Hi :]

You're about to read the last chapter of "iLove my best friend"... But before you do that, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading, reviewing and adding this story to your favorite stories.

You're the best! x)

Now read! (I don't want you to see my tears) :'(

I don't own anything! ;D

Chapter 17

Carly's POV

"Hello is everybody watchin'?..." Ginger Fox' wakes me up. Who calls me at, I look at my clock, 6.30am? C'mon it's Saturday! I take my phone.

"Hello?" I say really annoyed.

"Carly!" My mouth opens but I can't make a sound. Am I going crazy or is this actually Sam's voice?

"Carly...?" After I pinched myself, making clear that I'm not sleeping, I say something.

"Uhm... Are you Sam?" Right now, I'm really sure that she's smiling...

"I guess I am..." She giggles. Sam... She finally woke up!

"Sam! I'm coming to the hospital right now. I'll be right there..." I'm already taking on my jeans and a t-shirt while I say this.

"Okay. Bye!" Then she hangs up. I am breathing in deep and pinching myself again. Sam was on the phone right now... She talked to me...

"Spencer!" I scream, running into his room.

When he doesn't wake up I take his blanket, throw it away and scream again.

"Spencer! Wake up!" Finally he opens his eyes and looks at me.

"Are you crazy???" My third scream is the answer for his question.

"Sam woke up! You have to drive me to the hospital! C'mon take on your clothes, brush your teeth and don't sit here like nothing happened!"

"Sam woke up?" I roll my eyes.

"Did you listen to me? Yes I said that!" Then I run out of his room and brush my teeth...

I also comb my hair. And when I'm ready, I am going to Spencer. I will kill him if he isn't ready now.

"Spencer?" I go in the living room.

"You're lucky..." I say smiling, when I see him taking his jacket.

"You wanted to kill me if I wasn't ready yet, right?..." He looks at me and tries to smile...

"Yes. Let's go!" So we run downstairs and go to Spencer's car.

Sam's POV

I put Freddie's phone on the table next to me. And before I can do anything he puts his arms around me.

"Sam... I'm so happy that you're awake." The way he whispers those words in my ear makes my skin crawl. When he says something like this in a way like it makes me speechless and makes me want to stay so forever...

These thoughts are not of the Sam I know...

"Oh, you're smiling? And wait you're blushing..." He says giggling when he looks at me. I didn't notice that my heads not longer on his chest, and so he could see my face the way it looks when I'm in his arms. So I'm just blushing more...

"Haha... I could also laugh at you! You should have heard your voice when you said 'I'm so happy that you're awake.'" My imitation sounds so weird... "Haha... You sounded like you were in trance or something..." I flail my arms while saying these stupid, senseless words. He just makes me nervous... But isn't he Freddie after all? He just makes me nervous all the time after I woke up. That's why I'm acting so stupid.

"I sounded like I was in trance... And you looked like you were in trance." He smiles. Could he please stop that?

"So we complement each other..." That's an good answer. I wonder how he doesn't make fun of my weird behavior.

"But could it be that you're nervous?" I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Sort of..." I just mumble...

"Why? Is it because of me?" He grins, knowing the answers.

"I don't want to make you nervous... I mean it's really cool making girls nervous... but I want to be someone who makes you calm down. So don't be nervous, alright?" Then he smiles again. Is this Freddie?

"Alright... I'll try my best." I smile the cutest way I can. Now he should also be nervous, only one time. He shouldn't be so calm while I'm going crazy.

Instead of getting nervous, he shakes his head, laughing. Then he whispers something I don't understand and kisses my forehead.

Carly's POV

"Hurry up, Spence!" I say while running upstairs. I'm not sure why I'm running. What happens if I see Freddie and Sam do something like kissing or hugging? I mean, Freddie and I are friends again and cleared things up but... I'm still in love with him.

Before I can go on with thinking, I arrived at Sam's room. I go in... Sam and Freddie are not hugging or kissing... I'm lucky.

"Sam..." I look at her. Tears are starting to fill my eyes.

"Carls!" Smiling she runs to me and gives me a hug. My best friend is back. Sam is awake.

The tears are just falling down my face. I'm so happy! My happiness let me forget my fears...

Actually, I don't want to let her go... But she also hugs Spencer after a while.

"Welcome back Sam..." He's smiling at her. Sam was always like a little sister to him.

"Thanks Spence." Thankful she looks in his eyes. Then she goes back to Freddie, she's standing next to him now.

I'd lie if I said I'm not jealous but... it's not such a way of being jealous. How can I describe that? I am jealous but I'm also happy for them, because they're my best friends. And I wish my best friends just the best... And when I look at them like it is the best way it is right now...

"Wow..." I say to myself, surprised that I can be soo...

"I know!" Sam says loud. Confused I look at her.

"I mean... Even if you were very hungry you wouldn't eat your dead friends leg. But he did! He survived but he ate the leg of his –" Freddie makes a weird face.

"Could you please stop talking about something like this? You know I –" Now he stops talking. He looks at me... I know why he stopped talking. It's something that would hurt me.

"Fine... I've thought you missed my voice after three months but fine, I'll be quiet." Everyone is laughing. But I just can't stop thinking about this look from Freddie when he said 'You know I...'

I don't want that he's treating me like I could collapse every time he says something to her. I guess we three have to talk...

"I know everyone is happy but I'll talk to the doctor, fine?" Sam, Freddie and I nod while I start to ask myself if Spencer is turning into an Edward Cullen, who can also read minds.

"I'm really happy... When are we going to do the next iCarly? What about a special one, like 'YAY-iCarly-is-back-special'?" I smile. Now it's the right moment to talk about this, right? So I just ask before anyone can answer my question.

