Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. No money is being made from this work, and copyright infringement is not intended.

Chapter 1

"No," he breathed, deep panic clutching his insides. "No, this can't be happening." The chaos of the battle ceased to reach him the moment she fell to the ground. He was at her side in an instant, gently gathering her in his arms. She cried out in agony when he leapt into the air, trying to put some distance between them and the fray. He landed as smoothly as he was able, but she still tossed her head and whimpered weakly against his shoulder. The world dissolved until only the fragile girl he held in his arms remained. "Kagome."

He lay her on the grass when he realized her legs could no longer support her own weight. She coughed weakly, scarlet froth rising to her lips like macabre adorning pigment. He could see the light leaving her eyes. He grasped her hand tightly in his own and succeeded in drawing her back to him for a moment before the glassiness returned to her gaze. Shit! He had to do something!

"Stay with me, Kagome! I'll get you back to your world. You'll be okay." She had to be okay. She was strong. He lifted the fine, blood-stained cotton of her school uniform away from her stomach wound to reveal glistening, pink organs. He couldn't move her. Not as she was. Hell, he'd probably already caused her further injury. He hurriedly shrugged out of his fire-rat robe and gently wound it around her abdomen drawing a gurgling gasp from her lips.

"I'm dying," she croaked, sounding surprised. He could see she was fighting herself to meet his eyes. She couldn't focus. His breath caught in his throat. She couldn't be dying... She was strong.

"Shh, Kagome." Her head bobbed and her right hand clumsily sought out his own once more. She clutched his palm with a weak grip.


"I love you, Kagome," he said urgently, needing her to understand. "You can't leave. I won't let you, damn it!" But he could already smell the scent of death upon her. Something dark and feral twisted inside him, drawing a snarl from his lips.

He would lose her, he realized with stark clarity. And when he lost her, he would lose himself. He could feel the darkness of his demon heritage stirring restlessly within him, demanding to be set free. When she was gone, he doubted Tetsusaiga would be enough to seal his demon blood.

"Jewel," she breathed, and her body convulsed, fighting against the pain. She opened the hand she had fisted against her chest to reveal the completed and purified opalescent gem. "...protect..."

He blinked, astounded. She had the fucking jewel and she wasn't using it to save herself!? "Wish to live," he demanded in a harsh whisper, hurt by the fact that she didn't care enough to save herself. Couldn't she see that they all needed her? Couldn't she see that he needed her?

"Impure," she gasped with a soft smile, and he fought the urge to shake her. "Won't grant it... it's too selfish."

Without a second thought, he snatched the jewel from her palm and wished with all his soul. There were so many things he would have done differently. If only they could have a second chance...

Nothing happened.

He sat at the edge of the battle field and watched her die in his arms. When she drew her last breath, black rage and grief claimed him. He closed his eyes and welcomed the yawning maw of oblivion.


Every breath he drew was agony as he slowly came back to himself. A soft, lingering touch caressed his ears and a calming scent eased him, but the burning in his chest did not abate. He did not return to slumber, although the touch and scent that roused him retreated.

When at last he forced his eyes open, the final rays of the day's light had faded from the sky. He blinked in disorientation, his long-dormant senses rebelling against their sudden use. Goshinboku? He wondered, feeling dazed. He looked out into the familiar forest and found his anxiety growing. He attempted to stretch his limbs, but quickly discovered that they no longer obeyed him.

His chest gave a particularly strong twinge and he looked down to see a weathered arrow protruding from his left shoulder. He stared at the wooden shaft and tattered fletching, utterly transfixed. Instead of burning with the indignant rage of betrayal, fragile tendrils of hope wound their way through his being.

"Kagome," he whispered, not quite daring to believe that the jewel had granted his wish after all. He took a deep breath, carefully cataloguing the scents in the forest around him. He grimaced at the overpowering stench of centipede youkai.

His ears pricked at the distant sound of movement. Someone was running towards him, and they were being pursued. "Fuck," he swore, trying not to get his hopes up. The last thing he recalled was surrendering to his youkai blood. It was possible that he had simply been sealed to the god-tree a second time. He couldn't believe she was alive until he saw her.

The anticipation was unbearable. Each step brought someone closer to him. At last a girl burst from the undergrowth, her dark hair streaming behind her like a banner. He breathed deeply, overwhelmed by her warm, welcoming scent. Their eyes locked, and finally Inuyasha allowed himself to believe.

