I don't own Twilight or its characters they belong to Stephanie Myers

3 years have passed since Edward left Bella broken and in pain on the forest floor. The Cullens have left Forks and moved to Alaska. No one was happy to leave Forks and Bella, so tension built in the family until they dispersed in every different direction. Emmett and Rose went on a trip around the world, Edward decided he would throw himself into research on the vampire past, so he went out into the world in search of it. Jasper and Alice's relationship was strained the most since Alice and Bella were so close. Jasper could not see how she could be okay with leaving her like that and taking Edward's side. As the days went on Alice and Jasper's relationship tore apart. Alice decided to leave Jasper and the family to search for her past. After Alice's departure Jasper said his good byes to Esme and Carlisle and told them he would keep in touch and how much he loved them. As the years went on Edward would always find his way back to Forks and back to the meadow on the day that he left Bella, and every year he would hide in the trees as he watched Bella laying in that meadow on the anniversary of his departure. Yet Bella was not the same, she had changed and she had become stronger. Her relationship with Jacob is the cause of the change. They have grown close, and of course he had fallen in love with her yet she could not share the same feelings. Bella has graduated high school and moved out of her father's house and into a house of her own that is closer to the woods. For the first time in 3 years Edward did not return, yet Jasper had. That is where our story picks up today.

Chapter 1

Bella POV

I woke up this Sunday feeling as if something was watching me. I looked over to the clock to see it blink 12am. Great I thought, I am up in the middle of the night with a weird feeling of being watched. I decided to get up and get a nice glass of water to help calm the nerves. As I walked to the down the hallway and down the stairs passing many windows I still felt as if something was watching me. I finally reached the kitchen and flipped on the light only to hear a scratch at the back door. I stood there for what seemed like decades waiting to hear if it would happen again. I heard nothing.

Whenever I felt scared or sad I would just call Jake and he would be over in a matter of minutes. Yet I would not be able to call Jake for a few weeks, apparently Jake had to leave to visit a family member or so Billy had said. It was strange that Jake would leave and not tell me, we had grown very close these past 3 years. I knew Jake loved me, and it hurt that I could not return that feeling back to him. My heart no longer belonged to Edward, I was over him and how he kept me locked up.

After the first year I started to think back on our relationship, if that's what you would call it. I thought of it more as a keeper and his pet. I hated how weak I was with him; I let him have his way with everything. I promised myself that I would no longer let anyone treat me like that, I would be stronger and I would take control of my life. Ever since that day I have been stronger, I have been less ditzy and I was more adventurous. I even learned how to hang glide, although it was more of Jake's idea. He had said it would make me feel free and it would help loosen me up! He was right; I had never felt that free, with the wind in my face as I glided through the sky! I thought to myself how much I missed my Jakey.

My thoughts of Jake were sadly disturbed by a loud howl. It seamed odd to hear a scratch and then a howl a few seconds later. I figured it wouldn't hurt to open the door and check things out. So when I opened the door I saw to my horrible surprise Jasper stood not more then 12 feet from my back door with a giant wolf stalking towards him! My head started to spin a thousand miles an hour. Get it together girl! I walked out towards Jasper and the giant wolf when all of a sudden the wolf turned back at me. I froze. I thought for a minute that the wolf would attack me when Jasper was in front of me in seconds.


I couldn't get out another word before he picked me up and brought me back in the house away from the giant wolf.

Jake POV

I hated lying to Bella, but I was told it would be for the best. So there I was walking around the woods on all fours. I thought to myself, how funny it was that just a few days ago I was laughing and joking with Bella and now I was patrolling the woods near her house. That's when I caught a scent that was new.

I fallowed it right to Bella's house. I searched the surrounding area when I saw Bella's bedroom light flip on and that's when I saw it; a tall dark shadow in the tree right outside her window staring into her bedroom. I ran for the tree hoping to catch what ever that thing was.

"Damn it, that thing saw me!"

The shadow form flew out of the tree in a flash and I took off trying to follow it. What the hell was that? I knew it was not one of the Cullens since I knew that scent by heart. Ever since my transformation I was all was on high alert for that scent, to make sure that it would not return to hurt my Bella. Yet this new scent was a new, it didn't smell human or a vampire! And it was at my Bella's house watching her!

After a few minutes of running I turned back for Bella. I had to tell her what was going on, if that thing was a vampire or something different I had to be able to protect Bella at all times! When I finally arrived I could hear her walking towards the kitchen! I couldn't keep this secret any longer!! So I started my way towards her back door, just as I got to the door to scratch it I smelt him!

