Um… this is not MissxM.A.R. This is her friend Cami. She lost her muse from all her stories, so I'm taking over this account. And she is on the swimming team so she doesn't have time to write anymore. (Our swim team practices Monday through Saturday) It's freaking crazy. Then she spending all her time with her new freaking boyfriend who I don't even like. He's a douche bag. So she wanted me to tell you sorry. I might write for her other stories, but that would just feel weird to me.

Now I'm taking on her account because she said I wrote well. Another thing is that I feel bad that you guys have to has cliffhangers on your stories until her life is back to normal. So I though, why not? Try it.

Plot: The Cullen's aren't the only vampires that have a human within their midst. The Volturi have one as well, but not much is know of her. Amelianna, a fragile human in a vampire world, prepares for the change of her life from a human to an immortal. As she awaits her eighteenth birthday, she keeps secrets from her Volturi family, uncovers lies from the ones she thought she could trust and love, and realizes that immortality comes with a heavy price. Will she embrace what she believes fate has given her, or will she run from what she has promised to her three fathers for the past twelve years?

Disclaimer: I own nothing except for Amelianna. Also not the song that is below. Just thought I'd put a song to get a sort of mood of Amelinnna in a way.

This is my first story ever on here, so please be nice with the reviews. I like critiquing, just not when it's mean and such. Enjoy!

Soundtrack for Chapter: Break- Three Days Grace

Knowing Without Knowing

For a human, I knew too much about this world. I knew that people weren't as they were set out to be. I knew that there were secrets held from my kind since the dawn of time. I knew that vampires existed in this world, and preyed on the humans for food. But one think I didn't know was that a vampire could be so suicidal.

His name was Edward Cullen, and he stood before my three fathers begging for them to kill him. I sat far off in the corner with Felix, munching on one of my PBJ's and I had my iPod in my ears. Ever since I was five my fathers told me I could see the proceedings that happened in the throne room, but I couldn't listen to what was being said. Well years of practice made me realize that I could read lips like an expert. So stick that in your juice box and suck on it.

I was surprised that they hadn't caught on yet. Maybe it was because Aro hasn't touched my bare skin in the past three years. I had screamed at him that he was invading my privacy so he stopped.

Now you're probably wondering how I survived knowing about vampires? When I was merely five years old, I had run away from my parents because they were getting into a lot of fights, I mean a lot. They were both hardheaded, so when words didn't work they went to actual punching and stuff. I don't remember much, since I was five at the time, but I know my mother was raped a few times. I think my little mind couldn't take it so I left.

I had been on my own for three days, and I was starting to become ill from dehydration and such. Somewhere along the lines of wondering around the palace, Sulpicia, Aro's wife, found me. My memory flashed to that night, a small smile on my face.

My throat was parched, and I couldn't breath without my windpipe stinging. I was shivering violently from the cold, and my lips were dryer than the Sahara. I was wrapped in my Donald Duck blanket, my teddy bear, Pierre, in my arms. A storm was on the horizon, and I feared that running away was a mistake. Maybe my life did belong in such an environment?

"Oh dear…" gasped a voice. I had looked up to see a beautiful woman standing before me with concern in her red eyes. Those eyes should have scared me, but they didn't. They were eyes I had always seen in my dreams. Plus those eyes seemed to be far off, as if I reminded her of something. "Where is your home child?"

Shaking, tears spilled out onto my cheeks. "No home…" I had whimpered. "Mommy and Daddy are mean."

The woman seemed to have some sort of conflicting battle taking place in her mind. She kneeled down to my level, a cold hand being pressed to my cheek to wipe the tears away. I flinched at the sensation, but she didn't take her hand away. "What is your name?"

"Amelianna," I whispered. "But people call me Lianna."

"How would you like to come home with me Lianna?"

My little heart sprang with joy and I nodded eagerly.

The woman laughed, but there was fear in her eyes. "I'm Sulpicia, but you can call me Mommy."

