Hey! This is one of those angsty romance fics between Kevin 11 and Gwen. I had a poll on my profile, and angst and romance tied for the highest. I mostly (Well, all the time) write for teen Gwen and Kevin, but not their preteen versions, so yea. And WARNING: DESCRIPTIVE M LEMONS!

This is my first attempt at a lemony M fic, so be nice :D

Kevin ran swiftly down the street, ignoring the loud shouts of the street vendor. He had stolen a few hotdogs. Who cares? HE was hungry, so he was going to get food. It's not like the guy would ever catch him anyway. Kevin was just too fast, after years of experiance.

He had just lost a battle to that Tennyson kid. Damn, that kid was strong at times. But he remembered one person who kept Ben from losing. He remembered. Ben was about to lose, and his cousin had intervened before Ben was defeated under Kevin's feet. Kevin snarled. She was always the voice of reason to Ben. Only if she wasn't there to help him...

That's it! He could take her away, and wipe her out. Plan perfect. He ducked into an alley, and the vendor lost sight of Kevin.

"Gosh, that was one close fight. Too bad I came out as the victor, as usual," Ben gloated. Gwen glared at him. "Only if I hadn't been there to help you, you would have lost, dweeb," she remarked. Ben rolled his eyes.

"Suuurrreee. I would have taken out Kevin even if you didn't help me," Gwen rolled her eyes at the bragging 10 year old.

"We all know you would have lost if--"

"Liar! I beat him easy!"

"No! You dweeb, you--"

"Alright, you two!" Grandpa Max yelled. "Off to bed," he panted, glaring at them to argue.

Gwen and Ben both stormed off to their respective beds. "Liar," Gwen muttered more time. She rolled over. Ben smirked from the bottom bunk, and eventually fell asleep. Gwen rolled in her bed. "I'm gonna take a walk," she mumbled.

Kevin made his way near the RV and saw Gwen coming out of the door, looking slightly angry. Perfect. He sneaked up, and hid near a tree. Thank god he had gotten better at transforming back and forth between his normal and monster self. He fought monster-style with Ben, and was normal elsewhere, and just used his electricity powers. He saw Gwen approach the clearing near where he was. He quietly climbed up a branch, and wiped his raven locks out of his eyes, ready to spring. He jumped down, ignoring her soft yelp. He pressed his hand to the small of her back and let loose an electric current. She jolted, and fell limp. Kevin breathed heavily. Usually, it felt right to just hurt everyone, but he just didn't feel good hurting her. Kevin dragged her light and limp body. God, she was small. One snap, and she would break. He needed to be careful. Wait, no, he didn't need to be careful, she was enemy. No, he couldn't hurt her. But...gah. He just settled for carrying her outside of the forest.

After half an hour, he reached the abandoned subway tunnel that he had made as his home. Wait, why was he going to his house? He was supposed to push her into a bus, or something. Kevin groaned. He couldn't kill the fiery red head. Then, an idea sprung to him. He would make her live with him. Yes. That life would be a bliss.

Gwen groaned, stirring. Kevin set her on the floor, and hid behind a column. Gwen blinked, confused. Why was she in a subway tunnel? An abandoned one, too. She got up, and looked around. Suddenly, out of the shadows, a slender figure emerged.

"Kevin," she whispered, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"I would ask you first. What are YOU doing here?" he mocked softly.

It dawned on her. "You idiot, you kiddnapped me, didn't you?" Kevin's smirk was enough to prove her suspicions. He walked over to her, and Gwen tried not to flinch. He spun her around. "You see, Gwen? The happy life that I live? No school, no rules, and I practice my powers to my wish. Wouldn't you like this life?" Gwen inhaled a sharp breath. To tell the truth, she was tired of being Mrs. Goody Good. She wanted to break a few rules, and most of all, she wanted to practice her powers. She bit her lip. Kevin's eyes glinted, and he aknowledged her.

"Come live with me," he whispered. As much as she woulld like to, Gwen refused. "No way," she said boldly. Kevin frowned. "This is going to be harder than I thought," he replied, walking over to her. He stared into her eyes. Suddenly, he slammed his lips against hers.

5 reviews, please! M lemons next chapter