HELLO! This this is my second CC fanfiction (yes, I HAVE another one, which is my own version of The Sealed Card. I plan to upload soon, don't worry!). You will notice in the prologue a mentioning of the Tsubasa gang, that is 'cause after my Sealed Card story, the gang will land in Reedington. That adventure has yet to be written! Anyways, I hope you enjoy the Prologue to this story! Read and Review, constructive critism is welcomed!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Cardcaptors or Tsubasa. I am just a fan!


A young woman with long dark hair was alone in her apartment, sitting in front of her computer screen, editing video clips. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "I'll be there in a minute!" she shouted. Saving her progress, she walked to the door and opened it, revealing a short-haired woman, the same age as her, with a baby in her arms.

"Hey Madison!" she smiled.

She gasped. "Sakura!"

"Is it okay if I hang out here for a little while?" she asked. "Li's currently at work, so I thought I could stop by."

"Of course you can, Sakura!" she said with a closed-eyes smile. "Come right in!"

Sakura entered, and took a seat on one of the sofas. "Wow Madison, you have a nice place here!"

"Guess what?" said Madison, holding something behind her back.

"What?" she asked.

Pulling her hands from behind her back, she held a DVD cover in front of her. "Look what I did this morning!"

"Huh?" she analyzed the cover then gasped. "Oh no....no, no, you didn't!"

She nodded. "I sure did!"

The cover was a picture of her, when she was just a girl, with the cards in her hand, and Kero floating beside her. Madison had converted all her old tapes to DVD, so she could watch what she recorded over and over again, without wearing out. "The picture and sound is much clearer, you have to see this!" she inserted the disc and hit 'play' and sat by Sakura.

Sakura sat there, with an embarrassed expression, throughout the entire film. When it was over, Madison put the disc away, and asked "So, what did you think of it?"

Sakura sighed. "Ohhh...Madison...."

"Awww....come on, Sakura!" she said. "This way you can pass this down to your daughter so she could see what it was like when we were growing up!"

Sakura moaned. "This is so embarrassing..."

"So, how is little Ritsuka?" Madison asked.

"She's been doing pretty well," she looked down and smiled warmly at the little baby she held in her arms. "She'll be 6 months old tomorrow."

"And how's Li been doing?"

"He's doing pretty well. Not too fond of his current job though."

"Why's that?"

"Because Tori's his boss."

"Oh boy...." both the girls laughed.

"What about Kero?" Madison asked. "Is he still sealed away in the Sakura Book?"

Sakura nodded. "I haven't opened it since our other selves left. The cards are safe, I still have the book.....I do really miss him, though."

"Why don't you summon him out of it then?"

"I remember.....that he said, my adventures won't end until I pass the cards down to someone else." she looked down at her daughter. "But since I hid the book away, nothing strange has happened. Besides, I would like to return to having a normal life. I mean, I'm a mother now. And I don't want to put my child in danger."

"But...don't you ever miss being a Cardcaptor?"

She nodded. "Honestly, I do. We were all brought closer together because of them, and I'll never forget it."

"Well, can't you just let Kero out sometimes?"

"Huh?" Sakura looked at her with a blank expression.

She smiled with closed eyes. "Oh, come on, Sakura!"

"I guess you're right. I can't just leave him stuffed in that book forever. It would be nice to check up on him. I do miss his company..."

"Do you ever wonder what happened to those 5 travelers after they left?" Madison asked.

"You mean those people looking for the feather?"

"Yeah, those two were another version of you and Li!"

Sakura nodded with a slightly sad expression. "I really hope they had an easy journey. It's just so sad.....that, my other self will never remember Syaoran. I can't even imagine what it would be like if Li had to do that for me."

"Well, you do have the same souls, so it would be exactly like what they're going through, I guess."

"Mmmhmm." Sakura nodded. "But I wish them well. I hope the journey wasn't as painful as their sacrifice."

"Where are you keeping the book, anyway?"

"It's still up in my old room, at my dad's house. I still have alot of things in there. The Sakura Book is safely inside my draw, just like it's always been."

"Well, maybe if we have time, we can pay Kero a visit!" Madison winked.