I turned around and saw him standing there hissing at me so I let out a howl! Fucking leach, why the hell is he here? I went walking towards him with teeth out and snarling! When I sensed her behind me, I turned to see Bella in the doorway with such a fear on her face. That hurts Bella; please don't look at me like that. Just as I turned back to Bella that leach shot in between us and took her back into the house! Damn it! That leach is going to ruin everything! I went behind the tree to phase back; I put my pants back on and made my way back to her door and gave a loud knock.

Chapter 2

Jasper POV

I don't know how I ended up here, back at the home in forks. Everything was still here, even that broken idiot's piano! I hated myself for what happened that night, if I had more self control then we would all still be here together! Then I thought to myself I needed her forgiveness. So I took off for her house, yet when I got there I could barely smell her scent. When I finally caught a fresh trail of hers; I followed it to a house near the woods.

"Huh how weird is it that Bella would move out of Charlie's house and into one basically in the woods? Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised Bella was one for seclusion, or was that all Edward?"

Damn I hate how I don't even know the real Bella! Edward always kept her close and away from the world, as if he was afraid that she would find interest in someone or something that would take her away from him. I walked slowly up to the house when I caught a scent unfamiliar to me, I ran to the back of the house near the woods only to see a giant wolf walk up to the door.

I let a hiss out just as it put a paw up to scratch the back door. The wolf heard me and turned around and let out a howl just as it started to walk towards me. All I knew was I had to protect Bella from this monster, just then she opened the door and I just about fell to my knees.

Who was this beautiful woman with long flowing brown hair wearing a red tank and matching silky booty shorts that clung to her every curve. I started to move towards the monster when it turned around and looked at Bella. I thought it was going to turn around and attack her so I upped my speed and flew into the air. I landed right in between Bella and that monster. She looked at me with a puzzled look on her gorgeous face.

"Jasper?" whispered the beautiful angel.

All I could do was smile and pull her back into the safety of her house. I heard a painful howl and I could feel the fear flowing off the angel.

"Jasper what are you doing here? How did you know where I lived? What the hell was that animal out there that you were fighting with?"

"Bella are you al..."

Before I could finish my sentence a large knock came at the door. Bella went to go open it and I was right behind her, ready to grab her out of the way from anything. Yet there in the door way stood a tall half naked Jacob Black.

"Jacob what are you doing here, when did you get back?"

Bella had a smile on her face as she flung her arms around his large neck. I felt a surge of jealousy flow through me as I watched her hang from his neck with his arms around that beautiful body.

"What are you doing back here you leach?"

Jacob had a look of a thousand flames in his eyes as he just about growled out the words.

"I'm just passing through and I wanted to apologize to Bella! Besides what is it to you pup?"

I could smell that sent on him and instantly I knew he was the giant wolf!

Bella let go of the Jacob's neck and with a puzzled look on her face and one hand on her soft looking hip my beautiful angel spoke,

"What is going on? Jacob why did you call him a leach and Jasper why are you calling Jacob a pup?"

Jacob then picked up Bella's other hand and spun her around to look at her in the eyes,

"Bella a lot has changed these past few days. I'm a werewolf, and I know this nasty leach is a vampire and so are the other Cullens!"

Bella looked blank; she just stood there at a loss for words. That pup still had his filthy hand on hers and I wanted to rip it right off his body! I walked towards Bella and that is when she came to her senses.

"Jacob you're a werewolf? You know about the Cullen's? When the hell were you going to tell me this?"

Bella yanked her hand free and punched Jacob right in the chest. Damn she looked so hot; I have never seen Bella this way. With her hair flowing around her shoulders and her body barely covered up with clothes, I could see her chest rising up and down with every angry breath she took.

"And you Jasper, when the hell were you going to tell me you were here? When did you get back? Are all of you back?"

"No Bella it's just me, I just got back yesterday. I was on my way to see you when I saw that pup at your door and did not know there were wolves in the area. I am sorry for not coming sooner. I just wanted to talk to you alone for a minute."

"The hell you are! I would never leave you alone in the house with Bella you nasty leach, besides Bella wants nothing to do with you!"

Jacob snarled out as he pulled Bella behind him. Bella nudged herself out behind Jacob to stand in between us. With her hands on both sides of her sexy body my beautiful angel spoke with such attitude.

