
D: I bet you're all wondering why it takes me such a long time to write these things...I honestly don't know. Lack of motivation, maybe. Or maybe I'm not inspired enough.

Again, (just like every time) sorry for the late update. :| Short and lame. Wow.

-knife'd again-

(-Deidara's POV-)


I sighed happily to myself. The joy of knowing one's locker combination. It was priceless.

An evil smile crept across my face as I stared at the skateboard I held in my hands. It was sturdy, beautiful, and, not to mention, Sasori's. I wanted to see how he'd react if something like this happened so I stole his skateboard from his locker.

I checked my watch. Why isn't he out yet? The bell rung like ten minutes ago-

"YOU. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SKATEBOARD?!" a loud, angry voice shouted to back of my head. I couldn't help but smile even more. Bingo. Sasori found out.

I hugged his skateboard as I heard Sasori's feet travel across the lawn and to me. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Bitch, I'll kill you for- Huh, what? Deidara?" Sasori looked rather confused.

I flashed a peace sign at him. "Sup? What are you spazzing about?"

"M-my skateboard. I thought I lost it...HOW DID YOU BREAK IN TO MY LOCKER?!"

I placed the skateboard down, rested my foot on it, and stuck my tongue at Sasori. "You don't need to know…uh, toodles!" I rode away, just barely escaping from Sasori's tackle. He missed and fell forward onto the ground. He looked up to me and muttered a couple of curse words.

"Deidara, come back with my skateboard!"

"Better catch me first, Sasori!" I laughed as I rode away. I watched him sprint towards me at a reasonably fast speed.

"Fuck, Deidara! Why do you always have to-" Oof. "Play stupid-" Oof. "GAMES?!" Sasori wiped his mouth and got up. He took a step toward and tripped over his feet again.

"Looks like somebody isn't coordinated enough to walk properly!" I teased, not looking where I was going. I crashed into a trash can, causing me to fall onto my side. I flinched as a shooting pain went up my arm. Chuckling, Sasori got up and jogged over to me.

"You okay?" he asked, kneeling down. I shook my head to a no.

Sasori make a tsk sound. "That's why you should really watch where you're going, instead of being so careless..."

"Nnergh..." I moaned, clamping a hand over my right arm. He pursed his lips.

"Take off your jacket and show me your arm."

"What are you, a doctor suddenly?"

"Just do it." I reluctantly did so. Sasori rolled up the sleeve of my arm and examined it. He cringed at the sight.

"How much damage?" I asked, peering over to look.

"You might...want to wash your uniform when you go home. It's soaked with red nastiness. Your arm as well." He squeezed his eyes shut.

Surely enough there was a long bloody scrape that went from my shoulder to halfway down my elbow. I looked at the injury with slight grim.


"Ow, indeed. I'm gonna have to... bandage that or something."

"Hn, my house is closer here than yours. Should we go there then?" I suggested.

"Sure..." Sasori shifted his eyes to avoid looking at the wound and helped me up. His face turned pale.

"Sasori? You alright? You look like you might puke."

"Can't. Stand. Blood," he muttered.

"Pfft, you serious?!" I laughed. "I thought you were into violence and such."

"I am. I hate seeing blood though."

"You're awfully strange, because that makes no sense." I commented. "If you hate blood so much, why are you offering to bandage my arm then?"

He raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, don't blame me for not wanting you to die because of blood loss."

"It's not that bad!"

"It's bleeding like crazy."


"So? Can you bandage it yourself? I didn't think so. Now shut up."

"Stubborn." I rolled my eyes.

"Slow down, will you?! You're hurting my arm even more!" I complained.

"I'm almost done, alright? God, have some patience."

"Huh, that's from you."

"Is it now?"

"Yup. Never met anyone more impatient than you. Honestly, you snap when people 'take too long' in fast-food restaurants."

"Exaggeration." Sasori finished off bandaging my arm.

"It is not!" I countered. "Oh and thanks."

"It is too! And you're welcome."

I gently brushed my bandaged arm with the tips of my fingers and twitched slightly. Sasori slapped my hand away.

"Don't touch it! It'll just hurt more then. Let it heal." He let out a sigh of relief as colour came back to his face again. "You reckless brat. I can't believe you actually thought you could ride a skateboard when obviously you couldn't."

