Hey guys,


Right let me explain. So I promised a chapter Christmas but my dad stole the internet all like, 'christmas is for family' and I was like 'they are my family they're like the boys' and so he goes 'well then by all means invite them for christmas dinner'. Gay. Anywho... So then it was an uphill battle getting him to put it back up and when he finally did I read this over and was like right...

And I realized I was getting a bit ahead of myself and had missed out a couple of vital chapters so I had to write them and they will probably be short and that but soon I promise another big chapter.

Although I do know updates won't be as regular as usual as I've just gone back to school after having an operation so I've got loads to catch up on for my GCSE's.

But anyway... Typo apologies. Pictures on my profile. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Anywho... so you can see I'm still not alone. Everyone say hi to Joe and his giant typing.

DISCLAIMER: If I was SM Matt would be rich. (This was Matt's idea for a disclaimer)

CLAIMER: We own ourselves and I own my plot :).

The Awesome List: danie568, rehme, Miss. Ebbie Paige, flying vampire monk, Marshmellow007, Anna Banana Montana Savanah, DoubleAA, lolagurll124, cassymae, IcePrincessFireQueen, Emzybear, Horselover9139, MarissaReneeThatsMe, Debussy's Melody (Who reviewed like every chapter), TwilightSagaTeamWolfpack

Thank you for waiting for me and all that. And thanks to all the people that alert and favorite me although I do wish you'd review!

Much Love,

Arianna Tala Cole,

AKA The author.

I feel rain,

Fallin' right out of the blue sky,

And it's the fifth of May and I'm right there starin' in your eyes,

That's all it takes,

And I'm in that place,

And there we are,

Parked down by the river side,

And I'm in your arms,

About to make love for the first time,

And I can't explain,

And I'm in that place,

Every time I hear your name.

- Keith Anderson

- Everytime I hear your name

Giggling filled the air as five young children ran down the road towards a section of the reservation surrounded by nature. A small girl was running in front being chased by a bigger boy while the other three boys tore after them. The wind was pulling the girls hair out behind her and it flowed like a dark curtain.

"I'm going to get you Tally!" The boy shouted, his light voice wafting along capturing that magical summer feeling only playing children can capture.

"Oh no you won't Matt!" The girl yelled back a giant grin pulled across her face.

Tally's voice was laced with the innocence only a child could find amongst all the pain and suffering in the world. A carefree child's voice that made your hears soar and a small smile spread across your lips as you hoped they'd savor these years, that's the voice Tally had.

Tally grinded to a halt and stared up at the building in front of her.

"Oof." Matt moaned as he banged into her back.

She stumbled a little but never lost her footing. Matt looked up as the other boys halted beside them.

"Oh Matt isn't it just darling?" Tally asked.

'Darling' Joe mouthed to James.

'I have no idea.' James mouthed back.

"Darling? Tally where do you pick these words up?" Matt joked.

She shook her head at him. "Matt really thought it's like the picture of loveliness."

Honeysuckle climbed the small walls and the small monkey-puzzle cottage looked a little run down. Flowers and bushes made everything over grown and hard to get to.

"Looks like a fixer-upper to me." Aj muttered.

"I love it." Tally sighed.

"You really like it?" Matt asked the small girl in front of him, that was barely nine.

Tally nodded. Matt who was only ten put his arm around his friend.

"I'll buy it for you one day and fix it right up." He grinned.

"Oh Matt! You promise?" She exclaimed.

"I promise Tal."

"You really promise? Like double promise?"

"Of course I do."

Her shoulders slumped. "You're just saying that."

"Course I'm not!" Matt said looking offended. "When have I ever broke a promise to you?"

Tally smiled at him and he pulled her in for a hug as the sun began to set on the horizon.

"I'll buy it for you Tal. If it's the last thing I do."

I woke up sobbing, glad that Paul had had to leave for patrol. Matt. My Matty. I'd never missed him as much as I did then. That memory just assaulted me.

"Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt." I sobbed.

The door to Paul's room opened just a crack and a small figure came in, closing the door and huddling up to my side.

"Who's Matt?" Holly asked, her large eyes glistened up at me.

I put my arm around her as she hugged my side.

"Matt was my best friend."


"He's… not here anymore."

"Is he in the sky? That's where Pawie say's gwanma is."

I smiled in spite of myself and sighed a little.

"Yeah he's in the sky."

"Well then you can still twalk to him. I twalk to gwanma all the twime."

I smiled.

"Is it true you and Pawie are gonna have a baby?" She asked.

I laid down next to her. "Has Paul ever lied to you before?"

She shook her head.

"Then why would you think he was lying now?"

"I fawght mummy's and daddy's were meant to be old."

I giggled. "Normally they are. But me and Paul were bad."

She laughed. "Nawty Tally."

I stroked her hair absentmindedly. She smiled and yawned.

"I think you should go back to bed young lady. It's still really early."

"But you're awake." She protested, face creasing into a frown.

"I had a nightmare." I admitted.

She grinned at me again. "Well you should get Pawie to scare away the monster."

"Oh I should, should I?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah, he's weally good at that… he always scares away the monster under my bed. And the one in my closet has moved out."

"I'll make sure to ask him."

"Good." She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Tawwy. I love you."

"Night Holly."

Her small feet pattered out the door and down into her room. I sighed as I rolled back onto my back.

"You are really good with her you know." Paul observed from where he was leaning against the door frame.

"JESUS PAUL! Don't do that." I said jumping.

His laugh rumbled out of his chest as he pulled off his jeans and settled back into bed, pulling me close to him and drawing circles on my arm with his fingertips.

"So what was this bad dream about?" He asked quietly.

"It was… nothing."

He raised his eyebrows at me.

I sighed. "Just a memory."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. Go back to sleep Tally." He said kissing both of my eye-lids. "I'm here, no memory is going to get you."

I sighed, but in a contented way this time as I laid my head on his chest.

"I know Paul. I love you."

"I love you too Tal." He replied smiling against my head.


"Yes Tal?"


"What do you want?"


The pair lapsed back into silence.

"Matt." A young Tally said sitting on the grass outside the cottage.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you remember when you said you'd buy me that?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just checking." She replied winking at him.

He rolled his eyes and shook his head as it started to rain. There wasn't any warning and by the time the two pre-teens skidded into Matt's house they were soaked.

"Is it raining guys?" Joe asked an amused smirk on his face from where he was hanging upside down watching T.V.

"No shit face we just decided to drown ourselves." Tally replied sarcastically. "Idiot."

Matt kicked him lightly in the head as they walked past heading for the bedrooms where they new warm, dry clothes would await.

Does this make the wait worth it?

If not I beg your forgiveness. :).



Much Love,


P.S. Does anyone else notice my pen name just comes up as ... ?