Tests of Love

Test Five

By Maria Cline

Goku slowly opened his eyes and blinked several times before sitting up. "Another day, another test." He sighed as he looked at his bonds. He was getting sick and tired of being tied up all the time.

China came in with a covered tray. Goku grinned at the sight. "Hey, China." He noticed the tray didn't have any food smells around it. "That's not food right?"

China sighed as she stroked his hair and undid his wraps until his arms and chest were freed. Then, she lifted the lid up and Goku gasped in shock. It was a huge hypodermic needle with a strange blue liquid inside. "Oh no... are you going to give me a shot?" Goku said wide eyed.

China shook her head and then gave him the needle.

"I HAVE TO GIVE MYSELF A SHOT?!" Goku exclaimed as he held the needle in his trembling hands.

China nodded as she held her ears.

Goku sighed as he stared at the hypodermic needle. He hated shots, it was on of the few fears he had. He could hurt himself, maybe even dislocate and break his own bones but he wasn't sure if he could actually inject himself with some strange chemical. Then, he thought of his wife waiting for him. "You can do it, Goku." Goku cheered himself as he took the needle and held it against his other arm. His hands trembled as sweat poured down his face.

China watched intensely as Goku finally inject himself. He screamed loud in pain as he collapsed. The blue liquid was gone.


"This is so cool! Do you think that Mommy and Daddy will let me be an Amazon?" Pan gushed as she, Bra and Trunks were led by Piccolo down the vast hallway. Pan and Bra wanted to see Goku and the Amazons and Trunks was left with the responsibility of watching them. Bulma didn't want to let Vegita go yet. There was no telling what kind of embarrassing situation the Amazons led Goku in this time.

"I don't think so." Piccolo muttered as they entered the throne room. Unlike the previous visits, Queen Mozerella was nowhere to be found. "Where is she?"

"Can we find Kakierot?" Bra asked as she tugged Piccolo's cape. Piccolo winced slightly at the nickname Bra gave Goku. Being around her father so much made her call Goku 'Kakarot' but it somehow got twisted into 'Kakierot'. Goku didn't mind it that much and Vegita felt proud that he is influencing his little girl. Still, it did bother him for some reason.

"We better wait till we get permission from the queen herself." Piccolo advised as he sat down on the floor in a meditating position. "We'll wait right here."

"Right." Trunks nodded as he sat down beside him.

Pan and Bra remained standing. Bra was in her usual pretty dress and she didn't want to get it dirty and Pan hate just sitting round. Suddenly, an Amazon entered the room and said, "Oh, Former Kami, Queen Mozerella was expecting you but she had other duties due to the big party we're holding. She told me to take care of you. Would you like a tour of our palace?"

"Can we see my grandpa?" Pan inquired, "I wanna see him."

"You will tonight. The amazon smirked slightly as she gestured to the door. "This way."

The four nodded and followed the warrior down the various corridors. Pan and Bra awed at the unique decorations and Trunks was impressed by the old architecture. They passed a huge room with a lavishly decorated table in it. "Ooh! What's that?" Pan asked as she tugged at the Amazon's cape.

"That's our special party room. We're having a huge dinner tonight and you can come. It will make things more interesting." The Amazon smirked again.

"Will Goku be there?" Piccolo inquired.

"Oh yeah, definitely." The Amazon chuckled as she led the group away. "This way."

Pan's mouth watered at the thought of all the food. The girl tugged at Bra's hand and whispered, "Let's check out the table."

"Yeah." Bra agreed and the two crept up to the table. There was a bunch of decorations on it with a huge silver bowl on top of a huge silver platter in the middle. The two girls jumped onto the table and Pan lifted the bowl. They peeked under it. "GAH!!!"


"They snuck off again." Trunks growled as he and Piccolo walked back to the huge room after finding out Pan and Bra were nowhere to be found. The Amazon went off the other way to find the elusive kids.

"TRUNKS! PICCOLO!!!" Pan wailed as she and Bra rushed toward them. Gohan's daughter clasped herself onto Piccolo's leg and Bra on Trunks' leg. "They... they..." She gasped out in pure terror.

Piccolo picked up the frantic girl. While she was just a child, Pan doesn't become scared easily. Bra was the same way. "What's wrong?"

"Uh..." Bra whimpered as she pointed toward the huge room.

"Come on. Can't be that bad." Piccolo said as he took Pan toward the room.

"It's very bad." Bra whispered as she dug her fingers into her older brother's shirt.

Reluctantly, Piccolo and Trunks came up to the table and with shaking hands, the Namekian lifted the bowl and saw Goku's head surrounded by leaves like a turkey. "GOKU?!" The two exclaimed as Piccolo put away the lid.