{---Dark Harvest---}

"Sulpicia you must be joking!" exclaimed a dark haired man who was sitting on a one of the three thrones occupied in a room that I never thought would be in a palace. The other two, a bored looking one and a scary blonde one, stared at me in utter fascination as I hugged Pierre close to my chest. "You weren't even supposed to be outside the castle wall without a guard."

"Aro, please see my reasoning," Sulpicia begged while hugging me close in front of her. "You know I lost a child that looked just like little Amelianna here."

"Lianna," I corrected softly while rocking back and forth on my toes.

"Excuse me?" asked the man who I guessed was Aro.

I cowered towards my new mommy. "I like Lianna, not my long name." It was hard for me to pronounce it right.

"Aro please," begged my mommy. "I love you with all my heart, and you know I wouldn't do something to endanger us. We can raise her. Maybe she'll be of good use in the future." I didn't know what she meant by that, but I was too busy staring at the floor of the throne room.

"Pwease Mr. Aro?" I asked softly while looking up at him. His matching red eyes of all the others stared down at me. "I promise I'll be good."

"Aro she has already formed a relationship with your mate," said Marcus in a not so bored tone. "I can't see any bonds regarding parents except towards Sulpicia."

"What of you Caius?" Aro questioned the scary looking blonde.

"Sulpicia is right. She could be of good use." He stared me down for a long time, and I gave him a small smile. "And that she doesn't fear us is surprising. Most would cower."

Aro kneeled down in front of me, trying to look into my eyes. I kept looking everywhere else but his. "Can I have your hand, Lianna?" he asked softly. He reached out to me, his palm up. "I won't hurt you."

I looked up at Sulpicia who nodded with a reassuring smile. Hesitantly, I put my small hand into Aro and he seemed to be off in space for a bit. That was before he laughed, letting go of my hand and clapping his together. I shrunk back a bit. "You are welcome to stay my dear. Sulpicia make sure the guards make a room for her."

"What did you see?" asked my new mommy.

"Even at the mere age of five she can manipulate."

I didn't know what that meant at the time, but as I was pulled away by Sulpicia, I had a feeling it wasn't good.

The meeting carried on, but I saw Edward's eyes flash towards mine before looking back at my fathers. I didn't know what his problem was, but whatever I suppose. Aro declined his offer, a very stressed look taking on Edward's features. I looked at Felix who was smirking slightly. I figured he'd get to kill someone in a few days. He was always happy whenever he killed someone. I have never partaken in that, but I did watch on numerous occasions, much to Sulpicia's displeasure. I thought it would be good for me to become accustomed to seeing killing since I'd be doing it when I was turned.

I ran my fingers through my black hair, sighing as I did. My family had made it to where I looked the best a human could ever since I was little. My eyes, a sapphire blue, was outlined in black , and my pale skin made me somewhat blend into the guard. I had a round face, button nose, and white teeth from getting them whiten every year. I was tall, five foot nine, and had a slim figure from training with the guard so much. If Aro and I stood side by side, you'd think I was his biological daughter.

As Edward left, I finished the last of my sandwich and turned off my iPod. I pulled my headphones out of my ears and stood up. "He doesn't make sense," I told Aro as I walked up to the three thrones. "Why would he want to be killed willingly?" I asked naively.

"He fell in love with a human, and she committed suicide because he left," explained Aro even though I knew the of the story. "He's so stricken with grief that he doesn't want to carry on without her."

"A suicidal vampire and human couple," I mused much to Felix's amusement. I could hear him chuckling behind me. "That's just stupid."

"Indeed," agreed Caius. "Don't you have homework?" he questioned.

I shuffled my feet, giving him the darkest glare I could. He just smirked. Dick. "It can wait."

"Not unless your mother has anything to say about that," countered Aro. "She nearly ripped my head off when you got an incomplete assignment in your Psychology class." Being seventeen had its drawbacks, high school.

"I already know enough," I argued. "Hell I've been studying it for three years."