"Jacob Black how dare you speak for me, I understand you are just trying to keep me safe but when have I ever needed you to speak for me! I am a grown woman and can make my own decisions! I would like to speak with Jasper alone and I will be fine."

With that said she grabbed Jacob's hand and led him to the door. She threw her arms around his neck and I once again felt jealousy for him having her arms around his neck. She gave a kiss on the cheek and told him she would call him tomorrow, and she closed the door as he walked off.

"Now what is it that you had to say?"

Chapter 3

Bella POV

I could not believe that I was sitting in the room with one of them. With a member of my family who abounded me because he said they had to! I was angry at him for agreeing with Edward to leave, yet happy that he came back.

"Now what is it that you had to say?"

"Bella I want to apologize for leaving with my family; I want to apologize for us hurting you the way we did. I will not speak for that brother of mine or for Alice, however the rest of my family are in pain for hurting you. I am sorry for how I acted on your birthday, if I was more in control then this could all have been avoided! Bella do you forgive me?"

"Jasper of course I do! It was not your fault that my ditzy ass got a stupid paper cut! I do not hold you responsible for what happened. Yes I was angry for you guys leaving me, but I understand that you were just doing what he asked. But I must ask why you are angry with Alice? Do they know you are here?"

"No they don't know that I am here, and as for Alice we are no longer together. With what happened in the past I was angry with her. I could not come to terms on how she could treat you the way she did and still call you her best friend. You two were close, and it made no sense that she went along with what he asked!"

"Oh Jasper I am so sorry for everything! I should be the one to ask for your forgiveness not you!"

I flung myself into him and started to cry those stupid tears again.

"Jasper I am so sorry for being so fragile! Look at how I wrecked your family! Please don't be mad at Alice, you two are perfect for each other!"

He pulled me away but yet held me close,

"Bella we were never perfect for each other. Alice was more of my keeper. She was in control of things and I was fine with that for a while until she made the stupid decision to leave you here alone! Look what happens, we leave you alone and you make a werewolf your best friend!"

"Jacob is really sweet; he was there for me when I was broken. Please don't hate him!"

I then began to cry into his cold sculpted chest. I could not believe how beautiful he was. I also could not believe he used the same expression for his relationship with Alice like I did for my relationship with Edward! Yet if felt oddly good to be in his arms; I felt safe and relaxed, and attracted to him! At that point my tears stopped and I giggled at the thought of me being attracted to my ex boyfriends hot brother!

Jasper POV

Damn it felt good to have this angel in my arms. She smelt so good, she felt so warm and soft too. I felt a sense of lust coming off her, and then I heard her giggle. I smiled at the thought that she found me attractive because I sure thought she was fucking HOT in her red tank and matching booty shorts! Damn it jasper get a hold of yourself before you get hard! Shit too late, I felt my dick getting hard at the picture of Bella standing in the door way with her hair flowing in the breeze.

"Ummm… Bella it's getting late you should get off to bed."

She pulled away and looked at the clock,

"Yah I guess it is getting late, but Jasper will you stay here tonight? I want to talk some more tomorrow."

"Sure thing Bella now go get up to bed."

She gave me one last sexy ass smile and turned to go upstairs. She had a little of a skip in her walk that made her ass bounce a little. Fuck this woman is making it very hard to keep control. But what the hell am I saying? This is my idiot brother's ex girlfriend, the one I tried to kill 3 years ago! Yet she wants me to stay around but why? Fuck what am I going to do; I can't leave her after the pain I put here through, I guess the only option is to stay until tomorrow.

I walked over into the living room and just as I felt Bella slip into sleep I looked at the picture she had on her walls. There were so many, picture of Charlie, her mother, some girls from high school, some people whom I would figure were fellow employees, and Jacob.

"ppft stupid mutt!"

Then I saw a photo album marked fun. I opened it up to find pictures of Bella, yet they were not pictures of the Bella I knew. This Bella was all decked out, she had her hair done, she had makeup on, and she had a hot mini skirt and a halter top! Obviously with the setting in this picture I would guess she was at a bar. She looked a little drunk too in this picture but very sexy! I looked at more pictures of Bella at the bar with some girls and found myself turned on more and more.

"What the fuck man? Get a hold of yourself this is sweet innocent Bella we are talking about! There is no way she could have changed that quick in 3 years time?"

Yet I could not help it I thought about Bella sleeping upstairs warm in her bed basically naked! I had to use all the control I had in me to stay downstairs! I put the photo album away and grabbed the nearest book, hmm what is Bella reading right now, Belly dancing for dummies? Geeze she really has changed!