She was alive! His Kagome was alive!

"Oh," she gasped, breathless. "You're awake."

"Get over here and help me down," he said gruffly, hyper-aware of the fast-approaching centipede.

"Help you down?" she repeated, her voice trembling. She cast an anxious look over her shoulder.

"Hurry up, wench!" he burst, unable to withstand the fact that in his current state he could do nothing to help her. The centipede would arrive any second! She stepped up to the tree much too slowly for his peace of mind. He could tell by the furious frown she wore that she was not pleased with the way he addressed her. Fuck, they didn't have time for this!

"Look," he growled, fighting his own mounting frustration. "Pull out this damned arrow and I'll deal with that nasty bitch." Her eyes widened and she cast another furtive look over her shoulder.

"You will?" she asked doubtfully. "You'll deal with the centipede?" She eyed him sceptically and he felt a furious blush rise to his cheeks. Just what the hell was she implying?!

"Yes, wench! You pull out the fucking arrow and I'll rip that ugly centipede to bits."

Menacing laughter came from the undergrowth before the centipede woman arrived, looking just as large and revolting as he recalled. "You think you can destroy me, pathetic half-breed?"

"Keh," he scoffed. "We'll see who's pathetic."

Kagome stumbled, scraping her knee as she climbed the roots and vines that encircled the base of Goshinboku. The metallic tang of her blood pierced his nose and he forced his eyes shut, fighting off the horrific memory of her death. They were given a second chance. She was alive, and he would do everything in his power to protect her.

"Just pull out the arrow," he said softly, trying to quell her rapidly growing panic. "I'll protect you, I promise." She bit her lip, wrapping her hands around the thin wooden shaft. Inuyasha watched the centipede coil its body and streak towards them.

The arrow disappeared in a bright flare of pink light. A wave of relief coursed through him as feeling returned to his arms and legs and the piercing ache in his chest evaporated. He wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist and tore himself away from the tree, hurtling them both towards the charging youkai. Kagome yelled in fright, fisting her hands in his fire-rat robe and pressing her head tightly against his shoulder.

The battle was over with a single slice of his claws.

Kagome stumbled as they landed amongst the white bones of the vanquished youkai. She whimpered and then forcibly pushed away from him. He blinked in surprise, noticing the furious tears in her eyes.

"You jerk!" she yelled, wobbling unsteadily on her feet. "You almost... you almost got us killed!"

"I what?!" he asked, astounded by how much her accusation stung. He'd killed the demon! He'd saved her life! "You think... I want you to die?!"

"Hold, Inuyasha!" Kaede's voice echoed through the air. He felt his youkai half cringe at the destructive spiritual energy coursing through the old woman. "Do not extract your revenge against Kikyo by killing this child!"

"Keh! Ungrateful hag!" he growled. "What the hell do you know about..."

Fuck, he thought as a purifying arrow streaked above his ears. Yelling at the old bat was probably not his brightest moment. They don't know me, he realized, noting that the men of the village were beginning to arrive. He spared a glance at Kagome as he leapt into a near-by tree. She knelt in the forest mulch, looking rather overwhelmed.

"Tell her, wench!" he yelled, bounding to perch on a higher branch to avoid a man wielding a spear. "Tell her how I saved you! Or are you going to let them try to tear me apart?" She blinked and came back to herself.

"Umm... Kaede? He did kill the centipede, even if he..."

"Ingrate," he groused, fending off a hail of arrows from the village men. "Damn it!" The men were already notching a second volley and taking aim. He leapt from the tree. It was only after he had landed near Kagome that he realized he had made a grievous tactical error.

The hair on the back of his neck rose when the old miko reached into her robe. "Ah, I had a feeling it would come to this," Kaede sighed.

"Oh Hells no!" He exclaimed quickly stepping backwards at the sight of the dark rosary beads in her hand. "There is no way you're gonna get that thing..." Kaede smiled, and pressed her index fingers together in prayer. There was a flash of brilliant light and Inuyasha knew he had lost that particular battle.

"And now it's up to you, Kagome. Say the word to bind his soul."

"What do you mean?"

"Keh. It means you'll be able to grind my face into the ground whenever you damn well please," he growled, crossing his arms across his chest and warily eyeing the village men who had drawn back at Kaede's signal but still stood by with ready weapons. Kagome opened her mouth angrily, but Inuyasha cut her off, fearing he would be stuck with a word much more common than 'sit'. "Will you at least pick something a little less demeaning than dog command?"

