Summary: AR (alternate reality)Nodame is an extraordinary young kindergarten teacher, until one faithful extraordinary day she found an extraordinary drunken young handsome pianist on her way home. Well, he looked like an abandoned kitten so she decided to take him home.

Disclaimer: I do not own Nodame Cantabile (yet)



Extraordinary Day

A young black haired man walked angrily out of the room. He did not bother to close the door and marched furiously through the long corridor. He, Shinichi Chiaki, was in his worst mood today after his umpteenth argument for this week with his mentor, the legendary Harisen-Sensei. He was special, he knew it, and he did not like to be told what to do or how to do something.

Chiaki walked quickly, leaving the campus building, where he had spent his latest three years to study piano. Once he left the building and walked in the front yard, he walked slower. Here and there, he could see students everywhere with different instrument practicing their lesson in the beautiful school garden.

He sucks. He gritted his teeth as he walked in front of a boy who was playing his violin cheerfully. Chiaki snorted, he knew that he could play the violin better than the guy even thought it was not his division. She also sucks. Chiaki bit his tongue so he would not say the words aloud, as he walked passing a tall raven haired girl who sat on a bench practicing her flute. Right before he reached the gate, Chiaki could hear some girls were cat-calling him. He shook his head angrily without even stopped to glare at the girls.

Why does everyone in this place suck?

Chiaki walked still angrily across the street to his apartment which was not too far from his school. It was already in the end of May, the spring sun had been slowly replaced by the summer sun and Chiaki hated summer a lot. He really hated a lot of things. Especially today. He hated this day so much.

How could I be so damned?

The young raven haired man let his mind traveled back to what happened this morning when he just woke up. Chiaki had never been a morning person. He always woke up in bad mood, and so today. He was in his deep sleep when his phone rang. He wanted to ignore it but the damned phone kept ringing. After cursed sleepily finally Chiaki reached for the phone.

"Hello, who's it?" he said huskily, not even bother to check the caller id.

There was a familiar feminine sigh, he knew immediately who it was. "What time is it do you think?"

"Saiko?" he mumbled, tried to sat up and yawned, "It is…" he looked at the digital clock on the table next to him, "…9.25, why…" suddenly he was not sleepy anymore, he remembered now, "Oh shit!" he had promise to meet her at school at 8 o'clock, suddenly he became panic, he had class on 9.40 too! "I'll be there in a minute, wait…"

"Nah, don't worry, Shinichi, I think it's better if I say it now."

Something in her voice made him frowned, he had known her since they were in high school, and he disliked this kind of tone when she talked, "Ok, well, what's it?"

"I think we can't continue our relationship." she said plainly.

His frown went deeper as his brain tried to process what his ears just heard. In few second, it became clear for him, he said almost yelling, "What?! You want to break up?"

"Well, you can say so, but I think it is just about time," Saiko said blatantly, "We're not even in speaking term for almost a month."

"It was because we both are really busy!" he said, he did not want it was just over like that. No, it was all about his pride. If they had to break up, he wanted to be the one who said it first, "You know, I'm preparing myself for the competition…"

"I heard a rumor." Saiko cut the man in sharp tone, "You were arguing your tutor, and I heard that he warned you that he might replace you with someone else.

"But I will however enter the competition!" actually Chiaki did not really care about the competition. He just needed to say something to make Saiko changed her mind.

Saiko let out a deep sigh, somehow she sounded tired, "Stop it Shinichi. This is why I cannot stand by your side anymore… You're too arrogant. No one ever argued Etoh-sensei before…"

"I am not arrogant!" he was practically shouting to the phone right now, "It was just that Harisen who acts like a jerk!"

"Whatever Shinichi, I just think that I can't be with you anymore." She added before he could say anything, "Bye."

Chiaki growled at the thought of what had happened this morning. After the conversation with Saiko he realized that he was already late and right after he reached the classroom, he got scolded by the monster mentor and during the practice he was told that he did horrible. He argued the mentor and it ended with the monster yelled and told him that he would not enter the competition. Not that he really cared about it. It just hurt his pride as the number one student.

