Hey Guys,

So this is going to be my first serious twilight story, a paul/oc, and it's all inspired by my music and a great set of friends. COUGH Aj, Matt, James, Joe. COUGH. So yeah I'm doing this because of them. They actually are how they appear in this but they look different, well a little like, they're not as big as they're meant to be in this. Lol. Same for me. So I hope you enjoy this.


Arianna Tala Cole

AKA the author.

To be on the edge of breaking down,

And no-one's there to save you,

No you don't know what it's like,

Welcome to my life.

- Simple Plan

-Welcome To My Life

I turned the radio up as loud as it would go. Locked my door and screamed.


I felt like crying. I never cried. But right now I think cold tears sliding down my pale cheeks would be a welcome sensation. Anything. I wanted to feel something. Welcome to my life.

Everything was hurting. Everything was numb. Was that even possible? Tala for god's sake stop being an idiot. Emily will be here soon. What a fucking munchkin twat of a teacher. I hate him. How dare he tell me like that? In front of everyone. Almost as if he was making a crack about it. I'm so proud James and Joe didn't loose their cool. No doubt Matt and Aj would of. I can't hear anything. If someone come's in I'll have no idea. I screamed again.


It felt like everything had been taken out of me. There was nothing else I could do. I put my arms around myself as if that would stop me falling apart.

"Dad…" I whispered.

There was a sliding noise. Probably really moderately loud but I could hardly hear it over the banging music coming from my radio. Four humongous boys tumbled in through the window. The normal entry place….for them.

Matt put his arms around me. Aj sat next to me rubbing my hand. Joe flopped on the end of my bed letting out a huge sigh and their was a loud cracking sound as my bed buckled under all of the weight. James sat crossed legged on the floor next to the now flat remains of a mattress, pillows, teddies and splintered bits of wood we were all laid on.

"He's a prick." Spoke up Joe. I grinned at him in spite of my mood.

My friends were the weirdest bunch going. They looked like they were the albino mafia or something. All except Joe. They were all brothers. Joe was the youngest they were triplets, the older three, and Joe had been a twin.

Aj was the oldest, he was the older brother type. He had big, thick, tree-trunk resembling limbs but he was one of the sweetest guys I knew. His smile was infectious and he could always think of a logical way to deal with everything. He had large, glittering brown, orb-like eyes and his blond locks were short so they never swept across his forehead. Hair in his face annoyed him. As he rubbed his thumb along my hand the heat radiated off him and he pushed his lips together into a long, thin line before letting the air gush out of his nostrils in a kind of, 'well what can you do?' gesture.

Matt was the middle kid, of the triplets anyway. He was the kind of, lets-go-beat-the-shit-out-of-this-guy-and-get-it-over-with type. He was a kind guy, didn't have a bad bone in his body, but he had a small temper. If you messed with his brothers or me then you had a problem. He was more wiry than Aj but still massive. He had a broad chest and his blond hair came down just enough to tickle his eye lashes. You could often find him shaking his head to get them out of his way, like a dog shakes off water, it's quite funny. He had the same large brown eyes as Aj. Actually this was a trait all the brothers shared. Matt was a cocky guy. He was the loud mouth. You'd think it was Joe but it's not. Matt was the, all girls should flock to me because I'm just that awesome, kind of guy. He was funny though. We used to call him Dan-Dan the man with the plan because every girl he meets he always plans how to get her to go out with him if the occasion arrives. It's so cute. He gets this little calculating look and his face scrunches a bit. When the lines on his forehead disappear you know he's got it. Weirdly enough I've never seen a plan of his fail yet. He just kept his arms around me suffocating me with the heat, in a kind and caring way….if that's possible.

James was the quiet, chilled one of the group. You wouldn't think he was dangerous at all. He just faded into the background if that's possible with their size. I mean he didn't fade. You'd notice his massive body but you'd pay less attention to him than the rest. Although he's lovely he's another all-for-action guy so that was the main mistake people made. They underestimated him. He was the most dangerous of the lot. If he wanted to do something he'd do it. No warning. No signs. Nothing. You had to know him really well to catch it coming. I think the only way that was possible was if you were me, Joe, Aj or Matt. Strangely he was the intellectual of the group though. Where Aj was the jock, James was the one you'd ask if you needed to know something for homework no normal teen would know and that would take you hours to find on the internet. I called him my walking dictionary. He seemed to know the meaning and spelling of every word and all the variations you could use instead….maybe I should add thesaurus onto that…Anyway…. He sat and twiddled his thumbs looking at me.

