yeah, here's Chapter Two of Energy.
Hatake Kakashi knew it was trouble as soon as he had stepped through that expensive, wooden mullion that led inside a rather large, yet extravagant lobby of probably one of the finest hotels that the Copy Ninja had ever stepped foot into. The sign out front had read "Reasonably Priced!" and that then and there should have been all the warning in the world that the silver-haired man needed to book out of that entryway as soon as he had laid his over speculating eyes upon it.
But what was a man supposed to do? Kakashi could tell that his female ex-student had been dealing with the weariness of traveling for such a prolonged time for quite awhile and admittedly, he was too. His legs burned and fatigue was starting to settle in and if it was now starting to bother the ever experienced Hatake Kakashi, he couldn't even imagine how his pink-haired teammate was holding up.
They had been traveling ever since dawn of this morning; cutting in-between rogue territory and weaving in and out of the mountains that lay in Wind Country and Rock. Kakashi had set a nice, firm pace for them to go by to reach their destination in an insignificant, small village for them to rest and go over their plans in more detail, stopping only once or twice to catch their breath and allowing their bodies to keep up with the extensive use of their muscles and maybe eat some here and there.
Kakashi had preferred to lounge in a reasonably standard tavern, not really caring for anything too expensive or nice; just something to sleep, shower and eat in.
Sakura, on the other hand, had been walking side by side with Kakashi and what she saw from the corner of her eye was enough to make her do a double take and a double take she surely did.
The petite kunoichi knew right away that her ex-sensei had seen it, for that she was certain. In a way, that had angered the pink haired teen but all anger and indignant feelings toward her ex-sensei flew out the window as she allowed her jade speckled eyes to take in the wonderful site before him.
There was no way she wasn't spending the next couple of long nights in that hotel.
So Haruno Sakura had gotten her way.
Hatake Kakashi remained silent and rather indifferent, what with all the gorgeous and voluptuous women of the hotel staff running around in beautifully, custom made kimonos that were surely handed out by the hotel to draw in "attention". Sakura would normally expect the Copy Ninja to stop dead in his tracks while his visible eye popped ten feet out of his eye socket as he took in all the risky temptations of being on such a grim mission, but Haruno Sakura was no fool and she knew way better than that to expect anything of the sort, let alone anything, from her silver-haired sensei. If Hatake Kakashi was one thing, it was easygoing and imperturbable and almost nothing could knock that man off his guard nor feet.
Kakashi approached the front desk lazily, Sakura treading slowly in wonder behind him. The walls were at least almost thirty to forty feet high with decorations such as pictures, clocks, plants (fake or not) and a colossal, dazzling chandelier hanging about ten feet down from the a top of the ceiling, shedding light all over the lobby of the hotel. Sky lights dotted the dome, allowing rays of sky light to flood the room in an almost surreal manner.
Sakura had been so focused on her surroundings that she hadn't noticed Kakashi had stopped at the front desk and ran straight into his hard, muscular back, bouncing off easily and almost tripping over her own two clumsy feet. If it weren't for Kakashi's suddenly saving grip on her upper arm, Sakura would've fallen straight on her bottom.
The young female behind the counter tried to stifle a giggle but failed in doing so which caused Sakura to narrow her eyes dangerously, ripping her arm away from Kakashi's steady grip.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" The woman behind the counter asked shyly, a hint of sarcasm in her high pitched voice, leaning on the desk in an almost provoking manner, trying her hardest to gain Kakashi's attention, which she failed miserably at.
"I'm fine." Sakura bit out, throwing an annoyed glance at her ex-sensei who only chuckled at her abhorrent response.
"Long day of traveling," Kakashi said cheerfully, almost too cheerfully for having just spent a whole day of running consistently with little to none breaks and having dealt with all the slime and sweat of it all as the silver-haired man wrapped a firm arm around Sakura's petite shoulders, about crushing her lithe body to his much taller statute. "We just need some days to recuperate and relax."
Sakura was used to this form of composure. Kakashi was only getting "personal" to appear as a regular, everyday couple to have their mission remain undercover and themselves as well so as not to draw unneeded attention that would draw harm for them in future times.
If they were secretly going to follow Akatsuki, they needed to remain completely off the radar, no matter what it took. They were in foreign territory now and if Akatsuki was nearby roaming, it would not be good for the two members of Team Seven to be sought out and for their names to be heard. They were both high-class, powerfully strong ninja and it didn't help that the Copy Ninja was famous all around the ninja world due to the infamous Bingo Book and that word had obviously gotten around that Sakura was the legendary Sannin's favored pupil.