"I was not going to..." she protested, the bright flush of her cheeks giving her away.

"Keh! Ya were so. We both know it."

Kagome blinked and looked to Kaede. The old miko gave a scratchy, booming laugh and shook her head in bewilderment. "My older sister had intended to use the word 'beloved' to bind him, but a command like 'osuwari' may better suit his temperament."

"Beloved?!" Kagome demanded in incredulous disbelief and Inuyasha found himself crushed to the ground by a powerful, unseen force. "Wait! I didn't mean... I wasn't... "

He laughed in astonishment where he lay pressed against the earth. He hardly cared that he had been leashed a second time. "Beloved?!" he crowed, enjoying Kagome's embarrassed flush. "That's an improvement from 'osuwari' if there ever was one."

Maybe this time around he'd actually get something right.


He leaned against the outside wall of Kaede's hut, staring out into the darkened forest. It was difficult to get comfortable. It had been a long time since he had slept without Tetsuagia's protective weight against his shoulder. It wasn't as though he was helpless without the fang, he reminded himself, though that did little to ease him. He scanned the trees for signs of crow demons. Would they even come when the jewel had not yet appeared?

Kagome and the old woman shuffled about inside the structure, settling down for the night. Kaede stirred the coal brazier and walked out of the hut, lamp in hand. "Inuyasha, are ye still about?" she asked quietly, peering into the darkness.

"I'm here, Kaede-baba." Her good eye widened at his reply. A half-smile twisted his lips as he realized she had not truly expected him to remain in the village.

"Hanyou, I do not understand many of the things that have occurred this day," she sighed, approaching him slowly.

"Keh. That makes two of us."

"Do ye remember me? I was but a child when last we spoke." She gave a small grunt of pain as she lowered her aged body to sit on the ground beside him.

"I remember." Where was she going with this? While he knew the old miko had a good heart, they had never been very close.

"Do ye not wonder what has become of my elder sister?"

He blinked. "She's dead..."

"Yes," Kaede agreed, steel entering her voice. Inuyasha looked over at her, surprised by her anger. The old woman's face was haggard in the dim light of the lamp. "I suppose ye would know of her fate, when by all accounts she died by your hand."

"I didn't..." he sputtered. He couldn't recall Kaede ever bearing any resentment towards him over Kikyo, but it seemed she did. A familiar hatred rose up inside him. Naraku... Kaede needed to know the truth.

"Do you remember the bandit Onigumo?" His voice was hoarse, barely more than a growl. Kaede nodded, watching him stoically. Undoubtedly she could feel the surge in his youki. Fuck, he wanted to rip that bastard apart! "He sold his soul for the jewel."

"He did have knowledge of it," Kaede replied.

"He learned of... our agreement. He knew that Kikyo intended to give me the jewel. He tricked us using illusion," Inuyasha sighed. "We... I thought Kikyo and I trusted each other, but... it was so easy to believe the betrayal."

"Onigumo?" Kaede asked. "Are ye certain it was him?"

"He calls himself Naraku now," Inuyasha replied darkly, his claws piercing the earth. He wanted to escape to the branches of Goshinboku, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Kagome unprotected. They sat in silence for a long moment, each lost in their own memories.

"And what of Kagome? Ye do seem to possess a certain... knowledge of her."

"Keh. You'd never believe me if I told you," he said. "It's nothing."

"I may be an old woman, but I am neither blind, nor stupid," Kaede snapped. "I will judge for myself." He scowled for a moment and then rolled his eyes at the older woman's pique. What harm could it do to tell the old hag some of what had happened? At least it would get her off his back.

"Kagome... Kagome is Kikyo's reincarnation." Though he knew it was true, the words were difficult for him to say. The women were completely different people.

"Ah," Kaede nodded, unsurprised. "I had suspected as much, though I'm surprised a hanyou would sense it."

"Keh, it was you who told me in the first place," Inuyasha grumbled, unthinking.

"I am certain I said no such thing," Kaede's voice was sharp once more.

"Keh! I'm no good at this secretive crap!" He growled softly and then sighed. There was no point in being reserved with the old miko now that she was suspicious as hell. He might as well tell her everything. "Okay. I... I think I wished on the Shikon jewel."

"The jewel has re-appeared?" She demanded, and he winced at the flare of spiritual power he felt from her aura.

