Well, this is it. I hope the long awaited scene between Jou and Kaiba meets everyone's expectations, and I hope you enjoy this ending to perhaps my longest story - both chapter wise, and length. Thanks for all the awesome reviews and kind words. As always, I don't own Yugioh or its characters. Now please enjoy!

A Heart-Scathed Recovery

Chapter 20:

A Heart-Scathed Recovery Pt. 2

Kaiba greeted Shizuka with a subtle nod as she let him in. "Good afternoon, Kaiba." She greeted as she closed the door behind him. They walked down the small hallway.

He still was unsure on how to peg her. She was unusually friendly and polite - the complete opposite of Jounouchi. He'd met people that acted sweet and kind before but there seemed to be nothing fake about her, could there really be such a person that held no ulterior motive? "Good afternoon, Shizuka. How are you feeling?" He asked lightly as they entered the living area.

She smiled and nodded brightly as they sat. "Oh I'm ready to have this baby - been acting up lately and they say its definitely coming sooner than originally suggested. I get goose-bumps when I think about whether I'll have a girl or a boy. Either way I'll love'em so much." She gushed excitedly… Although sweet and kind, Kaiba had to admit her personality was something he didn't want to be around for too long. Happy-go-lucky attitudes tended to make his head ache, but he could or rather, would tolerate her - she was Jounouchi's dear sister after all.

The brunet smirked. "Unless of course Jounouchi hogs him or her first, right." He commented, deciding to participate in her glee a little. Shizuka giggled at his words.

"Right. That's true. He's all ready to be an uncle - sometimes I think he's better prepared than I am." She stressed with a mock glumness.

Kaiba nodded. "Well that's understandable. You're the one in charge of the hard stuff and all he has to do is spoil the child rotten." He replied.

"Damn right, I'm gonna spoil the mess outta the kid." The blond's voice sailed through as he entered from the back hallway. He kissed Shizuka on the cheek and sat besides Kaiba. "Of course I'll be the best Uncle ever. Other kids'll be envious of him." He promised.

The brunet quirked a brow, "Him?"

Shizuka nodded, "My big brother is convinced it'll be a boy because I've been craving a lot of spicy foods and eating desserts like there's no tomorrow." She admitted somewhat embarrassed as her face grew flushed.

Kaiba shrugged as he pondered for a moment, "It could be a girl." He suggested.

Jounouchi shook his head, "No way. Look how big she got all of a sudden."

"Katsuya!" She shrieked in offense.

He jumped up and waved his hands at her in apology. "I mean, y'know what I mean. It's definitely a boy." He assured.

Kaiba smirked. "It's a girl."

Jounouchi glared at him. "Are you sayin' that just to disagree with me?"

The brunet remained confident in his claim, "I have a strong feeling that it's going to be a girl." He stated simply.

Jounouchi pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. "My feeling's stronger." He grumbled under his breath.

Shizuka couldn't help but laugh at them. "You two are so cute together." Kaiba and Jounouchi glanced at one another but the blond huffed and looked away while Kaiba simply shrugged with a wry smirk on his face.

There was another knock on the door and Jounouchi left to answer it. Mokuba and a girl Kaiba didn't know entered the room. Shizuka jumped off the couch and ran over to the girl. "Hey, Miraishi, Mokuba, you're finally here." She beamed. 'Ah that must be Shizuka's friend.'

The girl named Miraishi hugged the mother-to-be, "Yeah. We both pulled up at the same time. Oh, Shizuka that dress is so cute." She started.

Shizuka grinned and gushed for a second over the maternity store she was obsessed with. After a minute more, she turned her attention to Mokuba. "So all that's left is your friend, right?" She asked.

Mokuba smiled and nodded. "Yeah. Uhm, my friend Sai is in the car waiting. He's looking up the movie listings for us." He explained.

Her eyes widened, "Oh I'm sorry. Here I am just talking away. We better get going." She concurred. Miraishi led the girl to the door and Mokuba lingered behind.

He stared back at the two. 'Seto and Jounouchi have the whole house to themselves… They'll be alone…' He frowned and mentally shook his head. "Well, I'll promise to take care of Shizuka… Uhm have fun you two. Later." He waved and took off. Kaiba stood to call out to the other but the raven-haired male was already out the door.

Jounouchi eyed the brunet with sheltered eyes before smiling weakly and wrapping his arms around his neck, "Hey are you ready to get to work?" He asked.

Kaiba's attention shifted to the blond in front of him, he smiled relieved of the change of subject. "Not really. But let's get to it." The blond grinned and kissed him soft before pulling away. "Alright so what's first?"

Jounouchi nodded. "I've packed up a lotta my stuff, so let's move my things out first and then we'll start puttin her things in. She has a crib and baby changing station that she wants put up too."

Kaiba nodded. "Sounds good. After we take everything out we can set those things up." They shared a look of determination as Kaiba rolled up his sleeves and began right away. First, Jounouchi and Kaiba placed all the boxes on the couches, there were quite a few. They pushed the blond's dressers out and towards the living area and then gathered his sheets and blankets, as well as his amenities from the bathroom. About an hour later they decided to take a break. "Well, that was pretty easy, huh Moneybags?" He asked as he sat down beside the other.

The brunet finished ordering pizza over the phone and hung up. "Mn. Not so bad, I can't believe you were somewhat prepared." he said rather impressed the other thought about that. "The pizza'll be here in thirty to forty minutes." He explained.

Jounouchi nodded. "Great. Let's go set up the crib while we wait for that." He suggested. The brunet nodded and followed the other to the back hallway. Jounouchi opened a closet and pulled out a big box with the picture of a rather fancy-looking crib. It was… cute. They pushed it into the now empty bedroom and opened it up. The blond rifled through and found the instructions as Kaiba placed all the pieces out on the floor in between them. Jounouchi sat down as well and frowned as he kept flipping through the pages.

"What's the matter, Mutt?" He asked.

"These instructions are in English, what the hell?" He asked in a pout and handed it over to the other.

"Well, I guess I'm reading them then. Let's see…" He found the starting point and nodded. "Remove all plastic from parts." He set the booklet down and they got to work unwrapping everything. "Alright. Start with part 'A' and part 'B', part 'A' should be tilted at a 45 degree angle against part 'B' where the small opening is adjacent with the small opening at the top of part 'B'. Place a screw in opening and tighten with the bolts provided. Part 'C' should next be-"

"Wait. What? 45 degree angle? Like this?" He asked confused. Kaiba put down the instructions and sighed.

