Welcome to Saving Me, unlike my previous work this will be Edward/Bella. Each chapter will start with Lyrics from the song 'Saving Me' by Nickelback. It will be kind of the theme for the chapter until I write run out of lyrics…or chapters. I'll have to find another song if that happens.

A better Summary: This takes place when Edward leaves and what would've happened when he returned to see Bella with a close friendship with a family who children are less than competent and, well, they're basically insane. The Cruor's teach Bella the joy of just living, not planning everything, letting loose and basically take risks. Edward is less than pleased by this new danger-loving, spontaneous Bella, but maybe he'll learn something as well.

There's no Werewolves in this story (unless I decided to mention them later). Because of the Cruors are in the picture Bella doesn't go to Jake's and doesn't form a bond with him. Therefore she knows nothing of the Werewolves besides what Jake told her in Twilight. Also if you think she's getting over her 'depression' a little too quickly because the Cruor's or she's friendly with them too soon, I want you to look at Bella's and Jake's relation. She barely knew him (she told him she doesn't remember their childhood get-togethers) and she quickly became inseparable from him. That's just how Bella is in my eyes.

Bolded things I quoted from New Moon I own nothing.

Italic things are lyrics.

Disclaimer: I don't know Twilight or the lyrics of Saving me, I do own OC's!

Prison gates won't open up for me
On these hands and knees I'm crawlin'
Oh, I reach for you

Chapter 1: I reach for you.

At the end of the school day I headed to my truck with Angela. We were both quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Unlike Jessica, she didn't need to be constantly jabbering; it was a relief at times.

"Hey, did you hear about the new kids starting tomorrow?" Angela asked, quietly.

I glanced at her surprised, "No, I haven't. Why?"

She nodded her head to the left of me, "There's one of them now. I think that's the mom with him."

I followed her directions and across the parking lot was a guy and woman. They were walking towards the office building, swiftly. The woman looked in her early forties with chin-length Blonde hair. She was a good two inches shorter than the boy with her. The boy was in his teens with long Black hair pulled back in a ponytail. Next to the woman in pale pastel he looked like a Black demon in all dark clothes.

"So what's the rumor about them?" I questioned, quietly. Curiosity got the best of me. I suppose I was staring at them because the boy looked around and caught my eye. He stared right back, his eyes not quite in a glare but definitely annoyed. I blushed and looked away, but I could feel his eyes on me for a minute longer. Yeah, it was rude of me to stare at the new kid.

"Well I'm no Jessica, but from what I've heard there's seven new kids in town, four are in high school. I guess the father had four kids from his first marriage and the mother had two. They also had one kid together, I heard." She replied, watching them disappear into the building. I looked up just as the door closed behind them, still embarrassed being caught staring.

"Why did they move here?"

"Oh um…he worked at a hospital in Minnesota. He transferred here to take…Dr. Cullens…place…"

We both went quiet at that, there was nothing to say after that. With a wave goodbye I headed to my truck to go home.

I tried not to think about them but a new doctor taking Carlisle's place made it all the more real to me that they weren't coming back. To my defense, I didn't cry but that numb feeling started coming back to me. As soon as I reached my driveway I wrapped my arms around myself, holding me together. Then I remember I had movie plans with Jessica. I quickly jumped out of my truck and ran into the house to drop off my book bag and changed. Tonight was going to be difficult.

----I'm skipping the part of the book when they're at the movie, you can read the book to figure out what happened. Pages 103 to 108 in the hard cover at least.----

After the movie we started to head out to eat. While we walked Jessica suddenly got very quiet as we passed a group of guys who were on the other side of the street.

I paused without thinking, looking back at the four men with a strong sense of déjà vu. This was a different road, a different night, but the scene was so much the same. One of them was even short and dark. As I stopped and turned towards them, that one looked up in interest.

I stared back at him, frozen on the sidewalk.

"Bella?" Jess whispered. "What are you doing?"

I shook my head, not sure myself, "I think I know them…," I muttered.

I started walking towards them, slowly, as if in a daze. It was like that night so long ago…that night…I could faintly hear Jessica behind me trying to get me to turn around, but I just simply couldn't. I was standing in the middle of the road now, watching the guys.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sharp voice that was to the left of me. I turned my head and immediately blushed. The kid from earlier at school was looking at me a little confused.