Sakura smiled with closed eyes. "You're right! I think we should pay him a visit tonight!"

"I'll be sure to bring over a special treat for him!"

It was already nightfall, and Li was almost at the end of his shift at the restaurant.

"Hey brat! Clean up at table 7!" shouted Tori. Li gave him a dirty look and walked over to the table to clean it, and he was mumbling something mean about Tori as he was doing this. Of course, Tori took notice.

"You're not back-talking me, are you brat?" he said.

Li threw down his rag in anger. "Would you quit calling me that!"

"Calm down, kid, you're going to make a scene!"

"Stop calling me kid!"

"Hey, hey, what's going on?" asked Julian, drying off a soda glass.

"The kid over there is making a scene." Tori replied.

Li growled and stared at him with flames in his eyes. The two of them looked like they were about to go at it.

"Now, now, you two, calm down, we have customers to serve!" Julian reminded.

"You know, I only put up with you because of my sister," he narrowed his eyes.

Li also narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah? Well, that's my only reason for putting up with you, too!"

Julian sighed and shook his head. "This'll never work..."

Meanwhile, Madison and Sakura were getting ready to go to Mr. Avalon's house, to open the Sakura Book and pay Kero a little friendly visit. Madison made a whole basket-full of treat for him. Strawberry short-cake, chocolate cheese cake, and all kinds of cookies, even some pudding!

"That must of taken alot of work," said Sakura, gazing at all the delicious treats Madison made for Kero.

She looked at her and smiled. "Not at all! Besides, it'll be worth the look on Kero's face!"

The two girls laughed, and then proceeded to go. Sakura made sure the baby was tightly wrapped in her blanket so she would be warm. Madison grabbed the basket, and they were on their way.

Back at the restaurant....

"You want a fight kid?" said Tori. "Then bring it on!"

Li got into a fighting position. "I'm ready!"

They both stared at each other, with piercing eyes, and clenched fists. Julian just sat there staring, with a blank expression, and blinking. "Uhhh....guys...."

Both of them turned their heads toward him and said, in an annoyed tone of voice, "WHAT?!"

"Uhhh....we kinda have customers waiting..." he replied, a sweat drip on his head.

The two both turned to look, to see a bunch of impatient customers staring at them. The two then looked back at each other.

"We'll finish this later!" Tori told him.

"Okay!" Li replied. They both then got back to their work....

Madison and Sakura finally arrived to Mr. Avalon's house. After they knocked, Sakura's father, Aiden, opened the door.

"Well, hello there, Sakura." he said. "And hello, Madison. What brings you two girls here?"

"We just wanted to stop by!" Madison replied.

"Well, you're welcome to stay as long as you like." said Aiden. "How's my little granddaughter doing?"

"She's doing great! See!" Sakura held Ritsuka up to him. "Anyway, is it okay if we hang out up in my old room?"

"Well, of course! It is your room after all."

She nodded. " 'Kay"

The two of them ran upstairs. Sakura handed the baby over to Madison, so she could summon Kero out of the Sakura Book. Sakura pulled the draw open and there was the book, safe and sound. Sakura smiled warmly as she picked it up and held it against her chest. "I've missed you so much, all of you!"

The book began to glow and she gasped. She set it down, and the book opened. All of the cards that were inside floated out and surrounded her. Sakura sighed happily as she felt their warm magical energy surrounding them. "Okay Kero, you can come out now. It's me, Sakura!"

Slowly a small, yellow creature with wings emerged from the book, and the cards returned back inside. Kero rubbed his eyes, stretched, and yawned, and then looked around the room, then up at his current mistress.

"Sakura?" he said. "It's really you?"

She smiled with closed eyes. "Yes, Kero! It was Madison's idea that we come and pay you a visit!"

"Madison's here, too!" he said excitedly.

Madison looked at him and smiled. "Yeah, Kero!" she held up the basket. "And I brought you some homemade desserts!"

"Oh thank you Madison!" Kero dived in and started to devour every little bit. Crumbs were flying and hitting the two girls. The two of them laughed.

"Kero hasn't changed a bit!" said Madison.

