So surprisingly, this is my first Zoey 101 fanfic. It's been a while since I've looked at the show, so somethings maybe off. I'm listening to Midnight Show by the Killers, and after I post this, I'm gonna start on my Psychology. I also need to find something to eat that doesn't come out of a snack machine.

The Biggest Lie I Ever Told

"It's just weird," Zoey said.

Lola nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, really weird."

They walked into their room with their cups of coffee and an extra one, bought by Logan.

"Hey, Quinn," Zoey greeted.

Lola handed her a cup of coffee.

"Hey guys, thanks."

She continued typing, placing the coffee by her feet on the floor.

"Logan bought it for you."

Quinn stopped typing to give them a look of curiosity.

"We don't understand either," Zoey said, "He's been acting extremely… un-Logan like lately."

Quinn continued typing.

"I'm sure it's nothing," she said, "He's probably being threatened with anger management again."

'Or this has something to do with that almost kiss on the bench.'

Quinn cursed her conscious. So she and Logan almost kissed and now he's buying her and her friends hot caffeinated drinks.

She cautiously took a sip.

And he knew how she liked her coffee.

"Maybe, but he could also be up to something," Zoey added, "He is Logan after all."

Lola sat next to her.

"What are you working on?"

"Chemistry paper. I got partnered with Logan…"

"Well why isn't he helping you?"

She looked at Lola.

"Right, I forgot. He's Logan."

"Yeah, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed," Zoey agreed, "So you're doing all the work?"

"Basically," replied Quinn, "The only thing he has to do is remember the paper, incase the teacher asks questions. He shouldn't be able to screw this up… I hope."

"Hope, being the keyword," Lola joked.

Logan put the finishing touches on his hair and checked his appearance. The red tank top showed off his muscular arms, and the dark gray cargo shorts went perfectly with it, along with the matching flip flops. He sprayed her favorite body spray on himself, knowing it was her favorite scent. She wouldn't be able to resist.

He told himself that the only reason he was even remotely interested in her was because he almost kissed her. Almost wasn't good enough. When he started something, he finished it. It was the Logan Reese was. That was the only reason.

'Yeah, that's the reason for the butterflies and the blushing whenever she's mentioned.'

'Shut up,' he told the voice in his head.

'Not to mention the fact that you dressed up just for her, and you bought and sprayed yourself with her favorite scent of body spray.'

"Shut up!"

"I didn't say anything," Michael said.

"Not you. The- never mind. I'm gonna go meet Pensky for our project."

"You mean your crush?"

"No! Just because I had a dream about kissing her, doesn't mean I like her."

"You were repeating her name in your sleep."

"No, I wasn't."

Michael started making kissing noises.

"Oh Quinn," he mocked Logan, "You're so hot."

He made more kissing noises.

"I love you Quinn."

"Shut up, dude!"

Logan stormed out.

Maybe he did have a dream, but Michael was just exaggerating. He made out with her, but he didn't call her hot. He thought it. He began thinking, unconsciously walking to Quinn's dorm.

'I wonder if she's as good a kisser as she is in my dreams? Her lips look like they're soft. I wonder what kind of lip gloss she wears? I bet it's vanilla, or cherry. Maybe it's apple. Wait, what am I thinking? This is Quinn Pensky, the school nerd! I can't like her! I don't like her.'

"Hey, Logan."

"I don't like her!"


He noticed he was in the girls dorm room, standing by Zoey in front of Lola and Quinn.


Lola stood up and walked towards the door. Zoey shook her head.

"Nevermind, Logan," Zoey said, "We'll leave you to your chemistry project."

"Bye, guys," Lola said.

As soon as the door closed, Quinn and Logan's eyes met. Quinn blushed and looked away, deciding her coffee was more interesting. Logan sat next to her , subtly putting his arm behind her, letting his hand rest on the bed an inch away from her.

"I see you got the coffee."

Quinn nodded and took a sip.

"Yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome."

Quinn didn't like how close he was. One, she could feel his breath on her cheek and two, she felt way too comfortable with his closeness. Plus, he smelt really nice.

"What are you wearing? It smells nice?"

"Oh, rain shower body spray. I like the way it smells too."

Logan felt a bit more of his confidence coming back. Time to make her fall deeper. He saw her laptop on the other side of her with their chemistry paper on the screen. Since his right arm was already behind her, he reached his left arm over to the lap top in front of her. He leaned closer to her, making it seem as if he was looking at the screen with his lips practically on her ear.

"You work on our paper?"

To Quinn, the room suddenly got really hot. Maybe it had something to do with how close Logan was, or the fact that we was whispering in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. She was too disoriented to try and figure out which.

"Um, yes, I was."

She turned her back more to him, looking at the laptop. He was leaning over he shoulder now.

"I should probably fill you in," she said.

Logan smirked, "Or… we could make out."



He pulled back, letting her turn to him.

"God! All I've been thinking about lately is that almost kiss," he exclaimed.

"Me too."

He put his arms around her waist and she put hers around his neck.

"And how much I wanna kiss you…"

She bit her lower lip and looked away from him.


"We shouldn't like each other."

"Maybe we don't. Maybe this awkwardness is because we almost kissed."


"I say we kiss now, and if we don't feel something, we go back to normal."

"What if we do?"

Logan thought, "Well, we'll go from there, I guess."

He leaned down and kissed her, immediately pulling her closer. She was so close, she was practically in his lap, her finger running through his hair. To them, it felt like a few seconds, but it was five minutes before they pulled apart. They let go of each other, fire still rushing through them.

"Uh… did you feel anything?" Logan asked.

Quinn shook her head, "No."

"Good. Me neither."


They both looked at the floor, unknowingly thinking the same thing.

'The biggest lie I ever told.'

So, that's my story. Well, chapter one of it. It was originally gonna be a one shot, but then I kept coming up with stuff, so now it's about six chapters. Man, now I have no choice but to do school work. My history class doesn't start till 1:55 and it's 11:56. I'm bored...