I had calmed down somewhat now and my dark chocolate-coloured hair was flowing over Matt's shoulder where my head was lolling. James's mouth suddenly puckered in a weird shape and he blew upwards. A stringy lock of his blond hair blew out of his face. The rest of it was pulled back into a ponytail tied with the bright forest green ribbon I got him for Christmas. I smiled at him as he continued blowing on his hair so it seemed to be hovering in mid-air. Eventually he gave up, stopped twiddling his thumbs, pulled his hand round and tucked the strand behind his ear before going back to twiddling his thumbs.

Joe was the youngest of all the brothers. He was in my year at school. He also looked most like their dad. Or what I assumed their dad must look like….although maybe it was their mum, we had never met either. We knew they were part Quileuet because their aunt that they lived with told us so. Their aunt was lovely and she looked, apparently, just like their mother who now lived on the Quileuet reservation with Joe's twin. We have no idea why she left Joe. But we know she didn't think she could support the others. Anyway their aunt Louise had long blond hair and bright blue eyes, so we assumed their dad has brown eyes. Joe looked most like the Quileuet side though definitely. Okay so he was skinnier and stringier, although he was quite large still. That skinny-ness was his Mekah side showing thorough but apart from that he had a short shock of dark black hair and darker toned skin than his brothers and I who, all of us being Mekah were like a coffee with a large amount of milk in. He looked like someone had just dashed in a little. He was tall but still the shortest of the group and had the same brown eyes as his brothers but the glistened and glinted with mischief. There was no doubt about anything, as sure as we need oxygen to breathe, Joe was a prankster. He's one of the three, possibly the one you would assume to love to fight, second only to Matt, but he hated it. Sure if it was needed he could deliver a good ass whooping but he didn't really like too. He preferred to embarrass the hell out of whoever it was that had annoyed or hurt one of us so that they never forgot it. He had his plotting look on his face right now, we all grinned inside. So the boys couldn't beat the living hell out of a teacher but Joe would find a way to teach him a lesson and not get caught.

Aj, Matt and James were all seventeen where Joe and I were sixteen. Not only was I the only girl in the group but I was the youngest, so you can imagine the pretty pissed off protective beast of boys that took over my loving friends when someone hurt me.

You see my dad had cancer. And today he died. He'd been in hospital a while. My mum had died giving birth to me and so now my only living relatives were my older sisters, Hannah and Emily and their respective families. Hannah had a husband and a kid. Claire was the sweetest little niece in the world, no doubt. She was only two but I loved her immensely. Hurt her and I would cause you no end of pain. I couldn't stand her dad though. Steve was the type of guy that thought he was better than everyone. So obviously we didn't get on. This being said I loved Hannah. No doubt we were massively close. Emily and Hannah practically raised me before they left. Hannah was sweet if a bit dippy. She was the spitting image of my mother, down to a tee. Long blond hair, bright blue eyes, fair skin….almost looked albino. Emily had long black hair and our fathers brown eyes but shared my mother and sisters skin tone and stature, they were all quite tall about 5 foot 7" each. I on the other hand was Mekah to extremes. I had the milky-coffee looking skin tone, the big brown doe-like eyes, long black silky locks and the hereditary shortness. Okay so the shortness was just my dad but still. I was 5 foot 2" maybe 3" I hadn't measured in a while.

Getting back to why we were sitting in my room with loud music playing. My teacher loathes me. He teaches maths which I am a constant fail at but I pass the tests. Cough JAMES cough. So he thinks I'm a cheating layabout waste of space. Anywho…he hates me. So he comes in this afternoon while Joe, James and I are sitting in the library surrounded by people revising last minute for our history exam and says:

"Young, your dad's dead." Turns and walks away.

I was shocked. Joe and James were actually livid, leering at him as if they wanted to kill him. The only thing that managed to stop them was the small whisper of 'don't' from me, before I got up and ran home through the pouring rain and that's where we are now.

