(-Deidara's POV-)

It was a new year. Which meant: new friends, new teachers, new enemies, new groups, new couples, and new labels.

But for me, it was also a new school. And I really didn't want to have a new start.

"It's going to be fun!" my mother reassured me for the thousandth time. I wanted to believe her but I knew that then I'd just be lying to myself. A new school was not fun.

"And if it isn't?" I muttered, taking a part of my long blonde hair and putting it up in a ponytail.

"Well, you've got to live with it."

I groaned. "Yeah, nice advice."

"You want advice?"

"No thanks."

She smiled. "Just remember to keep an open mind."

"I know, I know…" I mumbled, searching for my uniform. "Hey, mom! Where'd you put my school uniform?"

She took a sip of coffee before pointing to the bag beside her. "Here. Oh and Deidara, you might-"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted as I took out the clothing out of the bag. "Mom! This is…for girls!"

She smiled sheepishly. "I know, hun. They got it mixed up with someone else. But just bare with it, okay? It's only one day."

"One day?! The first impression I'm going to get it 'blonde chick' thanks to this!" I shouted.

My mom sighed. "School's in ten minutes. You should hurry."

"I WILL!" I yelled as I stormed to my room to get changed.


"…Raishin High."

I looked up at the high school in front of me. I pull the back of my skirt down so that whoever was behind me wouldn't look there. I already had two perverts that did that.

"Man whores…" I muttered as I took a glance at what was around me.

Sure enough, just like any typical high school, the students were divided up into gangs that spread out on the school grounds. Nerds, jocks, those annoying type of girls who complained about their hair, etc. Pretty boring.

"Hey cutie!" a voice called from behind me. I rolled my eyes. Oh god…

I whirled around and glared at the guy. Another one of those preppy guys…I observed.

The guy put an arm around me. "You new here, babe?"

"Yeah, I'm new here. Now go away before I start bitchin'," I growled.

"Bitchin'? Ohoho, aren't you a feisty girl?"

I was about to shout 'I'm not a girl!' but I stopped myself. I was new here and people thought I was a girl…why not have some fun with it?

"Yeah. I'm pretty feisty. Want me to prove it?" I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as I could. The guy yelped then pulled his arm away.

"What the hell?! How can a girl be that strong?!" he screamed, clutching onto his hand. I laughed.

"Trust me, they can." And to prove my point, I thrust a kick at his shins. He yelped again.

"Now leave me alone," I growled as the boy nodded and limped over to his friends, who gave me an amazed stare.

Great…you just attracted even more guys.

It's not like I had a problem with guys liking me. No. In fact, I liked guys too. Yeah, I'm gay. Whatever.

But when guys like him started to come onto me, then I had a problem. I didn't want to be known as someone's "bitch."

I gave them a glare before walking away. Should go get my time table…

Not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone.

I stepped back and looked at the person apologetically. It was a girl…and a guy that looked like her boyfriend or something.

The guy frowned. "You should look where you're going…"

The girl nudged him with her elbow. "Now Pein. It's not her fault."

Her. Geez.

The girl looked at me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Konan. And this is my grumpy boyfriend, Pein."

Pein grunted. "We're both seniors by the way so don't mess with us."

Konan nudged him again, harder this time.

I gave Konan a smile. "I'm Deidara…and I'm new to this school."

She laughed. "I can see that. Pein and I practically run this whole school and I never seen you before so…"

"What grade are you in, kid?" Pein asked.

"I'm a junior…"

"You're too short to be one."

"Pein!" Konan kicked him this time. He winced.

The blue-haired girl smiled at me sheepishly. "Sorry about that… Pein doesn't have any manners."

"I do so! Just not to younger kids." Pein mumbled. I let out a laugh.

Konan brushed her hand against my hair and started to comb it. "By the way, your hair's so pretty! I wish my hair was that long…I'm jealous."

She's jealous. Of my hair. Okay…no telling her your actual gender now.

The next thing I knew was a red flash crashing into me. Hard. With…a skateboard.


I fell backwards on the ground, with a guy on landing on top of me. I grunted.

"Sorry," the guy mumbled.

I couldn't reply. The impact nearly knocked my brains out. And it was kind of hard to breathe with a guy on top of me.

He looked at me, revealing the most gorgeous face I've ever seen. We stared at each other's eyes for a moment.

"Eh…" he smiled painfully as he quickly got off me.

He shot a death glare at the dozen or so kids that had gathered around us. "It's not what it looks like! Go away," he growled, as the students quickly dispersed, some snickering. I just sat there, dumbfounded.

"Sasori…" Pein shook his head, annoyed. "Watch where you're going. You nearly killed Deidara."

"Deidara?" the guy, who's name was apparently Sasori, glanced at me. "You mean this chick over here?"

Great. He thinks I'm a chick.

"Yes. And you could have injured her severely. As a senior of this school, I must do what I can to keep everyone safe and happy," Pein stated, with a proud look on his face.

"…uh, okay then. What should I do, sir mighty leader?" Sasori asked, surpressing his laughter.

Konan looked over at me then back to Sasori. "I think you should take her to the nurse…and check if she's okay."

"She looks fine to me-"

"Just do it," Pein ordered.

"All right." Sasori shrugged as he offered me his hand. Before I could reach for it, he swooped down and picked me up. Bridal style.

I yelled in surprise.

Sasori chuckled. "Geez. I'm not going to hurt you. I already did that."

"Let me go…" I mumbled. This was just plain embarassing. I mean, a sixteen year old guy getting carried by another-

Right. These douchebags didn't know I was a guy.

Sasori raised a brow at me. "Sorry, but you heard Pein. I really doubt you can walk anyway."

"Tch." I huffed, crossing my arms.

He smirked. "Besides, what's so wrong about this? Most girls in this school would die to be in your state."

Obnoxious little bastard, eh? Hmph. Minus his face and this kid's the worst guy I've ever met.

"Really? That's pretty dumb of them…this really isn't the thrill of my life, sir," I told him, rolling my eyes. Sasori looked surprised.

"Oh? Well, you're not like those type of girls, aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes.

I shook my head. "Nope. I actually have a brain. And taste."

Knowing and meeting plenty of guys that were like Sasori, I knew he was going to start spazzing or something just because he couldn't catch one girl's (guy's) heart. Pretty obnoxious.

To my surprise, however, he didn't. Instead he kept quiet, thinking something over.

"Brat." he muttered.

My mouth swung open. Oh, so he wanted to have a war now, eh? I'll give him war…

"Obnoxious self-absorbed skater boy that can't even take one insult," I shot back.

Sasori gritted his teeth. Obviously, he wasn't used to having someone talk back to him like this.

"Slut." Sasori muttered.

"Man bitch." I muttered back, trying not to giggle.

"Brat, I'll kill you."

"Oh no. I am so scared!" I gasped sarcastically. Sasori looked like he wanted to push me off a cliff.

Instead, he just remained calm and put me down. "Nurse's room. Go get some ice and crap." He pointed at the doorway.

I nodded. "Alright, sir. Don't even bother waiting for me; I don't want to see your hideous face when I come out."

Sasori growled at me before storming off.

Heh. I think I can learn to like him. Maybe even become friends. I laughed quietly to myself. He's sure an obnoxious bastard though.

I watched as Sasori dug his hands into his pockets and kick a pencil out of his way.

A hot obnoxious bastard.