Chinatown Dragon 3: Return to Chinatown

Chapter One:

"I have a family?" Rose asked. Much to her surprise, Rose had found out that not only had the council decided to show her mercy, but that she also had a family.

"Yes." Kulde repeated.

"They have been living in New York the entire time." Andam added. "Right under your nose…"

"Where?" Rose asked.

"On Riverside Drive…" Kulde answered. "Their address is 1941. You should be able to find it."

Rose, who had been simply shocked to find out that her parents were still alive, was now beside herself with joy. "Thank you, councilors!" she exclaimed. "I promise to you that I will earn the kindness you have shown me."

As they watched the former hunter and Jake leave the temple, both Andam and Kulde grinned slightly. "Don't mention it, Huntsgirl…" Andam spoke. "Don't mention it…"

"You didn't tell her?" Sun asked as she walked over to them. "Why? I would think that she has the right to know."

"Of course we didn't tell her, Dragon Park." Andam said. "This way, the Huntsgirl will be dealt with and we will not have to waste any space in our prison."

"That is what you're planning?" Sun gasped. "You can't do that! She's just a child! Not only that, but she wishes to reform! Jake believes in her, so why shouldn't we?"

"Dragon Park…" Andam scolded. "What gives you the idea that you have a say in our decisions?"

"There is no reform for a slayer." Kulde added. "You put too much faith in a boy you have just met. He may be a powerful dragon, but he is still the student. She will deceive him. We are going to prevent that from happening."


Back at the Hudson Hotel, Mei Hua was sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea when she heard the door open. Seconds later, she could see Sue, Sid and Tobey. All three of them had several bruises and looked exhausted. "What happened?" Nana asked. "Kong Li?"

"You can say that again, Nana." Sid said.

"He tried to use the Heyjure Recipe to summon all of the recipes…" Sue informed her Nana.

"And then he was controlling this big and beefy dragon!" Tobey exclaimed, finishing the run through. "It was so cool, and yet so scary!"

"Did you get the recipes?"

"No, Nana." Sue answered. "They are still scattered all over New York. I don't know if we will ever find them."

"Sue, don't you remember?" Tobey smiled at her. "That Huntsgirl girl is going to help us find them." As he spoke, he sat down in the nearest chair, put his arms behind his head and put his feat up. "And with Kong Loser gone, I think it will be much easier to find them."


Sliding steel doors slid open as Huntsboy walked into the main headquarters of the Huntslair. The new Huntsmistress was surrounded by several other hunters, who must have been congratulating her. The Huntsmistress caught sight of Huntsboy and slowly managed to break away from her subordinates and walked over to Huntsboy.

"Well done, my apprentice." Huntsmistress commended as Huntsboy knelt in respect. "I will have a team of hunters go out to retrieve his body tomorrow morning. And what of the Huntsgirl?"

"I could find no sign of her." Huntsboy answered, still kneeling. "I had only found Huntsmaster when I contacted you. My mistress, I think that she may be deceased as well." As Huntsboy said this, hope flashed through his eyes.

"Patience, Huntsboy…" If the Huntsmistress caught Huntsboy's hopeful look when he told her about Huntsgirl possibly being dead, she didn't care. "We shall not give up hope on Huntsgirl. Whoever defeated the Huntsmaster could be holding her hostage…"

And what Huntsmistress said next made the Huntsboy's heart sink. "You shall go out first thing in the morning and look for her."

"But—I—Of course, Huntsmistress." Hunysboy rose and bowed before turning around and leaving.


As soon as Huntsboy reached the door of his room, he pounded his fist against it and gave a quiet growl. Thinking he had gotten his anger out of his system, he opened the door and walked over to his bed, only to have the rage return. With a roar, Huntsboy rammed his boot into the side of his bed. He did not want to go out and look for Huntsgirl. He hated that girl and wished for nothing more than her meeting a slow and painful demise!

Trying to calm down, Huntsboy sat on his bed. After a moment, he stood up and reached toward his belt and pulled out his tracking device that he had used to find the Huntsmaster's body. Sliding it open, Huntsboy typed in "Huntsgirl" and waited as the machine started to search.

As soon as the search had ended, Huntsboy could see a red blinking dot somewhere near Riverside Drive. Huntsboy suddenly grinned from behind his mask. Oh, he would find her alright…

Setting the tracking device on the nightstand next to his bed, Huntsboy spoke. "I'll see you tomorrow, Huntsgirl."


A/N: What do you think? Please review! Basically, I decided to have the councilors still not trust her is because I decided that it would be OOC to have otherwise.