We've come a really long way, haven't we? I've spent eight years working of this project, and I am so grateful that so many people have been a part of it. Some of you have been with me since day one which is incredibly, insanely amazing to me considering how long you've waited to get to this point. Some of you joined us along the way, and I'm sure I must have lost quite a few people near the end there. You all have no idea how much it has meant to me that you've come on this journey into the literary would with me. Your readership, whether vocal on the review page or not, is something that kept this project alive even during these past two years that I was incredibly inactive on this site. There's so much that I want to say to so many of you and it just feels like words aren't enough. I could never begin to imagine having the ability to thank absolutely all of you in the way you deserve, but there are a few people that I really must single out.


You were always someone I looked forward to messaging with while I was more active. You even became the namesake of Sokka's work incidents. You beta read for me for a while before I disappeared and I'm sure most of the readers appreciate that just as much as I did. Thank you.


I'm not going to lie, yours were some of my all-time favorite reviews. It always put a smile on my face when I got that e-mail that said "Review for" with your name on it. They were always fun to read. Thank you.


You were one of the readers that joined for the Zutara. I still remember your reviews from Heal and Discovering the Heart. If I remember correctly from all that time ago, you were even my beta for one of those two. I'm sorry I never did get around to finishing Letters. Thank you.

Next are my competition winners,

Benjamin Bradt, Andoriol, AvatarAiris, Leila-Dinthalion and XMiSsxCrAZyX all entered into a character completion that my psychotic sister Princess Pahoyhoy (who is awesome and amazing and will not destroy me please) chose to be entered into my series. You all probably know them better as their representatives Mr. Brandt, Ethan, Airis, Leila and Ria. Thank you all for joining me on this trip.

Ellarose C,

Better known as Ella from the later chapters of this very volume, she wrote the song Get Zen With It literally YEARS ago for the song competition I held for Ty Lee. All these years and her song FINALLY got put where it was always intended to be. I'm so so so sorry it took so long to get there, but I never forgot you. Your original entry into the competition is still in my inbox from when Pahoyhoy sent it to me. Thank you.

To everyone else who dared to hope that this series would get a proper closing, I'm sorry it took so long, but here we are. We're at the end. It's been an AMAZING experience and I am so lucky to have had readers like you who have held onto the hope that I would make it back. I'm both proud and saddened to see this series come to an end, but at least we all had fun, right? I love you all, and who knows? Maybe I'll be back again.





















Okay, I lied. I'm sorry. Please stay tuned for "Epilogue: 25 Years of Change." It's intended to be a ONE-SHOT celebrating the finale of Avatar: The Legend of Korra.