"Like this, Jounouchi." He placed the ends of the two parts and slid the screw in. "Okay now grab one of those and twist it on the end. Jounouchi took one and did as he was told. "now then." Kaiba picked up the booklet once more, "Part 'C'…" This went on with the blond more than a couple of times needing Kaiba to stop and show him what to do. There was the sound of knocking from the front door, and they stopped to answer.

"Guess we gotta take a break." Jounouchi voiced in relief.

The brunet folded his arms across his chest. "We didn't finish the crib yet."

Jounouchi smelled the pizza and opened it up as he put it on the table. "Mm. Smells delicious!" He rushed to the kitchen to grab some plates and glasses. 'Totally not listening to me.' Kaiba took a plate from the blond and they sat down to eat. Forty minutes later, they washed up and resumed work on the crib. Another thirty minutes later, they finished the crib and decided to start on the changing station. That was actually a lot easier than the crib, it turned out.

"All that's left is to put Shizuka's stuff in here." He gleamed. Thankfully, the bed could stay, as his was a lot bigger, which would be perfect for her and the baby. They opened her door, "It feels kinda strange walkin' into her bedroom y'know?" He mumbled more to himself. Kaiba rolled his eyes and stepped in. Jounouchi shot him a glare but followed. Shizuka's room turned out to be a challenge. Her dresser was twice as big and twice as heavy. She had a full-length mirror as well that weighed a ton. She had her own vanity table with its own mirror. "She's got a lot of… stuff." Jounouchi breathed out as they made it to his sister's new room. He wiped his brow and gasped tiredly.

Kaiba took a deep breath and nodded. They went back to what would be HIS new bedroom and finished moving the rest of her things - the closet reminded Kaiba of his own, so full of clothes and accessories. He felt somewhat bad though. And the thought of perhaps in the future sometime, he could have a bigger closet constructed for her came to his mind… But that wasn't important right now. They finished up and threw the blond's blankets and stuff onto his new bed. It was about one 'o' clock when they had started, and it was nearing six-thirty in the evening now. Jounouchi plopped down and fell back onto the bed exhausted. The brunet went to finish up a phone call with an employee supposedly in dire need.

Jounouchi rolled onto his side and forced himself to sit up. They had brought a few of his boxes into the room, one marked 'Fragile' sat beside him. He smiled and sifted through it, a lot were simply photos both framed and loose of old friends and of himself and Shizuka, He pulled out a few and walked over to his dresser. He sat them on top and nodded. One, a picture of him and Varon and the second a frame with two pictures, one of him and Shizuka when they were only kids; he was giving her a piggyback ride and one taken just a year ago as they reenacted the same scene. He returned to the bed and looked at some more photos. A sudden thought came to him, which left him a little disheartened.

Kaiba hung up and made his way to the back. He stopped at the doorframe and stared at the other endearingly, 'He looks so…' Although the brunet wouldn't admit it out loud, he had a lot of fun moving with the blond. Even when the blond would try and 'take a quick breather' and he had to snap at him to get back to work, it was truly an afternoon he was glad to be a part of. Snapping out of his thoughts he made his way to the bed, picked up the box, placed it on the ground and sat down beside the other. He leaned towards him, "Hey what's the matter?" He asked softly as Jounouchi seemed to be in another world.

The blond snapped out of his daze and smiled softly. He threw the photo back into the box and leaned against Kaiba. "I was just thinking that you and I don't have any pictures together." He said with a pout. "I've gotta lot of pictures of everyone else but none of you. And when you think about it, there aren't any at all of you and me." he explained with a pout.

At this, Kaiba chuckled. 'Just like a child…' The other looked up at him confused. "That's what the sad face is about?" He asked in slight disbelief. After a moment of silence, "You should've just said something, Mutt." the brunet smirked and took out his phone. He gestured for the blond to look forward as he flipped it open and turned it the opposite way, a small red light flashed at them.

"Wait. R-right now?" he asked a little shocked.

"Hn." Kaiba pulled him closer and nuzzled into the blond's shoulder. "Smile…" He whispered into the other's ear. Kaiba then ran his teeth gently over the mutt's ear, which only served to make the stunned blond moan low. There was a flash and instantly Jounouchi shot up in panic. "Alright Jounouchi. Let's check out our first photo taken together as a couple…" He whispered yet again.

"No. I wasn't ready yet!" He shrieked and tried to grab the phone.

Kaiba pushed the blond off and took a look at the picture first. "Hm. How interesting.." He said with a dejected voice that did little to relay whether it was a good or bad picture. "This came out so… It's an incredible shot."

Unable to take the suspense, Jounouchi yanked the phone from the brunet's hands and eyed the photo. As he stared at it for a moment, Kaiba unsure what the other was thinking, the blond's face paled and he dropped it onto the bed between them. "It's… You gotta delete it." He pleaded. "We need to retake it." He insisted.

Kaiba quirked a brow and picked up his phone. "Why? I actually love this picture." He admitted and saved the photo. "It makes you look absolutely adorable." He purred lavishly as he leaned in to kiss the other. "So beautiful…"

Jounouchi flushed red, it wasn't like Kaiba to flirt like that. He shook his head, 'He's tryin' to get my mind off of the picture.' "No. That picture makes me look like… Like…" He blushed and couldn't bring himself to say the words. The photo was so clear and nicely portrayed, he wondered how many mega pixels his phone held, as it was better than any digital camera he'd ever seen. And it revealed a Jounouchi wearing a light blush and parted lips, with a very suspicious brunet nibbling on his earlobe. It was embarrassing and inappropriate plus it made him look like a completely submissive Uke… "Delete it." He ordered.

Kaiba smirked mischievously and leaned over the other, whom had backed up somewhat. "No way." He replied and clutched the phone tightly in his hand. "It's way too hot to just delete." He stated and leaned in to kiss the other.

Jounouchi pushed him away, "Moneybags, I'm serious. Delete it."

The brunet continued to smirk. "No. I'm not." He shot back amused.