"Yeah... Well, not yet.... Keh!" He tried again. "The jewel re-appeared with Kagome. She shattered it and we hunted down the shards. Naraku had the last few, and while we were fighting him..." He couldn't bring himself to say it. It had been too close. "Kagome purified the jewel and I... I think I made a wish."

Kaede was silent for a long moment. Inuyasha fidgeted, unable to wait silently for her verdict. Damn it! It was the truth. What did he care if she believed him?

But he did care. He wanted someone to know.

"Did my ears deceive me?" Kaede whispered. "Did ye, or did ye not make a wish, hanyou?"

"I..." he began strongly, but lost his bluster. "I'm not sure."

"How can ye not be certain, Inuyasha?!"

"I wished, okay?! I tried!" he yelled, jumping to his feet. Kagome turned over on her futon inside the hut and he took a deep breath, savouring her muted scent. She was alright. He could feel his body shaking. "I... The jewel wouldn't save her! I thought.... I thought she'd died. I wished and nothing happened! The bloody thing wouldn't help her when she wished, and it wouldn't help her when I wished!" He could feel tears in his eyes and he furiously brushed them away before they could fall. He hated being so fucking weak.

"The jewel saved Kagome's life?" Kaede asked. Her voice had lost its cutting edge.

He remembered Kagome's bloody lips and sightless eyes. "It gave us a second chance," he forced himself to say.

"Is there anyone else who could have made a wish?"

"I don't know," he winced. "I... I wasn't myself... after..."

Kaede hummed in understanding, "Your demon took control."

"What does it matter?" he demanded, turning back towards her. "I'm here. She's alive."

"Is it possible your demon wished for a second chance?" she asked, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Kikyo believed that if a demon wished for something with pure intention, the jewel would have no choice but to grant it."

"I don't remember!" he bellowed. "Don't you get it? I don't ever remember." After his outburst, the night silence rang in his ears. They stared at one another for a long while before Kaede spoke.

"Well, Inuyasha," Kaede smiled, totally unaffected by his dark scowl. She pulled herself to her feet with a grunt. "I have decided I believe ye." She smile faded and she nodded before walking towards the entrance to her hut. "I do have some advice, however," she paused at the threshold. "It would be wise to remember that this second chance is a second chance in all things, not just in battles. Do not squander it."


Early-morning sunlight fell in a golden veil from the small window high in the wall of Kaede's hut. He stared, transfixed by the way her dark hair lay in lose, shining curls against the dull, woven straw of the mat she was sleeping on. Her face seemed softer when she slept, dark eyelashes gently fanned against her cheeks.

He jumped when Kaede bumped his shoulder and silently pressed a bowl of rice congee into his hand. Her eyes twinkled, but she said nothing, and for that he was grateful. What the hell was wrong with him, anyways? Watching her sleep? Keh. He didn't recall the need to watch over her ever being this... consuming.

But then, that was before he had been forced watch her struggle as the life left her body. He shifted uncomfortably, re-crossing his legs in agitation. As she had suffered, he had said he loved her. But did he really? She had been dying... he had been...

He scowled, putting the bowl down on the floor beside him. There was no point lying to himself. He hadn't said he loved her because he wanted to ease her pain. He had said it because... because... He had said it because he had needed her to know how important she was to him before he had lost his chance forever. He jumped to his feet, beyond disgusted by the selfishness of his confession. The words had been entirely for his own benefit.

Kaede started at his sudden movement and began to open her mouth, but he couldn't let her. He had to get away. "I'm going," he said gruffly. "Won't be far. Don't go anywhere."

He took three steps to clear hut and then launched himself into the air, needing to feel the freedom that the movement had once afforded him. "I love her," he muttered, his chest uncomfortably tight. He hated how weak the words made him feel. He loved her, and he probably had for some time without even being aware of it. He had taken her for granted. Without her, he had... surrendered. He had lost his focus in the battle, and then he had lost his humanity.

He crouched and leapt into a good-sized tree, burying his claws in the greyish bark and sending a shower of needles to the forest floor. "Damn it," he growled, furious with himself. How could something like this have snuck up on him? He had thought he was in love with Kikyo – or at least the person she had been before death had corrupted her.

He had been so lonely when he had met Kikyo. The miko had been kind, and beautiful, but she had also been stoic and a little unforgiving – traits that had only become more dominant following her death. Inuyasha sighed. He had loved Kikyo, but his feelings had died with her. All he had really felt for her clay form was guilty responsibility.

