this is an idea i had when reading another story. i hope you like it and please reveiw to tell me so! ^_^

Disclaimer – I do not own twilight or Inuyasha. Nope, there not mine…




My name is Isabella swan and, contrary to popular belief, I'm not exactly what you would call normal. It's rather hard and a tad complicated to explain, but if you've seen batman and know of the character cat woman, then it may be easier.

You see, I'm almost exactly like her, only, I was born like it.

I have cat ears, a cat tail and can be as stealthy and quiet as any cat can, domestic or otherwise. The only difference is the rest of my body is human and I can move at super speeds. I also have super strength and advanced hearing, smell and eyesight. i also have an upside down cresent moon on my forhead that i cover with thick layers of a special foundation.

I'm the only one in my family that looks like a cat. Everyone else look like normal humans, though, we are much, much more.

Ever since I was born I've had to hide these abnormalities. I wear a specially fitted wig to cover and hide my ears and (since my family on my mother's side is quiet rich and influential) I have fake human ears I have to wear in public. My tail is generally wrapped around my waist as a belt or tucked into my cloths.

My hair is long and brown, just past shoulder length. My eyes are golden with cat slip pupils. This, of course, means I need to wear coloured contacts; the ones I have make them brown.

It's been hard; but I managed.

Earlier this month, mum and I decided it was time for me to go and see my dad again. I've been training in swordplay and other old weapons so I'm going to show my dad my skills.

My dad lives in Forks, mum in phoenix. My mum left my dad before she realised she was pregnant. I used to visit him often, but not anymore. The last time I saw him was when I was 111; I'm now 217. Have you guessed what we are yet? Yup, that's right, we're cat demons.

But I do want to see Charlie. The thing is, I'm not a big fan of Forks: I hate the rain.

I have absolutely nothing against water in particular, it's just that rain is so cold! Why he would want to live in a place that rains all the time I have no idea.

Anyway, back on subject.

I'm going for an extended briefing session with my dad. I have no idea how long it will last but he wants to see how I'm getting on and how far my training is up to.

Though I may be a pro on the battlefield, graceful and skilful as masters of old, (including my sensei Sesshoumaru) I'm a klutz at household domestics. I suppose it helps me hide my identity. No one would suspect a clumsy girl who sucks at sports to be anything but normal and I suppose that's where our story starts.

My mother had given me money to buy another car as I wasn't able to being my Ferrari from home. Dad took me to the car shop after picking me up from the airport.

I don't know much about cars so I chose a nice looking black BMW X6 with a good, fast engine. It was fast and comfortable and didn't stand out too much. I drove it home, following Charlie.

But this isn't where are story really begins. At the beginning of our story my BMW is parked next to a nice looking silver Volvo and a shiny red convertible. Me? I'm sitting in biology with Edward Cullen looking at me with a hateful look, his eyes charcoal black.

There's something weird about that boy and it's not just the way he's looking at me. He has no heartbeat, no pulse. I can't hear one. I can't smell blood either.

It's weird and infuriating.

And his eyes! I could have sworn they where a golden colour earlier, almost as gold as mine only with a hint of amber.

The air was tense around us and I was glad when the lesson was over and Edward almost ran out of the room, shifting the air as he walked past me. He had a strange sent. I suppose he still does but back then it was even stranger to me as I hadn't smelt anything like it.

I had PE next and I wasn't looking forward to it. I'm as clumsy as ever in those stupid lessons. We had netball. I suck at netball.

Honestly, the game sucks when you're a master sword woman and you have people laughing at you tripping over the ball and landing on your bum. Yup. Not fun.

After the disastrous first PE lesson I had to check in at the office. When I arrived, Edward was already there.

'I need to move from biology.' He said to the lady behind the desk who was rapidly typing into the computer.

Well that caught my interest. I stayed back, keeping well out of sight but close enough that I could hear every word they where saying.

'I'm sorry Mr Cullen but you can't. Every other lesson in that period is full.'

Edward growled in annoyance.

'Can't I just drop it and do nothing that period?' he asked, a note of pleading edged into his voice now.

'I'm sorry but no. you need to go to every period.'

Another growl. Did he really hate me that much? It was infuriating. Why did he hate me? He hardly new me! I decided to make myself known, coming round the corner and walking towards the desk.

Edward turned and his black eyes filled with a hungry look, one I had seen in many a wild demon's eyes. I gulped. He wasn't human, that was for sure. If I hadn't known that anyway I was certain now.

He stalked past me, offering a small apology to the lady behind the desk before disappearing out of the door.

I glared at his retreating back and turned to the lady and giving her my papers and following him out the main doors.

He was still in the car park with his family, about to get into there cars; the red convertible and the silver Volvo. Mine was parked in between. Damn.

I walked idly over to them hoping with all hope that they would leave before I got there. Of course, it didn't happen. Edward saw me coming and a pained expression flickered over his face for a moment before his features settled into a scowl. I watched as his golden eyes turn black and shivered as a snarl ripped through his throat catching the attention of his family.

I fought the urge to snarl back, closing my eyes as my beast rose the surface. I squashed it back down and opened my eyes sending a cold glare at the boy (I was quite proud of my glare. I had studied Sesshoumaru intently and had perfected one that could rival his in temperature.)

Getting the keys to my BMW out of my pocket I clicked the unlock button causing the lights on my car to flash snapping the group out of there reverie.

I stalked past them, bashing Edward in the shoulder as I went. His skin was rock hard but with my extra strength it didn't stop me from pushing his shoulder slightly before getting into my car and starting the engine. Reversing, I pulled out of the car park and drove back to Charlie's.

The Cullen's all had no heart beat and it crept me out some. I needed a square.


I hope you like my new story. I'm going to do it that some chapters will be Edward's point of view and others Bella's. I'll tell you which is which at the beginning of each chapter.

Thanks for reading and please REVIEW!!!! ^_^