Okay, so I actually forgot that I didn't put the final chapter up, until two days ago. I was riding with my mom, eating, and I was like 'Oh, crap!' Well... unfortunatly, this is the final chapter of the story... yeah, I know, but it had to end sometime. I honestly don't see how those people who have 100 chapter storied do it! It's incredible, I tip my hat, well, rimmed beanie, to you.

So, thank you for all your reviews, your, favoriting, you alerts, your awesomenessness, and um, I don't really know if I spelled that right, but thanks so much! Here's the last chapter!

All Out in the Open

Logan pressed the send button on his phone and stood up to leave. He grabbed his backpack. He ignored the stares he was getting from Chase and Michael. When he walked out, they looked at each other.

"Is it just me," Chase asked, "or is Logan acting all weird?"

"Maybe it's a side affect of one of Quinn's inventions," Michael said.

"Maybe," Chase said, "But he's been acting weird for a month now."

"Well, is he dating somebody?" Michael asked, "Hot girls always make him act weird. More weird than usual."

"He never mentioned a girl," Chase said.

Logan walked back in the room.

"Left my sunglasses."

He grabbed them and headed out again.

"Logan, wait."

Chase and Michael jumped up and followed him.


They walked down the hall towards the exit.

"Um, are you dating anybody?" Chase asked, "You just seem to have that, "I'm dating a chick" look that you normally have when you're dating a, well… chick."

"Chase," Logan confronted, "If I were dating someone, wouldn't I tell you guys?"

"You'd never let us hear the end of it," Michael said.

"Exactly," Logan said with a glowing grin, "So am I dating someone?"

"Uh, you tell us," Chase said.

Logan grinned, and put on his shades.

"No. I'm not."

They watched him put his backpack strap over his shoulder and swagger out the building.

"He's dating someone."

Before he walked into his chemistry class, he checked his attire and hair in the bathroom. His was wearing the same red tank top he wore when they kissed, with kaki colored cargo shorts and black flip flops. His hair looked perfect, and the sunglasses were a nice touch. He winked at himself and slipped his sunglasses back on and went to class.

He spotted her as soon as he walked in, sitting in the seat in front of his. He sat down behind her.

"Hey, Pensky."

Quinn turned around.

"Logan," she greeted.

He could tell she was trying not to smile. She turned back around and faced the front of the class. From the corner of his eye, he could see Mark looking at him and Quinn. He chose to ignore it.

"Okay class, today's your test," the instructor announced, "When you're done, you can leave."

Quinn was out of the room within twenty five minutes. Logan was surprised at how much he actually knew on the test. Quinn's study methods of teaching, then kissing for examples was working out well. Every type of kiss had something to do with reactions or chemical balances or something. He should've thought of that method a long time ago. He would've been making straight A's.

When he got done, he turned his paper in, then grabbed his things and left. He walked down outside and saw Quinn waiting expectantly for him. Since she normally wanted to see how anything she was involved in turned out, it wouldn't look suspicious.

"How did you do on your test?"

"I think I did pretty well," he replied, "No worries Pensky, you're a good teacher."

They walked side by side down the steps and towards the lunch area. He put his glasses on.

"I know I'm good at teaching, but the question is-"


They both turned around to Mark.

"Del Figgalo," Logan greeted.


Quinn briefly glanced at Logan.


"I was thinking maybe we could finish that talk."


She looked at Logan who was looking at her expectantly.

"Go ahead to lunch, I'll just talk to Mark for a moment."

Logan rolled his eyes, but turned and walked to lunch.

Quinn walked along with Mark, not exactly walking anywhere, just walking.

"So… you've been hanging around with Logan a lot lately," Mark said.

"Well, he needed help studying. His dad was getting on him about his grades, so…"

Mark nodded, "So you're just helping him with school work?"

"What do you want, Mark?"

"To get back together with you."

Quinn stopped in her tracks.

"Logan?" Michael questioned, "I thought you had a test today."

"You finished your test before Quinn?" Zoey asked with surprise.

"No," he scoffed, "She was the first one finished, She was talking to Mark last I saw."

"Mark?" Lola said curiously, "What was she talking to him for?"

"I don't know," Logan replied.

He sat down next to Chase and stole a fry.

"Ask her when she gets here."

'Because I definitely want to know.'

A few minutes later, Quinn walked over and sat down between Michael and Lola. She looked upset.

"So the talk with Mark didn't go good?" Zoey guessed.

She looked at Logan, then at Zoey.

"Not really. He want's to get back together with me."

"What?" Logan asked.

She gave him a warning look, hoping no one would question Logan's anger.

"He asked if we could go out again, I said no."

"He asked you out?" Logan summarized sardonically.

He rolled his eyes and stood up, storming off in the direction he last saw Mark.

Everyone turned to Quinn, who was standing up to go after him.

"What's up with him?" Michael asked her.

She ignored him, "Logan!"

Lola, Michael, Chase and Zoey stood up and followed them.

"Where is he?" Logan fumed.

