

'…..What... has happened to me? '

That was all that passed through his mind as his eyes opened to the world around him. Blurry at first, but then it cleared to a questionable area.

'And where am I?' He lay in the middle of a green, unfamiliar forest, completely unsure of how he got there. He sat up, and then got to his feet, swaying a bit with dizziness, then took another look around. It was still unfamiliar, but, unfamiliar as to what exactly?


He turned to the direction that the yell came from, it sounded anxious, and a bit out of breath, the owner of that voice must have been running.

"Don't stop!" a different voice cried, "They're right behind us!"

They sounded so young, were they children? If they were in trouble, he had to help them! He shook his head to clear it from its persistent dizziness, and ran full speed to try and find the children, and save them from whatever was attacking!


"Come on guys, hurry!" Ash Ketchem yelled over his shoulder to his three friends May, Max and Brock. "Pika!" his Pokémon Pikachu confirmed as it ran by his side. The five of them were currently on the run from an entire swarm of Beedrill that took to chasing after them after the humans had stumbled upon their nest.

"Oh Ash, you and your impatience!" came May's cry of anger. "I knew we should have stuck to the road instead of following your short cut!!"

"Well how was I supposed to know there was a Beedrill nest?!" Ash defensively replied.

"Is now really a good time for an argument?" Brock questioned. "Yeah, save that for when there isn't a bunch of Pokémon chasing us!" Max yelled.

They finally broke through the forest and into a grassy plain. They stopped for a moment to catch they breath, and to figure out what to do now. Without the natural obstacles the forest provided, it would be much harder to try and out run the Beedrill in an open space.

"Hey look over there!" Brock announced, pointing across the plain. Across from where they stood was a large cliff wall, and in the wall, there was a cave. "You really think a cave is the best place to be when an entire swarm is after us?!" Max questioned. "It's the only form of shelter we have!" Brock hastily explained. "Now let's get moving!"

With that said, they all took off, running as fast as they could towards the cave. Max was struggling to keep up with the others, but was beginning to lag behind thanks to his legs not being as long as his sisters or friends were. but he pushed himself to run faster, so intent on staying close with the group, he wasn't paying any attention to were his feet were treading, and his left foot came upon a patch of earth that had sunk in. Losing his balance at the sudden change in footing, Max fell to the ground, yelping with pain.

Ash heard him and turned, seeing his fallen friend and the approaching swarm, he ran back full speed, rushing past May and Brock.

"Ash?" May questioned, turning to see why her friend had suddenly, her heart nearly stopping when she saw that her younger brother had fallen. "MAX!" Pikachu leaped beside her, looking after Ash. "Pika!!" it cried in worry.

Max groaned and pushed himself up to his knees, looking behind him. His blood ran cold when he saw that the Beedrill where coming closer. "Max, come on!" Ash yelled, trying to get him to his feet. But it seemed like Max was paralyzed. Ash tried to pull him to his feet once more, but it was already too late to run anywhere. The two boys cried out, bracing themselves for the merciless stingers of the bug Pokémon.

Suddenly, an unearthly roar split threw the air. And a large form dropped in between them, standing protectively in front of the young humans and making the Pokémon halt in surprise. Ash looked at it in awe, it was a creature that stood well over six feet tall, had dark brown hair and lavender skin, a long winding tail and deadly looking claws. It even had wings. What was this Pokémon? He took out his pokedex to find out. After a minute, it finally spoke. "Searching..... Searching.... searching....... creature is not identified as a Pokémon." Ash and Max could only stare at the pokedex in shock... not a Pokémon?!

The unknown creature spread its wings out threatingly, baring his fangs, his eyes glowing with a white light. "Leave these children alone!" he roared in a deep voice. The Pokémon hesitated, only for a moment, and then attacked, brandishing their stingers. The new creature fought well, dodging the attacks, and lashing out with its tail and claws, but it soon became overwhelmed by the hive, taking hits as well.

