Note: Hey so the idea for this story randomly popped into my head. I'm still working on Saving me but I think this one will actually be funny so ya. please read and review!
Casey woke up that morning with a bad, bad, bad hangover. That wasn't the worst part...the worst part was in addition to a throbbing head, she was lying in bed with a guy. That guy was her step brother. Oh and did I mention they were both wearing rings?
It all started when George had to take a trip to Vegas for work. He wanted to bring Nora along since he'd be gone over their anniversary. Nora wanted to take the kids along since they hadn't been on a vacation since Derek and Casey's senior year of high school (they were now both 21). So that's how they ended up in a huge luxury resort in Vegas...all the family together again. But let's start from their beginning of the trip shall we?
"Derek I'm home!" Casey called out. She and Derek lived in an apartment together since their parents thought it was cheaper then having to pay for both of them to live in dorms.
"In here!" he called out. She walked over to their phone, tossing her keys on the coffee table and seeing they had a voicemail.
"Hey guys, it's mom and dad. Just wanted to call and tell you that we're going to Vegas! And so are you! Call us back for the details."
Casey grimaced. She'd never really seen the appeal of Vegas but she figured Derek would be excited so she walked into his room to find him making out with some blonde barbie. "Der-rek!" she exclaimed. He shot up, sending the girl to the floor.
"Wha?" he asked dazed. "Mom and dad called. They're taking us to Vegas."
"Right now?"
She rolled her eyes. "No stupid, I don't know when. We have to call them. Didn't know you'd be hooking up at 10 am on a tuesday." she shrugged and helped the girl up.
"Sorry Karla but you have to go. I'll call you later babe." he said winking at her. She frowned.
"But my name is Katie." Casey stifled a laugh and Derek rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah...out." She pouted but picked up her purse and left the apartment. Casey locked the door behind her.
"Well that was interesting." Derek chuckled and plopped down on the couch in the living room.
"We should call them now." Casey said picking up the phone and bringing it over, sitting down next to him.
The phone only rang once before Nora picked up. "Hello?"
"Hey mom, it's Derek and Casey." Casey said.
"Oh hi kids. Did you get our message?" she asked.
"Yup! So what's the details?" Derek asked excitedly. Casey laughed and shook her head.
"Well you two would drive home on Friday night and then sleep over and we'd leave Saturday morning. Be gone for the rest of winter break and then come home." she said.
"Wait...this Friday?" Casey asked.
"Yes why?" Nora asked.
"I'm supposed to go out with this really cute guy Noah that day..." Casey said. Derek rolled his eyes.
"Casey you're not missing a golden family opportunity for a date." Nora said sternly. Casey sighed.
"Yeah, ok. So what do we need to bring?" Casey asked. "Just yourselves and your luggage. We've got the rest taken care of."
"Ok, thanks mom. We'll see you Friday." And they hung up.
Derek raised his eyebrow. "A date?" Casey groaned.
Since they'd moved in to their apartment they'd gotten a long better...they still fought but they were sort of friends in a way.
"Yes A date..." Derek laughed at her.
"What?" Casey asked defensively.
"Noah Talbot? Really Casey?"
"Yes! Noah's sweet." Derek rolled his eyes.
"Since when do you care who I date anyway." Casey asked. He shrugged and she knew he wasn't going to tell her.
"Well we'd better start packing. I need to find the perfect outfit to wear to Hooters." Derek smirked. Casey looked at him disgusted.
"You are such a pig Derek! And don't you have like five girlfriends to worry about already?"
He got up and winked at her as he tossed a pillow in her face. "You know what they say Case...what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." and with that he left the room.