A/N: I LOVED tonight's episode and I said the only way this could be better is if Grissom had popped up. Well, that's what fanfic is for. It's been awhile since I wrote cannon for LV, so I hope it works.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

She hadn't laughed so hard in a long time; Greg and Nick were ribbing one another over who was the better bowler, Catherine and Wendy were gossiping, while Ray told her and Hodges a joke. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she slid it out, smiling as his name crossed the screen. "Excuse me." She stood up and walked towards a quieter area as she flipped her phone open, "Bonjour, Monsieur."

She heard his breathy chuckle and her smile grew, "Bonjour, Mademoiselle Grissom."

"You make that sound good." She collapsed in the hard plastic chair and crossed her legs, "I think Nick could do a better french accent than me."

"I love your butchered french."

"You're the only one." She let out a raspy chuckle, "What time is it over there?"


"Early?" She raised an eyebrow, "The sun should be getting ready to set."

"That would be true, if I was in Paris, Dear."

She rose to her feet and spun around, searching the building for him, "Where are you?"

"Right here." He stepped out of the darkness.

"Grissom." She said his name like a curse and a prayer simultaneously. Her smile overtook her face and she ran to his awaiting arms, he lifted her off the ground slightly, holding on just as tightly, "What are you doing here?"

"Surprising my wife." Grissom pressed a chaste kiss to her lips.

"It worked." Sara laughed, her arms locked around his neck.

"Hey, guys!" Greg caught the attention of the group, "It's Grissom!"

Grissom locked his arms around Sara's waist, not releasing her from the hug, "Thank you for that astute observation, Greg."

Sara moved to the side as the makeshift family greeted her husband and their once fearless leader. Nick was the first to reach him and pulled him into a manly hug, "It's good to see you, Grissom."

"You too, Nicky." They clapped one another on the back.

"Griss." Catherine's hands rested on her hip and she cocked her head to the side, "It's damn good to see you."

He chuckled, "You too, Catherine."

Hodges was bouncing like a giddy child, "Boss!"

"I believe that title belongs to Catherine now, Hodges." Grissom said and cringed as his former employee hugged him.

Sara rolled her eyes, "Hodges, let go of my husband."

"Possessive much, Sara?" Greg teased as he clapped Grissom on the shoulder.

Sara stuck out her tongue, "Damn straight, Greg."

"Now that we've all reconnected, I believe you have a bowling game to finish." Grissom instructed as his hand found Sara's and pulled her closer. They followed the team back to the lanes. Grissom took a seat on the bench and Sara sat down beside him, leaning into his side. They weren't a public displays of affection couple, but absence made the heart grow fonder and more apt to public affection. He pressed a kiss to her hair and his arm wrapped around her; this was right.

Nick stood once again, "I know I said it earlier, but now that everyone is here. Let's toast this crazy, weird, socially awkward CSI family."

As glasses and bottles clinked and everyone cheered, Sara felt it. For the first time since those post-shift breakfasts years ago, she was really, truly home. Home with her makeshift family.