You might be wondering why all my friends are so big and hot, temperature wise I mean not that they're not attractive but well eww….they're like brothers to me, anyways….they're werewolves. I know that sounds stupid but seriously they fly off the handle and turn into big balls of fluff. They don't know where they got the talent. They assume it was from their dad because at the time he was cheating on his wife with their mother and as far as we know it sure as hell ain't Mekah although it fits with the Quileuet legends. So that's what we know. Any bloodsuckers come near here they kill 'em. Although sometimes they go towards the Quileuet reservation and don't come back, but we can't go down and say to randomers 'hey do you have werewolves that live here?' 'cause that'd get us locked up. No one knows about the guys 'sept me and them.

The point is, getting back to my sisters, I'm going to have to live with one of them. Which super sucks for us. The guys can run and visit me, they'd arrive in like I dunno half an hour rather that the four it takes to drive if they changed, so that's not the problem. Problem is I'm like the den mother. These are my brothers here. I can't leave them. How the hell am I meant to make normal friends? But Emily is coming to take me to her house tonight because the funeral has already been set up for the afternoon. My dad was organized like that. I noticed the radio had flicked off a while ago.

"There are people in your house." James said breaking the silence with his smooth, light voice.

I hadn't heard but I knew not to question their superior hearing.

"How many?" I asked. Emily would bring all her friends I knew that.

A load of boys Sam hung around with. Sam was her fiancee. I could so see my boys having problems. They were very territorial.

"About ten 'ud be my guest." Joe threw in.

"You guys promise?"

"You're no fun!" Matt pouted.


"If they don't we won't." Aj reasoned. A deeper tenor than that which was present usually ran through his voice. He was the alpha so I knew that was as best as I would get and the others would have to comply.

I sighed. "Okay."

Matt unwrapped his arms from around my frame. I was still in my school clothes, black skinny jeans and a blue checkered shirt. My five bracelets that I never took off dangling from my right wrist along with my hair band. My thin starry sweatband on my left. I'd kicked off my converse and mismatched socks earlier on.

James pulled me up from out of Matt's lap. I unlocked the door and the click seemed to resound through the heavy atmosphere for a second before I pulled open the door, which as always scraped against the frame from where the boys knocked it partly out of place once. We all seemed to share the same thought as we excited the room 'this is it'.

The boys, heavy as they were, could move silently through the house. I on the other hand, made little padding noises as I descended the wooden stairs on my bare feet. I knew Emily would head into our well stocked kitchen-cum-dinning room when she finished her long drive so that's where I turned. Through the large archway I could feel the boys heckles rise already as they obviously smelt something on their territory. This was a little strange as normally, as annoyed as they'd be, they didn't get this uptight about other people being there. This obviously meant there was something strange about this lot.

I took a deep breath and Joe patted me on the back as I stepped round the corner flanked by my four humongous friends. I mean how intimidating can this new lot be?

Holy shite! Pretty damn intimidating from where I'm standing. Was my first thought. There, in my kitchen, was Emily pottering about as usual, clearing up, helped out by my cousin Leah. Behind her was Seth, Leah's younger brother who had sure as hell grown. Wow, he was like, Joe sized. Then behind him sat at the table were honestly five of the biggest guys I have ever seen in my life and one girl sitting on a guys lap. They were all Aj and Matt sized, two, being Sam and another guy, were bigger. My eyes must have gone a little wide like they do when I'm intimidated. Which, being as I hang around with Aj, Matt, James and Joe is not often, but anyway they must have because Matt pulled me back into him. No effort on his part of course to put out a hand and pull me back by my shoulder. It was amazing that it didn't hurt even though I would assume it looked like it did.

All the guys at the table and Seth stared and my guys. Oh boy. Then I noticed one guy. Sitting next to the one with a pretty girl on his lap staring at me. He just stared. It was a little creepy. I realized Matt had noticed when he cocked his head to the side. I knew he wanted to say 'Dude what the hell are you staring at?' but couldn't, Aj's order. No aggression, until they show some. I snuggled a little further into Matt. The guy staring started to shake.

Am I the only one a little weirded out now? Sam flicked his eyes to him and mumbled something. The guy calmed down, looking pissed though. I saw Aj twist his head a little the way he does when he's telling the guys the order he made is now redundant.

Matt moved me more securely out of the way. Emily looked between the two groups uncertainly before nodding at me.