"Must be an illusion." Trunks chuckled as he bent under the table. "Goku's body must be under... where's his body?" He waved his hand where he knew it should be. "His body's gone." His face paled as he got up. "Piccolo... are Amazons cannibals? Wait, technically, Goku's not Human so to eat a Saiyan is no big... I don't feel too good." Trunks collapsed onto the chair dazed.

Piccolo just rubbed his head as he glared at the older warrior. "Don't be such a wimp, it's only Goku's head on a silver platter!" **I can't believe I just said that.**

Trunks took Piccolo by the cape with a frantic look in his eyes. "But it could be you or me next or even Pan and Bra."

"Or Daddy!" Bra wailed in fear at the thought of her father's head on a silver platter.

"Maybe we can use the Dragon Balls on Namek to bring Goku back." Piccolo mused as he picked up Goku's head and he observed it.

"Hmmm... what's going on?" Goku moaned as he slowly opened his eyes.

"We found your head on a silver platter and we're trying to fig-" Trunks stopped and stared at the Saiyan. "You're alive?"

"Grandpa! You're alive!" Pan gushed in pure joy as she looked up.

Piccolo just stared at the head as Goku caused another bizarre miracle.

"Of course I am." Goku tried to move his head and said, "Why do I feel so lightheaded?"

"Duh! You lost your body!" Bra pointed out.

Trunks pushed Bra's head down. "Bra!"

Goku blinked as he tried to look down and tested to see if he can feel anything below his neck. "Whoa... so that's why I feel so funny."

Piccolo picked up his jaw as he placed Goku's head back onto the table. "Goku... what happened to you?"

"I don't know... WHERE IS MY BODY?!" The warrior screamed as the shock of having no body passed.

"Are you stuck like that, Grandpa?" Pan asked as she stared at her grandfather's head.

"Wait a second." Trunks interrupted as he picked up Goku and studied his neck. "How can you live without a body?"

Everyone paused to think how Goku can breathe without lungs and pump blood without a physical heart. "I don't know." Goku finally replied, "It could be that weird blue goo or it can just be a Saiyan thing. We Saiyans are very strong."

Trunks sweatdropped and yelled, "No Saiyan can live with a decapitated head!"

"Then, how come I'm still alive?" Goku pointed out.

The man just stared at Goku thinking of every possible scientific explanation. Finally, he muttered, "Good point."

Piccolo just sighed as he put his huge green hand on top of Goku's head trying to figure out if it's fake or not. "What happened to you before this?" He finally asked trying to sound like the only calm one of the group.

"Uhhh..." Goku pondered as he looked up. "I gave myself some shot and everything went black. The next thing I know, I'm here like this." He glanced at Pan who was gawking at his current condition and gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Panny. I'm sure it's another test the Amazons thought up and that my body is somewhere safe." **I hope.**

"What kind of test involves having your head chopped off?" Trunks asked nervously.

The group remained silent as Goku tilted his head to the side. "A hard one, I bet. Although, I never heard of a test that involves a person getting his head chopped off."

"Maybe because most people don't live after having their heads chopped off." Piccolo grunted as he crossed his arms.

"True, but most people don't die more than once in their lives." Goku pointed out.

Suddenly, another bizarre thought came to Trunks' mind. "Goku... did you die again?"

"I don't think so but death can be so fast." Goku strained as eyes as he tried to look directly over the top of his head. "Do I have a halo over my head?"


"Then, I'm not dead." Goku reasoned as he signed in relief.

"That's great and all... but what would the Amazons be doing with your body?!" Trunks screamed.

"They could be playing with it." Pan answered sweetly.

Trunks and Piccolo paled at the possible 'games' the Amazons would be doing to a headless but living Saiyan. "I don't want to think about that." Piccolo muttered as he crossed his arms.

Goku shuddered at the thought of what the Amazons could be doing to his body in his state. But, it wasn't their style. True, they feel that he was dirt compared to them and that humiliating him is a requirement but they would never do that to his beheaded body. "I'm sure my body's fine. The Amazon's wouldn't do anything to hurt it." **Much.**

"Your body's fine, for now." The Queen Amazon said as she entered the room.

"Queen Mozerella." Goku said as he tried to bow his head. "Where's the princess?"

"Attending to your body and in a polite way." The queen replied, "You succeeded the first part of the test and now you must endure the second part."

"What's the second part of my test?" Goku asked hesitantly.

"Simple, you will guide your body to this room. Your body is in a different area of the castle. You are still in control of your body, sort of. After China free the body from it's wraps, you can start." Queen Mozerella explained, "Of course, we won't make things easy for you. We will distract you while you try to guide your body."

Goku nodded the best he could. "Okay."

