edge of a volcano when he tries." He frowned. "Why?"

"... no reason," Shikamaru muttered. "Where is Gaara, anyway?"

However, before either could say anything more, the bathroom to the side opened as there was the tell-tale sound of a toilet flushing. Gaara stepped into the room and scowled slightly. "You made me drop the toilet paper, Shikamaru," he said moodily.

Ignoring the admonishment, Shikamaru was on his feet in seconds and quickly across the room. Grabbing his lover by the biceps, he gave him a slight shake. "Don't ever, ever wear pandas. Or aprons. Got it? Never!"

A little dazed by confusion and the shaking (okay, so maybe it wasn't so 'slight'), Gaara nodded. "O-okay... Um... Mind telling me what this is about?"

Shikamaru dropped his head onto Gaara's shoulder and sighed, inhaling his lover's familiar scent. "It was just a nightmare," he muttered, nuzzling against Gaara's neck.

Gaara sighed and moved them to the bed, where Shikamaru lay his head in the redhead's lap. "Start at the beginning," his lover murmured.

Of course, by the time they were finished talking, three hours later, they'd already had sex twice and their pancakes were cold. Kankuro found it highly amusing that Shikamaru wouldn't touch the things, but Temari... Well, she was Not Happy.


Yay! You got your epilogue after all! XD The idea came to me, so... Poor Shika.