He wrenched his claws from the tree and arranged himself more comfortably upon the branch. He had loved Kikyo, and that was the reason he went to see her each time she beckoned him, though he knew it hurt Kagome. He could see faint glimmers of the traits that had initially drawn him to Kikyo, even though she was no longer the woman he had loved.

"Hell," he muttered, drawing up his knees and resting his chin on his forearm. He had really made a mess of things. This time he wouldn't fail them, he vowed. He would not allow Kikyo to be cursed with half-life, and he would not let Kagome feel... jealousy? "Keh," he really was an arrogant bastard. But he wouldn't allow Kagome to feel any type of pain, whether it be physical or emotional. He'd probably fuck up, but he was going to try his best. Kagome had to appreciate that, didn't she?

He really loved her.

What the hell was he supposed to do now he knew?


"Stupid wench!" Inuyasha growled, trying to ignore the dread that tightened his chest when he looked around the empty hut. He sniffed, detecting only fading remnants of Kagome and Kaede's essences. The cooking fire upon which Kaede had prepared breakfast had long ago been quenched.

He sniffed again, pulling aside the thickly woven curtain that shielded the entrance. He couldn't smell any carrion demons, but that didn't mean they weren't about. He scanned the edge of the village. It seemed like Kagome and the old hag had gone into the forest! He had told Kaede not to go anywhere before he returned. He hadn't been gone very long – it was only mid-morning. The air was crisp, though the sky was clear and the day was bright.

Two sets of footprints marred the morning dew; he knew they had passed this way. He was going to give that old woman hell! Didn't she realize how important Kagome was after everything he had told her last night? He ran down the trail after them, scanning the foliage for signs of demons. About a minute from the village, the undergrowth thinned abruptly before him and he emerged on a narrow stone outcrop that overlooked a small river.

He blinked, not certain whether he was more furious with himself, or with her. Kagome stood waist deep in the stream, fastidiously rubbing her arms with a brick of harsh tallow soap Kaede had provided. The old miko watched over her from the rocks at river's bank. "Of course," he growled with a roll of his eyes. "You're taking a fucking bath!"

Kagome squeaked and dropped in the water, glancing up at him over her shoulder. "Pervert!" she yelled, blushing cherry-red.

"Old woman," he growled, turning his back on Kagome and crossing his arms. "I told you not to leave the hut 'till I returned."

"Surely, Inuyasha, ye would trust a miko to protect Kagome from demons?" Kaede replied in a dry voice.

"B..Beloved," Kagome stumbled over the endearment. Her voice was shrill with mortification. Inuyasha didn't fight against the power of the rosary when it pulled him to the ground.

"If I had been trying to spy on you, I wouldn't have said anything!" Inuyasha yelled, half-wishing he had possessed the forethought to keep his big mouth shut. He easily could have slunk back into the underbrush and guarded her from there. He wasn't like that perverted monk, always trying to catch the girls bathing!

"Inuyasha is an Inu-hanyou. Had he wished to remain hidden from ye he could have done so with ease," Kaede told Kagome, and he was startled that the old miko would defend him. Kagome had donned scarlet hakama and a miko robe and was vigorously rubbing her hair with a length of white cloth.

"Are you sure he didn't?" Kagome muttered, tying the fabric about her head, and glaring up at him.

"Just what are you suggesting, wench?!" The way Miroku behaved was shameful! He would never stoop to...

"Beloved." This time there was no hesitation in her subjugation. He was pulled off balance from where he crouched on the precipice and he fell at an odd angle against the ground. He blinked into the trees, just in time to see a flash of black feathers.

"Crows!" he bellowed, and Kaede reached for her bow. Kagome stood, hands on hips, completely baffled by his apparent non sequitur.

The creature dive-bombed, squealing with excitement. Kagome cried out in surprise as razor sharp talons and beak cut through the heavy, woven fabric of her kosode. The scent of Kagome's blood hit his nose, and he struggled against the power of the kotodama. He gritted his teeth against the vast weight pressing against his shoulders. He pulled with all his strength and was able to raise himself to a low crouch. He would not allow it to hurt her!

He launched himself off the stone outcrop and inadvertently knocked Kagome to the ground when he tore the wriggling creature off her. It struggled in his claws, managing to sink its beak deep into the flesh of his forearm. "Damn it!" he cried, feeling his grip weaken. He growled in determination and pulled his claws through the bird's flesh, decapitating it.