"Good." The Queen put Goku back onto the plate and covered it. "Pan, Bra, Piccolo, Trunks, I would most appreciate it if you don't interfere. You can stay here or watch Goku's body in progress but you must not help out in any way."

"Of course." Piccolo bowed as he went up to the bowl. "Goku, we're going to look for your body but we won't help you. Okay?"

"Sure, go ahead." Goku's muffled voice called out from the covered plate.

"Sorry, Goku, but Mom told me to take a picture." Trunks said as he lifted the lid and took a quick picture.

"Vegita will have a field day with this." Goku moaned as Trunks put the lid over him again.

"Bye, Grandpa." Pan said as she giggled and the group walked away.

From his spot, Goku sighed as he felt his distant body being freed. "I might as well start."


"I can't believe this. Beheaded and left on the table like some sort of turkey." Trunks said as he and the others walked toward where they sensed Goku's Ki.

"Queen Mozerella is famous for her strange sense of humor." Piccolo muttered as they went down a steep flight of stairs.

"They won't eat Grandpa, right?" Pan asked worried as she tugged at Piccolo's cape.

Piccolo paused and picked up the girl. "No, they won't eat Goku. His head is too hard."

"Good, because I don't wanna tell Daddy that you let Grandpa's head is served for dinner." Pan nodded as she crossed her arms.

All of a sudden, there was a loud crash. "That must be Goku's body." Trunks said as he ran down the rest of the stairs and saw a figure in orange and blue stumbling around the hallway like a drunk.

"Kakierot?" Bra asked stunned at the sight of a headless man trying to stand up.

"He can't here you. His head is upstairs." Piccolo said as he came up to the headless warrior and stared at him.

The figure unaware of their presence felt the walls and moved forward away from them.

"Grandpa! You're going the wrong way!" Pan screamed as she ran to the body only to be held back by Trunks.

"We can't interfere." Trunks reminded, "Do you want your grandparents to get back together?"

"Uh huh." Pan sat down on a chair and stared at the body. "Do you think Grandpa can sense us?"

"Good question." Trunks said as he and Bra sat next to Pan. They looked at Piccolo expecting some answer.

"How should I know?" Piccolo grunted, "I never dealt with a living beheaded man with Ki senses before." He went up and focused his power in front of the body. It didn't react. "Okay, apparently, sensing Ki requires a head."

"So, Goku has to find his way through this place, blind, mute, deaf, can't smell, or sense Ki?" Trunks asked, "Is that even possible?"

"With Goku, anything's possible." Piccolo glanced up to see Princess China standing there holding herself. "Hey, Princess."

China looked at the four and bowed.

"This is Princess China, she is forbidden to speak to anyone from outside of this place." Piccolo introduced.

"My mother told me about you." Trunks tried to look behind the mask. "Is it true that no one can remove that mask without knowing what you looked like?"

China nodded as she glanced at the headless man again. She took out a note and gave it to the Namekian.

The warrior raised an eyebrow as he read out loud, "Please leave?"

The girl nodded as she clasped her hands together as if in a pleading gesture.

"There isn't much we can do here anyway." Trunks reminded, "Goku might be distracted by us."

"Fine, Pan, Bra, we're leaving." Piccolo said as he took Pan and picked her up.

"Can't we watch Kakierot a while long?" Bra asked in her sweetest voice as she got out a small camera from her pocket.

"No, it won't work with me." Piccolo snarled as Trunks picked up his sister.

"Awww..." Bra sighed as she took a picture of the headless Goku.

Piccolo came up to the body and gave it a squeeze on the shoulder. The body reached up and grabbed his arm. It lifted his hand to Piccolo's face and then felt his turban and ear. "It's me." Piccolo said as he took Goku's hand and slowly drew out letters on his palm. "L-E-A-V-E-I-N-G."

The body jerked it's back oddly as if it was trying to nod and then felt over his neck. Almost embarrassed, it did an 'OK' sign.

"Good." Trunks nodded fascinated by this headless body.

Pan hugged Goku's leg and the body reached down and patted her on the head. "Let's go." Piccolo advised as he picked up Pan and the group left Princess China and a headless man behind.

The woman stared at the headless man for the longest time. Her aunt told her that it was her chance. Slowly, she slipped off the mask and ran her hand through her hair. With unshielded eyes she whispered, "Oh Goku, I'm sorry." The body didn't hear her voice or saw her face since his ears and his eyes were far away on a dinner table.


Goku felt his body stumbling around. Walking around without a head was harder than it looks. He felt Piccolo spelling out that he and the others are leaving. After a hug on his phantom leg by Pan, nothing else happened. "Okay, I have to get my body back here." Goku vowed determined as he closed his eyes and focused. He knew this test would be difficult with his head in one place and his body in another and with no idea where both are. Still, he can't give up. In his long life, he had encountered many challenges that were virtually impossible to overcome but he did and he will overcome this unique challenge.