They had a lot going against them.
"Well you came to just the right place!" The brunette woman piped, drawing a long pen in her hands as her hand hovered over a scroll of paper that had names scrolled over it in a neat, line by line form and their room numbers next to their names. "Your names please?"
"Shiranui Genma," Kakashi blatantly lied, using his signature eye crinkle as he hugged Sakura even closer, not caring that she was almost forced to rest a timid hand on her ex-sensei's hard, broad chest, feeling all the muscles ripple beneath the layers of clothing her wore as she wrapped an arm around Kakashi's-or Genma's-slender waist.
"And this would be my beautiful wife Yamanaka Ino."
And suddenly, everything got very, very tense.
Tense because Haruno Sakura did not like to be compared or measured up to her blonde best friend, yet her all time rival who unfortunately had curves that could give Tsunde a run for her money.
And the fact that Hatake Kakashi had picked her, out of all the women floundering around Konoha, he just had to pick Ino.
That didn't settle very well with a certain pink-haired kunoichi.
Though as soon as Sakura had gotten over her abrupt moment of self-anger and pity, Sakura glanced over at the strikingly attractive woman behind the desk after having thrown her ex-sensei an annoyed look, her movements and facial features all but paused momentarily. Sakura thought it odd at first, but as impulsive realization hit her, Sakura had to turn away from Kakashi and bite back a laugh that was surely going to make her look suspicious.
Haruno Sakura was so used to this happening, the only thing that made sense as to why it happened so much was that it was karma for Kakashi always being late to many important things and for reading smitten filled novels out in public. Sakura had warned Kakashi that one day it would all catch up to him and he wouldn't even know what hit him when it did.
"I-I'm sorry?" The woman stuttered, her eyes a look of horror as she backed away unexpectedly, almost tripping over the chair with wheels that sat a few feet behind her.
Kakashi's visible eye widened a fraction until he realized what exactly was going on. The Copy Ninja's lazy posture returned in full throttle and he pulled Sakura back to him swiftly, surprising the kunoichi because normally when this type of thing happened, things grew awkward and Kakashi kept his distance until they were safe and sound in their hotel room.
"What's your name again?" Kakashi probed, tilting his head a bit to the right to look at her more fully.
"Ma-Matsuri?" The curvy woman faltered, confused as to if she really had said her name at all before.
"Matsuri? Well, Matsuri," Kakashi emphasized, running his hand that had been tightly wrapped around Sakura's agile waist slowly and provocatively down to her rump, resting there as if he had every right to-except in this case, Kakashi did have the right and Sakura wasn't sure if she was too fond of that idea or not. "I know what you're thinking and frankly it's not true. She is not my daughter or younger sister-"
"I was actually thinking grandchild…" Matsuri squeaked, folding her arms over her large bosom as she looked everywhere but at Kakashi and Sakura.
Sakura tried, really, really tried, but the laugh that she had been holding back came out in unladylike snort that caused both occupants around her to stare at her; Matsuri's one of shock and Kakashi's one of perturbance and unusual emotion that she had only seen on rare occasions that promised repercussions for later perhaps.
Sakura's cackling immediately stopped.
"Right, well keys please?" Kakashi said with fake pleasantness in his unusually tight voice, still crushing Sakura to him even as she tried to wiggle from his steel-like grip.
"Room four-ninety three, on your left." Matsuri practically sighed in relief, about throwing the keys at Kakashi as he snatched them swiftly and all but dragged Sakura across the hotel lobby until they reached the elevator to their room.
"I wonder how Sakura's doing." Naruto sighed, sitting as he rested on a random log of wood that the blonde ninja had found in the Fire Country's infamous woods, poking at the fire before him as Sasuke remained commonly quiet; except this night held a different kind of quietness.
"Hn," Sasuke sounded, trying to come off as cool and indifferent, but even his best friend Uzamaki Naruto knew better than what the cold Uchiha was relaying to the public. If Yamato and Genma noticed, which they probably didn't, they didn't show any signs of caring.
"I'm sure she's just fine, Naruto." Yamato reassured, giving a somewhat pleasant smile as he stretched to crack his back a few good times. "You just worry too much. It's gonna get you into trouble someday, if it hasn't already."