"Language," chided Marcus lightly. He didn't like it when she cussed.

I glared at Caius for bringing up the homework subject. "I'll go do my homework," I practically hissed at Caius before bowing dramatically and turning away. Felix held in his laughter as we exited the throne room and into the main hallway. Jane was walking with Alec and she smiled at me as we passed. "Sup?" I asked while turning to walk backwards.

"Going to find Heidi. She has work to do tomorrow."

I nodded, completely unfazed by the fact that my own kind, mostly innocent, would die at the hands of my family.

"We need your help though," informed Jane. I stopped walking, head turning to the side a bit. They never needed my help. "Aro wants you to manipulate someone when she gets here, a human. From what we know, she's on her way along with another vampire."

"How would you know this?"

"We have eyes all around the world," smiled Alec.

"Of course," I said to him before turning away and starting towards my room with Felix at my side. We walked in silence for a bit, and my cell phone buzzed. I looked at the text from my boyfriend, Will: Can't wait to see you at the festival. I love you!

Those words stung, and I forced myself to wear a calm mask. I texted back: Can't wait either. I love you so much! Tad bit of an overstatement, but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him, yet.

"Aw," teased Felix as we walked into my room. "I love you, Will." He made kissing noises and I threw a vase at him. It shattered, not even leaving a scratch. "Hey!" he yelled.

"Hey yourself," I said while sitting on my bed. The comforter was red with black silk sheets underneath. My bed had a black lace canopy around it, and millions of pillows in black and red on them. My walls were a deep crimson color, and posters were hanging on the wall. The faces of Paramore, Queens of the Stone Age, Harry Potter, Johnny Depp, The Joker, and Lady Gaga were some of them that stared at me. There was a desk in the corner of my room that held my laptop and some books I read for pleasure. There was a television on my wall, a full length mirror, and a door that let into my closet near it. Another door, to my left, led to my bathroom and to my right was my balcony window and door.

"You're going to have to let him go sooner or later," said Felix. He sat down on my computer chair with his arms crossed. "Aro, along with the others, won't allow you to be with him when you are turned. You probably won't even have the control to not kill him."

"No shit," I whispered as I was taking out my World Geography book. "I'm waiting for the right moment."

"Your eighteenth is in two months. You don't have a lot of time for the 'right moment', Lianna."

"It will be soon, Felix."

I could feel Felix's stare on me. I pretended to be oblivious, doing the little homework I had. I knew they had just gotten me out of the throne room so they could talk privately. "Is it because he popped your cherry?" That question through me off guard and I broke my pencil. I stared up at him, confused. "Oh, don't you dare look at me like that. I knew ever since you snuck in that night."

"Keep it down," I whispered. I didn't know anyone knowing.

"Hey," he whispered back, "No one knows besides me, Jane, and Sulpicia."

"She knows?!" I nearly yelled. Jane, I could understand, but my own mother?!

"Duh. You were lucky everyone else was feeding so they thought the blood was on their clothes and not coming from there." He pointed at my crotch. I fidgeted a bit. I had thought about how they didn't know it was my blood. They had all smelts my blood since I was little from numerous cuts. "We didn't tell anyone because Marcus and Aro would shit themselves, if vampires could shit that is. Caius probably wouldn't have cared."

I grabbed another pencil, resuming my work. "Thanks…for not telling," I said softly.

"You're my little sister. I'm just protecting you from their fury."


Felix took that as his cue to get out and he did, shutting the door behind him. I dropped my pencil, leaning back on my bed and staring at the canopy above. A part of me was torn now that I was thinking of Will. I could tell him tomorrow at the festival, or maybe at school on Monday. I was going to have to sooner or later, but first there was business I needed to finish. My cell phone buzzed again and I checked it. A text from Will. Do you mind if Gwen comes with us? I texted back that I didn't care. Gwen was my best friend after all. She would make things interesting like she always did.

What do you think? Should I continue or just stop writing it all together?
