OMG my first fanfic!!!:)))

I hope my grammer and vocab is satisfactory; please correct me in reviews if u want to

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach...T^T

Normal words- 3rd person perspective

Italic words- emphasis on words

Bold words(besides the title)-Hyourinmaru speaking

Underlined words-Toushirou's thoughts

Chapter 1

"Everyone's staring at you, Harry."

A pudgy boy muttered the obvious as the two fifth years lugged their baggage along the train corridor. Every student was peering not too discreetly out of their compartments to get a good look at said subject, their noses pressed up against the glass, smudging the door windows with oily marks.

Harry sighed.

"I know that, Neville."

Ever since that night of his recital of the recent encounter with Voldermort, Harry had been a hot topic of gossip, both with the students and the Prophet, remarks not too kindly said spouting from mouth to mouth, or with the newspapers case- door to door.

To Harry's indignant, they simply brushed off Cedric's death -no, murder- as an unfortunate outcome of the Triwizard Tournament. But offended as he was Harry could not do anything about it, already being marked as one with nothing but lies.

Harry felt his patience running out slowly, like water dripping from a faulty tap. Though he was mostly immune to all the staring and whispers, (since young, Harry was no doubt a victim of hearsay) tension was running high at his meeting with the darkest wizard of all time. With the two fuelled together, his patience could hardly withstand all the obtrusive staring.

After some shuffling from compartment to compartment accompanied with annoying staring, the pair finally came upon a compartment with no prying eyes peering out; ah, what relief.

But alas, the compartment was occupied by one lone, hooded figure sitting hunched by the window. Judging from his posture, it was obvious that he (Harry could tell it was a boy from his build) was sleeping, so Harry could safely assume the boy would not mind them sharing his compartment at all.

Softly sliding the compartment door open, the green-eyed boy stepped into the compartment and heaved his trunk into the baggage space over the seats. Neville's eyes widened.

"Harry!" Neville hissed. "What are you doing?! There's someone occupying this compartment! Why don't we go on to find an empty one?" Neville gestured frantically further along the corridor.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Relax, Neville. This guy won't fry us for sharing his compartment. Do you think there would be any other compartments as empty as this? Besides, I'm sick of all the stupid staring."

Neville tried again.

"Yeah, but what if he's a Slytherin?"

"Then we'll kick him out. It's two against one."

Neville shook his head helplessly.

"Fine, fine, whatever you say…"

Carefully treading into the compartment, he followed Harry's example and placed his trunk into the baggage space.

Harry settled on the seat opposite the hooded boy. He glanced at him, a little curious. The boy's face was obscured by the hood of his jacket, so his face could not be seen. Harry wondered idly why the boy needed the hood. Probably to shield his face from the Sun as he slept, though the light shining through the clouds was faint, just enough to light up the setting that was rushing by at an expeditious pace.

Neville plopped down next to Harry, his black hair askew as he scratched his head on an itchy spot. He shot Harry a questioning look.

"Where's Ron and Hermione? "

"Right here. With Ginny."

Pushing the door open roughly, Ron, followed by Hermione, trailed in with their luggage, Ginny close at their heels. The three of them quickly hauled their trunks into the appropriate spaces before plunking down on their seats- Ron next to Neville and the girls opposite them, Hermione beside the hooded figure.

Both Ron's and Hermione's faces were a picture of exhaustion. Harry gathered that Prefect duty was tiring.

And was he glad he wasn't one.

Ron blinked blearily at the 'mystery' guy.

"Who's the bloke?"

Neville looked terrified.

"Shhh! Not so loud; you'll wake him up!"

Ron yawned.

"Whatever. Chill Neville, you're too uptight sometimes." The youngest male Weasley rubbed his eyes before leaning around Neville to speak to Harry. His eyes were flashing.

"Hey Harry, guess who the -urghhh- new Slytherin prefect is?"