"Tala, you know Seth, Leah and Sam." She said motioning to them for the guy's benefit I assumed, "Well this is Jacob," Scarily bigger than Aj guy that isn't Sam, "Jared, Kim," Guy and girl sitting together, "Paul," Scary angry, shaky guy, "Quil, and Embry." Big guy and the skinniest guy of the group.

I nodded, my mouth had gone dry. I cleared my throat but still spoke in a small voice.

"This is Aj, Matt, James and Joe." I said.

Both groups of boys made no movement. Awkward. And how the hell was I going to survive around this lot?

I flicked my eyes to the clock.

"It's uh, half one." I muttered, the funeral starts at two I added mentally.

"Right," Aj said not taking his eyes off the other boys. "Get your stuff, we'll get changed at our place and go straight there." He must have noticed the timing too.

I nodded just happy for a reason to leave the tense atmosphere and slipped out between, what seemed to be an iron wall of my friends.

In my room I picked up my little black dress and shoved it in my backpack along with some flat doll shoes and some white beads also a white bow with a picture of London on to clip into my hair. Then I threw in some of my make-up shoved on my shoes and padded back downstairs. Matt was leaning against the kitchen door still staring at the others. He was obviously the one left behind to wait for me, I knew we weren't going in their jeep because we hadn't go here like that. My car was in the shop so we were going wolf style. I tugged on his hand, hardly bending round him but I still managed to glimpse the guy staring at me. Emily waved and said she'd see me at the funeral and Matt linked his fingers with mine as he pulled me out the door gently.

We made our way into the wooded area at the back of my house. He slipped behind a tree and changed. I went behind the tree, around the massive brown wolf with purple tints and picked up his clothes which I shoved in my backpack. Then I walked back to him and climbed on. This would obviously be very weird for anyone else and I think if it wasn't Matt, James, Aj or Joe and I met another werewolf there'd be no way I could do this but I'd had a lot of time to get used to this, so for me it was just a fast way to travel.

It took us about ten minutes to get to the forest outside his house. I jumped off when we reached familiar trees, took his clothes out of my rucksack and placed them on the ground. Then I walked behind a close tree to wait for him.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and we made our way into his large house. Their Aunt Louise was just popping earrings into her ears by the large stairway. I loved their house, it was like a fucking mansion.

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry dear, or that it'll be alright because it won't help and it won't ever be alright that your dad just died but I do hope you'll feel better."

I grinned at her. Even when talking about my dad's death she could make me smile. I nodded and pulled Matt upstairs we had about ten minutes to get ready and arrive at the funeral.

Six minutes later five very rushed teenagers fell out of the house and into a large black jeep.

"Even your Aunt's gone!"


"We're going to be late!"


"I can't be late to my own dad's funeral!"


The jeep screeched and span into a stopped park position in the car park outside the ceremony. There was that white smoke that comes up, wafting around the car as we all ran across to the little service where people were beginning to sit down. It was quite a wet day but dad always wanted an outside funeral. We ran up to the front comically and I fell into the seat in between Hannah and Emily. The boys took seats behind with all the others; Sam's gang, Steve and Claire.

"What'd I miss?" I asked.

"Dad's name."

"That all?"

Emily and Hannah nodded.

"Oh good."

The funeral wasn't very long and when the coffin was buried us three daughters found ourselves walking towards the wake way behind the other guests.

"Nice entrance by the way." Hannah said. "I think dad would have liked it. Dramatic."

We all giggled.

"Well," Emily said, "You," She poked Hannah in the chest, "Are officially the oldest in the family."

"Don't!" Hannah whined, stomping her foot and pouting her lips.

We made our way into the wake. I made a beeline to the boys. Hannah and Emily shook their heads. Steve, who really didn't get on with any of them was sitting on the edge of Sam's group so that Hannah and Emily could sit together, but Matt, Aj, Joe and James were sitting opposite fixing the others with stony looks. So I was not reserved the same special treatment. I would sit separate from my sisters I didn't really care, this was my last night with the boys after all.

"Dude." I said plonking into James's lap.

He smiled at me and twisted round so we were forming our own little group. I could still feel that guy, Paul I think, staring at me but I decided to ignore it. As if we needed more tension, even if my boys were werewolves, I did not like the numbers.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Asked Joe, dragging me off James and throwing his arm around me instead.

"As can be expected."

"Well," Aj lifted me next to him, "You're dad would be happy because you haven't gone all misery guts on us."

