FallenHope-Angel (FH-A): hey this is like my first crossover!

Takeru: FH-A does not own digimon.

Raven: FH-A does not own Teen Titans either.

FH-A, Raven, Takeru: on with the fic!

"Hi my name is Takeru Takashi, or you can call me Tk. And um… arigatou for rescuing me." Tk said as he sat up in his bed smiling brightly even though he was covered in bandages from head to toe. 'He was only six years old and he had already witnessed horrible things and had horrible things done to him yet he could still smile.' A girl with violet-blue hair and eyes thought as her leg was bandaged and her arms as well for giving Takeru blood since he had an o negative blood type and it was rare since she as well had it.

"My name is Raven… and I come from the planet Azarath my mother Arella a human and Trigon my father but call me Rachel Roth1. I still don't understand your law system here but I don't want to get into any trouble. And yes those words I said helped me to use my magic but I can't show any emotion or it goes out of control. Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She chanted and began to glow a black purple color before floating over to Takeru's bed after making sure that the nurses were gone like she did when she began to explain her situation. Her grey skin sticking out in the white hospital room while Takeru's pale white skin blended in.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos?" Takeru asked innocently only to be enveloped by the same aura of black and purple which lifted the bed and then slammed it back down. He and Raven laughed but then calmed down when the heart monitor exploded.

"This has always happened to me when I felt something strong and something tells me it happens to you as well since you didn't react." Takeru nodded to Raven and looked back to her arm that was bandaged by the blood transfusion.

"I'm adopted my big brother and my parents don't know that I know but I do I met my mom. She said that it was for the best she gave me up and then she ran before my mother could see her. She gave me this blue gem that I have on my forehead, but I hide it with my bangs." Raven brushed his bangs back and saw a sapphire gem that looked like her ruby gem.

"Takeru I'm so glad you're safe!" cried a woman who looked like him yet she also didn't may be because of what was just told to Raven. Nancy hugged both children pulling back quickly as they tensed and trembled, both however found their hands interesting. Not once looking at her as if they were afraid of her.

"I'll go get the police so they could talk to you two."

"Wait momma can you adopt Raven, she protected me and she's like my big sister." Mrs. Takashi looked at his pleading sick and exhausted face before nodding and heading out to get adoption papers.

(1 year later Tk: 7, Raven: 9, Matt:11)

"Bye Rae see you after summer camp and the digital world and hope you don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone. Take care of mom and get some bad guys for me." Raven nodded and kissed his forehead allowing him to get on his way to catch the bus.

Raven and Takeru: Please leave a review so we can tell FH-A whether she should jump off a cliff or shout in joy!