The blond glared dangerously and then lunged at the other, grabbing the phone from his hands. He pressed a few buttons trying to find the camera options so he could delete the picture himself but was having problems with the other trying to get it back. "Ah, there it is!" He shouted in victory but was knocked off balance as Kaiba quickly reversed their positions and grabbed the phone back in the process. "K-Kaiba!" he growled as the brunet pinned him down triumphantly.

The young CEO looked at the picture and exhaled a slow breath. "This picture… Every time I see it-" he leaned his free hand onto the bed beneath them and stared at the other seductively, Jounouchi couldn't help but get lost in those blue eyes - he'd never seen the brunet so riled up and taking this sort of initiative before. "I will imagine you beneath me like this and calling my name." He purred with a smirk. Jounouchi glared and made a quick attempt at the phone, unfortunately Kaiba pulled it up, Jounouchi barely tipped it, which sent the phone flying out of Kaiba's hand passed the bed and onto the floor with a thud. Their eyes followed it and then returned to one another. As if on cue, a silence stretched and the two began to laugh for no inexplicable reason. Kaiba stared down at the other intently as they calmed, "So… this is your new room." He said offhandedly.

Jounouchi nodded with an endearing grin. "Y-yeah. You like it?" He asked.

The brunet placed his other hand on the opposite side of the other's head and pressed against the bed as he leaned down and kissed the other softly. "Mn. I do." He kissed him again.

The blond sighed softly as he slid his hands up Kaiba's chest and cupped his face, "Kaiba…" he moaned in a whisper as the brunet continued to caress his lips with his own. Kaiba's lips traveled to the blond's neck. "You know… We haven't seen a lot of each other this week, Shizuka's been… feelin' like she could.. Mn… be uh havin' this baby any day now…" he sighed softly. Kaiba halted his actions and pulled away - leaving only a few inches between them, Jounouchi continued. "I've really missed seeing you around, y'know?" He breathed out and pulled the other into a slow kiss.

The brunet's smirk softened greatly, "Yeah. I know, Mutt." He looked down at him and at the situation and chuckled somewhat. Jounouchi looked up at him questioningly. "Hn. You know what this reminds me of?" He asked reminiscent.

Jounouchi stared up at him for a moment before grinning broadly. "Oh… I know what it reminds me of…" He ran his hands down the brunet's chest and then back up, "There's just one little problem…" he started and before Kaiba could respond, he took him off guard and reversed their roles. He sat atop the other and straddled him thusly, "See. Now this is more like that time when I had to go and kiss MY prince awake."

Kaiba couldn't help but chuckle some more. "Your 'prince'? So does that make you the 'princess' of this relationship?" He questioned cheekily and received a glare in response.

"Honestly, Moneybags…" He scolded. "You're lucky you're so unbelievably attractive." He grumbled. "Because you sure are short on romantic qualities." He discerned.

Although Kaiba normally would've snapped back with a sharp remark, he just couldn't bring himself to that this time… 'You truly are different from every other man I've ever met before… I am lucky aren't I…' "Jounouchi… Will you… kiss me?" The blond caught the other's gaze and blushed once again. He opened his mouth to question but, the brunet just stared at him… strangely. "Kiss me. Now." he repeated firmly. Jounouchi nodded slowly and leaned forward to kiss him. Kaiba's hands came up and buried themselves into his hair. 'I want more than anything to be happy… Jounouchi… I know now that… My happiness - is definitely with you.' Kaiba's right hand made its way to the blond's shirt and started to pull it up, revealing his toned abdomen and defined back. "Jounouchi…" He moaned through their make-out session.

"Kaiba." The blond whispered back. Jounouchi pulled back to regain his breath, "…Kaiba…" He swallowed hard and bit his lip a little, "I don't want to scare you off… But the thing is.. I've never felt this way… about anyone. And I've never wanted to do this with anyone as much as I want to with you." He grinned meekly, "If that sounds stupid I-"

The brunet stared up at him and replied sternly, "It's not stupid." Kaiba caressed his cheek gently, "I want you just as badly, Jounouchi, there's been something I've been wanting to say I just…"

"What is it, Kaiba?" He asked concerned. "Please, Kaiba… No more secrets, remember?" He reminded somewhat worried.

The brunet smiled defeated and nodded with a strained sigh. "If I told you, that I was… falling in love with you. What would you say?" At first the blond just stared in disbelief as he watched the other fight to keep himself from… blushing? - the fact that Kaiba could blush seemed impossible to begin with. Suddenly, and wordlessly, Jounouchi lowered his gaze and rolled off the bed. Kaiba sat up baffled as the other walked over to the forgotten phone and flipped it open. The brunet watched uncertain as to what the other was trying to do, until he heard the familiar tone that signaled his phone was being turned off. "Jounouchi?"

The blond reached into his jeans pocket and did the same to his phone. 'He's turning off our phones..?' It finally clicked to him what the other was actually doing. He stood to his feet and made his way to the bedroom door, shut and locked it. He turned to see the blond staring with a serious gaze. "It's about time." Jounouchi said, causing the brunet to quirk a brow. The blond came closer and wrapped his arms around his neck, "I've fallen so far already… It's about time you started fallin' with me." He stressed and with that they began to kiss all over again.

Jounouchi's shirt was pulled off as they made their way to the bed. The blond pushed Kaiba onto it. He yanked his sweater off and threw it somewhere behind him. "Kaiba… This time - You are NOT leavin' until-" Kaiba nodded and trailed kisses down the other's chest. Jounouchi sighed, effectively losing his words. The brunet's lips traveled lower and lower, until he couldn't reach any further, so then he rolled them both over - Jououchi falling onto his back on the bed with Kaiba right in-between his legs.

Their eyes met with tantalizing effect for a brief moment and then the brunet continued his descent down the other's body. Jounouchi moaned as Kaiba dipped his tongue down his navel. "Mm Kaiba…" The brunet sighed softly himself as he came to the waistline and kissed about the top of the other's jeans. He kissed his confined member through the jeans, earning another breathy moan from the other. "Take'em off, already." He persisted.

