A/N: So I decided to replace the last Chapter One I had up with this one, which contains several small character additions. I added in Dominique and Louis Weasley, Victoire's sister and brother. Dominique is 14 and Louis is 12. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, nor do I pretend to. I do own all original characters, however.

Chapter One: Discovery

It was just another ordinary summer day in the life of ten year old Shannon Mitchell. She had slept in late, watched TV, and played outside. Her mother would get home from work soon, and then she would get to open presents. Because, you see, today was Shannon's eleventh birthday.

Her mother got home. She made dinner. Then Shannon blew out the candles on her birthday cake and tore into the gifts. There were clothes, a new pair of sandals, and a volume of fantasy stories.

Later that night, Shannon was curled up in bed, reading one of her new stories. Suddenly, her mother walked into the room. Michelle Mitchell was watching her young daughter as if she was going to disappear at any moment.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Shannon asked, starting to worry.

"Honey, there's someone here to see you," Michelle replied softly. Shannon sat up.

"Really? Who is it?" Shannon asked. Her mother sighed, closing her eyes briefly.

"Well, it's your father," she mumbled. Shannon froze, then slowly pulled a blanket around her shoulders and walked out into the main room of the small Brooklyn apartment.

Standing there was a man with the same messy black hair and green eyes as Shannon. He was tall and muscular with a bit of a five o'clock shadow. He wore glasses that were slightly crooked and seemed to be broken on the bridge.

"D-dad?" Shannon whispered, her voice hoarse and eyes wide. His weary face lit up when he saw her. He stepped towards her and stooped down to her level.

"Shannon," he murmured, the name flitting off his tongue as if he'd been saying it his whole life.

"Dad!" she cried, flinging her arms around his neck and hugging him, hardly aware of the tears streaming down her face. After a moment, he pulled back and reached into his coat's deep inside pocket, pulling out a long, thin box labeled 'Olivander's'.

"Happy birthday, Shannon," he said, giving her the package. She thanked him, wiping tears from her face, and was about to open it when her mother spoke for the first time.

"No. No way." Michelle Mitchell snatched the box away. "Shannon, go to your room please," she requested coolly. Shannon, confused, complied silently. As she shut the door, her mother began to speak.

"No way. You will not do this to me. Or her!"

"Michelle-," her father started. Her mother cut him off.

"Don't you 'Michelle' me! I haven't seen you since I was twenty-four! And now, all of a sudden, you turn up unannounced and try to take my daughter away from me, try to take her to that school of yours and that family you care so much about! I don't think so!" She paused, lowering her voice. "My daughter is not a witch. She is not magic, and neither am I!"

"Michelle, I'm sorry about the past. I know the circumstances aren't great. But Shannon is as much my daughter as she is yours! This is the only thing I'll ever ask of you. Just let me try! I need to try," he told her, his eyes begging.

Shannon noticed something just then. Her mother had left the package from her father on the nearest side table. She slipped silently to the table, grabbing the box and opening it. Inside was a strange wooden stick with and elaborately carved handle. She gently picked it up, studying it. Shannon turned toward her parents.

"Dad, what is this?" she asked. Her parents turned to her, and her dad's eyes lit up. He shot her mother a quick triumphant smile.

"It's a wand. Hand carved. Try it out!" he urged, miming a swish. Shannon halfheartedly flicked the wand, gasping at what happened. The wand started spitting out golden lights in swirling designs that spun around, suspended in midair. Suddenly, she remembered her mother's words: 'My daughter is not a witch! She's not magic, and neither am I!' Shannon put a hand to her mouth. Her head was spinning. Was it really possible? Could she really be…a witch?

"Dad, am I…am I a witch? Am I magic?" she asked. Her mother let out a soft sob, sinking down on their ratty sofa, but Shannon didn't notice. She stared at her father, green eyes meeting green eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Shannon, why don't we sit and talk for a bit?" he asked, motioning to the sofa.

And boy, did they talk.

Her father started off with the basics.

"My name is Harry Potter. I started dating your mother when I was twenty and she was nineteen. We dated for about five years. Then I had a…business of sorts to take care of back in London, and I left. She had you and raised you without my knowledge. A…associate of mine found out about you and informed me of your existence."

"Okay…all that sounds relatively normal." Shannon nodded.

"Now, there's something you should know about your mother and I. We both went to a school in Scotland called Hogwarts. It is a school for gifted young girls and boys to learn and master the art of magic." At this, Shannon turned to look at her mother.