After he was stuffed, he laid on the desk, belched, then looked at the two girls.

"So uhhh....tell me, how's life been going for you, Sakura? I haven't heard from you since you sealed me in this book!"

"Well Kero, alot has happened!" she said with sheer excitement. "I graduated high-school, and I'm attending college, Li asked me to marry him and..."

"Wait a minute! You married the brat?"

"He's not a brat!" she said loudly in defense.

"Ohhh....I can't believe I have to put up with him now!" he pouted.

"There's someone I want you to meet," Sakura took the baby from Madison and held her in her arms. "Kero, this is our little baby girl."

Kero floated over and looked down at the child. "Wow Sakura, she looks just like you and the kid!"

Sakura sighed. "You know he doesn't like to be called that, Kero....."

"So? I don't care...."

"Well, could you at least be civil to each other from now on?" Sakura asked. "Or at least when I'm around, for my sake??"

Kero sighed. "Alright Sakura, for you."

Sakura smiled with closed eyes. "Thanks, Kero!"

Li was currently mopping the floors as the restaurant was near closing time. There were a few people there finishing up their meals. Julian was cleaning the front counter and Tori was taking away dirty dishes. Li wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a deep breath. "Okay Tori, I've finished my work for the night!"

"I suppose you want to go home, huh?" he said.

"Uh-huh." he nodded. "Can I go now?"

Tori walked up to him with a sly grin. "Of course you can! Right after you scrub the toilets in the restrooms, empty out all the trash, and shine the windows!"

"WHAT?!" he yelled in outrage. "But my shift ends in 10 minutes! You want me to work overtime??? I promised Sakura I'd be home at 10!"

Julian stood there watching, then he sighed and shook his head. "I knew it was a bad idea for these two to be working together...."

"Hey, do you wanna get paid? Then I suggest you do what you're told!"

"I'm sick and tired of taking orders from you!"

"Well I'm sick of your back-talking, kid!"

"Stop calling me kid!"

"Fine then, brat! That suit you better?"

"No! It doesn't!"

"Well I think it suits you better, because that's what you are!"

Li then threw down his hat and got into a fighting position. He narrowed his eyes at Tori. Tori then did the same. Their eyes were locked into place, ready to go at any second.

Li jumped, attempting to drop-kick Tori, but he blocked his attack. Li looked back at him, eyes still narrowed.

"That all you got, kid?" Tori said. "That's pretty pathetic for someone like you who's studied this all his life!"

"I've had enough...." suddenly, he stopped. "Huh?"

"What is it, kid?" Tori asked.

"I sense something..." he replied. "A powerful force. I think it's just arrived."

Back at the Avalon household....

Sakura gasped. "Kero, did you feel that?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I did. It's like a powerful force just settled here."

"What's going on, Sakura?" Madison asked.

Sakura stood up. "Kero, get back in the book."

"Wait, what?" he said. "But I hate being cramped up in that book!"

"I need to use the cards to face whatever has settled here. I need you to guard the book in case anything happens to me!"

"But if you have the cards, what's the point?"

"I'm sure Li senses it, too. I won't be surprised if he's already there. He'll do anything he can to make sure the cards are safe. So if I lose them, he'll return them."

Madison stood up. "I'll go with you!"

"No, Madison. Not this time." she handed Ritsuka to her. "Can you watch her for me, Madison? Please take her back home with you."

She nodded. "Yes Sakura, I will."

Sakura ran out in the middle of the night. The power wasn't far away. She arrived at where she felt it's presence most, Penguin Park. Li jumped out of a tree beside her, Lasin Board in hand.

"So you sense it, too, huh?" he said, looking at her.

Sakura nodded. "I knew you would be here. I have the cards, I'm ready for whatever shows up!"

"I need you to be careful," he told her. "I don't want you getting hurt. Whatever this is, it's very powerful!"

She nodded. "I know, Li. I promise to do my best, and keep safe."

"You know I have your back, Sakura."

"And I got yours, too!"

Suddenly, a black cloud appeared over the penguin slide. Li took out his sword and quickly pulled Sakura close to him. "What is that?"