Kaiba complied with a hazy smirk. He unbuttoned and unzipped those pants and slid them down those cream-colored thighs, Jounouchi kicked them off the rest of the way. "You look so beautiful." Kaiba couldn't help but breathe as he stared down at the other clad only in his thin, bulging boxer briefs. He leaned back down and teasingly rubbed the still clothed erection. "Fuck, Kaiba! Seriously?" He growled, very upset at how the other could play around at a time like this. Jounouchi sat up and glared at the other whom only smirked in reply. "S-Stop-"

"Stalling?" The brunet finished tauntingly. He sat up and the two shared a passionate long kiss, "Not Stalling… Savoring." He purred against the other's lips before pushing him back down onto his back. He smirked as the other stared up with a dazed sort of pout as he used his own words against him. He nodded satisfied and returned to his previous task. But he abided the other's need and wasted no time in slipping off those annoying boxers and bit his own lips at the sight of the erect other. Kaiba licked his lips mostly because the blond was watching through half-lidded eyes and descended quickly onto that pulsing member.

Jounouchi bucked his hips upwards, "Ugh… Fuck Kaiba!" but Kaiba was ready and held him down with his left hand as he massaged the base of his cock with his right and sucked on the head with his mouth. Jounouchi's hands gripped the other's hair tightly, tugging and pulling as his body wanted more and more of this pleasure. And Kaiba went faster and faster as he bobbed up and down the dripping member. "K-Kaiba… I…" The blond's hand left the brunet's hair and came up to clutch his own head as he began to feel the intensity building in his penis, "K-Kaiba…" He mewed desperately.

Kaiba only made a noise akin to a "Hn." In response, as he could feel the cock between his lips dripping with precum and hardening. Kaiba then began to hum, sending vibrations all along the quivering member as he deep throated mercilessly. Seconds later the blond gasped deeply and released into the brunet's waiting mouth. Kaiba lapped up some of the cum and freed the other's softened cock from his lips. He crawled up the other's body and brought him into a slow make-out as Jounouchi was still in a whirl of rapturous bliss.

Kaiba pulled away and marveled at the beauty of the other. Jounouchi was definitely the rough type when it came to appearance; the carefree, lazy attitude, the messy locks and casual attire… Even his way of speaking was short of classy but… No matter how many things Kaiba could use to describe his Mutt… He would always know, see, say… 'Jounouchi… You are absolutely beautiful.' Inside and out. 'And…' "I'm not falling," He whispered assuredly. Jounouchi looked up at him, slowly returning, "I'm already deeply in love with you." He surmised finally realizing just how much he truly did care for the other.

The blond sat up slowly, still somewhat breathless. "Kaiba." He murmured gently and gave the other a small kiss on the lips. He smiled at the other before sighing, "I thought I said I'm always on top?" He looked the other over and pouted. "How am I naked and you still have those unsightly jeans on?"

Kaiba looked down over himself and smirked. "That is a problem, now isn't it?" He sat up on his knees and looked upwards as Jounouchi began to kiss his neck softly. The brunet sighed with a moan as Jounouchi rolled his nipples between his fingers. The blond trailed downwards with his lips, kissing his shoulders and collarbone eagerly, his hands traveled low down his torso and danced in feather-like softness against his skin. Kaiba shivered in response. The blond looked up at him in wordless question as he undid his pants, he caressed his face with caring hands and smiled assuredly. Jounouchi nodded with a weak grin and slid his hands into Kaiba's open jeans, sliding to the back and cupping his firm buttocks, the blond bit his lip at the other's gasp and then slid the accursed pants along with his boxers down to the brunet's knees.

Jounouchi pulled away and Kaiba sat down on the bed and removed his remaining clothing, tossing them carelessly over the bed. The blond stared at his naked body hungrily and appreciated the God that lay before him - he wasn't worthy to have Seto Kaiba here like this in front of him. 'I don't deserve…' Jounouchi leaned forward and attacked his lips fiercely, sending the brunet falling backwards onto the bed. 'But I'll never let you go. Kaiba… I'll do everything - anything…' He broke their lip-lock and positioned himself appropriately between the other's legs, he took a deep breath and ran his hands up and down Kaiba's stomach and finally to his member. "Fuck Kaiba… This is…"

Kaiba stared up at him and attempted to smirk, but it looked more like a one-sided smile. "Y-yeah…" Jounouchi caressed his member for a short while, earning some rather delicious moans and near-pleas from the usually collected other. 'Oh dammit…' He looked around and frowned as he realized he didn't have any… Well… "What's the matter?" Kaiba asked growing impatient as sweat began to bead along his forehead.

Jounouchi's face flushed a few shades redder and he hesitated, "We don't have any well uh, y'know lu- lubrication…" He explained. He didn't want to hurt the brunet and since he was more than positive the brunet hadn't had sex with anyone since they'd been together, it would undoubtedly hurt without - "Wha-"

Kaiba grabbed the blond's idle hand and stuck his pointing and middle fingers into his mouth, he rolled his tongue over them in the same manner as he'd done the mutt's cock just earlier. Jounouchi's face grew crimson at the erotic sight, damn he really hadn't had sex with anyone in too long a time. He felt like a virgin in front of the other. 'I need to get this on video somehow…' Jounouchi openly drooled at the other's talent, he could easily get off on watching him, his member finding itself alert and hard already. Kaiba slid the slick digits out of his mouth and gazed up at the other, "Better?" He asked. Jounouchi was still stuck on the feeling of that tongue over his fingers to reply. He nodded slowly and brought his gaze to his hand, "Jounouchi.."

The blond snapped out of his daze, embarrassed on how virgin, indeed, he was behaving. He mentally shook himself and stared determined at the other, "Yes, Kaiba." He whispered and positioned one finger into his tight entrance, Kaiba winced slightly but leveled his breathing. Jounouchi slid in and out slowly a few times before inserting a second. He leaned over and hooked the brunet's right leg over his left shoulder, he moved his fingers in a scissor motion until Kaiba showed signs of relaxing around the intrusion.

"Jounouchi…" He near-pleaded as he licked his lips again.

The blond nodded in understanding and removed his fingers from Kaiba's entrance. With a last swallow of anticipation, he gave his cock a few rub downs before inserting it into the brunet's prepared hole. The feeling of those walls tight around him could've made him come on the spot, if he hadn't steadied himself, Kaiba groaned in pain but worked on calming his body. 'Fuck. It's been so long since I've felt…' And it was true. It'd been a long time since he experienced this pain-laden pleasure. "Jounouchi," He groaned - his name seemed to be the only thing he could muster it seemed.

