EggPan: Welcome readers. This story takes place four months after KH 2. Through the entirety of this story, I will be pulling quotes from all the Kingdom Hearts games. I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Disney, nor its characters. This is a yaoi story, with RikuxSora and AxelxRoxas pairings. Everything in Italics in the prologue are quotes taken from Roxas from 358/2 days and Kingdom Hearts II. This is also written in prose poem, which I love! Enjoy.


1st Day



His breath is shallow in the grip of darkness, slowly…slowing…slowest.


His throat is a chimney on fire as smoke emits from his mouth.


He grins weakly and knows that no firemen will douse these flames,


he is a house meant to be burnt down.


120th Day



Blankets rustle in discomfort as sleepy feet kick at its cotton fabric.

Annoyed, the blanket slides to the floor, attempting to escape the boy who tosses in his sleep.


"You make a good other..."

"Sora, you're lucky. Looks like my Summer vacation is...over."


Tanned hands slap and throw blue pillows from the bed as they thump lightly on the blankets.


Anxiety gasps...gasp...gasping for air, skin sweats like paopu fruit perspiring in the sun too long,

brown hair rustles like palm trees in the mouth of the wind.


Awakened, Sora sits with slumped shoulders, knees bent beneath him. Hands fist the blue under-sheet tightly.

His eyes, a black rock surrounded by vibrant blue oceans, widen in shock.


"Roxas…" Sora whispers. His breathing calms and a hand hovers over his heart.

"What does this mean?" He rubs his face to erase drowsiness.

"Memories. Why are they in my dreams? They feel so…"


A breeze passes through the room, catching Sora's attention as he gazes out the window.

Destiny Islands sleeps through the crashing waves of its snores, undisturbed and quiet at 2:15 am.


"…haunting?" Sora finishes, unsure of the memories that visit his dreams ever since he came back to the islands four months ago.

The memories hadn't bothered him so much at first. Sora thought his imagination was over-reacting since he wasn't fighting Heartless anymore.

However, their persistent presence increased over time until they were spending weekly vacations in his dreams.

While sifting through the memories in his spare time, Sora realized most of the memories weren't his but-

"Roxas? are you trying to tell me something? I don't get it..."


Roxas' memories are leaking into Sora's conscious. Hadn't the Nobody fused and accepted Sora as himself?


Thinking of it though, the brunet doesn't have a firm grasp on the situation pertaining to the Nobody.

He had inquired about the blond boy to Riku, who in turn furrowed his brows, sighed,

patted the brunet on the head and said to let the past rest.


Sora can't, he wants to know Roxas. He settles for piecing the existence of the Nobody on his own.


The pain began two months after the dreams started and the memories branched out into different parts of his waking life.


Sometimes the pain would come when he was sitting on the beach in the afternoon, or visiting the secret cave before heading home for dinner.

These 'dream attacks,' as Sora had dubbed them, are crippling and exhausting like a panic attack.

He learned to recognize the signs of one coming when he wasn't home: the pull of his heart stretching like a sling shot,

cold sensations tickling his arms as his vision clouded around the edges like a fogged window.


It was worse when he excused himself from Riku and Kairi's company to experience the pain alone.

Sora does not like keeping secrets from either of them, especially with how much they'd been through together,

but after Riku's uneasiness towards his mentioning of Roxas and Kairi's lack of knowledge towards the Nobody's personality,

Sora decided it best to keep his dreams to himself. They finally have peace on the islands,

who is he to interrupt that? Sora wants to protect their happiness!


"No! My heart belongs to me!"


Sora's eyes squeeze shut, hands cradle his head. "Not our memories, his memories. I don't know this…I…"

His body straightens, chest tightens like cobra knots. He thrashes on the bed, a butterfly caught in the net of memories.


"What are you talking about! I am me! Nobody else!"


"Roxas…who are you yelling at? I don't understand!"


"My heart belongs to me!"


"Gah!" Sora yells, his heart beating fast, faster, FASTER with every memory flooding his vision.


"It's not like I have memories from before the Organization."

"Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know."

"It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important."

"My heart belongs to me!"


Sora squeezes his eyes, tightening...tight...tighter.




"GAHHHHHHHH!" Sora slumps on the bed. The pain settles on his heart like hardened wax, sticky and dry.


11th Day



The darkness holds its breath, ready to snuff out the flames that lick at closed eyes like eager puppies wanting a treat.

The darkness is impatient. His eyes aren't burning fast enough.

Where is the gas and lighter when he needs one?