"Malfoy." Hermione supplied morosely before Harry could chip in his guess. This statement received incredulous expressions from Harry, Neville and Ginny.

"Yeah!" Ron spat, needing no more urge to go on. "That git! What on earth was Professor Dumbledore thinking?! That stupid person?! He-"

Ron's colorful speech was cut short by the entrance of a pale, blond hair girl with huge unblinking eyes. Everyone was taken aback.

"Hello," she greeted in a dreamy voice, "Everywhere else is full, may I sit here?"

"Does this look really empty to you…" Ron started muttering, but was smacked in the head by a glaring Hermione.

"Ow!" said boy yelped, gently massaging his head. He looked angrily at his bushy-haired friend. "That hurt!"

The unblinking eyes drifted over to Ron and fixed him with a piercing, gray-colored stare. Harry and Neville shuddered. The movement somehow seemed…eerie.

"Of course!" Ginny spoke up brightly, gesturing to the corner seat beside her. The pale-skinned girl sat down fluidly, in her hand an issue of the 'Quibbler'. What a queer magazine to read; didn't Hermione once mentioned all it contained was plain rubbish?

Well, in all other sense, Harry thought, the girl was weird…

"Thank you." The voice had a distinct floating quality to it which Harry could not place.

There was an awkward silence. Ginny cleared her throat as she effected out introductions.

"Everyone, this is Loony *cough* Luna Lovegood, she's in Ravenclaw and in my year. Luna, these are my friends who are all from Gryffindor: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, my brother…" Ginny pointed to each person respectively. "…Neville Longbottom and-"Ginny abruptly got cut off.

"And you're Harry Potter." Luna landed her intensive gaze on Harry. Harry quirked an eyebrow.

"Thanks. I know I am."

Hearty chuckles rang throughout the group at the ironic remark. The sleeping boy was all but forgotten. Luna did not laugh (it was not very surprising to Harry), but poised at her seat as though in a permanent stupor.

As the chortles died down, Luna started swatting the air. Everyone stared at her strangely.

"Wrackspurts in the air. I feel them buzzing; beware of them. They make your brain go fuzzy when they enter your ears." Luna whispered, hand finally resting on a thigh. She opened the Quibbler to a page and rotated it upside-down, her head finally disappearing when it was enveloped by the pages.

Ginny laughed nervously while all exchanged looks full of puzzlement. Harry's theory of the girl was confirmed- she was odd.

A shrilly, incessant sound rung in the air, startling almost everybody in the compartment. (Except Luna, who was still reading her magazine) It was resonating from a pocket of the hooded boy's jacket.

All turned their staggered gazes on him.

Only Harry and Hermione recognized the beeping of a cell phone; the rest were bemused by this ringing.

The sleeping boy gave a jolt when his cell phone rang; the hood fell back at the sudden movement. Everyone gaped openly at the reveal of the 'mystery' face.

An array of disheveled white hair stood atop the boy's head; so pure was the snowy white that it could only be natural. Silky tresses flopped over his forehead in an artistic manner, highlighting his unusual teal eyes. The teal itself was brilliant, magnificent in the power it beheld, an unspoken power of strength and chivalry which unnerved everybody. Yet, its depths were immeasurable, and the emotions in them were somewhat concealed, suppressed; you couldn't decipher anything in those eyes. His pale but slightly tanned skin stretched across his cheekbones, sharp and defined.

He had a face that would be coveted by many, many boys and girls; the boy unquestionably has good looks, his (though white) stylish and spiky hair furthermore enunciating his handsome features. He donned on a blue jacket that fit his chest snugly, along with non-descript skinny jeans which shaped to his well-muscled legs.

Hermione's and Ginny's cheeks were tinted with pink. Ron angered at this, but noticed with satisfaction that the boy has a small stature, his height barely average for his gender. (Not that Ron knew height would not stop the female population fawning over him)

Having just woken up, the boy did not seem to notice the stares aimed at him. Grumbling inaudibly, he shoved a muscled hand into the vibrating pocket and flipping the cell phone open, jammed it to his ear.