Jounouchi's right hand leaned onto the bed beneath them as he moved in and out at a steady rhythm, breathing in a throaty haggardness, as he fought the urge to pound into his lover ruthlessly. "Gods Kaiba… You're so…" He ground through gritted teeth as he decided it was time to pick up the pace. Their eyes locked on one another.

Kaiba pressed against the other's cock in time, intensifying the pleasure between them. "Mn, Jou…" One hand clawed at the scattered sheet as the other reached out and gripped Jounouchi's hair roughly, "Surely…" He gasped, "You can… AH, go a little faster… Hn?" He taunted, or at least attempted to.

The blond smiled mischievous and tightened the grip his left hand had on the other's upright thigh - as the brunet's leg was still hooked over his shoulder. "Mm yeah? You… you want faster babe?" He purred and took a moment to adjust his hardened length. "Alright…" he breathed out and picked up his pace once again. Faster and harder he pounded, the sound of their skin elevating their arousal, Suddenly Kaiba's body jerked and his back arched. "Jou… That's-!" He moaned in a deep growl of pleasure as the blond hit his prostate. "There - Again, please." He pleaded in a guttural sigh. Jounouchi obliged his dearest and hit the same sweet spot over and over again without relent. Kaiba grabbed hold of his neglected cock and pumped vigorously, the blond watched mesmerized at the sight of the other jerking off in front of him. The bedroom filled with loud moans and hitched breath.

"ah, Kaiba I'm-" Jounouchi felt such intense pressure building in his member, he was definitely nearing the end. Kaiba nodded in understanding, and quickened his pace on himself until finally he came with a lidded relieved sigh. His seed spilling over his sweat-glistened chest.

"Fuck, Jounouchi…" He muttered almost inaudibly.

The blond pounded as fast as he could until he growled out his release, the contracting inner walls of the other sending him over the edge. "Gah! Kaiba!" He breathed out, Kaiba's leg slid off his shoulder and down to his side as he fell atop him and lost himself in the euphoric bliss. The two laid there wordlessly, the sounds of heavy breaths carried between them for a while.

Minutes flew by, Kaiba's vision began to fade - his mind seemed to be literally blown away. "J-Jou..?" His voice called hoarse and a bit dry. He smirked, 'I've forgotten how good that feels - why did I start drinking? It's so much better - feels so much better sober. Mn. Maybe I just had the right partner.' He cleared his throat and tried again. "Jounouchi..?" his words carried in only a quiet murmur that sounded just a little raspy. But there was no answer and he began to wonder what was wrong with the blond, since he hadn't moved and still rested on him, his head laid to its side on his chest. "Mutt?" He called but could only hear the slow heavy breathing emitting from the other. He sighed and gently rolled the blond off of him and to his right, onto the bed. "Are you really asleep?" He questioned in disbelief.

Kaiba sighed, "Mutt, we still have your dressers and a couple more boxes… Heh what am I saying?" He shook his head and sat up cringing as his body felt tired and heavy - he was glad his backside hadn't quite stricken him with the after pain of their 'activities'. He reached over towards the head of the bed -as they were sort of lying in an awkward diagonal angle - and grabbed the blanket to pull over himself and his sleeping blond love. He laid down next to him and caressed the blond's face gently, "I… really am in love with you… Jounouchi." Kaiba smirked softly before sleep finally took over.

Several hours later…

Jounouchi's eyes fluttered into awareness as he sat up. His body shivered as the blanket slid off of him, "Mn, it's cold." He mumbled with a pout. 'Man I must've fallen asleep after… Ah! Kaiba!' The blond snapped fully awake as he stared down beside him at his sleeping lover. His face felt hot, "How could I forget even for a second?" He chided himself and continued to stare down at the sleeping beauty. "I almost don't wanna wake you up…" He whispered but decided they really needed to get up, "Shizuka and Mokuba could be back any minute now. Oh, what time is it anyway?" He searched about but couldn't find a clock anywhere, "Dammit. Threw it in a box somewhere." He sighed heavily and gently shook the other awake.

It didn't take much, he supposed the young CEO was a light sleeper after all. He smiled down at the other. "Hey… lover." He murmured and grinned broadly.

Kaiba gazed up at the other and smiled faintly. "Hey." He brought a hand up, pulled the other down by the back of the head and kissed him tenderly. They parted after a moment and Kaiba sat up while Jounouchi blushed unable to keep his eyes off of the other's exposed body. An action that didn't go unnoticed, "Hn. Like what you see, mutt?" He asked.

The blond leaned forward and ran his hand down his chest and torso, "You know I do. Seein' you like this… Makes me wanna push you down and reenact our-"

Kaiba's eyes danced dangerously, "Do you think you could handle it?" He teased.

Jounouchi lightly scoffed. "Me? I'm takin' you all over again." He insisted. "Could you even handle that?" He quirked a brow in a seductive manner.

The brunet chuckled somewhat, in that familiar superior type of way of years past. Jounouchi's eyes narrowed a bit. "Who was it that passed out hm? It wasn't me. Jounouchi…" His eyes darted towards the other, "Mn, You collapsed in such a daze on top of me." His smirk widened as a low growl left the other's lips.

"I- I didn't 'collapse' or 'pass out'. I was just tired from swapping my room for Shizuka's and stuff. That took a lotta work and-" Kaiba leaned forward and kissed him again. The mutt stared at him and smirked. "You're such a bastard, y'know that? Most people wouldn't say stuff like that to their significant other…" He warned lightly.

Kaiba leant against him and exhaled softly, "You know very well, I'm not most people." He rested his head on the other's shoulder, "And you know I don't really mean it. Jounouchi…" The blond was a bit stunned that he did so, wasn't he usually the one hanging over the other? What the brunet did next also surprised him. Kaiba reached out and cupped the other's hands in his own, it felt strange. The brunet wasn't one to outwardly show affection, and he never held anyone's hands before. "It was incredible. I knew it would be but… It surpassed my high expectations."

