I yawned, muttering at my stats screen. I had lost some data during a powercut, and now I was very angrily storming around Hyrule Field recollecting the 16 Golden Skulltula's i'd lost. The storm was raging on outside, and, thankfully just after saving my game, I heard a loud BZZT and everything went dark. Chucking my N64 controller down on my beanbag, I began to grope around for my DS. Instead grabbing my GBA sp, I shrugged, it would do, and used the weak light to guide me downstairs. The big torch was still on the table from the last powercut, and I waved it around.
There was a omnious feeling in the house. It didn't feel quite right, and especially as I was alone, this was disconcerting. Suddenly, a fevered knocking began on my door. Clutching my torch, I opened the door.

My mouth hunged open. Before me, very bedraggled and wet, was Link, tightly holding the Ocarina of Time. "Thats a really good costume" I remarked. The male raised a eyebrow at me "Costume?" Curiously, I tugged his pointed ear. "Ow!" "Y..You're..r..real!" I squeaked, hauling the poor Hero inside. "I hate to di..disturb you, Miss, but I seem to have caused a rather large problem. You see, I meant to warp to Lake Hylia, but my finger slipped, so I ended up half playing the Serenade of Water, and half playing the Song of Storms, and now I don't know where I am.." He shivered. I caught my breath. I was warping to Lake Hylia at the time of the crash...had the electrical surge sent Link..here? The notion was crazy, but I didn't care. I had the HERO OF TIME in my living room!
"I...I see" I said, still trying to hold it in. He looked at me "Are you oka.." I burst "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. LINKLINKLINKLINKLINK OMGOMGOMGOMG" I hugged him tightly, even though he was wet, causing him to blush immensely. Pulling away from him, I saw how flustered he was "I..I'm sorry.." The Hero took a deep breath "No..No, i'm okay. I kinda liked the hug"

Smiling broadly at this, a BWEE sound occured, and the power flickered back to life. Apparently, only some switches were affected, since my computer was still on, only the monitor had turned off. Link went over to it, recognizing the familliar tune the speakers now played; The Song of Storms. "H..Hey!" He said, squinting at the screen "This, this is me! And a Kokiri! W..Wait, what are we.." His face dropped and I quickly pulled him away, switching off the monitor, removing The Last Kokiri artwork from his view. Seeing himself kissing a tall Kokiri would probably scar the poor guy-wait, if he's Ocarina Link..he's still mentally 10, right?-for life. "Nothing to see here, Sunshine" I said, sitting him down on the sofa "I'd offer you some dry clothes..but I don't think I have any to fit you" I ran upstairs to try and find the largest items of clothing I could. I was slim and petite and nothing was going to fit Link. In the end, I grabbed a pair of stripey blue pyjama bottoms i'd borrowed from my friend once and were miles toobig, and my pink Tetley Tea t-shirt with Monkey on. "I'm sorry, these are all I could find." He smiled gratefully, despite just being handed a pink t-shirt. I pointed toward my downstairs bathroom "You can change in there..." Getting up, he took off his sword and shield, gloves and boots, before turning toward the bathroom "Hey..I didn't catch your name" I shuffled my feet "Stars. Just call me Stars." He gave me a nod "Well, then, Stars, thank you. I don't know where I am, or why I'm here, or anything of these odd things" He picked up and examined my DS Charger "But I thank you for your hospitality" and with that, he disappered into the bathroom.

He was such a gentlemen, which I did not expect at all. Even if he was mentally 10, he was incredibly mature about it all. Well, you had to be with his job. Hearing him speak was also alittle odd at first, but his voice sounded just like I imagined. He was just like how I imagined.

Then he walked out.

The sight of Link walking out my downstairs bathroom, dressed in a pink t-shirt reading "Back to mine for a cuppa?" with Monkey on it, and a pair of stripey, sparkly pyjama bottoms, ruffling his wet hair, is so surreal yet so funny and it'll be embedded in my mind forever. His skin was still spattered in dried mud. Moving past him, I dampened a flannel under the tap and offered him it "To clean the mud off" He gratefully accepted it, and scrubbed the mud off his face, arms and hands. "So.." I said, as we walked back to the sofa "You said you were trying to warp to Lake Hylia?" He put the flannel on the table to the side of the sofa "Yeah..I was on Hyrule Field, you see, just collecting another Skulltula token, when I decided to check Lake Hylia for any. It was late though, and I wasn't concentrating, so my finger slipped when I was playing my Ocarina, so I sort of meshed together Serenade of Water and Song of Storms, I hear this big crash of thunder, theres a blinding white flash, everything goes dark and I wake up on a damp field, soaking wet and muddy. This was the first house I came to with the gate unlocked.." I silently thanked Nayru, Din, Farore, Mew, Frith and StarClan I had forgotten to lock up the gate. "I'm sorry, I forget this place is different. You must have no idea what i'm talking about"
I shook my head eagerly "No, No, I understand totally! I know lots about you!" He looked suprised "Really?" I smiled "Yeah! To summarise it..You were abandoned in the Kokiri Forest during the Hylian Civil War, raised as a Kokiri, but never got a fairy, for obvious reasons. The Deku Tree sends Navi to you and your summoned to him. After killing Queen Gohma, the Great Deku tree gives you the Kokiri Emerald. You sneak into the castle, and Zelda asks you to find the other stones, which you do after defeating Dodongo at Death Mountain and saving Princess Ruto from Lord Jabu Jabu in Zora's Fountain. However after opening the Door of Time, the Master Sword didn't think you were ready to wield it and you were sealed away for seven years, effectivley preserving your 10 year old mind but not your body. Going to the new Deku Sprout after you awaken you learn your really Hylian and you save Saria from the forest temple. you go on to awaken the other sages, Ruto, Darunia, Impa and Nabooru, and discover Zelda is the seventh Sage. With all the medallions, you enter Ganondorf's castle, own his ass and save Hyrule. Fin" I breathed deeply after reeling off all that. Link blinked slowly."Wow..I knew I was famous.."

I smiled. "Are you hungry?" Link pratically drooled "Your a saviour, Stars" Getting up, I went in the kitchen and hunted around in my fridge. There wasn't much to feed a obviously ravenous Link. I pulled out a large pizza left over from when a few friends came round last night and reheated it. Handing the warm box to Link, he pulled out a slice of Pizza "What's this?" He said, taking a experimental bite. I laughed "It's Pizza." But he had already devoured the slice and was onto his next. I giggled. The pizza didn't last long, and putting the empty box down, he let out a adorable satisfied 'aah' "Thanks" He grinned, "I can't remember the last time I ate so well." I patted his shoulder, making mental note to make him drink more Lon Lon milk, if he did go back to my game. "It's no problem"

Switching on the tv, I settled down to watch the new episode of South Park. Link was quickly addicted to the TV, the likes he had never seen before. As Cartman announced he was going home, and the episode ended, I turned to Link to see he was fast asleep on my sofa. I smiled quietly, planting a kiss on his cheek.

I got up and hugged my fuse box. I love power surges.

Authors Notes/ Afterthoughts
A little random oneshot to try and break my writers block. I'm kicking out alot of words recently, with working on A Zora's Love, and Chap 5 of TLK. My aventurine necklace must be working! Anyway, I did actually lose a ton of gold skulltulas, going down from nearly 80 to 64. As you can guess, I am not happy. I wish Link did come to my door, though! I'd probably just spaz right away and hug him to death =D