Falling out of it were these strange, shadow creatures. Their teeth were sharp, and so were their claws. Sakura gasped and held tight to Li.

"Sakura, quick, use your magic!"

She looked up at him and nodded. Taking out the key necklace, she began to summon the wand. "Key of the star, With powers burning bright, Reveal the staff, And shine your light! RELEASE!"

Grabbing the staff, she gave it a twirl, and then she threw a card in the air. "Windy Card, become a chain and bind them!" she slammed her staff to the card. "Windy! Release and dispel!"

The Windy Card appeared, and she tied herself around the strange creatures, but they broke free. Both Li and Sakura gasped at the same time. One of the creatures grabbed at Sakura. She screamed in fear.

"Get off her!" Li took his sword and slashed across one of the shadow creatures. It instantly disappeared. Sakura was panting. Li put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sakura, are you alright?"

"Yeah," she replied, looking up at him. "I'm fine!"

He turned to look at them. He took out his Elemental Card, ready to attack. "Element, Lightning! Come to my aid!"

The lightning attack shocked the creatures. They disappeared only for a moment, then reformed. "What???"

Two of them combined into one, and then ran towards Li, knocking him against a tree, then pinning him down.

"Li, no!" Sakura screamed. She then threw another card in the air, "Sword!"

She ran toward the creature and sliced across it, and then it disappeared. Suddenly, one jumped out from behind and grabbed Sakura. "AHHHH!" she screamed. Li tried to get up, but another one appeared, pinning him down.

The black cloud that was above the penguin slide opened up, it was a dimensional portal! The shadow creatures were dragging Sakura, and taking her through that portal.

"Sakura!!!" he shouted. "Fight 'em off! Fight 'em off!"

"I can't!" she shouted back, tears rolling down her cheek. "I can't move, Li! I can't do anything!"

Gathering all of his strength, he was able to move quickly, and destroy the creature that was pinning him down. He ran toward the penguin slide.

"Element, Wind! Come to my aid!" he was trying to bring Sakura back, but the wind was knocked back at him, and he fell backwards. Tears continued to roll down Sakura's eyes. Shutting them tightly, she said in a quiet voice of pain and agony "Goodbye Li, I'm so sorry...."

The portal sealed up. And she was gone. Li was panting, and he stared up where the portal was, still in shock. He couldn't quite grasp the realization that Sakura had been taken. The Star deck lay there on the ground, scattered. He then slammed his fist hard against the concrete, and ignored the pain that it brought forth. "SAKURA!!!"

Madison sat there on her couch in worry, Ritsuka sleeping in her arms. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. She instantly brightened up. "That must be Sakura!"

She rushed to the door and opened it, only to find Li there, holding the Sakura book. Madison's face shifted from happy to worried. "What happened?"

"They took her." he replied.

Madison gasped and a few tears sprung from her eyes. "But...who took her?"

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like it before. But she's gone. And I have to go find her."

"But what about Ritsuka?"

Li then handed her the Sakura book. She didn't quite understand. "Madison, can you do me a favor?"

She nodded. "Yes, Li, what is it?"

"I'm entrusting you with my daughter. Take care of her until I return....with Sakura."

Madison nodded, and took the book. "Shall I keep this in a safe place?"

"Yes," Li nodded. "And....don't tell Ritsuka about any of this. Not even about me and Sakura. She'll know someday....when the time comes..."

After that, Li ran off, in the desperate search to find a way to get Sakura back. Madison kept her promise. She told Ritsuka nothing about the Star Cards, or even her parents. Ritsuka doesn't even know their names. Not long after Sakura's disappearance, Aiden became ill. He couldn't bear the thought of his daughter's disappearance, and he moved to another town. Tori and his friend Julian moved there also, to take care of him. The Sakura Book is safely tucked away in a filing cabinet in the storage room. Kero is still sealed inside, along with the cards. He doesn't know that he is no longer in Sakura's bedroom. And now, Ritsuka is 14 years old, attending Reedington Middleschool. She doesn't know it yet, but destiny has alot in store for her. And thus begins the next generation and new chapter in Cardcaptors!