Jounouchi was grateful the other was nuzzling into his neck as he didn't want the other to see the deep blush settled along his cheeks. "Yeah. It was amazing. To be honest, I hadn't done this in a really long time… And fuck I've been wanting to be with you - so badly I was near goin' crazy." He laughed somewhat. Kaiba sat up and they stared at one another with similar coy smiles, Kaiba's a bit faint but there, "Oh and… I forgot to tell you that…" He leaned in to the other and bit his lip hesitantly, 'I really hope he wasn't just caught up in the moment… When he said…' "Well, I… Love you too." A wave of embarrassment rushed over him as seconds passed between them, silence growing thicker and thicker.

'Crap. I shouldn't have said anything… I shouldn't have…' Jounouchi began to doubt until the other's smile widened a fraction, "Yeah." The brunet rubbed the other's hand with his thumb affectionately, "I never believed in 'love' and romance seemed to be unimportant to me but when I see you, mn no, when I even think about you," He shook his head at his out of character happiness. But it was what it was, he truly was happy. "I know that 'love' is the only thing that can explain this feeling of content, desire, heat… warmth…" The two snuggled a little longer, caught up in the tenderness of the whole moment.

Another bout of minutes passed before reality began to sink into Kaiba's mind that was finally starting to function. Kaiba stroked the blond's hair as he lay against his chest, "Hey Mutt," He started earning a soft 'hm' in reply. "How long have we been in here? What time is it?" He asked curious as to why they hadn't been interrupted. 'I guess I should be relieved as I couldn't imagine what Mokuba would say or even how he'd react to walking in on me with a lover… again.'

Jounouchi sat up and nodded. "Oh right. That was the whole reason I woke you up in the first place, wasn't it?" He scratched his cheek sheepishly. "We should probably get up and investigate." He laughed lightly and Kaiba sighed with a nod. Jounouchi rolled over and placed his feet onto the ground, he hesitated momentarily before standing up, the blanket sliding off his stomach, thighs and legs. He was far from the modest type but still… He walked over and found the brunet's phone sitting forgotten on the floor.

Kaiba watched the other like a starving animal would a piece of unguarded meat. 'His body is so hot. It's beautiful.' So caught up he barely had time to react as his phone came hurling towards him, but he managed to catch in just in time. He looked up briefly, and was lucky that the other didn't seem to notice he'd been ogling his naked body. The brunet flipped his phone open and held down the 'Power' button. It took a few seconds before sounding its jingle and began loading up.

Jounouchi fumbled with his jeans and finally retrieved his cell from its pocket. He did the same to his own. As if simultaneously, both gasped and looked at one another, "It's three in the morning!" They shouted in unison. A few seconds later, both phones buzzed and beeped, their eyes met their phones and then back at one another, "I've got missed calls from Mokuba!" Again, in unison.

Jounouchi went to his voicemail and placed the phone to his ear, Kaiba checked some text messages sent by his younger brother that seemed desperate to get a hold of them. 'Please tell me nothing bad happened! I don't know what I'd…' He stared at the first message and then went to the second. His eyes flitted over to the blond whose face seemed to pale. They hung up their phones and nodded to one another, "Shizuka went into labor…" Jounouchi stated.

Kaiba put his feet on the floor and nodded. "Yeah."

The blond stood there dumbfounded. The brunet stood as well and approached the other warily, he cleared his throat, "Jounouchi…" The blond looked up to him but was in a slight daze still. "Come on. We need to take a shower and get dressed. And then make our way to Domino Hospital and see your sister." He informed devoid of any emotion.

The blond shook his head, slowly coming back. "We don't have time for that. We need to get down there - what if she's already had the baby?" He shouted in frustration. He searched about and reached for his jeans, "Where the fuck are my boxers?" He grumbled irritation bubbling up.

Kaiba shook his head and grabbed the other by the arm. "And what are you going to do? See her like that? Are you thinking of holding your niece or nephew in your arms, close to your body after what we've done together - hell, we've been sweating all afternoon from doing this room switching. Jounouchi, calm down and think for a minute."

The blond stared at him for a minute longer before sighing and dropping the jeans to the floor. He rolled his eyes and took a deep breath, "You're right. Kaiba, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you… I just… I promised that I would be by her side when this baby-"

Kaiba cupped the other's chin in his hand and smiled a bit, "And you will. Let's hurry. So, do you want to shower first or..?"

The blond breathed in heavily, "Right. There's a shower in my… in Shizuka's new room and there's one in the hallway. Uhm… Guess you'll need some clothes too huh? There's some in…" He looked around and found another box they had brought in, "Here." He opened it up and pulled out some clothes. "Towels are in the closet beside the bathroom, I'll run and take one in the master bedroom. Don't take too long." He chided.

"I was about to say the same to you."

Jounouchi eyed him warily. "Oh I'm done in five minutes, but I can only imagine how long a prima donna such as yourself would normally take."

Kaiba smirked and then rolled his eyes. "Hn. Yes, well, I'll make an exception this time." And without further delay they rushed to their destinations. Jounouchi took about seven minutes, dressed and combed his hair, even applied a little extra conditioning to it. He stepped out and waited and waited and waited some more until FINALLY Kaiba emerged from the hallway bathroom. "About time. Come on, let's go." He ordered.

The brunet sighed, "I haven't even fixed my hair -" He started, but was dragged away from the mirror and out into the hall by the collar. "Jounouchi-" He muttered.

"Listen, mister, now's not the time to be actin' like a Diva." He warned and started for the front door. He led Kaiba passed the living area, down the front hallway and reached into the front closet, "You didn't bring a jacket in with you, didja Moneybags?" He asked as he sifted through and pulled one out for himself.

Kaiba still a little upset that his hair was a mess and not given its proper care, folded his arms across his chest, "No. I was wearing a sweater when I came in, so I didn't need one at the time." He replied.

The blond nodded. "Well," He glanced over at the other, whom was wearing a crimson button-up, he reached in the closet and pulled out a black trench coat. "Here, wear this." He commanded again and shut the closet door. "Okay, let's go." He reached over and picked up his keys off of the little key rack on the wall, "We'll take my car."

"In a rather commanding mood aren't we?" Kaiba muttered under his breath.

The blond shot a glare his way and quirked a brow. "Did you say something?" He asked suspiciously.

Kaiba shrugged. "Uh, let's get going." He replied. They rushed out the door and quickly got into the car and sped out through the late night.