The power of the kotodama flared with astonishing violence, throwing him to the ground with more force than he had ever experienced. His jaw cracked against the stream bank and the world faded to black.

He stood by the riverbank, staring down at his own prone body, paralyzed with disbelief. Was he dead? Had that pathetic excuse for a carrion demon managed to kill him?! He couldn't have screwed up his second chance already! An incredulous growl rumbled his chest. How pathetic would it be if after facing down countless powerful demons he had been taken down by something as weak as a crow?

"Be at ease, Inuyasha. You live."

The sweet, feminine voice made him jump. He glanced about, but he couldn't locate the speaker. Kagome and Kaede knelt a short distance to his right, eerily motionless. It was as though time had ceased to reach them.

"Who are you?" He demanded. Iridescent specks of light began to twinkle in the air, swirling as though moved by wind, though he could feel no breeze. Inuyasha squinted against the radiance. "What do you want with us?" The aura was familiar, even if it now lacked the menacing lure it had once possessed. Could this calming essence be the power of the purified Shikon jewel?

"Inuyasha," the feminine voice called. There was a blinding flare and then the light seemed to implode, condensing into a human form. He shivered, his youki surging as he was buffeted by a powerful wave of miko spiritual energy.

"Midoriko?" he wondered aloud. Was he talking to the woman who had sacrificed her soul to make the jewel?

"Yes," the warrior-priestess smiled, walking forward. Her long, dark hair wafted about her and her armour gleamed more brightly than could be explained by the mid-morning sunlight. "I thank you for your help, but I must request one last favour of you."

"Did I help you?" he asked, bemused. He couldn't remember having ever helping the woman.

"More than you realize, it seems," she smiled gently and he was forcibly reminded of Kikyo. Midoriko's smile was genuine, but her eyes held only tired responsibility. "Your wishes were enough to subdue the demonic nature of the gem. The alignment of human, hanyou and demon desires allowed the conflict within the jewel to be resolved."

"So I did wish," he muttered, casting a look towards Kagome and not quite suppressing a shiver.

"You did," Midoriko agreed. Anger boiled within him at her placid reply.

"Why did I have to watch her die?" he asked, his voice a low growl. "If my wish was enough, why did she die in my arms?!" Though he managed to contain his fury, he could feel the demon twist restlessly inside him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to force his base nature back.

"I'm sorry," Midoriko whispered, grief catching her voice.

"Don't!" he barked. His control remained tenuous, at best. "I don't want a fucking apology," he whispered. Words were useless! Kagome... He had lost her!

He heard the priestess sigh, and when he opened his eyes at last she seemed to have aged. "It wasn't enough," she said softly. Her voice was deadened, defeated. "Human, hanyou and demon desires were needed to purify the jewel." Inuyasha gave a bark of laughter that was very nearly a snarl.

"Demonic desire?" Before now, he had not entertained the thought that his demonic side could harbour any emotion besides rage.

"The energy needed to balance; three aspects of the soul, yearning for a single desire. Unity was the secret to purifying the jewel." Midoriko was aging, he realized, shock stiffening his spine. Thin lines had appeared around her eyes, and her long hair was slowly lightening to become silver like his own.

"What's happening to you?" he demanded, drawing another sad smile from her.

"What happens to everyone, eventually. My time here is nearing its end."

"I can't say I'm sorry about that," he muttered, "I'm glad the fucking jewel is gone."

Midoriko nodded, a pained expression on her face. "It was never my intention to cause such destruction. Had I known what the jewel... what we would become... I never..."

"I am grateful, you know," he interrupted, silencing the priestess' turmoil. "I'm glad... the wish... It's good to have a second chance."

"You have a kind heart, Inuyasha. Through the jewel I've caused you nothing but suffering."

"Keh," he scoffed, feeling decidedly uncomfortable with her words. "Wasn't you, really. Can't control what some humans and demons will do for power."

"I suppose not." Her hair was pure white, and her skin was almost translucent.

"Will you bear one last burden?" she asked, gazing at him through ancient eyes – eyes that had seen too much chaos and death.

"What is it?" he managed to ask, unsure of whether he was willing to take on another quest. The priestess seemed to be growing weaker with each passing second.

"I would like to be reunited with my physical remains before I vanish from this world." He stared. Though he had known the jewel had been a physical manifestation of the four souls, he had never really considered the life the priestess had chosen when she sacrificed herself. To be caught in an everlasting struggle, a figurehead in the fight between good and evil, seemed to be a fate worse than death.