"Shannon, I've had a lot of practice with magic. I've seen enough to know that it's not always a good magic. I gave it up when Harry left, promised myself that I would live without it, and you would grow up without it," Michelle spoke in a strong voice, even through her tears. Harry snorted unceremoniously.

"Okay…so what about the family Mom mentioned?" Shannon asked her dad hesitantly, noting his reaction to her mother's explanation.

"Well, that's…not one of my finer decisions. You see, while at school I date my best friend's sister, a girl named Ginny Weasley. Then, while dating your mother, Ginny and I…met up a few times. When your mother and I broke up, she and I got to know each other again. We ended up getting married. We have three kids, four if you count my godson, who lives with us. Of course, there are usually many more children around, because Ron and Hermione have two and Bill and Fleur have one. And Hermione is pregnant again, joy of joys. And Charlie is dating a wonderful girl named Abigail…" he trailed off when he realized he was rambling. Michelle's eyebrows were raised as she processed this new gossip.

"So, it's really busy over there, huh?" Shannon asked, trying to picture all of the people he had mentioned running around.

"I suppose. But in a good way," Harry paused, glanced at Michelle, and then leaned towards Shannon. "Shannon, let me spell this out for you. You are a witch. You have a lot of magical ability flowing through you. All young witches and wizards need to be trained, whether formally in a school or at home by a parent. You need to be trained, Shannon, and Hogwarts is the best place I can think of for you be trained." He paused, and Michelle opened her mouth to speak, but Shannon beat her to it.

"Where is Hogwarts, exactly?" she asked.

"Scotland. I can't say any more than that because I am not its Secret Keeper."

"But that's a long way away!"

"Well, that's the other thing. To attend Hogwarts, you would need to come live with me and my family. I would pay, of course, and move you and your mother into a flat near the Burrow and the Hollow. The Burrow is where most of the Weasleys live and the Hollow is where the rest of them, and my family and I, live," Harry explained.

That night, they had a lot of discussion. Michelle and Harry argued a lot, and Shannon only understood about half of the conversation, but eventually they came to an agreement. That same night, Shannon and Michelle were packing their bags. At about three in the morning, Harry told them it was time to go. He gave Michelle a serious look and then took hold of Shannon's arm. Before she could ask what he was going to do, he turned on the spot, taking her with him, and she had the terrible feeling of being squeezed through a small tube. When the world stopped spinning, she realized they were standing in front of a tall building. It was leaning dangerously to the side, and Shannon realized it was probably held up by magic. Her father walked to the door, motioning her to stay there.

He knocked, and a plump, friendly red-headed woman answered. She embraced Harry like a mother hugging her son, and then invited him inside. He shook his head, said something that made her draw her eyebrows together, and then pointed to Shannon and her mother. The woman let out a yelp, running over to them.

"Michelle? Michelle Mitchell? Oh, my stars!" the plump woman exclaimed, hugging Shannon's mother. To Shannon's surprise, her mother smiled and hugged back.

"Mrs. Weasley! Oh, how long has been since I last saw you?" Michelle asked. The woman smiled. Shannon cleared her throat. The woman gasped, studying her closely.

"You must be Shannon. Oh, dear, I'm Mrs. Weasley. You parents are like children to me," Mrs. Weasley said, pulling Shannon into a hug.

"Molly, I need to get everyone together. Can we gather in your living room?" Her father interrupted all the introductions. Mrs. Weasley nodded, suddenly somber, and they made their way inside.

"Get down here, everyone! Harry's returned, and he's got company!" Mrs. Weasley called. Harry guided Shannon and Michelle to a huge family room, motioning for them to sit. Shannon slid into a squishy armchair, and her mother leaned against it. They tensed as people began pouring into the room.

The first in was a women who looked to be in her thirties. She had very curly brown hair and dark brown eyes, and the plump belly of a woman who is five months pregnant. Walking next to her was a man about Harry's age with the same bright red hair as Mrs. Weasley. Behind them walked a girl Shannon's age with curly reddish-brown hair and a younger boy with that same bright red hair. Then a beautiful woman with silver-blonde hair entered, attached to an older man with the trademark red hair, followed by a teen girl with silver-blonde hair who was holding hands with a teenage boy with blue hair and brown eyes. A younger girl with the same silver hair and blue eyes only cut short entered, and then a boy with similar looks, only his hair was a messy shag that fell across his eyes. Then there were two men with the red hair. One walked over and stood by Mrs. Weasley, obviously her husband, and one stood in the corner.