Naruto scrunched his face in detest, getting up off his small log to wander towards a small hill nearby their setup camp. Climbing up the hill with great ease, the obnoxious blonde stopped at the top, near the edge, as he gazed at the many bright stars that littered the night sky.
A cool, night breeze whipped Naruto's blonde hair around as he sat down, folding his legs under him as he leaned back on his muscular arms.
Sure, the Kyuubi Container was passionate about what he did and sure, he did tend to worry about his teammates and those he cared about most while on missions, but his past had made it so. He had grown up a loner and an outsider all his life up until recently he had lived his days alone. It was only natural that he cling to his original Team Seven teammates and perhaps the occasional "Konoha's Rookie Nine".
Yamato could take that number one rule of the ninja guidebook that they had learned at the academy and gladly shove it up his ass because that rule was for heartless bastards who lost the meaning of what "best friends" and "lovers" meant.
Uzamaki Naruto knew for a fact that he would not be the same man he was today if it weren't for the people that influenced his life and of the things that hadn't happened when he was younger.
Sure, Naruto was a fanatical ninja, but he had every right to be. He had three people who he cared the world for and loved the most out of everyone he had ever met.
And there wasn't one thing in his life that was going to stop him from ever doing so.
Haruno Sakura couldn't remember nor recall the last time she had seen Hatake Kakashi, the infamous Copy Ninja, so angry and so blatant about his emotions!
There were only a handful (not even that!) of times where Sakura had seen her teacher just a little angry. The first being Team Seven's first training day.
Team Seven figured Kakashi wasn't really fond of his students, or anyone for that matter, disobeying his clearly set directions. It must be an adult thing.
Sakura did a quick replay of the events that had led him to being so pissed off and tense.
So the pretty-looking lady had called the man old, basically. So what? Kakashi had been called old many times before, along with other numerous names, yet it had never affected him in such a way where Sakura had to watch what actually came out of her usual lippy mouth so as not to further piss him off.
So why was this time so different?
The pink-haired kunoichi had observed well as she was forced to pace side by side the venting man, his strong arm still holding her tightly to him. Kakashi about punched the elevator button that had led up to level four as the doors swung open before them, causing Sakura's heart to quicken as she now had to face the fact that she now had to be alone with him.
In other cases it would be different. Sakura didn't mind being alone with Kakashi not one bit. In fact, he was probably the one person the kunoichi was quite comfortable being alone with; the other being Naruto and Sasuke.
Sakura was only nervous and hesitant this time due to the fact she didn't know if she was the one to blame for his sudden bad mood or what was going to happen behind closed doors.
Hidden innuendo much?
Either way, Haruno Sakura knew deep in her heart that Kakashi wouldn't dare hurt her or anything of the sort. He had made a promise back in Team Seven's genin days stating he would protect them with his life. He had yet to break his promise and Sakura knew he wouldn't be breaking his promise anytime soon.
"You might want to change out of that," Kakashi murmured, seeming to have calmed down a great deal as he strode towards one of the many windows that lined the wall opposite the door they entered, glancing out at the mid-bustling city below.
The silver-haired ninja's comment caught Sakura off guard, causing her to spin around in shock.
"We're going out. There's a bar down the street from where we're staying. If you don't want to come with me, that's fine but I'm going."
Sakura paused for a moment as Kakashi peered down at her from a distance away, his only visible eye seeming to scrutinize her closely. Sakura could not keep count of how many times the man looked at her like that. The look he was giving her was enough to make her shake in her own boots! Though Hatake Kakashi, the weirdest man the pink-haired kunoichi had ever met in her life, seem so unaffected by the whole situation.
Well that's Kakashi for you.
Sakura really tried her hardest not to complain but seriously, how did Ino feel comfortable in wearing clothes like this all the damn time? The curvaceous blonde had assured Sakura it would've been worth it, but now, what with Naruto and Sasuke gone from the mission, Sakura wished she would packed some extra "outing" clothing to wear because this dress wasn't doing it for her, especially with Kakashi being the only one left on the mission.
The black dress came up dangerously high on her strong legs and hung on her like a second skin; the silky material hugging her thighs as if it were holding on for dear life (and in a way it was). The garb outlined her hips in a not so subtle way and continuing on up, the kunoichi seriously didn't think this dress was her size.
It was way too tight in all the wrong places.