Chapter 4

Bella POV

I woke up the next morning wondering if what happened last night was a dream. I was oddly enough not surprised that my best friend was a werewolf. Hell I use to be in love with a vampire! Hell I am even oddly enough attracted to his brother.

"Fuck Jasper!"

I got up and looked in the mirror right before I flew down the stairs.

"Good morning Bella!"

"Jasper your still here!"

"Of course, you asked me to stay."

"Jasper I want to ask you one question before I forget. How long are you staying? You told Jake you were just passing through!"

Jasper then walked over to me by the stairs and put his hand on my face.

"Bella I will be here as long as you want me here!"

I thought I was going to melt! Why is it that Jasper is here, well I know why but still! He was the ex husband to my ex best friend! He tried to eat me, teehee eat me how funny! I thought to myself! Thank god that he could not read my mind like his idiot brother!

"So Bella, I must say you are much stronger and more self aware! You haven't even fallen down once since I have been here!"

I had to look away; I could feel my cheeks start to blush.

"Yah I have changed a lot Jasper since you guys left. I am stronger; I don't let people boss me around as you very well saw last night with Jacob. I am in control of my life and live it the way I see fit."

Weird why am I feeling lust coming from Jasper?

"Well I guess its time for this human to eat, if you have to hunt go on I will be fine. I can take care of myself."

"No I am fine Bella, thank you for asking. So now that you are on your own what do you with your spare time?"

"Well I work at a Victoria secret at the mall in Port Angeles. On Friday nights I go out with a group of girls from work to the bar. On Saturday I do my cleaning, and then on Sunday I usually head over to Charlie's for dinner."

After a few hours of talking I hade to get ready for work, I didn't want to go to work but I knew I had to.

Jasper POV

Damn how Bella has changed! She went from this little quiet girl who hung on my idiot brother's every last move, to this beautiful strong independent woman who takes no crap! She has also picked up a few new beauty tricks and a new crazy taste in fashion! Crap I can't get those images out of my head! This is Bella for crying out loud, yet I am still attracted to her! Why is it that after a few years I come back here and find my self infatuated with her? Why did I not feel this way when she was with my brother? What has changed in me that I would feel these emotions for this girl....no this beautiful woman! Fuck what am I going to do?

"Jasper I hope you stay for awhile, I use could use another friend. I know I have Jacob and some girls from work, but I just fell like I'm not really whole. When you guys left it was as if something left with you, like a part of me. You guys were my family and I loved everyone single one of you! The first year after you left I was like a zombie, I only got up to go to school. Charlie tried to get me to eat but I just couldn't. It was Jacob who pulled me out of my zombie mode! He didn't just let me sit there and do nothing. He forced me to live again; his friends help me out as well. I will owe Jacob and his friends for life for what they did for me! Jasper so will you please stay with me for a while, for the first time in a very long time I feel whole again!"

"Bella I'm sorry, I didn't know how much we hurt you. Of course I will stay; I will stay here until you ask me to leave. Bella I cant say how sorry I am enough."

I can't believe how much we hurt Bella; I am going to have to kick that brother's ass next time he shows his face! I can't believe we did what he said! Even with how much Bella has changed she still has that little helpless innocent girl deep down inside! I have to stay and keep her happy; I owe her that much for what I put here through!

"Well I guess its getting late so I should get ready for work now. Jasper what are you going to do while I am gone?"

"Well I think I might run over to the old house and get a few things of mine."

"Sound good."

Bella ran up the stairs in a flash without tripping once! After about 30 minutes Bella was coming down the stairs and I could not believe my eyes! I had to take a second glance; I would not have believed that to be Bella if I did not smell her scent all over her! She had her hair curled and it was held up by one pink crystal beret. She was wearing a silky pink blouse that hugged her chest and was neatly tucked in her black pants. Wow I could not believe how those black pants hugged at her ass. She was so beautiful; I almost went weak in the knees at the sight of her.

"Umm Jasper are you alright? Are you thirsty?"

"Oh...I'm sorry Bella. No I'm not thirsty I'm fine."

"Okay well you just had this weird look on your face."

Shit I have to keep these feelings under control or I am going to freak Bella out.

"No I'm fine Bella Honestly."

"Alright then, I guess I will see you after work."

"Yes I will see you after work. Have a good day Bella."

