Authors Note: Alright my readers. I am back not just to continue this story since so many are asking me to; but to gage the reaction of my original character Matthias a bit more. I want to self publish his story since he was so well liked before and I would like to know what you all think with where I take this story. IF you enjoy it immensely than I will be self publishing his story through Amazon. I hope to hear from all of you and I hope you accept my plan and ideas with him. ENJOY & REVIEW!

Chapter 67

Matthias felt Godric leave the home in an instant, and an instant after that he was far off of the coast and he could no longer feel him. He smiled to himself, Sookie was still here. Why had his childe left her? What trickery was he up to? Matthias made his way at human speed to the bedchambers Sookie was currently occupying. He was lonely and wished for company. He could hear her soft breaths through the large double oak doors that kept him from entering. He placed his hands gently on the handles and realized nervousness was not something he was accustomed to. He hadnt felt this way...ever as a vampire. He turned the handles and pushed his way in. The large doors that towered even above him made a light swooshing sound that seemed deafening to his vampiric senses. He grinded his teeth at the irritation that washed through him. He relaxed only after realizing his Sookie could not hear what he could because she was dreaming vivdly; rare for any vampire. But she was fairy like him. If he wanted he could lie next to her and enter her dreams. He found this to be an enticing idea.

Sookie was playing in the fairy Spring. Basking in the glow of the sun. Everything around her, the water, the grass, the sky...sparkled like a superficial world. She felt like this world only existed in her mind and the more she thought about it the more it lit up. The world she found herself immersed in seemed to light expand as her mind came up with wonderful ideas for scenery. She smiled and felt the warmth of the fairy light engulf her. This was paradise. It had to be, she knew it. She felt the world and her mind grow dense instantly. She didn't open her eyes as to try and savor what she had created and keep what she was losing. She knew it was him who made the waters stir. She had felt her conscious shift when he lay next to her in reality. She had gotten good at controlling the immensity of her expanding conscious awareness.

¨Yes, I can see that love.¨

¨You shouldn't call me that.¨ She replied to the old fairy vampire.

¨You shouldn't deny what is blooming between us."

¨Not blooming. There is nothing beautiful about stealing another's lover. I would call what we have ignition. I do agree that we have something very 'heated'.¨ This remark made him chuckle.

¨And I wouldn't call it stealing. After all you have wanted me.¨

Sookie ended the mental simulation that had once been her lovely dream and found herself lying in the bed with the mysterious creature she had come to know as a thorn in her ass. Matthias chuckled deeply.

Öh really?! That is what I am to you?¨

¨Not entirely, but it seems befitting for the occasion.¨ Sookie rolled her eyes to her GrandMaker.

Öh do not refer to me as that please. That is such a hideous title.¨ Matthias cringed.

¨Then stay out of my head.¨

Matthias smiled and placed the tips of his fingers on Sookie's belly, which lay there poorly wrapped in the covers and begging to be touched. She stirred uneasily and looked around the room.

¨He is not here. Do you wish to play?¨

¨I dont know.¨ Sookie answered a bit more than uneasy. ¨Where is he? He talked of taking me to see the world before I fell to sleep.¨

Matthias shrugged his shoulders and continued his ministrations with his fingertips. She liked it. She relaxed into his touch and her eyes met with his green pools of dark desire. Where did he come from? Surely there had to be something more to this creature than fairy and vampire. He chuckled and the rich sound made its way to her ears. She felt her desire pool between her legs. But unlike Eric and Godric this did not catch his attention. Or he didn't care about it. Instead of dipping lower his fingers danced all over her belly and the sensations that he left there made her belly undulate to the pleasure. She found herself closing her eyes and her mouth fell open. She felt his lips graze hers slightly as his fingers picked up their speed and deepened their touch. He slowly trailed the dancing digits up her belly, pushing the sheet away from her bare breasts. Here his fingers twirled and pressed around on each mound, careful not to touch their peaks. He smiled sweetly as he watched them rise to their fullest and grow hard with desire. Desire for them. He stopped when Sookie had began to moan and her eyes shot open to the lack of physicallity. She looked to him and their eyes met yet again.

¨I want you to go back to sleep. I want to touch you in your dreams.¨ He whispered and Sookie whined.

¨Don't do that. What I can do to you inside of your mind is otherworldly my love. Not of this world I promise you and you will be the first I hae done this with. Let me experience something new with you.¨