But she was now free. "I'll help you," he said gruffly. "You deserve to rest."

"And you deserve much more than the second chance you chose. Find peace and happiness, Inuyasha."

The first thing Inuyasha became aware of when the world snapped back into place around him was the dull ache above his right hand where the crow's beak had punctured his flesh. The little bastard had been venomous, he realized, grimacing in distaste. It wasn't much, but it would delay his healing.

He rolled onto his back, trying to quell the nausea that rose at even that small movement. His nose throbbed, and he could taste the metal of his own blood. "Damn it," he growled, gingerly raising a hand to the bridge of his nose to assess the damage. He forced himself to a sitting position, gritting his teeth tightly to prevent a piteous whine from escaping his throat.

"Are ye injured, Inuyasha?" Kaede asked, noticing his movement. She knelt beside Kagome, tying the white towel about the girl's torso as a makeshift bandage. Kagome winced at the priestess' deft touch, but seemed to be relatively unharmed; he could only smell a faint trace of her blood.

"I'm fine," he muttered, drawing a sleeve across his cheek and wincing when he brushed his nose. "Fucking kotodama nearly broke my nose." A sharp gasp drew his eyes to Kagome and he instantly regretted his words. He knew the wench hadn't meant for it to really hurt him. "Keh," he scoffed, affecting an air of nonchalance, "not that it matters anyways. I heal much faster than a pathetic human." Kagome's eyes flashed, and he was relieved to see the guilt fade from her expression, even if it didn't disappear completely.

"It may be best if we return to the village," Kaede suggested, casting a wary look towards the tree-tops. "Many unsavoury creatures are attracted to the scent of blood."

He nodded, slowly rising to his feet. As he moved he felt something become dislodged from the folds of his sleeve and fall to the ground. He froze, his ears twitching at the melodic tinkle that filled the air.

"Is that..." the old woman began, her voice fading when her eyes settled upon the crystal globe that lay against the sand and small stones of the riverbank.

"What's left of it," he sighed, unsurprised by the stone's reappearance. He scooped it up and trucked it into his haori, grateful that now he no longer felt the temptation of the demonic taint. The jewel now held a single, tired soul.

"What's going on?" Kagome demanded. Kaede's lips thinned, but she remained silent. Her eyes caught his and she nodded once, clearly wary that he had possession of the stone, but willing to give him a chance to prove himself.

"The Shikon jewel has reappeared," he said, feeling uneasy. How much should he tell her? How much did he have a right to conceal?

"That thing is real?" she asked with raised eyebrows. The disbelief in her voice made his lips twitch with wry humour. "Gramps was going on about it before..." she trailed off, her expression becoming thoughtful. "I suppose if demons exist, a jewel of power isn't so far out of the realm of possibility."

"Indeed," Kaede agreed, not bothering to conceal her own smile.

"Let's go," Inuyasha said gruffly. "The sooner we get back to the village, the better. We have lots of work to do."

"Work?" Kagome asked curiously, rising to her feet.

"What are ye planning, Inuyasha?" Kaede asked. He waited while she bent to retrieve her bow and then they started up the path.

"We're going to the taijiya village."

"The taijiya villiage?" Kaede echoed and he rolled his eyes at the old woman's suspicion. It would be good to see the slayer again, even if she didn't remember him. "Are ye certain that is wise?"

He snorted in distain at the old miko's concern. Did she think he was going to attack them, or something? Even at his very worst, he wasn't dumb enough to attack an entire village of demon slayers. "That's where the jewel came from, and that's where we're returning it."

"Who's 'we'?" Kagome cast a look over her shoulder. She eyed him cautiously and he sniffed softly in amusement.

"You and me, of course. You don't think I'd let you stay behind, do you?" He drawled, belatedly noting her mutinous expression.

"If I'm going anywhere, I'm going home." Kagome declared, looking determined. He sighed. She'd be no use to him in that mood…

"Okay," he said after a moment's hesitation. He knew she was probably feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the dangers of this era. Hell, she'd only been on this side of the well for two days, and already she'd been attacked twice! She was holding together well, but that was solely due to stubborn determination. A visit to her world would go a long way to restoring her courage.

She blinked, obviously startled by his easy acquiescence. "Okay? Really? Just like that?"