The ringing stopped; but something much worse sounded out.


The scream caused everyone to jump and the boy to fumble. With an irritated expression, he growled out," Matsumoto, nanika?!"

The boy's voice was low and deep, most alluring to the females. Hermione and Ginny blushed harder and Ron glared on.

Harry just noted the boy was speaking some strange language indeed. Maat-sue-motto? Nah-nee-keh?

After Hermione composed herself, her face took on a similar expression to Harry's before her eyes showed that she was enlightened. Harry looked at her quizzically.

"Japanese," Hermione mouthed the word to Harry.

Oh, so this boy was speaking Japanese…wait, Japanese? The boy isn't a local then, Harry surmised as he stared at him. His features were anything but local, anyway…

The white-haired was now uttering a long string of non-stop, supposedly Japanese furiously into the cell phone. It was hard to not be amazed by his speed.

The temperature in the compartment suddenly dipped, much to everyone's bewilderment.

After some more yelling, the boy snapped the phone shut with more force than needed. He muttered a few foreign words to himself, teal eyes glowing dangerously. Harry repressed a fear of the boy.

Finally he seemed to feel the weight of everyone's stare. His gorgeous teal eyes focused on Harry who was opposite. Harry shrunk back from the boy's intimidating gaze.

There was a hint of recognition in the boy's eyes before it was dimmed by annoyance. Harry couldn't really tell.

"What?" the boy snapped, arms crossed, a vein pulsing in his forehead.

Harry gulped. This was not going in the right direction at all…

"You have white hair. That's unusual." Luna's voice issued out, her gray eyes penetrating the boy. She had lowered the magazine to talk to him.

Harry breathed a silent sigh of relief when the boy released his gaze to turn to Luna. Thank heavens for Luna's intervene…

The temperature plunged lower, not that anyone cared enough to notice.

"…and?" the boy's tone was seething with aggravation.

"Nothing. I was simply stating." Luna alleged. She returned to the magazine. "It's nice, by the way."

The boy's anger promptly turned to disbelieving as he stared at Luna. The temperature returned to normal.

The boy shrugged noncommittally and averted his eyes to the window, watching the scenery fly past rapidly. He didn't make any other comment.

Harry figured the boy just discovered how abnormal Luna was.

"Ummm, are you new at Hogwarts? I don't think I seen you before, and you don't seem local…"

When it was obvious Hermione was addressing him, the boy albeit reluctantly turned to her. A light blush colored Hermione's cheeks (again). Ron was visibly clenching his teeth.

"Yeah." Was all the boy said. For the first time, Harry noticed dark rings under the boy's teal eyes. No wonder he was dozing…he still looked tired though.

Hermione frowned a little. She wasn't content with the boy's one-syllabus replies.

"Then welcome to Hogwarts! What's your name and year, by the way?"

One of the boy's eyebrows twitched.

"Isn't it common courtesy to introduce oneself first?"

"Ah, o-of course!" Hermione looked embarrassed. "My name is-"

Ron apparently couldn't keep in his anger anymore.

"Don't be so impolite! She's trying to be friendly by making conversation, you know that?!" Ron burst heatedly.

The boy seemed to be ready with an answer instantaneously. He looked irritated, though.

"I'm sure my words were well within the book of etiquette. And yes, I'm perfectly aware of that." The boy paused. "Anyway, you just interrupted her. That's polite."

"You..!" Ron began furiously

"Ron, its ok, and stop that!" Hermione reproved, glaring at him a little. "He was polite all the while!"

Ron looked enraged, but he turned his red face away from the boy, whose expression was neutral.

Nice one, you totally kicked his ass man! Never did like him…

Toushirou rolled his eyes a little at Hyourinmaru's comment. Just a little.

Stop being childish already.

Don't tell me. You too thought it was worth saying that. Well, pissed off enough to think it was worth it speaking that whole load of English.