It took me a minute to gather my voice, "What does it matter to you?"

He raised an eyebrow, his light Brown-Green eyes, stared me down, "You're standing in the middle of the street, I think that's every drivers concern." His voice was sarcastic and I could feel my face heating up again. I looked behind him to see a nice black Mustang, maybe just a couple of years old, there -running- door open. He, surprisingly, didn't seem to concerned about it then again, he could pretty much touch the hood, so he wasn't that far away.

"Oh sorry." Was all I could think of to say before running back to Jessica's side. I was completely embarrassed. I looked behind me to see the boy shaking his head, glance at me one more time and then took off in his car.

The rest of the night went just as bad. Jessica didn't want to talk to me; apparently I was more of freak now than when I didn't talk. It couldn't get any worse.

-The next day-

It was Saturday, it was raining, and I was at work. Working at a Sporting shop was kind of ironic considering it's me but a job was a job.

"You could probably just go, Bella, I'm closing as soon as those guys leave." Mike told me. I nodded, getting my stuff to go. I didn't bother to listen to the two hikers; I wouldn't understand any of it anyways. I headed out the door and almost smacked into a guy that was walking along the street. Really, though, who walks in the rain?

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I looked up to see a boy about my age with chin length Caramel Brown hair and pitch black eyes. There was an easy smile on his thin face as he held out an arm to steady me. I noticed he wore just a light jacket -which was stupid for the month of January- that was the brightest blue I've ever seen and a plain pair of jeans. He was getting soaked.

"Don't worry about it, Chica." He replied, still smirking. I raised an eyebrow, 'Chica?'

"Do you ever pay attention or do you just live in a daze? I shudder just thinking of you driving on the same road as me." I looked at the person who I just noticed was standing right behind him and withheld a groan, it was that guy again.

"Are you stalking me? First I see you at the school, then Port Angeles, now here." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I shocked myself with my boldness.

The first guy started to laugh, "Oh, Nikel, she totally just owned you."

"Just shut up, Zach, no she didn't." he turned to look at me again, "Don't flatter yourself, for all I know you're stalking me."

I rolled my eyes at that. Zach luckily broke up the soon to be battle, "Anyways, like you just heard, I'm Zach Cruor, this is my step-brother Nikel Bennett-Cruor. We just moved here from Minnesota, our dads the new doctor at the hospital. Who are you?"

He held out his hand. I carefully took it, smiling politely, "I'm Bella Swan, my dads the police chief. I just moved here last year actually so I know the feeling. I lived with my mom in Phoenix for years."

"Cool, yeah, Forks…it's really uh wet?" Zach said, holding his hand out to catch some of the rain. Which he then threw at Nikel's face, who was still semi-glaring.

"You get use it." I replied, "speaking of rain, I'm going to get out of it before I get sick. I'll see you guys at school, maybe." I raised my hand as a farewell as I walked away to my truck. I looked in my mirror to see Zach now speaking to Nikel, his arms waving around like he was mad. Nikel just sat back with a look of bland patience like this was an every day occurrence. The guy was annoying, this Nikel, so rude.

I went home then to wait out the weekend, which was the ban of my existence there was never enough to do. While eating dinner with my dad I told him I met some of the new kids.

"I hope you made them feel welcomed. You remember what its like being new here."

"I did, Dad." I rolled my eyes, "They were nice." Well one was anyways but I didn't want to tell Dad about the potential trouble maker. Maybe he was just PMSing or something. I snorted at the thought.

That night, I had my usual nightmare. I woke up screaming, my arm reaching, trying to grab something -someone- was just wasn't there.

Well what do you think? Drop a review please and feel free to put in a suggestion, I may just do it. I have up to chapter 3 done. Next chapter will be…well knowing me varies. I'm hoping in the next week or two.

Also should the Cruor/Bennett's be normal humans or some sort of supernatural so they know what the Cullens are when they finally show up in the story? Originally I wanted them to be humans but I'll leave it up to you guys. Remember THIS WILL BE EDWARD/BELLA!