
Imagine, how much a simple power outage could change a person's perspective on the other so easily. Angela x Julius.

By Adaelie

Author's Note; I have recently noticed that there is a surprising lack of Julius fanfics with Angela. Given, he's not exactly the manliest guy around; but come on. Sometimes guys who look like chicks are pretty cute. They might have gone a little overboard with Julius's appearance, but eh. He needs some loving too. So, I don't actually have the game, so please just bear with me if either of the two acts out of character.

Thunder rumbled overhead and lightning clashed in the midst of the gray tinted sky. It cast a darker light upon the people who stood beneath the Harvest Goddess's rage. So to speak. It was absurd how long it had been raining lately, and even more insane the way it had never stopped, never even letting the crops… nor the people of the village to see so much as a glimmer of sunlight. Given, it was easier on a certain little farmer, as she no longer had to water her crops. Although, the girl feared for her crops and their possible soon to be death. She rarely ventured out when the rain pounded heavily like this, but it had to be done; for the sake of her animals and the fact she had already run out of food. As well as the fact, the girl could no longer stand to be cooped up in her home anymore. She needed to see people, see faces.

She closed her eyes as she stepped outside of her house, clad with a raincoat and pair of rubber boots and an umbrella. A bit tacky needless to say, but she wasn't about to get herself sick. Angela walked to the chicken coop, feeding them and collecting their eggs before moving over to the barn and feeding them and collecting wool and milk. She headed over towards the shipping bin and tossed the things in. She shivered quietly, although waving at Maya, Chase, Colleen, Jake, and Yolanda through the window of the Sundae Inn. They all waved back, and she continued on her trek through the mud and cold.

Perhaps she was making too much of a deal about this, but it was freezing and she hadn't felt warmth in quite some time. The lights from the buildings were all that were comforting her now, the fact that there was still some light on the island. "Angela, my dear, come here!" She turned her head over to the accessory shop, looking quietly at Julius (who had surprisingly braved the weather to even bother with work on a day like this) the purple haired 'trendsetter'. If anyone asked her, she'd say he was a bit well… effeminate. She tried not to make a big deal about it, but the less she said about it; the bolder he began to become. No doubt, by the time the summer came; he'd be running around in a Speedo.

Angela shuddered at the thought.

Although, Julius seemed to have paid no mind to it and dragged the girl inside against her will. He grimaced at her bright, yellow 'circus tent' as he called it. "What are you doing outside, in… that?" He inquired, looking over the rain clothing with disgust. "I'm cold, it's raining; and I'm not in the mood for this. What do you want, Julius?" She snapped, shuddering in the cold quietly. Candace and Luna stood off in the background, although they had blankets wrapped around them. Thunder clashed again, and Angela visibly flinched.

"I'm just saying, you should at least have better taste in your clothes my dear! I apologize for saying this, but your daily work clothes aren't all that fabulous either."

Slap! The sound of a hand making contact with his face resonated throughout the store, as she stood there shaking her head in irritation. "If I wanted your opinion, I would have asked!" She screeched, and then the light bulbs turned off. She stood there in the darkness, looking around trying to see if anyone was there. "Haha, very funny you guys, now turn the lights back on." She said, her voice shaking slightly.

"I c- c- can't, A- Angela…" Candace said in a whisper, hands trying to find the light switch. The young farmer girl flinched, rushing to press her face against the glass and realized that all the lights were off. The electricity was out. Her legs quivered underneath her, and a reassuring hand touched her shoulder and she nearly turned and slapped whoever was behind her. "Calm down, Angela; Candace and Luna are going upstairs to see if they can find some flashlights." Julius said, getting the girl to settle down.

"But why are you so jumpy, Angela? It's just the dark, unless… you happen to be scared." He teased, and the brown haired farmer went to slap him again; if only she could have seen him. He gripped her wrists, keeping her from hitting him again. "Calm down. I was only teasing, my dear. Nothing to be irritated over." He said, smoothing her hair to the best of his abilities.

"I'm… scared." She finally admitted, and immediately; she was pulled into his front, holding her close as he stroked her back gently. He whispered soft words into her ear, trying to comfort the girl. She blushed, thanking the goddess for the dark in this instance. She had always hated him in a way, the way he'd rag on her about how unfashionable she could be. The way he'd be so accepting of her gracious comments on how much of a cross-dresser was strange. The way he'd make sure she wouldn't cry when she needed to. …the way he made sure no one could do as much as hurt her.

The lights flickered back on as Candace and Luna came back with flashlights. It was obvious the way Luna complained about how hard it was to find the flashlights in the dark. All the while, Candace consoled her sister, although staring at Julius and Angela who were currently 'cuddling'. Apparently, they hadn't realized the lights had come back on yet.

Imagine, how a simple power outage could change a person's perspective entirely on the other.

Author's Note; Oh, my god. That failed, I apologize for those of you who had to bear through that terrible thing I call writing. Forgive me, por favor.