It took about fifteen minutes to reach the hospital and about another five to find a parking space, it appeared the place was rather busy unfortunately. They rushed across the lot and made it inside. "How may I help you?" The receptionist at the 'information' desk asked sweetly.

Jounouchi leaned against the counter, "Please, I'm lookin' for my sister. She was brought here a few hours ago." He urged in a panicked tone.

The lady looked at him empathetically and softened her smile, "What is her name and what was she brought here for?" She asked as she sat down and turned towards her computer.

"Her name is Shizuka and she was brought here to have a baby." He explained hurriedly, "Please, I need to see her quickly."

Kaiba placed a comforting hand on the blond's shoulder and stepped up to the counter, "If it helps any, her water broke at about eight p.m. and she was brought here at about…" He looked over his phone at one of the texts Mokuba had sent, "eight-forty-five. Her name is Kawaii Shizuka." He stated calmly.

The lady nodded and typed in the information, after a few seconds, which seemed like an eternity to the impatient uncle-to-be, she turned back to them, "Ah yes, go down that corridor and there will be a set of elevators, take them to the fifth floor, she hasn't been assigned a room yet and from the looks of it, she's still in labor, the nurses upstairs can tell you more." She explained gently.

Jounouchi took off and Kaiba turned to the lady and thanked her. He ran up to catch the other as he rounded the corner, "She hasn't had the baby yet." Jounouchi muttered. 'Shizuka, I'm sorry. I promised that I'd be right at your side when the moment came and I…' He mentally shook himself. How could he think so negatively? 'Saying that would be like saying I regret what happened between me and Kaiba. And I don't. I don't regret anything about what happened between us.' He sighed a bit in nervousness as Kaiba pressed the number '5' and they headed upwards.

"It'll be alright, Mutt. We'll be there before you know it." He assured and nudged the other in the side. Jounouchi snapped out of his thoughts and smiled softly at the other.

"Y-yeah. I know." He bit his lip and still remained a little nervous. Everything seemed to be running slowly for the blond and he all but screamed at how wrecked his nerves were. But he remained still, fidgety but quiet for the most part, until those doors opened and he rushed out. Kaiba reached for him but the other was out and he could hear him questioning the nurses already. He stepped out of the elevator and made his way down the hall and could see the blond nodding and walking off. He approached in hastened step and tugged on the other's shoulder, "Hey. So what's the deal?"

Jounouchi turned around and sighed. "Come on, She's over down here."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But that's the delivery room, only one person is allowed in. Miss Kawaii is amidst giving birth, please understand." One of the nurses called out and approached them.

Jounouchi sighed heavily, "I'm her brother, I'm supposed to be in there with her. Please." He stressed.

She turned around and picked up a clipboard, she flipped through the list and then back up at the two, "Are you Jounouchi Katsuya?" She asked.

The blond nodded earnestly, "Yes."

The nurse smiled softly, "There is a young male, a mister Kaiba Mokuba, with her currently, he mentioned you would be down here when you could. Please follow me, we'll get you some scrubs to wear and get you into that room." She then turned to Kaiba and almost apologetically frowned, "There is a waiting room right down that hallway, if you wouldn't mind…"

Jounouchi gave the brunet a sort of unknown gaze, but Kaiba nodded towards the lady in understanding. "Yes. Not a problem." He assured and headed off as soon as the nurse and Jounouchi were out of sight. To be honest, he really didn't want to be in THERE with her while she was in the middle of 'giving birth'. He had no desire of seeing any 'miracle of birth' any time soon.

Kaiba sat down on one of the couches and leaned back. 'I wish I'd had enough time to grab my laptop or something… Hmm. Maybe I could get an employee to bring me one.' Kaiba was debating whether or not it was worth the trouble of having someone bring him a laptop, when Mokuba entered the waiting area. Seeing his older brother made him sigh in relief. "Seto." He called over, causing the brunet to snap out of his daze.

The brunet smiled and scooted over some as his brother plopped down beside him. "Hey. How's the mother-to-be?" He asked and chuckled somewhat as the raven-haired other leaned lazily against the cushioning.

Mokuba yawned before replying, "Still a mother-to-be. Ugh, I didn't know 'labor' took so damn long. Seriously, she's been 'in labor' for the passed several hours." He groaned. "What took you guys so long, you didn't even answer my calls or reply to my texts." He complained. Kaiba looked away embarrassed. The younger looked over his brother and couldn't help but notice a few dark 'bruises' adorning his brother's neck, his face flushed. "Er, uh never mind that last question… I'm sure I don't need to know what kept you." Silence swallowed them for a good while as the air grew awkward. The younger frowned. 'Is this how things will be between us? We'll both just stay silent as soon as something comes up about…' He mentally shook his head. 'N-no… I'll be heading back to America in a couple of days… It shouldn't… And I don't want Seto to have any lingering doubts or worries. I can do this for Seto.' He nodded. "So, did you guys finish with the rooms?"

Kaiba sighed and hesitantly nodded, "For the most part. Shizuka's room is just about ready, just a few minor things like her Cds and stereo system." He shrugged. "Nothing major. We even managed to set up her baby's crib and diaper changing station."

"That's great…" He bit his lip nervously and mentally egged himself on, "Almost done… And I'm sure you guys didn't slack off in the least right?" He teased, hoping it didn't come off forced.

Kaiba's face grew warm, "Wh-what?" He asked, "Uh… Well you know, the mutt tried to but… We-" The brunet was at a loss of words. 'What's with him so suddenly? I…'

Mokuba laughed somewhat. "I'm sure. Damn him for trying to slack off - he even gave ya a few marks on the neck, huh?" He sighed and yawned again. 'The look on your face… I can tell that Jounouchi means a lot more to you than perhaps anyone else.' As Mokuba thought about that, he smiled. "Man, I didn't realize how much work this is and I'm not even having the baby." He sighed with a soft laugh and leaned against Kaiba.

The brunet smirked. "You're really tired aren't you?"