"Sam?" I ask...

"Mh?" When I look into her eyes, I'm not sure about asking her that. But I have to!

"Do you know what happened between me and-" Her eyes widen when she understands but then she's interrupting me.

"I know and I already told Freddie it's okay!" Obviously, she can talk about someone who ate his friends' leg but not about that.

"I don't want that this changes anything. You can talk to each other the way you want. Don't care about me, okay? I can take it!" I laugh, but this is so awkward...

"Uhm... Fine." Freddie I smile but everything in me screams 'AWKWARD!'

"Cool... Okay then what about this whole special-iCarly-thing?" So that was done...

Freddie's POV

"In 3, 2..." It's been a while since I said this. 'Samantha is fine, you can taker her home' the doctor told Spencer when he walked out of her room to talk to him.

We're all happy about that, of course. Sam's living in Carly's apartment until her mother is 'fine'. Jacob is still in our school and Sam never wanted that he get in trouble... So, Carly and I never said anything to the police.

Sadly, Sam has to take the class again. Of course, she missed 3 months of school. First, we wanted to help her with the whole stuff she missed but it's almost impossible.

Whatever, now we're doing our YAY-iCarly-is-back-special. Right, we liked Carly's idea, even if the whole conversation was a little bit awkward...

I laugh while Sam and Carly are turning around to look right in the camera.

"Hellooo!" They say at the same time.

"And welcome to our YAY-iCarly-is-back-special!" Carly says with a low voice.

"Yep, We're back!" The blonde-haired girl says laughing while she put her head near to the camera.

When she looks up to me, I smile at her. She blushes, again. I don't know what happened to the real Sam but this actually always blushes when I smile at her... weird. I should be the one who blushes every time I look in those beautiful, blue eyes...

"Gosh, the dork behind the camera isn't able to handle this camera. We're here!!!" I can hear Carly's laugh when Sam says this. Only now, I realize that the camera is shooting the ground.

"Maybe the dork should come in front of the camera so our fans can see the whole iCarly-gang..." Again those blue eyes are looking at me. Maybe the old Sam and the always-blushing Sam are sharing one body. Who knows... I just put the camera on the tech-table and turn camera B on.

Automatically I'm going to Sam's side.

"Hey!" I also wave.

"So here are all three of us!" Carly says smiling. Then they're going on with all the things they planned. After a while, I go behind the camera, I feel better there.

In addition, they are doing some stuff, where they need some space...

"So... Now the YAY-iCarly-is-back-special over..." Sam presses the 'Awww'-button on her blue remote.

"But don't worry. You can watch iCarly next week again!" I nod... Wait nobody can see me.

"Just comment and tell us what you think about our show... Now, BYE!" They wave like they did at the beginning.

"And we're clear!" I smile. "I missed this sentence." Sam and Carly are laughing but I really missed to say 'We're clear!'... Maybe I'm a little bit crazy.

"And now Sam..." Carly smiles at me. "Let's celebrate!" Carly screams then and many people come into our iCarly studio. It reminds me of Sam's birthday party.

"Wow!" Sam looks at all the people around her.

I try to make my way through the crowd and actually, I stand in front of Sam.

I put my hands on her waist and pull her closer to me. Suddenly the crowd around us stops talking, dancing and all things they did before.

"What do you think about your welcome-back-Sam-party?" I smile while saying this.

"I love it! Thank you so much!" That she means what she's saying is clear. She looks very happy. And that makes me happy.

"Great! Let's check out the comments our fans sent us, okay?" She's nodding, so I take her hand and go upstairs. I could also use the computer in the living room but I don't want to.

"Why we're not using Carly's computer? I mean so we have to leave all guests alone!" I shake my head.

"Oh no!" I say like I were in shock. "Carly is downstairs and checking out the comments won't last forever..."

She's rolling her eyes. "Fine!"

We're looking at the comments and while I grin Sam, guess what, blushes.

"Did I really look at you this way?" She says more to herself than to me, when she reads some comments.

"Hey Carly, Sam and Freddie,

I'm so happy that you're back!!! ^___^

But I wonder what happened btw Sam and Freddie... The way Sam looked at him... ;D


"Sam and Freddie are in love! xD


"I don't know but I guess!" I burst out laughing. I knew our fans were not stupid...

"Oh my gosh! What we're going to do now?" She's acting like someone found out that she's in love with a monkey.

"We can choose between: screaming and acting weird or we just don't care about it and are a couple..." She looks down, is she ashamed?

"I'm sorry... I still don't get this whole thing. You know you, me and being a couple..." She smiles. I can understand her a little bit. Sam and Freddie, are a couple? That sounds weird. But it is the way it is. I love her she loves me... I can't change it.

"Sam, there's no need to apologize. I'm cool with it..." I put my hand on her cheek and kiss her. At the beginning, it's just a soft kiss but after a while it turns in making out. I put her hand on her face and pull her closer to me. She runs her fingers through my hair...

"Ahhhh!" Gibby screams and so the others are also coming.

"What happened, Gibby?" Wendy asks.

"Sam and Freddie...MADE OUT!" Wendy laughs when she's hearing this answer.

"We all know they kissed... But that happened long time ago..." Gibby shakes his head after he almost collapsed.

"I don't mean this kiss-" Suddenly Sam takes my hand.

"Yeah we're going out... Do you want to freak out?" I hear some people say 'Oh my gosh' and 'Really!?' Only Wendy says 'Awww, I knew it.'

Sam smiles at me with her blue eyes...

That was it... the last chapter of iLove my best friend.

And again I want to say thank you for supporting me all the time. This is/was my first fanfic and I never thought that you would like it so much...

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I love you! x3