I….-waves hand and looks away-

Disclaimer: Characters belong to their respective owners.

Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Galian Beast (Vincent)/Cloud, xeno, size kink

Warning: xeno, anthro on human, violent sex, submission, dominance.

Beta is Wolf.


Touch of the Beast


It was wrong, it was sick and wrong and he knew it. He knew with every fiber of his being that he should not seek it out, should be ashamed and disgusted. He knew it without question, yet still he never turned away when it happened. No, Cloud never refused Vincent when he lost control over his demons like this, never pushed him away. Instead, he would bare his neck like the submissive whore he was, keening softly when powerful jaws clamped onto his exposed flesh. Vincent, no the Beast, would push him to the ground, growling low and menacingly as it covered Cloud's body with its own. The great purple monster would loom over the small blond, great horns on either side of Cloud's head and that muzzle only inches from the blond's mouth. It was sick, but Cloud always imaged that the Beast was going to kiss him in that moment, going to express some shred of affection. It was never the case.

Great clawed hands, so similar to paws but not quite right, would swipe over his body, shredding his clothes and skin alike. Cloud would hiss, arching up as the blood started to flow, his head digging into the ground or floor or whatever surface he was thrown onto as he exposed his neck once again. The Beast would growl and bite him, teeth sinking deep into flesh and forcing a cry from its chosen mate. Cloud would say it was a pained cry, say that it was to satisfy the Beast, but he never really could muster much conviction when he uttered those words. No, he knew it was a cry of pleasure, knew how wrong it was for him to find such feeling in the action. He would reason it off as the mako within his blood that caused it, the same mako that connected him to Vincent and his Galian Beast, but he never really knew.

The Beast would snarl when his mate would become unresponsive, the blond caught up in his own thoughts for a brief moment. Clawed hands would grip smooth legs, forcing the well muscled limbs up and apart as the tips of its claws broke skin once again. There was never any warning, no preamble, before the Beast would thrust into Cloud, its great, thick length ripping flesh and forcing a truly pained scream from the blond's throat. There was always a pause then, a moment of regret or concern Cloud never knew, but the Beast wouldn't move. The Beast would purr, a soft, cooing rumble that without fail caused the blond to go limp in its grasp. Cloud had no idea why his muscles would relax at that sound, all tension draining from him, but he was thankful for it. The Beast was so much larger than him, reaching so deep that without that triggered response he would never be able to take it.

Their couplings were never long, the Beast using Cloud's body as it laid claim to its mate once again. It would rumble when it was getting close to the end, a deep vibration resounding from somewhere within its chest. The blond would scream as the vibrations hit him, writhing and tightening once again as the sound sent thrills of pure ecstacy through his body. It only ever took a few seconds after that, a few brutal thrusts into his arching body, and it was over. Cloud's world would shatter into a million pieces and he would know nothing more.

He always woke the same way, a hand running through his hair and a deep ache throughout his entire body. He would feel the thick liquid marker of the Beast's claim dripping out of him, mixed with his own blood. Still, a soft smile would touch his lips as his lover, his mate, whispered words of regret, remorse and attonement.


I probably have to explain that… Okay, so I've been collecting prompts online for a while and decided to make a list. Late at night I purused my list and this one struck a cord with me. I had to write and this is what came out. Guess it gives you an idea of what my current state of mind is. Comment, flame, whatever.