Melting of Ice
WARNING: Kyo is a bit OOC. Because I am sorry but I don't swear. There will probably be substitutes to at least keep the attitude going. And if you really want, you can imagine him saying all the bad language you want.
Disclaimer: If I owned anything, it would not be on FanFiction.
Some of the basic ideas of parts have come from other stories that I have read. But I try to add my own twist to them. It is hard though when there are so many other fics out there. If you recognize anything please know that I had not meant for it to be like that.
Summary: Escaping from her past, Kagome moved in with her cousins. Starting in a new school, she made new friends, and discovered a strange family with a secret. Will she fall in love and break the curse? Kagome/Hatori Inuyasha/Fruits Basket
Chapter One
New Beginning
Kagome once again looked down at the piece of paper in her hand. She looked back up at the street name and house number. This is the place. It looks different than I remember, Kagome thought.
With her luggage in tow, Kagome walked up to the white, two story house and knocked on the door. Her blue eyes watched as the door was opened and her aunt greeted her.
"Kagome, you're here already? Oh, welcome, excuse me I was just about to start dinner. Well don't be shy, come on in." As they moved into the house, her aunt continued her questioning, "How was your trip here?"
"My trip was rather uneventful. But thanks for asking. It sure has been awhile, hasn't it?"
"Yes, a bit too long in my opinion. Now come in to the kitchen and let me get you a cup of tea, hmm? I had already boiled water for some tea of my own."
Kagome nodded and followed her aunt down the hall and into the kitchen.
"Have a seat Kagome. Your cousins should be home in a few minutes. School got out about a half-hour ago."
Kagome nodded and asked, "How are my cousins doing?"
"Oh, they are doing well I suppose. But you know your cousin's history."
Kagome nodded sadly and said softly, "Yes."
"Well, anyway, here is your tea. It's green I hope you don't mind."
"Oh, not at all. In fact, it is one of my favorites. Thank you."
"Mother we're home," came a voice from out in the hall.
"Oh! We are in the kitchen dears. And your cousin Kagome is here as well."
Kagome looked up as her cousins entered.
"Ah Kagome. And how are you today?"
"I am wonderful. And how 'bout you two?"
"We are both doing well. My...your electric signals have grown tremendously since last we met."
"Why thank you Saki. I will take that as a compliment," Kagome said with humor in her voice. "I see that your powers have grown stronger as well. What about you Megumi? Have you perfected curses yet?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I had recently found a test subject for one of my curses."
"Nothing too serious I hope."
"Not really. They will find that for the next few days; they will be unable to get the smell of rotten tomatoes out of their clothes."
Kagome laughed and smiled at them. They continued to catch up for the next hour until dinner was ready. Continuing afterwards over a bowl of ice cream and some homemade pie. Kagome was happy to be with her family. It had been such a long time since she had seen them. She missed it. And now with the quest in the past over with, well...
No! She would not think about that now. After all, one of the reasons she was here was to get away from the well and the memories it brought. No matter how hard she tried the memories still came up...
They were losing and Kagome didn't know what to do. Her strength was leaving her fast and she was out of arrows. Sango had taught her to fight a little, but not enough to take on all of these demons. She was tired and running very low on both energy and her miko power.
Miroku had fallen a few moments ago and Sango was now standing over him; protecting him. Kirara flying around killing all the demons she could. Inuyasha was off fighting Naraku, and Koga was helping as best he could. But she could tell that they were losing. Badly.
Shippo was hiding behind a tree with a barrier that Miroku and Kagome had put up. Kagome had hoped to leave him with Kaede when the time came for the final battle. But Naraku had attacked when they were no where near her village. Fortunately, Koga was close enough to smell Naraku's vile stench, and came running as soon as he could.
They had been fighting for hours and everyone was getting tired. Kagome had just killed another demon with a reiki infused stick, when she heard Inuyasha yell out. She turned just in time to see him impaled on one of Naraku's tentacles. In the next moment she was up and running towards him. Not even noticing that her aura had grown around her and was purifying any and all demons who came anywhere near her.
Just as she reached Inuyasha, Koga was taken down as well. No! She thought. This can't be happening.
In the next moment, Sango was taken down by the numerous demons trying to get to herself and Miroku. She was covered to the point that Kagome couldn't see her anymore. Following after her mistress, Kirara was soon overcome by the multitudes of demons as well.
NO! She thought frantically. Kagome looked around to make sure that Shippo was at least safe. But found that Kanna had penetrated the barrier and killed him.
She had tears falling freely down her face by this point. They are all gone. All of my friends. And I did nothing for them. Nothing!
Kagome looked up as she saw Naraku appear before her. Just as he was about to impale her, she put up a barrier that pushed him away. Startled, he had no time to react as she sent a powerful blast that covered the whole battlefield. Her emotions were on overdrive. Her friends deaths had effected her more than she had ever thought they would. She didn't even realize that she had done it until it was already over.
The blast killed every demon within a one-mile radius. Naraku, being the brilliant hanyou he was, had brought his heart with him. It too was purified in the blast. He was completely gone. Kagome feeling like she was about to pass out, walked over to the now purified Shikon Jewel.
She fell to her knees and picked it up. Fusing the last shard with the rest, it glowed for a moment then died down. Kagome sat there and clutched the Jewel to her chest and cried. All this pain and suffering for this one measly jewel? Why? Why did this have to happen? I wish that this had never happened. I wish that they had never died. It was all my fault. If I hadn't come here to begin with, this would have never happened. I don't care what happens anymore. I just wish that my friends were alive and well. Even...even if they don't remember me. Just as long as they are alive!
Her wish was not completely selfless, and therefore did not destroy the Jewel. Instead it was sent back to where it was born. It was impossible to wish for a completely selfless wish. But Kagome's intentions were pure enough, and she sacrificed some of her own happiness, that the Jewel granted her wish.
In the end her friends were revived. They had no recollection of who Kagome was. It was instead a nameless face who had "died" in the battle. Any memory of the Jewel was replaced. They thought they were fighting to rid of the evil that was Naraku. Which in a sense was true, but there was so much more to the story. A story only Kagome would ever know the truth about.
Kagome was returned to the future where she cried her eyes out for days. In the end, she realized that her friends were happy and alive in the past. And it was probably better that they didn't remember her. But the memories were still painful. To get away from them, Kagome was sent to live with her father's mother, her aunt and uncle, and her two cousins. They were all from her dad's side of the family, obviously, and each of the younger generation had inherited some sort of power. Most likely Souta would be getting his later on. Megumi already had his powers and Souta and him were around the same age.
Kagome was rather close to Saki when they were younger. Unfortunately, when Saki and her family moved to a different place to go to a new school, they didn't get much chance to see each other. But now Kagome was going to be going to the same school as Saki. And they were even in the same classes! (It was planned that way).
So now, Kagome was ready to start her new life in her new school. To forget about her time in the past and move on. Starting tomorrow, Kagome was going to Kawaia High.