His hands reached forward and touched something soft, firm, bowl shaped, and covered by cloth. He blushed as he recognized what he had just felt. "Oops." A small but strong hand moved his disembodied hand and he felt her face. The warrior's eyes widened as he jerked his hand away and traced his fingers over the woman's face. He couldn't see her, hear her voice, or even smell her scent. Yet, he knew who he was touching. "Chi Chi."


Chi Chi stared at the hands as they moved over her face and then through her hair. Does he know who she is? Is he aware of her dual identity? The hands graced her face gently as a tear came down her cheek. "Goku, how do you know it was me? Is it my face? I shouldn't have done this but Aunt Mozerella told me that I can be around you without the mask on as long as I wasn't around your head." She smiled slightly as Goku's hand wiped away the tear. "I miss you. This is just about as much as a test for me as it is for you. Why did you leave with that kid?" She stared at his body and laughed bitterly. "I'm expecting you to answer me. You can't. You can't even hear me or see me. I still love you and you are willing to do so much for me. But, we still can't be together. At least not yet." She reached up and realized that there is no face to grace her hand. Goku looked much shorter without a head. "I can't even kiss you or let you know who I am now. Do you hate me? No, how can you if you are willing to go through this for me."

The body just held her closer and stroked her hair.


Goku felt completely helpless as he focused on his body and made it hug the woman he believed to be his wife. He couldn't talk to her or hear her voice. The irony of it all, he was so close and yet so far. "I'm sorry, Chi Chi." Goku whispered as he felt the hair in between his fingers. "I should've been a better husband. What did they do to you? Were you held captive? Or where you somewhere else?"

He tenderly held her hands and then the hands jerked back out of his reach.


Then, he felt the small hands guiding his own hands into different directions. Was she trying to tell him where he should go? Should she help him this much? He memorized the directions in his head. They stopped and there was a small kiss on his right hand.

"Thank you." Goku said as he felt for the walls and made his way down the hallway.


Hours passed as Goku blindly made his way through the building. It wasn't easy with the lack of balance and senses and the pure aroma of food around him. It smelled so good and he wanted to eat so much. Still, he can't eat until he has his body back. The directions Chi Chi gave him helped a great deal. It made it much easier to figure out where he should go.

Then, his body tripped as he heard a loud clatter. "I must be getting close." Goku muttered to himself as he reached for a wall and pounded twice. His pounds echoed from around him. "All right." He reached out and feels for the table. If he can just find out where his head was, he can finally end this torturous test.

Sounds of fingers tapping became louder as Goku carefully guided his body toward the bowl and finally he lifted a lid hoping it was his. Light came and Goku looked up to see his decapitated body standing over him. "Great to see me again." Goku said as his body lifted his head up and put it on his neck again. The neck healed and the warrior was whole again.

"Congratulations, you made it." Queen Mozerella said as she came forward. "And it only took you eight and a half hours."

"Wow, I feel so much better with my head in place." Goku said as he felt his neck for any marks remaining.

"Don't worry, there are no permanent marks or scaring from this test." Queen Mozerella smirked. "You might have some dizziness but that is normal from decapitation from so long."

"I'm just hungry." Goku said as he put both hands on his stomach. "When can I eat?"

Chedda came in and held up the wraps and chuckled. Goku sighed as he bowed his head down. "Oh right."


"Grandpa? Are you okay?" Pan asked hesitantly as she, Bra, Trunks, and Piccolo returned from their little trip.

"I'm better now." Goku replied from where he was wrapped up and seated at the table being fed by the Princess China.

"I see they didn't waste time in getting you wrapped up." Piccolo said as he leaned against the wall. "How are you feeling?"

"Better now that I ate and have my head on my shoulders, literally." Goku replied as he grinned. "Hey, Pan, Bra, Trunks, I'm sorry I scared you when my head was cut off."

"That's okay, weirder things have happened." Trunks smiled slightly. "I'm just glad that you're okay. I can't explain it to my mother that you were decapitated by the amazons."

Goku tilted his head and Piccolo came closer. The man whispered, "I think Chi Chi helped me guide my body. I can't explain how but she did."

"So, Chi Chi is fine." Piccolo whispered back.

"Yes, I couldn't see or hear her but I know it was her. I couldn't talk to her though. Having a missing head stinks."

"You'll get back to her." Piccolo said confidently, "Just tough it out."

"He will have to because I have a few more tests in my twisted mind." Queen Mozerella smirked evilly as she glanced at China who was staring back.

To Be Continued...