Shannon felt the hand her mother had placed on her shoulder tighten as the last group of people entered. First a thirteen year old boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes ran in. Then there was a boy who looked like a miniature version of her father. He looked her age and followed the older boy. Then two females walked in. One was a petite woman in her early thirties, with long straight red hair trailing down to her waist and flashing brown eyes. The nine year old girl attached to her arm looked like a doll version of her. The woman walked over to Shannon's father, giving him a hug and a kiss. Michelle's nails were digging into Shannon's shoulder. The room was strangely silent as the people took seats, surveying the scene quietly.

"Well, I'm back," Harry started, chuckling. It was obvious he was at ease here; this was his family, from whom he had nothing to hide. "And, as you can see, I brought back a few people that I think I ought to introduce. First, this is Michelle Mitchell. Some of you may remember her from Hogwarts. She was in Ginny's year," he paused here, looking around and taking a deep breath. "And second is Shannon Mitchell. My eleven year old daughter."

At this, the room exploded. The women gasped and whispered among themselves, the men snorted and grunted, and the children all gasped, looking up at the adults. The teenagers raised their eyebrows in surprise. The petite redhead that was hanging onto Harry stayed silent, her face unhappy.

"Alright, alright, settle down. Now, Shannon is a witch. It's no surprise, considering who her parents are. I have come to an agreement with Michelle that Shannon will be schooled at Hogwarts, starting this year. Shannon and her mum are moving here, to the Hollow, until they can secure a flat nearby to live in. Shannon will be enrolled in Hogwarts this year." And with that, he turned and walked to the kitchen, pulling his wife with him. His daughter latched onto Mrs. Weasley.

"Michelle? Michelle Mitchell? I haven't seen you in such a long time! Last I saw you, you were saying goodbye to everyone before your big move to the States!" the pregnant woman was saying to her mother. They embraced, and then Michelle turned to Shannon.

"Sweetie, this is Hermione. She and I went to school together. We were sort of…library buddies," her mother laughed.

"So this is your daughter. She doesn't look a thing like you, Michelle. She looks so much like Harr-er, her father." Hermione said it as if she were commenting on the weather, only stumbling over the name of her father. Shannon squirmed uncomfortably. Hermione motioned her to follow, and she did, self-conscious. "Now, Shannon, let me introduce you to the kids. These are my kids, Rose and Hugo," she pointed at the eleven year old girl with curly hair and the nine year old boy with red flaming locks, "and their cousin, Victoire," now she gestured to the blonde who was tossing her hair around, "and her sister Dominique and brother Louis," the other blondes here, "and Harry's godson, Teddy," here she pointed at the teen boy with blue hair, "and your half-brothers, James and Albus," she patted the brown haired boy and the boy who looked like Harry, "and your half-sister, Lily." She motioned to the small redhead. "Well, now you know all the kids here. Why don't you get to know them while your mother and I catch up?" Hermione suggested. Shannon shrugged.

The first person to jump on her was Lily. She crossed her arms, frowned, and tilted her head.

"You're my daddy's daughter," she stated. "But not Mummy's. Are we still sisters?" she asked, looking perplexed. Shannon nodded uncomfortably. "Oh. Okay," Lily shrugged, smiled, and skipped back over to Mrs. Weasley. Then the boys were on her.

"Shannon? I'm James. This is Albus. You're our sister." The older boy announced, sticking out his hand. Shannon shook it. "So, how old are you?" James asked.

"I'm eleven, as of…today," she blinked, realizing it was still her birthday. James smiled.

"Cool! Happy birthday! You're the same age as Albus. You'll be in his classes," James told her. She smiled. James turned around. "Rose! Rosie, come here!" Rose, who had been sitting with a book in her lap, sighed and walked over, marking her place with a piece of ribbon.

"What is it, James Sirius?" she asked, looking annoyed.

"Oh, nothing, Rosie-poo," he replied in a teasing voice. "Just wanted to introduce you to my sister. Rose, this is Shannon. She'll be a first-year with you this year," he said. Rose smiled, turning to Shannon.

By the time Harry was ready to leave, Shannon and Rose were best friends and Michelle and Hermione were acting like they were back at school. It turned out that Hermione, her husband Ron, and their kids Hugo and Rose lived in the Hollow with Harry, Ginny, James, Albus, and Lily. Michelle would be staying in a guest room while Shannon was rooming with Rose. Shannon was practically asleep as they walked out the door. Before she knew what was happening, her father was picking her up and carrying her as if she were five instead of eleven. She was out before they reached the house.