Chapter 1: Gotta Be More

"There's gotta be more to life than this, there's gotta be more everything I thought exists"

- POD- Youth of the Nation

A young 10-year-old Harry James Potter gasped awake after his second nightmare that night. Fire and brim stone was all it seemed he could think about, a battle of good versus evil, death versus life. 'Maybe I should cut down on the TV shows.' Harry thought to himself.

Ever since his counselor had suggested Harry take the high school aptitude test the Dursleys had been suddenly ecstatic about Harry being their nephew. He was a certifiable genius with an IQ that was off the charts. Suddenly Harry could watch what he pleased and besides still running a few errands here and there Harry had freedom beyond belief. The Dursleys encouraged Harry to spend time at the Library researching whatever interested him all due to their semi-diluted hopes that Harry would one day kindly repay them in millions. No matter how smart Harry was in all subjects only a few things seemed to oddly interest him: the supernatural, the law, and an odd fascination with immortality.

Harry got up normally just as always and got ready for school. He threw on his normal clothing and headed out the door to his junior year in high school. Harry's ambition was unmatched and he was scheduled to graduate high school in a mere 3 months. He had been in an extreme acceleration program at the Firefly High School for the Gifted. The Firefly High School was created and founded by a Law Firm called Wolfram and Hart.

Harry sat down in the library and began to study everything from Science to English as required. Suddenly the intercom turned on "Harry Potter to the Dean's office, Harry Potter to the Dean's office immediately." Slight annoyed by the interruption Harry skulked down to Dean Devlin's office.

Upon arriving Harry found the Dean and a man in a Black Armani suit with yellow eyes waiting for him. "This man is the head of Wolfram and Hart, the London division. His name is Carter Fairfax. Now I'll leave you to, call me if you need me Mr. Fairfax," said the Dean. Harry noticed that the man was about 6 foot 1. He had an aura about him of pure evil and a smile that matched his thoughts. Yet, Harry felt drawn to him.

"Good day Mr. Fairfax, what could I possibly help you with?" Harry inquired.

"Well Mr. Potter, it appears that you are an extremely bright student who's abilities and strengths could be of great use to Wolfram and Hart."

"And what abilities are you speaking of?"

"Well Mr. Potter it appears that you are more than meets the eye, an untrained wizard with an extremely logical brain. A powerful combination that my branch believes we could find useful. The Senior Partners also believe you could be of great use eventually in the salvage of the LA Branch."

"Wizard? No such thing sir,"

"Ah, but there is such a thing. There are wizards, witches, vampires, werewolves, demons of all sorts. And you are one of those supernatural creatures."

"Prove it!" Harry yelled, "Sorry sir, I mean please prove it," Harry stated threw gritted teeth.

The man in front of him nodded and suddenly the man before him grew fangs and his eyebrows got this odd look about them. "I am a vampire Mr. Potter, one of the oldest still alive. Which is why I can't seem to get my eyes back to their human color again."

"So why should I trust a vampire?" Harry demanded.

"Because I'm here to offer you the deal of a life time Mr. Potter. I want to make you your own department at Wolfram and Hart. You are a powerful Wizard and with the correct training you could do anything. Add to that your knowledge of the sciences and the law and well it sounds like you are the perfect candidate to work for our Law Firm." But the twinkle in this demons eyes made it seem as if there were a catch.

"What's this going to cost me?" Harry asked, he just needed to know.

"Nothing Mr. Potter you would be the head of our Mystical Breakthrough's department and would have access to every inch of the company. We would pay you handsomely of course and give you a place to live. You see Mr. Potter Wolfram and Hart is more than a Law Firm, we are a multi-dimensional company that deals with everything from science to the law. We do everything we can to find things first. Frankly the senior partners want you and only you. If I were to return with a no they might be… angry with me. So anything you want and I am to provide you with it."

"What's the catch?"

"We would of course need your word that you won't tell anyone our secrets and we also want you to sign a ten year contract."

"Alright, I'll do it,"

"Good, good. Now is there anything else you'd like out of the deal?"

"Can you make someone immortal?"

"Well… you see Mr. Potter the closest thing to that, that the Firm can offer is turning you into a vampire."

"Then I shall think on that part, Sir, where and when do I sign?"

"After you graduate I will be back and have you sign up. How does 2 million a year sound for your starter pay?"

"That'll do sir,"

"Oh and lastly we are going to have you go to a Wizarding School eventually for your initial education there when you are 11. Until then however, we are going to have you studying the laws of demons and other sciences at Wolfram. Does that sound alright with you?"

"Yes, it does."

"Great, see you in a few months Mr. Potter."

Harry smiled as he watched Mr. Fairfax walk out of the room. He knew there had to be more to life and now he had found his destiny.