As I said in the summary this is the sequel to Jace learns the internet. Unlike that fanfiction though, I have no idea when this is set. Sometime in City of Bones I think.

Disclaimer: I own City of Bones! The book I mean. All legal rights and stuff belong to Cassandra Clare.


Jace sighed in frustration for what seemed liked the millionth time that day. Trying to teach Alec about the internet was like trying to move an obstinate mule – almost impossible. Even Simon wasn't much of a help. "What's wrong with you?" Jace cried, exasperated. Simon raised his eyebrows at Alec.

"What's wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to be the experts on this?" Alec snapped back.

None of the boys looked happy. "Well I'm done here," Simon said, getting up from his chair. "It's a lost cause I say," added Jace as he too got up from his chair. The two boys left the room, leaving Alec alone with Hodge's laptop.

He decided to test out what Jace and Simon had tried teaching him. He tentatively reached out and in trying to explore the internet, clicked on one of those signs that tell you you've won a prize. The only thing this achieved was in giving the laptop a virus and shutting it down. "Aw hell!" Alec said, racing out of the room.

He walked aimlessly for a while until he found himself at his room. He found his mobile lying on his bed, just where he'd left it. That was a piece of technology he could definitely use.

Looking at his phone had reminded him of a piece of paper in his pocket. On it was a certain high warlock's number. Maybe he can help me Alec thought. He'd set his mind on learning the internet and he wasn't about to give up.

He dialled the number nervously. There was something about the warlock. He was so…strange. Not usually Alec's type. Alec held his breath as Bane picked up the phone. "Hello?" came his voice. He sounded tired.

"Uh, hi," Alec's voice broke. He fought to control it "You asked me to call you and I thought I could ask for some help with something."

"Did your blonde friend get himself killed?" Bane asked, sounding almost bored. "No, the only thing that could kill him is me, from frustration," Alec shot down the phone line.

"Frustration?" Bane asked. Alec could almost hear him raising his eyebrows, "He was trying to teach me about the internet, but it wasn't working. That's why I called you," Alec said. What was with this warlock?

"You want me to teach you? Or do you want me to teach him how to teach you?" Bane asked.

"God Bane, why do you have to be so annoying? You teach me!" Alec snapped. "Alright I'll teach you. Come over to my apartment in 15 minutes," Bane replied, coolly.

"Okay, fine."

"And it's Magnus," Bane said, before Alec could hang up on him.


"Magnus, that's my name, not Bane."

"Alright. Bye…Magnus," and with that Alec hung up. That had been a…interesting conversation. He'd asked him to call him Magnus, so they were on first name terms now? Alec shook the thoughts from his head.

He put on his faded black jumper, it was cold out. He also grabbed his keys, wallet and mobile, then headed out of the institute. "Where are you going?" Hodge asked, he was accompanied by Isabelle. She raised her eyebrows at him questioningly. Why do people keep doing that? Alec thought

"Out," he said with a tone of finality. Isabelle and Hodge moved out of his way and started walking down the hall. "Don't be back too late!" Hodge called over his shoulder.

"Promise," Alec muttered under his breath.

When he got outside the cold hit him like an icy blast. He hugged his jumper to himself tightly. It didn't take him long to get to Magnus' apartment. Magnus opened the door as he walked up the steps. "Hello," he greeted Alec.


"So what is it about the internet you want to know? Couldn't you have just asked…would you mind taking your shoes off? Couldn't you have just asked that Hodge bloke?" Magnus inquired.

"Everything and Hodge made it too complicated," Alec said, slipping off his shoes. "Well, where do you want to start?" Magnus asked, looking back at Alec.

"Um…" he hasn't really thought about it "Jace told me some weird things. Something like Boogle and face encyclopedia, I think."

Magnus stared at Alec and laughed "You mean Google and facebook."

"I think so, yeah. What kind of names are they? I like mine much better."

This is going to take a while Magnus thought


Anyone recognise Alec's jumper? I'd appreciate suggestions for websites that Alec can look at. Review! Jace is still delivering and we've got an even better tea! ;]