"Oi! I'm not trying to kidnap you!" he grumbled with a roll of his eyes. "It's just safer if you're with me, is all. You've already proved that you can't even bathe without attracting trouble."

"Jerk!" she pouted, blushing scarlet. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"I have no doubt that with the proper training ye could become a formidable priestess." Kaede said thoughtfully. "Ye have great spiritual power, child."

"Really?" she asked and he could tell from her scent that she was genuinely surprised. They emerged from the forest and walked out into the open area at the edge of the village. It was almost noon, and the villagers bustled about, tending to vegetable gardens, mending thatched roofs and going about their daily routines. A few looked towards the unlikely trio, eyeing Inuyasha distrustfully. He flattened his ears in annoyance before he turned his attention back towards the girl before him.

"You're not weak," he said seriously, enjoying her surprised smile. "You're just helpless," he teased. "You're lucky I stick around to protect you, wench." He glanced up at her with a half-smirk, expecting to see her playfully roll her eyes. He was astonished by the intensity of the dirty look she bestowed him.

"Why do you care so much?" she asked angrily, seeming to have reached the edge of her patience. "We only met yesterday! Why does it matter to you if I'm safe? You don't even know me!" Each of her words had the impact of a physical blow.

He clenched his teeth, struck speechless by her declaration. A horrible thought occurred to him. Did he know her? Just because this girl was Kagome didn't make her his Kagome. Their experiences during the hunt for the jewel had changed them and had allowed them to forge a deep friendship. He shared next to nothing with this girl. He stopped walking and swallowed hard.

"You're right," he managed to say in a voice he barely recognized. The words seemed to tear his throat.

Kagome paused when she noticed Inuyasha was no longer following behind them. "What now?" she snapped, pivoting on her heel to face him. Her eyes flashed and her hands were fisted against her waist to keep the makeshift bandage in place. She was so fiercely beautiful he found it difficult to look at her. He turned and walked back towards the forest, back towards the well that had delivered her to him.

"Inuyasha, where are ye headed?" Kaede asked. The old woman's concern made him feel even more pitiful. He grit his teeth, unable to remember the last time he had felt this way. The comfort of friendship had truly made him weak.

"I'm taking her home," he said, finding it impossible to even say her name.

"But what about..." the older miko began, but he interrupted.

"The taijiya village can wait." Sorry Midoriko, he apologized guiltily, you'll just have to be patient. "Come on," he said gruffly. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Kagome was following. She hesitated, looking towards Kaede. The miko nodded once, though her expression was inscrutable. Kagome whispered 'goodbye' to the priestess and thanked her for her help before she set her jaw and started after him.

They walked through the forest in oppressive silence. He didn't look back at her again, finding it easier to just listen to her following footsteps. They reached the old well in minutes. "The well," Kagome said quietly when they arrived at the edge of the clearing. "This is where I climbed out." He led her across the small field towards the squat, wooden structure.

"Yeah." He could feel the weight of her eyes on his back. "Are you going to jump?" he asked when she failed to immediately disappear through the time-slip.

"Jump?" she echoed. He glanced over his shoulder to see her gingerly peer over the wooden rim. "It's a dry well! I'd break my legs! And even if there was water..."

"Your family is on the other side of this well."


"Your family is on the other side of this well," he repeated. He wondered if he'd ever see her again, without the quest for jewel shards to keep her by his side.

"You're crazy! I'm not jumping..."

"Keh! Do you want me to personally deliver you, wench?"

"My name is Kagome! Ka-Go-Me!" she yelled and then shocked him by suddenly bursting into tears. "I just…" she sniffled, "I just want things to be normal again!"

Her life would never be normal as long as she stayed by his side. He had to let her go.

"I know your name, Kagome," he said, stepping close and drawing her into his arms. She stiffened at his touch, but then relaxed, curling a fist in his haori. Though it felt like self-mutilation, he couldn't stop himself from pressing his nose against her hair. Even the salty tang of her tears didn't diminish the sweetness of her scent. "Do you trust me?" he mumbled, half-dreading her answer.

"I... Yes," she admitted in a soft voice.

"Good," he said, though he wanted to say so much more. "Here we go." She gave a cry of surprise when he pulled her more closely against him and vaulted into the well. Her shriek reverberated in the well shaft and he flattened his ears, praying that the magic would grant them safe passage. Blue light flared and their feet passed through the ground. They were drawn through the void between eras and emerged in modern Tokyo.

A/N: Constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks for reading!

Edited March 9th, 2010