A/N: Here's Part 1 of my latest fic, Soul Mates. There are going to be 3 chapters. Please read and review!


March 8th, 2019



"Where are you off to?" I ask Nick as he dresses up in his blue suit, something he doesn't usually wear on Friday nights. "Got a hot date?" I tease.

"Er…yes, actually." Nick answers.

"WHAT!? What do you mean!? It's Friday night, we always hang out together!"

"Well, our latest client asked me out on a date."

"Nada Chance? And you accepted?"

"Well yeah, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I don't have much of a social life, the closest thing I've had to a date in the last 3 years is taking my assistant out for burgers." Nick says.

My heart drops. I always figured I was the only girl Nick had time for, and to find out he's going out on a date with some girl he just met comes as a big shock.

"B-but with her? Nick, I…I just don't think she's your type." I say, trying to come up with an excuse.

"What makes you say that?" Nick asks as he puts on his tie.

"Feminine intuition, duh."

"Maya, it's not like I'm getting married to her. It's just one date, I've got nothing to lose," Nick says, "And besides, I'm sure we'll have something in common. Anyways, I should be back around 10. Wish me luck!" Nick walks out the door. I let out the tears I've been holding in.

Just tell him how you feel!

But he doesn't feel the same way! He treats me like his assisstant, not his girlfriend.

Probably because he doesn't think you're interested. After all you've been through, he has to feel something for you.

But he's already going out with another girl…

You heard him, it's just one date. And if it doesn't work out, which it probably won't, then it's your turn to strike!

I put on my Diamond Samurai PJ's, make some popcorn and watch TV.

I don't want to be the rebound girl.

You're not the rebound girl, she is! Nick's lonely, which is the only reason why he decided to go out with Nada in the first place. If you tell him that you love him, then he won't need anybody else!

I'm too nervous! I've tried telling him a thousand times, but whenever I try to tell him that I love him I just make myself look like an idiot! Every time I picture him laughing at me, and I chicken out. Maybe I should just be happy for Nick, even if it'll make me the lonely girl watching re-runs for the rest of my life…


"Maya…Maya, are you awake?" Nick's lovely voice asks.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Nick." I say, rubbing my eyes. I guess I dozed off… "How was your date?"

"Ugh…awful. I guess you were right."

I sit up, feeling a strange mix of guilt and happiness. "What happened?"

"Nothing really, we just don't have that much in common. She's a successful businesswoman, and I'm just a clueless lawyer who doesn't even get paid by half of his clients." Nick sighs.

"Oh…sorry about that, I just don't have much-"

"It's ok, it doesn't matter that much to me. I should probably just face the facts; I'm sort of a loser."

Without thinking I reach over and kiss him on the lips. "Not to me. You're awesome, Nick. And any girl who thinks otherwise isn't worth your time."

Satisfied, I get off the couch and head to bed, trying to hold in my excitement at having just kissed Nick. I lie in my bed thinking about how to admit to Nick that I'm in love with him, but unable to come up with anything, I drift off to sleep.
