Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice, much to my dismay. Boo.
-Behind Closed Doors-
I scanned the dimmed hallway with my crimson eyes. Everyone was in their respected rooms, and that hunk of steel that watched the corridors wasn't around. Probably upstairs, busy watching some snot nosed-crying kids. Good. I wouldn't be seen by anyone.
I admit, I'm worried about that loud mouthed Polka Dots. She had this odd, disgruntled look all damn day. So here I am, sneaking to her room to check up on her. No, not sneaking. If no one saw me going to her room, it wasn't sneaking. Natsume Hyuuga does not sneak to peak on other people's conditions, no. Anyway, everything was pin-drop silent…
Except for that idiot's room. Voices escaped a loud whisper. It was too hard to make out from a distance, so I crept up to the room and pressed my ear against the door. I grit my teeth when I heard a familiar male voice.
That Shadow Freak. Andou.
"Now, now Mikan, don't squirm. It'll only hurt more if you do." That bastard told her.
"B-but… Tsubasa-Sempai… it's so big!" Mikan wailed, almost loud enough to alarm other people.
"Shh… you'll wake others, Mikan!" Andou yelled at a whisper, then followed it with a chuckle.
I clenched my fist. That damn pedophile, trying to get his hands on my Polka Dots!
And yes, I do think three years seniority is plenty!
"O-okay Sempai- Nggh! Ahhh…!" Mikan was groaning. Groaning. GROANING!
"It's okay Mikan, it'll only hurt for a quick moment." Andou cooed.
I swear to God, I'm going to kill Andou. Fry him and feed him to hungry pigs.
"Mmm… Sempai! It hurts!! Nnngh!" Mikan continued moaning. Moaning. MOANING!"
"Don't worry, it'll be all over in a flash. You ready?" Andou asked her.
That bastard was tainting the poor dense fool?! Taking advantage of how stupid she is?! Who the hell stoops to that level!
"Here goes!"
It was like Polka was screaming bloody murder- which was what I was about to commit. I slowly opened the door, a murderous aura emanating from me as I prepared to scorch the bastard to a crisp, and make sure he sizzles at the end. But with the sight I beheld after I crept in, I paled and my jaw dropped. If I were to sneak out, tip toeing backwards, and no one here notices me, I won't look like such an idiot.
"There there, wasn't so bad!" Andou concluded, beaming. There, in between his fingers, he held a rather large splinter.
So help me God.
"You're so brutal, Sempai…" Mikan sighed, rubbing her big toe.
This was not happening.
I tiptoed backwards, trying to leave without a sound, when suddenly Andou jerked up his head and looked at me, smirking. He stuck his damn tongue out and stifled a laugh.
That bastards wants to play like that?
I quietly shut the door behind me and briskly walked away.
"AUGHHH! HYUUGA, YOU BRAT!!!" Andou's voice hollered. Countless lights flickered on, and I left without a trace, jumping out of a window.
I smirked as I walked away from the building. That bastard deserved 3rd degree burns. He's lucky I set only his hat on fire.
I certainly can play that way too.