She then walked out the door; at that point I felt the weirdest feeling ever. I felt lonely. I felt alone, as if I was in a dark, blank room.

"Get a hold of your self man. You're a fucking vampire for Christ sake!"

After about 10 minutes of sitting in a quiet room I decided to go back to the old house.

When I got there I was on instant edge. I could smell a weird scent, it was not a vampire but not a human or a werewolf and it was fresh trail, not more then a few days old. It was no one from my family, and it was no one from the coven of vampires that attacked us that one summer. I ran into the house to see if the scent was in their. That vampire had definitely been there. It was in the kitchen, the garage, Carlisle's study, and Edwards's room. Why had it only gone to those rooms? A few books were lying open on Carlisle's desk.

"Vampire history? Who was this monster and why did they only pull these two out?"

I followed the scent to Edward's room. The scent lingered more by Edward's chair. On the chair laid a sweater of Bella's and Bella's favorite blanket. On top of the blanket laid a photo frame with a picture of Bella and Edward. They looked so happy. Bella had this twinkle in her eye as she looked up at Edward and he had his crooked grin on his face.

"Who is this mystery person? Why did it linger in Edward's room right next to Bella's things? Fuck maybe it was trying to get Bella's scent? What if it is searching for Bella?"

I dropped the photo and ran from the house. I didn't stop running until I reached Bella's house. Once I got inside I dialed Bella's cell.


"Bella? Are you okay?"

"Jasper? Yah I'm fine why?"

"Bella has anything strange happened these past few nights?"

"No not really, except for last night. I woke up with the sense of someone watching me. Then I went downstairs after a few minutes and then you and Jake were fighting. Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing Bella."

"Jasper don't lie to me! If something is going on I disserve to know! I'm not some fucking little baby!"

"I'm sorry Bella. I went back to the old house. When I go there I smelt a scent that did not belong to any human, vampire, or werewolf. It was only a few days old. They were in the house, mainly Edward's room. I think they were trying to find your scent, because it was touching your things and a picture of you and Edward."

"Jasper do you think it is coming for me?"

"I don't know Bella. Just be careful and come straight home!"

"Sure thing."

"Bella could you do me a favor and call Jake and ask him to meet me here?"

"Sure Jasper, no problem. I guess I will see you after work. Bye."

"Bye Bella and thanks."

Not more then 20 minutes and I hear a howl out back. I went to the back door and there stood Jacob and his pack. 1 small wolf and 4 large wolfs. Jacob was in his human form and started to walk towards me. I met him half way and I good hear the growls coming from the wolves behind him.

"Jacob thank you for coming!"

"Sure thing leach! Bella told me it was important and she needed me to be in on things."

"Yes I believe it would be a good idea to have you and your pack in the loop of things. Well let's just get right into it. I went back to the old house today and smelt a scent that did not belong to a human, vampire or werewolf. It was only about a few days old."

"Yes I know. Last night before you showed up I saw something in the tree by Bella's window. I chased it but it out ran me. I turned around to tell Bella everything and that's when you showed up."

"You knew all along that there was something in the area and you didn't think to tell me last night?"

"As I recall you and Bella wanted some time to talk in private. So how could I tell you anything when I had Bella pushing me out the door. It's beyond me why she wants you around! After everything you and your blood sucking family did to her I don't understand why Bella hasn't asked me to rip you apart!"

"I am still asking myself the same thing. I can't understand that girl's train of thought, but the opposite happened and Bella has asked me to stay for awhile. I don't want to hurt her again so I will stay as long as Bella wants me to."

"Well I guess that settles it. Well I hope you can protect her, since you are going to stay we cannot patrol around Bella's house with you here."

"Jacob pleases. Since I am the only Cullen here then I am asking the chief of the strong Quileute tribe and the alpha of your pack, please can we make a new treaty. When Carlisle mad that treaty there was no way he could have for scene the events that have come to past or the events that have yet to come. Jacob what do you say? If we work together we can protect Bella and the people of forks?"

"I don't know, to be honest I hate being anywhere near you. But I am here to protect my tribe and the people of this town. Most of all I am here to protect Bella. Bella is my world and I love her with every part of my body. I will always protect her. So yes I guess we can work together."

"Thank you Jacob. I want to keep these people safe from the evil of our world."

"Don't thank me just yet. One main point from the past treaty still stands. If one single human and that includes Bella gets bitten by you or parts of your family the treaty will be void. I will not hesitate to rip every part of you to bits and burn every single part of you!"

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you Jacob!"