Sookie wasn't sure what Matthias was talking about but she knew he wanted him to continue. She didn't say a thing and impatiently closed her eyes. She thought it would take a minute to calm down and find sleep. Yet again she underestimates her vampire/fairy counterpart. She felt her mind go numb and enter a haze like state. She heard him whisper something in another language and she was out in an instant. She found herself in a world of red. The trees, the grass, the sky, the waters that surrounded her and the misty air was all red. She found this world dark but in an exotic way as all the energy around her screamed desire and lust. She was just as naked as she was in the bed and she felt fingers lightly tough her shoulders and turn her. She found Matthias with all his luscious brown hair falling in loose locks around his shoulders and slightly down his back. His well toned arms slid down hers and found her hands. She felt her eyes involuntarily close and within second his words caressed her mind like a paintbrush to a canvass. 'I want to show you the pleasure that can be felt from what exist not in the real world. But inside a mind. If used the right way a mind can leave any world its physical host is in through a link to the universe and tap into the ether of the multiverse. To make love there is pure ecstasy, no, more than that my love for words can not describe, feelings, can not describe, sights, sounds, and smells can not atone to what the multiverse can offer our astral bodies.' Sookie merely nodded her head and tried opening her eyes. To her dismay they would not. Her heart quickened and she began to panic. 'Do not do that my love. Do not fight me and dont fear. Fear will shoot us back out of the multiverse so will be come fatally ill if you arent careful. Trust in me. I will allow no harm to come to you if you do. In our subconscious minds fear is the most dangerous tool.' She relaxed and felt her mind haze over one more. She found herself in another world; much like a dream within a dream. This world however was quite beautiful. Nothing but green everywhere in sight. No water this time, nothing but tall green grass and giant green trees, even the bark to them was green. When she squinted against the brightness of the world and looked through all the density of the trees she could see green creatures mosing about. They would come to the clearing of the trees and quickly duck out of sight each time Sookie laid eyes on one. 'Pay them no mind. They are always quite timid here. They are the only inhabitants of this world.' Sookie watched as a large one came completely out of the clearing. She wished to be able to see one and as if reading her mind he just came right out and stood there on total display. 'They can not read your mind. Your mind brings forth what you tell it to. You are the creator in the multiverse. They are designed by the subconscious to obey.' Sookie was listening intently but this all seemed so surreal to her. 'That is exactly what it is.' Sookie watched the creature turn slowly as she began losing desire in it and she marveled at its beauty. It was only green, and covered in this moss like fur from head to toe. She had never seen a creature quite like it. All she could find herself thinking was that only an imagination could conjure up such a thing. It had no eyes, no ass and what it used to walk she didn't know if they could be called legs. From a distance, it looked like these creatures were gliding or hovering through the tall grass that fit into so well. But the larger one she had a much better view of. It was definitely using legs, but they moved so fast. Her image was cut off by Matthias blocking her view. He stepped in front of her. 'It is best not to analyze to much. Your mind can create gaps and make things appear and reappear instantly like your thoughts do in reality. When in the mutliverse you must learn to control all of your five physical senses for they are only a part of what is to be experienced here and can hinder your ability to experience any further if you dwell on them too much.' Sookie knew Matthias could feel her awe and for once since being with him he was advising against it. That was the oddest thing of all. Matthias let loose that deep, rich chuckle and Sookie could here it all around her. It vibrated the whole world and her entirety.

Matthias pulled her down to her knees with him and she realized even the tall grassdidn't compare to what she had known tall grass to be. It was soft, like hair, and it brushed over her body and carressed her instead of the expected tickling and itching. She could feel the grass reach out and caress her bottom and slide between her legs. Matthias watched but spoiled nothing. He knew that her mind was illustrating the dirty thoughts within and he found her style very provocative. She pulled away from him and laid back on the grass, allowing all of it to hold her body up and move her with its natural sway. Her entire body undulated. The grass lay her out on full display for him. His mind could feel the grass smiling and whispering in heated hushes all around them. This world was demanding a show. Matthias no longer knew if her mind had taken over this world or his, the intensity of their desires were equally matched. He could hear her calling out to him in her mind. She was ready. Nearly a hundred blades of grass wrapped themselves around her ankles and pulled her open for the Master. His member grew stiff quickly and he growled he leaned in and caught the thick scent of her womanhood. She was ripe with desire and ready to be ravished. She grew very still as she felt his warm breath linger outside of her womanhood. She took a deep breath and relaxed. Remembering not to get too caught up in the pleasure of her desire. It was important to let their desire run this show and to just experience it. 'Yes. Good girl, you learn quickly.' Sookie released her breasts she had so fervently been fondling and ran her fingers down her belly to her core. She pulled open her lips and felt Matthias' tongue hit it instantly. It ran all along her inner folds and down to her opening where it lingered, softly lapping up what she had to offer. It ran back up and over her folds again to the little bud, the crown of her womanhood. She arched her back and screamed out at the pleasure. Both the world and her lover responded to her in their own way. The grass caressed her arched back and the sun of this world moved to sit directly above her. When she had still been a virgin the heat of the sun basking on her skin had been her favorite pleasure. Matthias gripped her legs and moved up her body, trailing kisses in his wake. He licked at her nipples next and Sookie could feel his member grazing over her slit. She wanted more. So much more. She found herself being laid on the ground and the softness of the grass and soil played like a bed to hold her comfortably for their Master. Matthias waited for nothing more and plunged deep inside of her. She arched her back and screamed out at the sky. The grass all around them went frantic and began intertwining itself through her hair and around each of her limbs, fingers, and toes. Her hair was being tugged in every which direction and Matthias' teeth teasing her nipples made for the perfect balance of pain and pleasure with his thrusts. His mouth moved from her nipples to her neck and he bit into her effortlessly. She turned her head to the side and allowed him to drink his fill of her rich blood.

The time did not exist and before they knew it they were back in the bed from which they began.

¨What was that Matthias?¨

¨The multiverse and our innerselve's. It was a threesome to remember was it not?¨

Sookie sought back to the only other threesome she had experienced with her current lover, Eric and Godric. She nodded her head slowly when she realized that yes, this threesome was more wonderful than that one. She had remembered that being the height of pleasure as she had known it. But this iced the cake. She wanted more of what Matthias gave her. She wanted more of the multiverse. Matthias smiled as he lay down and felt his eyes shutting on him.

¨Ït isnt so much the multiverse as it is our minds that played that out. The multiverse exists as a canvass for all thought to play out. I find that all my energy has been drained. May I rest here with you love?¨

Sookie didn't answer because he wasn't going to wait on one. She realized that he couldn't it had taken everything from him she realized. So she was probably no where near powerful enough to do something like that. She wanted to share that experience with her Maker. She scooted closer to the sleeping fairy/vampire and placed a hand on his warm stomach and she slid her body down the length of his and rested her head on his chest. She liked the way he breathed in his sleep. He wasn't a corpse while he slept. At least not tonight. And she enjoyed the rhythm of his breathing as the rise and full of his chest lulled her to sleep.