"Are you kidding? It's like after three in the morning and I've been dealing with a rather bitter Shizuka in a lotta pain for the passed few hours." He reminded. "You know... Before her water broke and she started having contractons, Shizuk was telling me about her ex - the father of the baby." He started on a more serious note. Kaiba listened intently. "She said that she had a lot of problems with him and that he'd called back after all this time to say he wanted to work things out. She said him and Jounouchi don't like each other at all... her and Jounouchi have had lots of arguments because of him. In the end, she just broke it off with him because he couldn't give her a straight answer and he refused to work things out with Jounouchi..." He shrugged. "Seto, I don't want us to be torn apart because of someone else." He laughed as the scene just moments ago played in his head, "He's really excited to be an Uncle. He practically threw me outta the room." Kaiba chuckled somewhat too. After a short comfortable quiet, the younger sat up and pulled off his jacket, which he then rolled into a ball and laid his head on it, he then slid his shoes off and swung his feet over the side of the couch. "I'mma take a nap, let me know when Shizuka's popped the kid out, alright?"

Kaiba thumped him on the forehead, which earned him a glare and a groan, "Don't talk like that. It's very disrespectful." He scolded.

Mokuba sighed with a nod and closed his eyes. "Oh, Seto?" He asked with a tired exhale, "Happy birthday…" The brunet shook his head and leaned back. The hazel-eyed boy was asleep mere seconds later.

Kaiba stayed awake a little longer, listening to the faint snores of his younger brother and just reminisced a little on their hectic past. He chuckled somewhat and ran his fingers through the long raven-locks of his brother, "Thank you Mokuba. We'll never be torn apart, just like Shizuka and Jounouchi - we'll always stay strong. I'm so glad you came, even if it's just for a little while at a time… " He knew of course, the other would have to return. He couldn't imagine being away from Kaiba Corporation for as long, but having the other with him was perhaps the best birthday present he could've received. A little more time lapsed before sleep claimed him as well.

A Few Hours Later - 5: 15 a.m.

Jounouchi entered the waiting area and was surprised to see the other's were still there. He figured the brunet would've stayed but there was still the part of him that thought maybe Kaiba would've just gone home. He approached and knelt down in front of the brunet, he caressed his sleeping face gently and leaned inwards, "My Sleeping Prince." His lips pressed against the other's and sure enough, the light sleeper that was Kaiba, woke up almost immediately. It took a moment before his eyes adjusted onto the other, "Mornin', Lover."

The brunet yawned and kissed him back. "Mn. Good morning." He looked around and reality came to him, "Oh Shizuka… Is she..?"

Jounouchi grinned brightly, "Yeah, she's in her room. Wake up Mokuba and come see for yourself." He whispered excitedly.

After a long attempt at waking the younger, the boy finally roused into awareness. Mokuba rubbed at his eyes and begrudgingly stood up, he followed after the two older males still not fully awake. Jounouchi led them down the hall and passed a set of rooms until they arrived at a closed door, the blond knocked quietly and opened slowly, "Shizuka…"

"…Hey, come in." She replied softly, in a taxed and tired tone.

Jounouchi, Kaiba and Mokuba stepped inside, "Hey, it's a…" Mokuba pointed to the little bundle wrapped snuggly in a pink receiving blanket.

Kaiba seemed somewhat stunned and looked to the blond whom only rolled his eyes and pushed against the brunet, "Yeah yeah." He ushered the two brothers in, as they seemed in awe still at the entrance to the room. "It's a healthy baby girl." He affirmed. Mokuba wasted no time, and seemed to be wide awake now as he approached and made small talk with Shizuka as she thanked him for being at her side. Kaiba still seemed a little stunned. He hadn't seen a newborn child since his time at the Orphanage, a whole decade or so ago.

Shizuka smiled at Kaiba's speechlessness as he continued to stare from a distance. "Would you like to hold her, Kaiba?" She asked gently.

The billionaire CEO smiled awkwardly, "Oh no, that's alright. I haven't held a child since…" Jounouchi grabbed hold of his shoulders and pushed him towards Shizuka's bed. "M-Mutt, what are you..?"

The blond turned the brunet's gaze back onto the baby. "Come on, Kaiba. Hold little Saika, you two have a lot in common." He started, "You guys have the same birthday… How about that." He murmured with a hint of quiet excitement.

Kaiba hesitated momentarily. Shizuka sat up as much as she could. "It's alright, Kaiba. It's not that hard." She giggled softly and extended her little girl towards him. Mokuba couldn't help but find the usually confident CEO's nervousness a little funny.

But the brunet reached out and took baby Saika into his arms and brought her gently to his chest, he stared at her sleeping form and slowly started to relax. Mokuba made his way to his brother and grinned. "She's so small, huh Seto?" He commented and the brunet nodded simply. Jounouchi folded his arms across his chest and settled in the chair beside his sister's bed. "Man I'm tired." He stated off-handedly as he leaned back against the chair.

Shizuka eyed him warily, "You're tired. You weren't the one stuck in labor all night." She stressed hoarsely as she laid back as well. The rest of the early morning was spent quietly as the nurses came to take the baby to the nursery so Shizuka could get some rest… Well, Shizuka was the first and then Mokuba, had settled on the floor by the window, and found sleep soon after. Kaiba was sitting on the small two-person sofa in the corner of the room, Jounouchi settled beside him.

"You okay? You've been really quiet." The blond asked as he took the other's hand in his and leaned against him.

Kaiba spared him a fleeting smile and nodded, "Yeah. It's just… I can't even describe this feeling right now." Jounouchi grinned and rested his head on his shoulder, "Just yesterday you and I had sex for the first time… It was amazing and… I even realized my true feelings for you and admitted that I loved you. I always thought it was such an embarrassing emotion, 'Love' but," Kaiba shook his head and smirked. "Mokuba even joked about what you and I were up to yesterday and he didn't even cringe or flinch while saying it."

At this, the blond smiled and looked up at him. "See. I told you he'd come around." He smiled and kissed the other on the cheek. "Shizuka had her baby on your birthday - that is so not fair." He remarked with a pout. "And on top of that, it was a girl just like you predicted." he rolled his eyes, "You may not know it but you're one lucky bastard, y'know that?"

Kaiba smirked and it grew quiet again. Jounouchi yawned and rested his head back against the other's shoulder. It wasn't long until he was fast asleep. The brunet looked about the room and chuckled quietly. "Lucky..? Yeah." He tightened their hand-hold and his blue eyes finally closed, 'I am. Thank you Jounouchi…' As dreamland called, a lingering thought on how he supposed birthdays weren't so bad after all came to him.

The End!