"Honey are you almost ready to go?"

"In a minute Benjamin," Johanna Beckett said with a sigh. "Can you check on Katherine? See if she needs any help getting ready."

"Sure thing sweetie and then we can go?" Benjamin asked hopeful.

"Yes then we can go. Why are you so anxious anyway?" Johanna asked putting the finishing touches on her make-up before starting on her hair.

"Mr. Henson will be there tonight. I just want everything to go smoothly," Benjamin replied before walking down the hallway to their daughter's room. Knocking gently on the door he waited for her to answer. When no response came he opened the door a small crack and peered inside. "Katie?"

"Yes Daddy?" Katherine smiled. Benjamin stepped inside and was greeted by the sight of his six year old daughter attempting to balance a small stack of books on her head as she walked."Honey what are you doing?""I'm practicing," Katherine responded as if it were that simple."For what?" Benjamin asked watching his daughter. "You're not planning on joining the circus are you?"Katherine started giggling, knocking the books off her head once more. "No Daddy I'm not going to join the circus. I'm practicing to be a princess."

"Aw sweetie," Benjamin smiled bringing her into a hug. "You're already a princess."

Katherine's eyes widened. "I am?"

"Yes you are. You will always be a little princess to mommy and me." Benjamin hugged her again. "Now shall we go see if Mommy is ready yet?"

"No need. I'm here and ready," Johanna smiled. "Are you ready to go see the play sweetie?"

"Do I have to go?" Katherine asked looking between her mother and father.

"Well honey it might be fun."

"And there's a party after the show," Johanna added.

"Alright I'll go. Will there be cake at the party?" Katherine asked smiling at the thought of cake.

"Maybe," Johanna smiled. "That's a mystery we'll just have to try and solve. Now may I take one final look at your dress before we leave?"

Katherine nodded and took a step forward. Spinning in a small circle, she looked down to watch as her skirt flared out making her feel like a princess once more. The drive to the theater was short and soon the Beckett's were inside finding their seats as the house lights dimmed.

"Remember if you need anything at all, Emily and Vincent can help you," Martha Rodgers instructed her son. "And stay back stage."

"I'm eleven. I can take care of myself," Richard Castle said with a sigh.

Martha shook her head. "I know. I know. You're growing up."

Rick took a deep breath and puffed out his chest as Martha said those words. She knew she was encouraging his foolish behavior but Martha couldn't help the laugh that escaped her. Rick grinned proudly at his mother's laughter. "Knock 'em dead mom," Rick said sincerely before wrapping his arms around her. Martha felt the tears welling up as the house lights dimmed. It was show time.

Katherine Beckett leaned over to her mother fifteen minutes into the second act. "I have to go to the bathroom," She whispered.

Johanna kept her eyes on the stage watching the story being told. "Katherine I asked you during intermission if you had to go. You told me no," She whispered back.

"I didn't have to go then," Katherine said quickly. "I really have to go now. I can go myself mommy. I know where the bathroom is," Katherine volunteered.

Johanna let out a sigh as she glanced at her husband. He was deeply engrossed in the play as she had been. She mentally pictured the theater they were in. The bathrooms were just outside of the room they were in. "Alright but be quick."

Katherine smiled as she climbed down from her chair and walked to the bathroom. After she was done in the bathroom, she began to walk back to her seat when she saw a boy walking in the lobby of the theater. She hadn't seen any other kids in the theater so she went over to him.

"Hi," She said when she got closer. The boy looked at her but continued walking. "My name is Katherine. What's your's?"

He stopped walking and looked at her. "Uh-Matthew."

"Matthew? You don't sound sure that your name is Matthew. I think you're lying," She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well I'm not," He responded turning around to continue walking through the lobby.

"Ok," Katherine shrugged following him. "I'm six. How old are you?"

"Eleven. Why are you following me?"

"Are your mom and dad watching the play too?" Katherine asked pointing to the theater doors.

"I don't have a dad."

"I'm sorry." She immediately felt bad for bringing that up. "What about your mom?"

"Richard Matthew Castle! I thought I told you to stay back stage," Martha scolded walking across the lobby. She grabbed his ear and began to drag him back to where he was supposed to be.

"Ow, ow, ow. But mom I got bored back there." Katherine couldn't help but giggle as he was being dragged away. Noticing she was the only one in the lobby again, Katherine walked back to her seat and sat quietly throughout the rest of the play.

"Are you ready for the party?" Benjamin asked after the curtain call. Katherine nodded her head. She couldn't wait to see what kind of desserts would be there. She followed her parents out of the theater and down the block to another building.

"Why are we going to this party?" She asked when they got inside.

"Mommy and Daddy gave money so someone could make that play we just watched. That was five years ago. Now we are going to celebrate that the play is still running," Johanna explained to her daughter. Katherine nodded her head as if she fully understood but all that was on her mind was the special treats in store for her.

Everyone began arriving at the same time and soon the room was filled with many people all dressed in their best outfits after just coming from viewing the play. Katherine wandered around the room trying to wait patiently when she saw the boy from the theater sitting by the bar. She smiled to herself thinking about their earlier encounter. Walking up to him, her smiled broadened.

"Hello Richard."

Richard Castle turned to see the same little girl from the theater. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here with my parents. I was right you know?" Katherine said smugly.

"About what?" Rick turned to look at her.

"Your name isn't Matthew."

"It's still part of my name."

"Yeah but it's your middle name and you still lied."

Rick let out a sigh. "Well Richard is a dumb name anyway."

"I think it's a good name," Katherine smiled.

Rick rolled his eyes. "What's your name again?"


"Katherine's not such a dumb name."

"Thank you?" She said a little skeptical. Suddenly Katherine saw a cake being brought out from the kitchen. "I was right again."

"Huh?" Rick asked thoroughly confused.

"Look, cake! I told my mommy there would probably be cake here. Let's go get some," She said pulling on his arm."I can't," Rick turned back to sit straight at the bar.

"Why not?" Katherine asked surprised.

"I'm punished. I was supposed to stay back stage and you saw I wasn't there. My mom said I couldn't have dessert tonight."

"What if I sneak you a piece of cake?" She offered.

"You'll get caught."

"No I won't." And with that Katherine snuck off to steal a piece of cake for her new friend.