Toushirou tried breathing evenly through his nose to not let his irritation show.

Shut up, stupid dragon.

Hyourinmaru guffawed loudly in his head.

"Sorry about that, he's moody today I guess…" Hermione hurriedly apologized for Ron's sake, her words pulling him away from his conversation with his zanpaktou. Toushirou shrug his shoulders, dismissing the apology. Hermione smiled gratefully.

"Anyway," she brightened up, "My name is Hermione Granger and I'm in my fifth year. These are my friends: Ginny Weasley, in her fourth year, Luna Lovegood, in her fourth year as well, Ronald Weasley ("Its Ron!" Ron snapped at Hermione), in his fifth year…"

As two identical surnames surfaced, Toushirou's teal eyes flickered observantly to Ginny's and Ron's fiery red hair. If Toushirou remembered correctly, he read in Harry's information folder that he usually stayed over with these people…not that he knew why.

Toushirou's brow puckered slightly.

He hadn't read through the whole folder, what with all the paperwork and reading four years of Hogwarts curriculum (to appear knowledgeable) in a mere five days before heading for his mission…and that lazy Matsumoto wouldn't even help him! Toushirou gritted his teeth as his mind unwillingly conjured up an image of his grinning fukutaicho.

Hermione's cheerful voice took hold of Toushirou's attention again.

"…Neville Longbottom, in his fifth year, and Harry Po- and Harry in his fifth year." Hermione finished, purposely leaving out Harry's surname so as to spare Harry the spotlight. Harry directed his best friend a thankful look.

However, Toushirou didn't need any confirmation to know that this was the Harry he was assigned to protect. His eyes flicked to the lightning-shaped scar that was partially hidden by Harry's bangs for a fraction of a second before returning his gaze to Hermione.

No one noticed that he was looking at Harry's scar.

Hermione was staring expectantly at Toushirou for him to start introducing himself. He sighed internally. How troublesome.

"Hitsugaya Toushirou, studying fifth year."

His audience nodded slowly, digesting the complicated name. Well, at least it did sound like Japanese, for the name made no sense to them…

"*Gasp* you're in the same year as a few of us! That's great, we can guide you around!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly.

Toushirou pretended not to hear that remark. No way was he going to be led around. He could hold his own just fine.

"You're a transfer student, right, Toushirou?" Ginny inquired.

Toushirou bobbed his head once more, trying not to let his irritation show. Ever since he entered the magical realm, all he felt was irritation, how annoying…!

"And I would prefer Hitsugaya, thanks." Toushirou said coolly.

Ginny ducked her head down as Toushirou's voice made her blush.

Lessen your charm, Toushirou. You're making all the poor girls swoon.

One more time, you…!

The ice dragon smirked smugly as he got the best of his master a second time.

"Why did you transfer? Was your school not fitting for your standards?" Harry asked, his first time speaking to Toushirou.

Toushirou exhaled tiredly. His mind still wanted to rest, after all that 'studying'…

"Not exactly."

The wizards in the compartment raised their eyebrows dubiously.

Toushirou muscles tensed. When would they stop bombarding him with questions?! He liked his peace!

"You'll know at the Feast." Toushirou said shortly, ending the conversation by once again training his gaze on the window to survey the calm skies. Not that the skies were serene. They were gradually darkening in tune to Toushirou's mood.

All of their foreheads kneaded. Even Ron looked mildly curious despite his aversion to Toushirou. Know at the Feast? What did he mean? Will Professor Dumbledore take it upon himself to announce to the whole school the reason of Toushirou's transfer? Was it that important?

Their broodings were interrupted by the noisy arrivals of a few well-known… Slytherins. Harry and Ron portrayed their best surly expressions.

To be more specific, three Slytherins.

One pale-blond hair boy with his two rotund cronies.

How was it?

I tried to make all the characters as normal as possible...though I'm not too sure about Hyourinmaru's character, so I just created my own.

Please review!!!