"Logan, calm down."

She looked around and the group of students starting to gather and some following.

"You're making a scene."

"I don't care!"

He spotted his target up ahead, sitting on the steps eating a hot dog.

"Hey, Del Figgalo!"

Mark looked up at Logan. He was now standing in front of him looking down at him. Mark stood up, and looked behind him at Quinn.

"Hey, don't look at her, look at me."

"Logan, stop."

"What's the problem," Mark asked nonchalantly.

"What's the problem? What's the problem! You asked out my girlfriend, that's the problem!"


Quinn turned back to her four friends then back to Logan. She could hear the gasps from the small crowd around them.

"Girlfriend? Look, I didn't know," Mark said calmly, "She said you two weren't dating."

"That's because it's a se-"

Then it hit him. He turned around and looked at Quinn, Michael, Lola, Zoey, and Chase.


Back at the lunch table, Zoey, Chase, Michael, and Lola were sitting at one side of the table, singling Quinn and Logan out in their two chairs across the table. Logan had his arms folded looking away from everyone, and Quinn sat in her chair, biting her lower lip and staring at the table. Zoey started first.

"So you two have been dating for over a month?""Yeah."

The four looked at one another, then at the other two.

"How did this start?" Michael asked.

"You were having issues with that horse," Logan muttered, "She was trying to win back Mark, we were sitting on the bench, almost kissed, but you galloped by."

"Then we, well-"


"You work on our paper?"

"Um, yes, I was."

She turned her back more to him, looking at the laptop. He was leaning over he shoulder now.

"I should probably fill you in," she said.

Logan smirked, "Or… we could make out."



He pulled back, letting her turn to him.

"God! All I've been thinking about lately is that almost kiss," he exclaimed.

"Me too."

He put his arms around her waist and she put hers around his neck.

"And how much I wanna kiss you…"

She bit her lower lip and looked away from him.


"We shouldn't like each other."

"Maybe we don't. Maybe this awkwardness is because we almost kissed."


"I say we kiss now, and if we don't feel something, we go back to normal."

"What if we do?"

Logan thought, "Well, we'll go from there, I guess."

He leaned down and kissed her, immediately pulling her closer. She was so close, she was practically in his lap, her finger running through his hair.

"Uh… did you feel anything?" Logan asked.

Quinn shook her head, "No."

"Good. Me neither."




He turned to her.

"I- I did… feel something. During that kiss."

'Setup! I knew it!'

He was so busy with his thoughts, he didn't notice Quinn until she spoke again.

"I get it, you know- if you didn't- and we shouldn't anyway- I'm just gonna go."

He pulled her back and kissed her on the lips.

He put his hand on her waist and scooted closer to her as she clung to his shirt.

They pulled apart, stared into the others eyes.



I feel like I'm falling for you.


I feel the same way, too.


"Quinn, I-"

He stopped talking and stared at her. She came over and sat by him on her bed.

"You what?"

He turned to face her, resting one of his bended legs in her bed, between them.

"I meant what I said in that text last night."

Quinn twiddled with her thumbs, letting hi finish what he had to say.

"I feel like, I'm falling for you, but-"

"Our friends." she concluded.

"The school," he added, "all the torture they would put us through."

"That wouldn't be fun," she agreed, "…unless…"

He looked at her, instantly knowing she had a plan.

"Unless what?"

"Unless we keep it just between you and me."

He thought about it out loud.

"This could work. We could make out all we want in private."


//End Flashback//

The four looked at each other again.

"Logan, I didn't think you could be so… romantic," Lola confessed.

"Aw, Logan has a soft side," Michael teased.

"I do not. Shut up!"

"No, no Logan," Chase interrupted, "I think he's right."

"See," Logan said to Quinn, "This is why I didn't want to tell anyone."

A group of girls walked by glaring at Quinn.

"Mmh, and that's why I didn't want to tell anyone," Quinn said, "But I guess there's something good about us going public."

"What's that?" Lola asked.

"Well, I don't have to keep it a secret from you guys anymore."

The all nodded in agreement, Logan shook his head.

"No, that's not the best part," Logan said.

They all turned to him.

"Then what is?" Quinn asked.


Logan grinned then kissed her on the lips, both of them ignoring the comments from their friends.


"Oh, gross."

"Too soon, you guys, way too soon."

"I'm leaving."

"Wait for me!"

When they separated, their friends were gone. They both laughed.

"Okay, so there maybe three really good things about this," Logan said, "No more lying, public make out sessions, and grossing out or friends."

Quinn laughed.

"Hey, let's find them, and do it again," Logan suggested.

Quinn sighed, "Okay, let's do it."

He stood up and took her hand, his grin a big as the Cheshire cat.

"But only because I'm bored."

"Please, you know it'll be just as amusing to you, as it is to me."

"Okay, that too."

So we've come... to the end of the road. Thank you Boys II Men for that lovely phrase. And thank you Chad Dylan Cooper for this next one. Peace Out Suckas!