Team Chipmunk: The Next Generation

Episode 5: "New Beginnings"

Chapter 4

The next morning, a TGB shuttle cut swiftly through the clouds overlooking Honolulu, Hawaii. At its controls, Zeo smiled as he heard a beeping coming from his panel.

"Unidentified vessel, this is U.G.F. Ambassadorial Residential Landing Control," the voice said. "Please identify yourself and state your intentions."

"This is TGB Shuttle Alpha-367 from the U.G.F.-registered civilian starship S.S. Ponyo," Zeo said. "I am here to speak to Dr. Jumba Jookiba on a personal matter."

"One moment, please," the controller said. "Hold your present position." Zeo nodded, although he was speaking on an audio-only channel. "Standing by, Control," Zeo said.

A few moments later, the voice of the controller came over Zeo's boards once more. "Shuttle Alpha-367, you are cleared to land at Port 7. We are dispatching an escort fighter. Please hold your position until he arrives," the controller said.

"Alpha-367 standing by," Zeo said. As he waited for the escort, Zeo watched as the clouds began to dissolve, allowing the rays of the rising sun to peek through.

Meanwhile, back aboard the Ponyo, Kyla Bolton woke up with a start after experiencing a particularly vivid dream. "Max, locate Zeo Pelekai," she said.

"I am sorry, but Zeo Pelekai is not currently aboard the ship," Max said. "Well, where is he?" Kyla said.

"Zeo is currently aboard TGB Shuttle Alpha-367," Max said. "Locator beacons mark it as being on landing approach to the United Galactic Federation Earth Embassy, Honolulu, Hawaii."

"Bolton to Seville," Kyla said. "Go for Star," Star said. "Star, can you come down to my room, please?" Kyla asked. "I need to engage in some good, old-fashioned girl talk."

"On my way, Ky," Star said. As soon as Star closed the channel, Kyla stood from her bed and walked over to the view-ports.

The expansive window allowed her to experience a beautiful sunrise over the San Fernando Valley, as tractor trailers brought the set pieces and other materials from the "Return to Destiny" stage set for loading onto Max for transport to the next tour stop.

Back in Honolulu, Zeo stepped off of his shuttle and was met by a grinning little girl. "Uncle Zeo!"

"Lyssa!" Zeo said. Lyssa Kawena hugged Zeo. "How's Aunt Nani?" Lyssa said. "We're all well," Zeo said. "Where's Jumba? I need to talk to him."

"I was about to go see Uncle Jumba myself," Lyssa said. "Care to walk with me?" "Lead the way, Baby Lyssa," Zeo said. Lyssa led Zeo away from the landing platform.

In the Embassy's Science Lab, Dr. Jumba Jookiba was working on a new invention when the door chime sounded. "Come in," he said.

The door slid open, revealing Zeo and Lyssa. "Uncle Jumba, Uncle Zeo is here!" Lyssa said.

Jumba turned from his invention and saw Zeo. "Offspring Alpha! It is so good to be seeing you again!" Jumba said.

"It is good to see you again too, Grandfather," Zeo said as he hugged Jumba.

"So, what brings you all the way here from your band's big tour?" Jumba asked as he turned back to his work. Zeo cleared his throat and rattled off a string of Turoan that translated into English as: "Can humans and Experiments mate?"

Jumba dropped the tool he was using as the implications of Zeo's question settled into his mind. "Go outside for a bit, Lyssa," Jumba said. "Zeo and I need to talk."

"Yes, Uncle Jumba," Lyssa said, before she left the laboratory. Jumba then turned back to look at Zeo. "You have found someone to share yourself with?"

"I think I have, Grandfather," Zeo said. "I just prefer to err on the side of caution, that's all."

Jumba looked out of the expansive window, which afforded him a view of a beautiful rainbow which was forming over the harbor the Embassy overlooked.

"You are only the second Experiment to have ever asked me that question," Jumba said after a moment's thought. "And, who was the first?" Zeo asked.

"About a year ago, Experiment 615 came to me and asked me the same question," Jumba said. "I told him that if he is in love and the girl he loved loves him, then there is no such thing as a species barrier."

"So I should just tell Kyla that I love her and hope for the best," Zeo said. "Exactly," Jumba said.

"Thanks, Grandfather," Zeo said. "By the way, where is Aunt Lilo? Is she here?"

"No, Zeo," Jumba said. "Little girl is at the U.G.F. Conference for Refugees on Barza." "Oh, I didn't know," Zeo said. "Give Aunt Lilo my best."

Zeo turned on his feet and left Jumba's lab. He had made his decision.

Meanwhile, back on the Ponyo, Star and Kyla were getting down to their discussion.

"Star, I have a very vivid and sexual dream about Zeo last night," Kyla said. "But, when I woke up this morning to talk to him about it, he was gone."

"Well, where did he go?" Star said. To her, it was a silly question: she already knew because of her talk with Jon and Zeo the previous night.

"Max said that Zeo had travelled to the U.G.F. Embassy in Honolulu," Kyla said. "There could be only two people at the Embassy that Zeo could be talking to."

"Yes," Star said. "Either Ambassador Jameson or Dr. Jookiba. But, let's get back to that dream of yours." "Yeah, let's do that," Kyla said.

"It seems that you have romantic feelings for Zeo," Star said. "I think that once he gets back aboard, you should confess to him about them."

Kyla turned to look out the view-port. A lit dot appeared in the sky and grew until it became a TGB shuttle. "Star, Shuttle Alpha-367 is approaching and asking permission to land," Max said. "Permission granted," Star said.

She then turned to face Kyla. "Go tell him," she said. Kyla smiled, then left her room—Star following close behind.

Kyla walked into the landing bay just as Zeo's shuttle came to a stop in the center of the bay. The embarkation hatch opened, revealing Zeo.

Zeo walked up to Kyla. "Zeo, I…" Kyla stared to say before Zeo held a finger up to Kyla's lips to silence her. "Kyla, I needed to leave and get some advice from a man who is more important to me than just about anyone on this ship," he said.

"And?" Kyla said in a whisper. She was hoping that Zeo held the same feelings for Kyla that she had for him.

"I want you to be my boojibu," Zeo said. "Boojibu?" Kyla said in confusion, having never heard the term.

"It has many definitions and translations, depending on the circumstances of use," Zeo said. "But, under the present circumstances, 'the one and only' would be an appropriate translation."

"Kyla, you are the only being—human or Experiment—that I have ever had these romantic feelings for," he continued.

Tears began to fall from Kyla's eyes as Zeo extended his second pair of hands and took Kyla by her hands. As he did so, Zeo used his first left hand to wipe Kyla's tears.

"Kyla Socorro Montez-Bolton, will you be my boojibu?" Zeo said. Kyla couldn't speak-her emotions had shut down her vocal cords. But, she still had control of her head. She nodded it, giving her assent to the romance.

Zeo and Kyla closed their eyes and kissed. Meanwhile, above them, Star and Jon watched the scene from the landing bay's observation booth.

"Romance is sure spreading here, isn't it, Star?" Jon said. Star looked down at the engagement ring on her finger, and then looked up at Jon. "Yeah, I guess it is."

The legend continues in…

Team Chipmunk: The Next Generation

Episode 6: "Three Stars in the Night"

Part Two of

Team Chipmunk: The Next Generation vs. Star Trek: Omega Force!