"Run!" it yelled to the two boys. Ash nodded, and stood, waiting for Max to follow. But as the younger tried to stand, he fell again with a cry of pain. "Max!" Ash exclaimed, Max gritted his teeth, gingerly clutching his leg. "m-my ankle, I think I twisted it!" he said. Ash gave him an anxious look, turning his back to him. "Then climb on! I'll carry you!" Max shook his head, "no Ash, I'll just slow you down!". Ash shot him a determined look. "There's no way I'm leaving you here, Max!" he said firmly. "Now get on!"

Before Max could protest further, large, lavender, claw tipped hands picked Max up around the waist and he was cradled against the scratch riddled chest of the new creature. "Go!" it ordered. Ash was instantly on his feet and running towards the cave, with max and the creature close behind.

Once they were safely inside, they tried to go further in, but realized that it was that deep of a cave, but it was dark enough to conceal them from sight. The insect Pokémon buzzed outside and the creature growled, getting ready for another fight. But was stopped when Brock put a hand on its arm. "Calm down," he whispered," Beedrill won't ever enter dark, enclosed spaces if given the choice" it was true, though the Beedrill hovered outside, they seemed reluctant to enter.

"They have to go back to their nest soon; they won't leave it unprotected for long." Brock said. Ash nodded, and looked down to his partner Pokémon. "Pikachu, get ready in case they decide to come after us!" he told the little mouse Pokémon. "Pikachu!" it said with a nod, its cheeks crackling with sparks.

They waited a moment longer, and the Beedrill finally lost interest, and soon began to fly back to their home in the forest.

Once they were gone, everyone let out a sigh of relief. And May turned ran up beside the creature, her face lighting up with a smile. "Oh Max!" she exclaimed. The boy smile as well. "May!"

The creature gently set him down, and only watched as the two embraced. May smiled up at it tears dotting the corners of her eyes. "Thank you!" she said with sincere gratitude, holding her brother tighter to her, "thank you so much!" it nodded its head at her. "You have no need for thanks," it told her, "I only did what was right." it took a step away, but then I growled in pain, clutching its side.

"Hey, take it easy!" Ash said, rushing over to it. "You're really hurt!" Brock set his pack down, pulling out some medicine and a roll of bandages. "here, come sit down and I'll dress those cuts." he said.

"Do not waste your medicines on me, they are not needed," it said weakly.

"But, won't they get infected?" May asked.

"No, not infected," it said, stumbling to the mouth of the cave, and kneeling to rest. "They will heal, come the sunrise."

Ash gave him a curious look, "sunrise?" he asked, "what happens at sunrise?" it let out a heavy sigh, settling into a kneeling position. "Wait..." it started, turning away from the outside, closing its eyes.".....and see."

The five of them walked outside, just in time to see the first rays of the sun climbing over the forest. And just as it warmed them with its golden touch, they heard a loud crackling sound, and turned back towards the creature, only instead of it being of flesh and blood like it had been only a few moments ago, it was made of solid stone.

They stared in bewilderment, "A statue?" Ash asked out loud, walking over to it, hesitantly placing a hand on the cold, hard shoulder. "I guess it's a special type of night Pokémon," May suggested. Brock nodded in agreement " that could be," he started. "But I've never heard of a Pokémon that turned to stone in the daylight."

"Not a Pokémon..."

the two looked over at Ash in surprise." what?" the boy turned back towards them. "My pokedex said that it wasn't a Pokémon." he told them. "It's true; I heard it say that too!" Max confirmed. "But, if it's not a Pokémon, then what is it?" May asked. "I don't know, but whatever it is, it helps us." Ash said. "And I'm not leaving until I'm sure that it'll be okay."

"I want to do the same." May said.

"Count me in!" Max said.

"Then it's settled." Brock said. "We're all staying.

************************************************************************************************************************Author's Note:

Well, here's my second attempt at writing this thing, because I was too impatient to make sure my entire story was there. There's excitement for you.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my first story. (Think you can guess who the gargoyle is? ;))