That glass better be empty! A reply to theretard5892's challenge at Fully Combustive Material For the Fanfic Author! Look it up.

Let us venture back into a time where Ed and Al were young and not as bratty. The year is...far enough back in the past that Ed and Al are kids. It's a warm day in Resembool and Ed and Al are eating lunch.

"FOOD FOOD FOOD!" Ed and Al chanted as they smacked their fist on the table and waited for the not dead trisha to bring them their food.

"Boy's where are your manners. Big boys don't do that." Trisha said.

"FOOD FOOD FOOD!" Hohenheim singed as he scratched his knife and fork together.

"Honey! You're setting a bad example for the kids"

Hohenheim burped.

"HAHAHAHAHAH! Good one daddy!" Ed said as he burped.

"GAHAHAHAHAbrrrrrp" toddler Al said as he farted.


"...hahahahahaha!" Ed laughed.

"'s your lunch..." Trisha said as she served the food.

"Mmmmm...ribeye steak! Just the way I like it!" Hohenheim said as he began eating his food.


"Yeah?" Hohenheim said while he continued to gnaw on his steak.

"Please use your silverware."

"MOMMMY! I WANTS EATS TOO!" Al began to cry.

"Here you go Al," Trisha said as she put Al's kid cuisine on his baby chair thingy...yes, they did have kid cuisine then,"And here's yours Ed."

"I don't want it!" Ed said as he moved the plate with the mash potatoes and steak away.

"Why not. There's nothing wrong with it. You better not waste that food, there are people starving in ishbal, and they would love your food."

"Then let them have it! I'm not eating anything until you get rid of that JUNK and get me a pepsi!" Ed said as he pouted.

" want something else to drink."

"Yeah! You know I hate kool aid!" ...what did you think it was? Milk? Yeah cause that's original...

"You will drink that and you will like it! Your brother has the same thing and he's enjoying it." Trisha said as she pointed at Al who had food all over his face except on his mouth.

"But daddy has root beer!"

"No, this is beer." Hohenheim said as he put his feet on the table.

"You aren't leaving this table until you drink all of your kool aid...and honey, get your feet off of the table."

A few hours passed.

"Ed, have you finished drinking your kool aid yet?"

"No, it's half empty and I'm leaving it that way!"

"That's fine with me, but you aren't leaving that table."

A few minutes later Hohenheim walked into the kitchen and drank the rest of Ed's kool aid.

"Thanks" Ed said as he got up from the table.

"Oh...I only did that so I could have some alone time with Trisha. Now get out of here."