"I can so! I just...didn't look where I was going."

"Which is my second point. Look where you're going, will you?"

"Hey! I'm not the one who crashlanded on someone and sprained their ankle for a week!"

"...shut was an accident."

"Oh, of course it was," I said, sarcastically.

"It was! What makes you think I'd want to do that on purpose if I didn't know who the hell you were?"

"To get my attention."

"Bah! No." Sasori poked his finger on my nose. "You were trying to get my attention."

"Uh-huh..." I pretended to bite his finger before he quickly pulled it away.

He smiled. "See? You agree. Well, now that's over..." Sasori got up. "I think I'm going to head off home. Nice house by the way, Deidara."

I pouted. "Are you going to leave now? My mom wanted to see you..."


I shrugged. 'Cause she heard oh-so-many good things about you, that's why.

Sasori ran his fingers through his red hair and gently bit his lip. "Alright, I'll stick around for a few..." he muttered.

I carefully examined the expression on his face and frowned. "If you don't want to stay, you don't have to...although I'm not sure why you seem so uncomfortable suddenly. Was it something I said?"

"Ah? No...it's just...some random thought that came up in my head. Don't worry about it."

"How can I not worry? You look like you might puke again."

"I said, don't worry about it."

"Oo-kay then...just don't throw up on my couch...my mom really likes this couch. Oh and speaking of mom, there she is!" I waved as the front door flung open and my mom stepped in with two grocery bags.

"Hi mom. I brought Sasori over."

Mom smiled at Sasori. "Why, hello there Sasori."

"Hello Mrs. Iwa." he ducked his head, indicating a bow. Mom just laughed.

"Call me Sally. Mrs. Iwa makes me feel old." she set down her bags onto the floor. "So Sasori, I've heard a lot about you, coming from Deidara of course. I swear, the child talks about you every living moment-"

"I do not!" I shouted, purposely interrupting her. I looked at Sasori and shook my head. "She tends to drabble on about things that aren't true."

"Don't listen to Deidara, she actually does talk a lot about you."

Hey, she actually remembered to call me a "she." Huh. "I do not!" I scowled at the floor.

"Over the dinner table too," Mom whispered. Sasori grinned.

"That's it. Mom, don't you have like...cooking to do or anything? Please?" I begged her pleadingly with my eyes, mentally telling her to go away. She listened.

"Alright, I'll leave you two alone then~" she sang, picking up her grocery bags and hoping to the kitchen. We both silently watched as she bounded off.

"Your mom's pretty cool," he stated with that grin still on his face. "I don't see why you don't seem to like her cheery attitude."

"You wouldn't like it either if you own mother humiliated you in front of your friends." I pinched Sasori's cheek and said in a mocking tone, "Who's a good litte boy?"

Sasori rolled his eyes and slapped my hand away from his face. "I'm certainly not. I'm far from being 'good' and 'little.' Very far."

"No you're not. You know you're good, Danna. Deep inside."

"...Did you just call me 'Danna'?"

I stared at him in shock as I just realized that. "I-I don't know...did I?"

"I-I think you did, Dei...but doesn't that mean...?"

"Master. Or husband. But either way, they're both pretty awful in this case. Ugh. Why did I just say-"

Sasori's face turned into something like a twisted smirk. "Who's your danna?!" he said, bringing his face close to mine and widening his eyes, trying to scare me. I had to say, it sort of worked. He looked pretty damn freaky at that moment. Just shine a flashlight on his face and BANG! you had the perfect horror movie DVD cover.

Smirking back, I widened my own eyes and shouted, "Who's your senpai?!" back at him. He cackled evilly.



"Well, he's older, isn't he? Though, I really don't think he deserves the extra suffixes after his name. He's not that great."

"Wow...you're just so nice, I can't believe it."

"I know right? I get that so much!"

I flicked his forehead. "That was sarcasm."

"No. Shit. Really."

"Hey, good! You actually understand sarcasm. Guess you're not that big of an ass after all!"

"Just shut it, Dei."

"Try to. I'll give you a hundred bucks if you succeed," I offered.

"Nah, too hard. Silence isn't really your thing anyway."

"You know me too well...creeper."