I giggled as he poked my stomach. Matt shook his head and smiled at us all teeth glistening.

"You lot are so immature."

"Oh because you're Mr. Mature." Joe shot back.

"I'm more mature than you'll ever be."

"You are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"Are not."

"Are too."

"YOU'RE BOTH AS BAD AS EACH OTHER!!!" Aj, James and I shouted.

People looked over at us but we didn't notice because we were so cracked up at the looks on their faces. I fell off the chair I was sitting on and ended up about in the middle of the floor as it was such a small hall.

"Oh my god." I wheezed.

"Your freaking faces!" Aj finished off.

I couldn't get myself up, I was trying to push myself up but I was so out of breath I couldn't. This obviously set the guys off into more fits of laughter because they'd fallen into older brother mode.

"This…..is…..not…..funny…." I giggled, contradicting myself and still trying to get up.

They laughed even harder, doubled over hands clenched to their rib cages. Tears threatening to pour down their cheeks.

I suddenly saw a russet coloured hand appear in front of me. I looked up and it was the staring guy, Paul. I took his hand and he pulled me up, effortlessly. So maybe normal guys could be this strong because the only other people I knew that could pull me up like that would be my boys.

"Thank you." I said smiling. And turning to smack the guys, who had become more sober now one of 'them' had touched me, around the head, I said, "You're mother would be ashamed."

James stuck his tongue out at me.

"James Timothy Call! I am very disappointed, and I thought you were meant to be the intelligent, mature one." I said crossing my arms and looking at the other group, who weirdly all seemed to be looking at, um Embry was it?

I yelped as James pulled me onto his lap, resting his hands on my hips. He twisted his head into the crook of my neck and kissed it. In a sultry voice he said,

"I am the mature one baby."

I couldn't help it and I bust up laughing again. I turned and pushed his head out the way.

"Gerr out of it." I said smiling. "Twat!"

That Paul guy was shaking, like Matt, Aj, James and Joe when they were angry, I was a little confused but I don't think the others noticed because his friend, erm, Jared?, pulled him out of the hall. Weird.

We ended up at my house later on and I tumbled out of the Jeep. Hannah, Steve and Claire had gone home but Emily decided we should stay here for the night, have a nice sleep, let me double check my packing and then leave in the morning.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" Joe asked. Actually serious for once.

"I'm sure."

"Definitely?" James clarified.


"Super-ducally sure?" Aj said in a baby voice.

I giggled a little. "Super- ducally sure."

"Because there's a lot of guys in there…" Matt said.

"MATT!!!" I whined.

"And you don't know them…" Aj joined in…


"And we're not saying they'd try anything….." Joe added….


"But then if you'd be more comfortable knowing they couldn't anyway because we're here…." James said…


"Then we'd be happy to stay." They all finished.

"Guy's I'm sixteen not six!" I huffed.

"Well, will you call at us the first sign of trouble?" Aj asked his brow furrowed.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

"Pinky swear?" Joe sweetly mocked me in a funny voice, pushing his pinky out.

I linked mine with his. "Pinky swear."

"Okay. Fine. We'll be back to see you off tomorrow chick." Said Aj ruffling my hair.

Matt slammed the large Jeep door shut and James sat up from his position, he'd been lolling across the wheel awkwardly trying not to press the horn. I waved at them before taking a deep breath and turning into my house for the last time. Shit, I'm actually leaving. I ran up the stairs and made sure I had absolutely everything in boxes. I did. Except the teddies and my Ipod. I put the teddies in a box and my Ipod in my backpack. Then I sighed to myself and curled up on my broken mattress between the splintered fragments of wood that used to be my bed. I couldn't help but think how similar it was to my life. I felt like all the support had gone and I was being thrown off the deep end. But I knew that was stupid. Of course I had support, as soon as I needed them, I could call my boys, because no matter what, they'd always be there. Although weirdly, when I thought of people always being there an image of that Paul floated into my head. I shook it off as I fell asleep. I mean, why the hell would Paul always be there? What could he possibly have to do with me?

So what did you think? I reckon this'll be about sixteen chapters or so. Sorry if I get a few things wrong but I'm from England. I realized you don't know my friends and I so I found some pictures on the internet that you can imagine the characters as. Basically this is what i'd imagine if I didn't know the real people they're based on :).

So go to my profile for that.

