Hey everyone, since the Phantom sequel is going to be coming out in March I have decided to do my own version of what I think will happen in the new musical. Hope you enjoy and sadly I dont own anything that belongs to Andrew Lloyd Webber.


Since the night of the great chandler disaster, I don't think much of the opera house any longer. It no longer means a thing to me or my broken heart. Without her, there was no reason to stay. After the fire everyone had left, leaving me alone in a darkened solitude. I didn't bother playing my organ, or writing music or operas, for there was no reason. For days I lied there on my bed in the same wet, dirty clothes that my Christine had last seen me in. There was no reason to change, no reason to look good, and no reason to live. Her voice which used to echo off the walls of my lair no longer lingered, and I found myself wanting death to overtake my broken soul. I purposely lied there on my bed waiting for the angry mob to come and end my life, but they never came. No one came, no one except Madam Giry. It had been days since the last time I gave her a letter to give to the two fools who ran my theater and never had she ever journeyed to my lair until now. I was cold and pale, but I didn't care. I wanted nothing more than to die because without her, without Christine Daae I was absolutely nothing.

"You're sick Erik." she replied as she tried to pull me to a sitting position.

I pushed her away, and lied back down on the mattress to stare up at the stone ceiling. She had brought a kettle of water for me to drink out of, but I refused. If I were going to kill myself, drinking water would make my death last longer than I wanted it to. She had even brought me something left over from the kitchen, but I refused to eat as well.

"So you want to die? Is that it Erik?" Her angry voice echoed throughout my lair as I lied there like a disobedient child refusing to take his medicine.

"The opera house is no more. There will be construction workers coming in the next few days to remodel it. If you do not leave they will find you."

That was exactly what I wanted, but it seemed as though madam Giry wasn't going to let that happen.

"I know I cannot make you come with me, but I want you to know that there is another life out there for you Erik. Meg and I are going to America and we would love to have you join us. Sitting here waiting for Christine to come back will do absolutely nothing. She is happy and you know it, so why cant you just let things be?"

I didn't say a word, and listened to Madam Giry as she continued to talk.

"There is a ship that will be leaving in the morning, if you wish to come I advise you to meet me at my room tomorrow at dawn. If not, then I bid you farewell for good. You can be successful Erik, people would love to hear your music."

With that being said, Madam Giry turned around and left, leaving me alone once more. All I could think about was who would want to hear my music? I am a complete monster that would rather die than to be tortured by the human race. But as I continued to lie there alone I wondered about Madam Giry, and why she was offering for me to come live with her in America? Perhaps the thought of me killing myself brought her to tears or perhaps she found me to be a dear friend. Quickly I stood up and ran to the basin of water that was sitting on my dresser and splashed the cold water upon my face and looked at my hideous self within the mirror. I stared for several moments before realizing that my life was not yet over and God believe it or not still had a plan for me. Without another word I flew open my wardrobe doors and began to gather what ever I could, and sung for the first time since Christine left me.

A day begins,

A day ends without one word.

Since you left nothing is heard.

Id rather die than sit around and cry

But a new day IS HERE

No more music

No more singing

No more anything that has to do with you

You left me here alone

You left me here alone

Nothing will ever be the same again

But a new life, a new life is going to


No more music

No more singing

No more anything that has to do with you.

The walls are silent

The earth is still but

A day begins,

A day ends without one word.

Since you left nothing is heard.

Id rather die than sit around and cry

But a new day IS HERE

I stopped singing and smiled, for in the morning a new life would be awaiting me..

Ok that's the prologue let me know what you think