A/N: I know, I know - updating a two-year-old fic with an Author's Note is unspeakably cruel of me, but if you find this story at all interesting, please bear with me.

It's been over two years and 10,000 hits since this story was first published. I'm no longer a part of the Maximum Ride fandom, and probably some of you have moved on since you Alerted or Favourited. However, I am quite proud of this story and the response it's received from you guys. A huge thank you to everyone who's ever read it, Favourited it, and put it on Story Alert, despite its two years without an update.

This was one of the first fics I ever wrote, and it has a special place in my heart. That's why I've decided to go back and revamp it – hopefully this will be a good thing, since I wrote the original when I was 16, without a betareader. Therefore, I will be taking down the original chapters and reposting them in their (hopefully!) shiny new form.

Just thought I'd let anyone know who remembers this story... or any new readers who just happened to click here, with an unspoken longing for war games, random European principalities, underground resistance bases and the Flock rampaging around Europe in military uniforms...

Watch this space. Muhahaha.