Mara looked back incredulously at the small blond teen trotting down the steps. Her bright blue eyes full of excitement, perfectly straight blond hair flowing behind her. She could all but see the joy jumping off of her. "Elizabeth," cried the balding man as he ran towards the frail girl and she jumped into his arms. The two laughed as Mara stood too the side, jut outside the doorway mouth hung ever so slightly. "No shit," she began "that's your daddy." her voice was hoarse, soar from the crying, the fighting. She just wanted to feel safe for once in her life. For once in her life she wanted to be able to keep the few people that actually cared about her.
It seemed like an easy enough task but look at her, she had a dead-beat dad, the three girls she did befriend had all gotten killed by a demon because of a selfish son of a bitch, and then…then their was Alex. The one and only girl Mara had let herself feel for. The one girl she let herself trust, and the one girl she ended up killing.
Not that it was her fault by any means, the demon Legion was the one to blame. He had possessed her body, taken her knife and shoved it through-
Mara shut her eyes, looked down one last time at the blond, and played with her knife. "Hope it was worth it." she said finally, her voice cracking. She turned to leave never once turning back even though she heard the long shout of the small girl Elizabeth. 'Serves her right' Mara thought still walking away.
She turned the corner of the sidewalk, continued down it for a few more feet and found her old truck sitting right where she left it about a week before. She could feel the lump in her throat form. The stinging in her eyes, but she just couldn't let herself think about what had happened just now, about everything she just went through.
Why wasn't she with her friends? Why couldn't she have just died with them. She was the truly unwanted one, at least Alex-
A sob escaped Mara's lips as she sat in her car, hands on the steering wheel, but her keys not in the ignition. She wasn't even sure if she had her keys. Her body convulsed with sobs and salty tears falling down her face. She cried for help, cried for sadness, cried for love.
Her head fell against the steering wheel as her breathing became more labored and it became harder to get a full breath. Where was she going to go? She had no one. No one wanted her, it's why she had to go to that school.
An even louder sob came out. She would have had a place to go with Alex, anywhere would have felt right as long as Alex was there. Alex was right. Alex was Mara's faith, and with her gone Mara literally had nothing left. She felt she should have just crawled up in the back seat of her truck and died of starvation or something, maybe even use the same knife that stabbed her first love to stab herself, but then that sounded too Romeo and Juliet. Or maybe is was that annoying little voice in the back of her head telling her to live. That she needed to live for whatever reason. And it wasn't that a voice told her too, it was the fact that the voice sounded so much like Alex's voice. It had the same gentle tone that always felt like she was just about to caress Mara in some way.
And so, with a single deep breath in, Mara searched for her keys in her bag, and eventually made her way far from the Church she was parked next to.