Free the Birds, is a "fictional" Story. Seto and Jou are actualy a type of "Bird" Creature, that can take a human form. Wanna Know More? READ! Yaoi, Rated M, For Well, what's going to be contained in the story!

Based on our wonderful Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler [Jounouchi(Jou) Katsuya, which he will be sometimes called].

Chapter 1: Almost Time

Seto slowly streched. His beautiful White whings streching out, and soon up above his head. There was sapphire-blue on his Wings, tipping the feathers, His long wavy tail feathers were tipped in blue, and he had the same blue for "leggings" on his legs.

He turned his head and crystal-like Sapphire Eyes looked to his sleeping Mate. The 'Hen' in their relation ship. Despite the looks of their Colors, Seto was far from the submissive one.

But, Seto let his beautiful mate rest. Leaving Jou in their nest as he moved to the 'entrance' of their cozy abode.

The two birds lived in a tree. And they visited the city in their human forms when they needed to. Which, The last time Seto remembered that being was nearly 300 years ago.

The two birds were immortal.

How old they were, they themselves probably didn't really remember. But they recalled "man kind" growing up in a sense. Seto really remembered when they first made the "automobile" A death trap in Seto's eyes.

All the deaths caused by those machines only proved his thoughts.

But either way, enough mental chit-chat, He fluffed his feathers out, then took off. Going to to find a meal for his Hen and himself.

Strong Eagle like Talon's flexed as he 'targeted' his meal-to-be.

Silent as an arrow, wings folded, and he soon landed upon the rabbit.

Touching the ground only breifly, his powerful wings were carrying him back to their nest.


About that time, Jou was waking up, fluffing his feathers out, trying to block out the cold. But he slowly lifted his head from where it had laid. His deep Black Feathers ruffled again. The Ruby-Red tips on his wings, and tail, made him look "creepy" as one could/would probably say, but it didn't bother him. He wasn't a bad guy. He just looked like one.

Honey eyes looked to where his mate usually roosted, and he smiled at the empty spot. He knew where he was. He didn't know-know, but he knew. It was unexplainable. So he wasn't even going to bother trying.

He moved standing streching feathers out, and streching his legs. He moved over to the entrance of their nest.


Seto was arriving back when he saw the people, and he quickly took refuge in another tree. Distraught as he watched them spraypaint on their tree. A Red X He wondered what it meant.

But soon he knew, and he screamed, like any other bird. They were going to cut down their tree!

Leaving the rabbit, he tried to move, but they were cutting at it, and he heard his mate's startled cry when the tree shook.

Seto frowned, and tried to get close, but the men working said something about a 'weird bird' and Seto was quick to hide again. They couldn't find them!

Seto watched... Horrified, as he noticed his Mate poke his head out. Seto cried out to him. He had to move! He didn't care! He called to him again, distraught.

Jou frowned, and moved, hearing his mate, he hopped up to the edge, the hole around the tree and he looked down. He moved, giving his wings a final strech before he moved.

One of the men saw the strange bird, and told them to stop cutting, but it was to late.

The tree started to fall.

The last thing Jou remembered hearing was his Mate's scream as the tree crashed down pinning him.


Seto was about to dive down but the man ran over to fast. And Seto was furious. His beak clacking as he figited, talons digging up the branch to the point, he had to move to another as it fell.

How dare they!

Seto froze as he saw the man gently pick up his Mate.. Jou...

Seto's heart sank at the still body.

But the man touched him and a scream escaped Jou, and Seto was quick to fly over.

Screeching and squawking, wings flapping furiously as his talons crapped at the arms that were lifted to protect them selves. They better let him go! They better let his Jou go!

But the men, instead, fled taking the injured bird with them.

Seto, flew fast and hard, following after the truck. Trying very hard to keep up with it...

They couldn't! Not now! Not after all this time!


When Jou came to again a soft chattery sound escaped him, and he slowly moved his head, feeling a softness.

His head slowly lifted, and he set into panic, he started squawking, flapping around behind the metal bars, not knowing he was in a cage.

Where was he? Where was Seto! His Squawking got louder as the pain in his sides got worse. But he stopped fluttering around in his cage.

He froze when a man walked over and looked in on the bird.

Jou would of frowned if his beak wasn't 'frozen in place' for such a thing.

They were talking to one another. About such a 'rare bird'.

Ass holes. If they got close enough he was pecking eyes out!

Where was his mate?

It was then that one of the logger men mentioned a second bird that attacked them.

Jou froze. He didn't have a good feeling about this.


The thing that took his lover away had stopped at this... Building. And he landed in an alley. Then, even though about 300 years went by. Seto took to his human form. Spotting a man walking by, Seto got a look, then mimiced the outfit. His power, letting the clothes he wore transform to the modern attire.

A man with Brunet hair and deep Sapphire eyes stepped from the alley. His outfit, styled like the others, but colored in White and Sapphire.

He went to the building, and pulled the door open.

He glanced around. Where would they keep him? He slowly walked over, and smirked, He knew what to do, "Excuse me Ma'am?", Seto stated softly, sweetly. His accent a bit 'out dated' but as clear and crystal as ever.

She looked at him, and rose her brow.

Seto just smiled, "My precense was called for in concerns of a unique bird found..."

"Oh! You must be Mr. Dijitoro!",

Seto smirked, that worked, "Yes, Please lead the way.".

She nodded, and lead him back into one of the other rooms.

Seto frowned at the smell. There were lots of animals heres. Sick, Hurt. Some dying.


Seto felt his heart stop as he saw the men, finish pulling a needle out of his Mate. The one clear lively eyes, dulled out before the eyes closed, and his Mate fell asleep. He frowned. Did they?!? Wait, no, he was still breathing.

Seto quietly walked over, the woman had left, and they looked at him, "Who are you?".

Seto smirked, "Mr. Dijitoro..",

"No, I know Mr. Dijitoro, and you sir, are not him.".

Seto's smirk only grew, "Well, either way, what you have on your hands is a rare bird.".

They rose brows and exchanged glances, "How did you know about it?".

"That doesn't matter to you idiots. What matters is, you let it go.".

"Why would we do that! It's the only one of it's kind!",

Seto glared, promising death to the man. "It is not. If you do not hand it over, I will be forced to take it from you.".

They changed looks, then laughed.

The laughter didn't last long....


Excited for Chapter 2?