HPOV (Heidi's)

I walked down the empty streets of whatever god-forsaken town I was in now. I was looking for humans to bring back to Volterra.

I already had some back in the limo, but not enough. I needed one more.

For some reason, Aro had recently taken a liking to children, so I was on my way to an orphanage. They were the easiest places to sneak into and the children weren't missed.

Soon I had reached the building. I scaled the wall to get to a window on the second floor. There, asleep on an army cot, was a little girl, about four-years-old. She had wavy brown hair splayed about her face. She looked simply mouthwatering.

I slipped open the window and grabbed the girl. She stirred, but we were back at the limo before she had time to wake up fully.

I shoved her in the first seat available, got in the front of the limo and was soon flying through the streets.

Strangely enough, there was no crying coming from the back, not even from the little girl. Good. At this rate, we would reach Volterra by morning.

BPOV (as a four-year-old)

What was going on? One minute I was going to sleep on my cot, and the next thing I knew, I was in a limo speeding away.

I had always been mature and overly smart for my age, so I didn't cry, instead I looked around.

I wasn't alone, but that was about all I could tell. It was so dark, and I was so tired.

I didn't really want to go to sleep, but there was nothing better to do.


The sun was just coming up as I awoke. The car was stopping.

Soon we were walking down a long and glamorous hallway. The lady who had been driving was now acting like we were on a tour.

I could tell she was lying. I knew we were all in danger. Why wasn't anyone running? was getting scared, but no one else seemed to notice.

We were now about to walk through two huge doors. As each person went through, a man standing there would look at them and then wave them through.

As I walked by him, his eyes got all big.

"This one." He said. The lady told me to go stand by him. I did.

Before long, everyone else had gone through the doors. The man had me walk down more halls with him. He brought me to a small room with a chair and a table with food on it. He told me to wait there and that I was welcome to eat. Then he left.

I ate a bigger meal than I ever had before at the orphanage, even though it all tasted disgusting. I was still so full that I fell asleep.


I awoke to someone coming in. Quickly, I glanced at the door to see the man from earlier.

"Hello young one. I'm Eleazar. What's your name?"

I didn't answer. I didn't trust this man.

"Come on, you can trust me."

I shook my head and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh well. I just wanted to say welcome to your new home, Volterra."

A/N: Hey. Sorry everybody. This story will take a while to get going. Please just give it a while. Reviews=love.