But as the seventeen year old checked the tag that was safely tucked on the inside of her dress on the side, it read her size in clear print and the tightening in Sakura's chest just got a little worse. She was never, ever going to let Ino pick out another outfit for her again!
With much dread, Sakura's attire emphasized her cleavage the most; the strapless dress cut purposely a little too low for her liking. With an already built-in push up bra, there was no way she could hide her supple flesh from popping out in an alarmingly great deal.
To make matters even worse, along with the black dress that she had to wear, Sakura was forced into wearing three-inch stiletto heels, causing her feet to ache even without having put them on yet. She had been told by her hypocrite of a shishou many countless times that heels weren't good for the arch of your feet, yet the large-breasted woman wore them anyways for as long as she could remember.
Sakura had told Ino this as she threw her own heels in Sakura's traveling bag, but did she care? No, not one flaming bit.
Sakura was going to kill her blonde friend when she got home, if she ever got home.
Kakashi was patiently waiting outside the hotel, leaning lazily on the side of a light pole with his signature yellow book perched in his right hand, his left stuffed in a pocket of his Jonin pants. It didn't matter where Kakashi was, he almost always wore his Jonin pants, but tonight he excluded his Jonin vest and instead casually wore a long-sleeved, black shirt. A change up-yes, but nothing too dramatic for the Copy Ninja. After all, it was just a bar. Nothing too special or significant.
As Kakashi was waiting for his female student, the silver haired ninja took note of the many different people waltzing in and out of the phenomenal hotel while seeming to look as if he was still reading his porn novel. Most of the individuals walking in and out were women of high riches dressed in expensive ware, some flaunting their assets.
There were even a couple of young women who glanced a moment longer than just to be classified as an "ordinary glance". One was particularly a cute girl and looked to be just about Sakura's age (which caused Kakashi to question whether or not the speculations of him being a downright pervert really were true) as Kakashi took mere observation, her blonde wavy hair flowing down her backside as she exited the hotel.
The Copy Ninja glanced back at the doorway, hoping Sakura was to be the next one to come out so they could get to the bar and get a seat before it grew too crowded. Though as Kakashi took great notice of this woman's gorgeous, long legs and a black dress that barely covered her most secret areas, Kakashi knew he had lucked out.
Seeing if the woman was as beautiful in the face as she was her body, Kakashi had to do a double take. Was that pink hair!? Who else in the world had pink hair besides his little Haruno Sakura?
Because the woman walking out of the hotel barely clad in just a short dress, was his student; the student he had cared and practically nurtured for since she was just around twelve.
Dear Kami. Since when did that Haruno Sakura develop curves like that?! Kakashi had been with that girl-woman now, apparently-on missions for at least five years and, mind you, Hatake Kakashi was a very observant man. Sure Kakashi had seen glimpses here and there. It wasn't like he hadn't been to a bar with his little ex-student before and had seen her change in camp while on long missions, but with that dress on, Haruno Sakura could give Tsunade a run for her money and if Kakashi was comparing the pink haired kunoichi's not-so-subtle curves to Tsunade's, there was something terribly wrong with the situation.
"Um, are you ready?" Sakura feebly bit out as she came up to Kakashi, her arms folded over her chest in trying to hide herself in innocence when in actuality, all the action did was push her almost-popping out cleavage together, causing her breasts to look even bigger.
Such a bad illusion at such a wrong time. Maybe going out to the bar wasn't such a good idea anymore but it was too late to turn back. Kakashi was going to be a man and face his fears about what his student had become over the many teenager, much hormonal years of her life.
If Kakashi wasn't going to kill himself by the end of tonight, then it was simply Sakura and her stupid dress of hers and those nice, endlessly long-
Kakashi brushed that image out of his mind as quick as it had arrived. Murder; murder was the only way to describe this! Sakura was inevitably killing him without her even knowing!
But as Kakashi thought more about it, his death had already started. This slow, treacherous and torturous death had already begun the moment Genma and Yamato arrived, relaying their once all around team mission was to change to a two-man mission and that this two-man team was to only include Kakashi and Sakura.
For once in his life, Hatake Kakashi hadn't realized and didn't know what had hit him.
This mission was going to be hell in more ways than one. The silver haired ninja decided to take it one day at a time because that way, his death wouldn't be so damn painful and tempting.
Kami be with him.
End of Chapter Two.