Why did everything not go well as what I wanted? He thought as he climbed the stair to his apartment. He supposed to have everything. He was rich, talented, smart, having a beautiful and graceful girlfriend… Now after what had happened today, after how he got dumped by his girlfriend since high school and kick out of the class like an idiot by his mentor, he was nothing but just a mere rich guy, he did not even really sure that he had any talent anymore.

Chiaki opened the door of his apartment angrily. He walked enter the room and threw himself on the cozy couch in the center of the room. His hand reached for a remote and turned on the music player, soon the sound of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata filled the room. Chiaki took a deep breath, he closed his eyes, music always made him feeling better.

After few minutes Chiaki felt thirsty, he needed some beer to make him feeling better. He sighed and walked toward the freezer only to find that he had nothing inside it. Damn, he cursed, Today's the worst day of my life. He thought bitterly before deciding to go getting some beer. Maybe I could just go get something nice in a bar, he changed his mind as he grabbed his coat, well, but I have to make sure not to get drunk too…


"See you tomorrow, sensei…" the little girl waved her hand happily while her mother held her other hand.

"See you tomorrow, Rika-chan!" the young teacher waved with same behavior as the little girl.

The mother smiled and nodded to the young woman before then walked with her daughter leaving the kindergarten's front yard. The daughter seemed happily telling her mother about her experiences today while the mom listened while smiling. The teacher watched them with a wide smile plastered on her face. That was the last kid. All the kids had been picked up by their parents, now she could prepare her stuff and go home.

The light brown haired woman walked happily, almost skipping, to teacher room where she left her belongings. She sang some childish song as she entered the room and walked to her table, the messiest one amongst the other, to get her purse.

"You seem happy today, Nodame-sensei…" said another young woman in the room, she was applying some make up to her face, did not even bother to look at the other woman.

"Ah, Yuki-sensei…" Nodame grinned, "I'm always happy, right?"

The black haired woman closed her mirror and looked at the younger woman, "Well, you are," she smiled, "But you seem really happy today, what was it?" Yuki looked at Nodame teasingly, "You have a date today?"

Nodame pouted her lips, "That's you… Yuki-sensei… You have a date today right? You keep checking up your make up today…"

Yuki smiled proudly, "Yes, I have a dinner with my boyfriend today in a really good restaurant…" She grinned knowingly, "You still have no boyfriend, right Nodame-sensei?"

Nodame still pouted, she started to put her stuffs in her hand bag, "Nope, and Nodame need none."

"Oh, you just haven't found the man…" said Yuki started to talk about her boyfriend, since she got this boyfriend last Christmas she kept telling Nodame how good he was, "Ryuya is a manager in a music instrument store. And he was only 28! He always takes me to visit many good places and buys much good stuff for me…"

Nodame rolled her eyes, she did not hate Yuki, but sometimes she just did not understand the woman, she kept talking about boyfriends and why Nodame should get one too. She did not understand that Nodame really did not need any at this time. "Well, good for you then…" Nodame said when she finished, "Nodame has to go now, see you tomorrow, Yuki-sensei… Good luck with your date…" she said before quickly leave the room. There were still thirty minutes before Puri Gorota shows started on TV, she got to be hurry.



So, I ended this chapter here, I hope it is not too short. I already finished chapter 1 and 2... I would post them if i thought this story is worthy enough to be continued. :)

I enjoy writing this story and I hope you like it too. About, why does Yuki called Nodame as Nodame-sensei not Megumi Sensei is because Nodame insisted to be called like that. I know in some kindergarten in japan, the teachers are called by their family name but I want they use first name in the kindergarten where Nodame teaching.

I decided to write another multi-chapters fic for Nodame Cantabile since there're not many Nodame fics right now. I really love to write fics but I love to read too, so please anybody, write some Nodame fics for me too T.T

Honestly I expect at least 3 reviews for this story so don't let me down guys, tell me what you think. Well anyway, if you don't think it is worthy enough for a review, it's ok, thanks for reading anyway ;) thanks a lot guys… Ah and again, for who want to talk to me, do not PM me, I rarely check my email, just add me in my FB http: //www .facebook. com/recchinon (remove all spaces).

And I have a question…

Does anyone know what is Nodame's Brother and Father name?
