Title – Sands of Time

Rated – M

Couple –Kagome/Gaara

Genre – Romance/Adventure

Summary – Jiraiya happens across a young girl while on his way to Suna for some...'research'. Lying motionless in the dessert, he figures she's either dead or unconscious. He approaches with caution and when close enough to touch he is thrown more then just a few feet away by a mysterious barrier. He decided to take this odd occurrence to the Kazekage of Sunagakura. How will the Sand sibling trio react towards this news and what will happen to this mysterious young girl who lays motionless on the hot sea of sand?

Key – Key

Flashback Flashback













...where are you...




...can you hear me...




...where are you...




...where am I...




...can you hear me...




...can you...




...save me...


A young man with short messy red hair shot up in bed. Sweat raced down his brow and down his cheeks.

'Again...' He thought as he stood and walked to his balcony...looking out over the cool night desert.

"Lord Kazekage...Are you feeling well?" The red head glanced at the shadowed side of his balcony.

"I am fine...Baki..."

"That's good, Gaara. Your sister and brother have arrived back in Sunagakura..."

"Alright, I will see them." Baki nodded before vanishing in a whirl of wind. Gaara glanced back out over his village.

'...where...are you...'

He closed his eyes as a light breeze caressed his form.

'...who...are you...'


Three days later a man with long white hair running down his back in spikes stood glaring up at the blazing sun.

"I could think of so many other things that I could be doing right now. This isn't even on the top ten."

Over the four days he had been traveling through the desert he had noticed the strange changes. The sky darkening...red and purple hues intertwined in a sinister dance...black clouds outlining the horizon.

"It's moving..." He watched as the clouds started to swirl in the sky above...the wind began to pick up and sand was being carried around the mans form. His long white hedgehog hair started to fly about his face.

"What...!?" He looked at the sky and moved towards the eye of the winded chaos. He stared up from the center of the rotating clouds and watched as it finally started settling down...

"That was strange. Now...huh?" He stared at a lump in the sand. Walking towards it he got on one knee and ran his hand over the top.

"What is...this...?" A glowing sphere lay shrouded in sand, only so much was visible. He could barely make out the form floating within the glowing pink orb. He placed his hand on it and was surprised to receive a shock of...something...

"What to do...I can't just leave it here...but then, I can't touch it either."

He glanced around and knew that all he could do was head to Sunagakura and inform the Kazekage. He pulled a scroll out and bit his thumb, drawing enough blood that he could draw a red line across the opened scroll.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" A gust of wind and puff of smoke surrounded him and a large frog appeared in his place, he himself was on top of it. "Gamabunta...stay here until I get back with the Kazekage."

"Eh...Jiraiya...you called me out here to watch over a wasteland?"

"No...I called you out here to watch over..." He moved the sand beside him. "...that..." He pointed at the glowing sphere.

"And that is...?"

"We'll find out when I return." Jiraiya said before taking off towards Sunagakura.


Gaara sighed as he signed the last paper on his desk. Since he became Kazekage it seemed like all he ever did was sign papers and assign missions. He was well aware that Tsunade had sent Jiraiya there to deliver a scroll...but he should have been there by now.


"You're late." He said as he read a nearby report. Not taking his eyes off the papers in his hands as he said it.

"So I am...look...I need you to-"


"GAARA! YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE YOUR OLDER BROTHER!!!" The two turned to see an angry blonde holding the remains of what appeared to be a puppet.

"Temari...what did Kankuro do to merit death." Gaara asked is sister.

"He sent his puppet to wake me up and...I DON'T ENJOY BEING WOKEN UP BY WOODEN HANDS TOUCHING MY BODY AND PRETENDING TO BE...AUGH!!!" She turned away, her cheeks were currently flushed.

"Pretending to be..."

'..i.a..ru...' She muttered in a whisper.

"Nara?" Gaara asked with a frown.


'Why the lazy one...out of all of the men she could have an infatuation with...why the lazy one.' He rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Kill him if you must...just keep the blood off the flooring." He said as he turned his attention back to Jiraiya. "Now what do you need me to do?"

"Come with me. There is...something that I want to show you..."

"..." Gaara raised a brow and sighed as he stood up. "I suspect that this isn't just some weird ruse to spend time with me...it had better not be a waste of time though."

"Trust me...this will throw you for a loop."

"I'm coming to!" Temari said.

Gaara summoned a hand made of sand and the three jumped onto it as it started moving through Sunagakura and in the direction that Jiraiya had pointed out.


Gaara lowered the hand of sand and stared up at Gamabunta.

"You brought me out here to look at your pet?"

"...NO! Not to see the sand...not to see Gamabunta...look there!" Jiraiya pointed at the covered spot. Gaara and Temari walked up to the lump and wiped at the sand.


Gaara heard his sister but paid no mind to her words.


...I am here...




...release me...




...I am here...





'What...' Gaara stared at the sphere with slightly widened eyes before moving his hand and raising the sphere with the sand.

"Look! Someone is...inside it..."

"So I can see." Gaara retaliated to his sister who just stuck out her tongue.

He made his way back with the other two...the glowing sphere hovering above them...carried by the sand he controlled.

"What is that?!" Gaara turned to see Kankuro staring in awe at the pink glowing sphere that held the floating figure.

Once he placed it in his office he let the sand fall to the ground and made his way up to the flowing sphere.

"Temari...show Jiraiya to a guest room. Kankuro...retrieve some clothes for our...guest."

"I'll assume you mean the floating, glowing one?"

"...do I even need to answer that?"

Kankuro frowned before leaving with Temari and Jiraiya right behind him.

"..." He looked over at the orb and walked up to it...he placed his hand on the sphere that glowed before him and watched in surprise as it suddenly began hovering above him. Suddenly the sphere exploded in a blinding light and the floating figure lowered its way into his arms that he held out.

'This...how is this...happening?'

The glow vanished and the light dimmed until he could see clearly again. He stared at the figure in his arms and the second he laid eyes on the figure...he felt a burning in his chest. He removed his cloak from his shoulder and placed it around...a girl...


Me: I had to rewrite it...so its not as long as it was...nor do I think it's as good as it could have been. Please tell me what you think. Read and Review. ^_^''