The silent forest rung in my ears as I crept forward and crouched into a hunting stance. I listened intently for any change, casting my senses out smoothly and feeling the elements around me. I watched my feet, careful not to let them slip on a dry leaf or twig, and trekked a few steps deeper into the shadows.

A light growl whispered from behind me and I froze, attempting to make myself blend in. Another growl, louder and more challenging than the last erupted from behind me again.

Shit! Oh, Shit! Not again.

Heavy, frantic breathing exploded my lips as I leapt forward and ran into the shadows, following a well worn familiar path through the dense shrub.

Heavy paws thumped the ground behind me at a swift pace and I couldn't help but giggle as I soared over a fallen tree trunk and pushed my legs promptly.

I would not lose.

In reply to my quicker movements, the creature behind me sped up more, and soon I could hear his paws on my tail. I chewed on my bottom lip as I drove my body to its extreme and heard the sudden silence behind me.

"Ye- Oomph!"

I got thrown to the ground, wrapped in a hot iron grip and tumbled down a minute hill disguised by feathery barbed ferns. My eyes forced themselves shut to reject myself getting sick from the spinning earth and I exhaled sharply when my back landed heavily on the uneven ground.

I opened my eyes to see cocky black eyes and white teeth grinning at me and felt the heat of his strong russet body through my tracks and cotton shirt.

"Got cha!" Jake bent down to plant a kiss on my cheek while I spat leaves out of my mouth.

"Uh huh. You could be a bit more graceful and refrain from throwing us down hills when you catch me you know," I said while I pressed against his chest. "It messes my hair up."

Jake raised an eyebrow at me and smirked.

Uh oh…

I saw his arm subtly reach away from me and watched it hesitantly, as he pulled a handful of leaves, grass, dirt and bugs and held it just over my head.

"Not the bugs, Jake! Eww, you know I hate them." Yeah I don't think he cared; he skulked them a little closer to my hair and smiled wider. "Jake, don't!"

Stupid werewolf. Doesn't see me walking around with a handful of plastic vampire fangs, does he?


He chuckled, deep and striking, and dropped the handful right next to my head as I flinched away as much as I could with his body pinning me under him. I glared at him, forcing as much irritation into my eyes as was manageable and pursed my lips.

Jake reached towards me with his hand and pushed my cheeks together so my lips resembled that of a fish. As strong as Jake is, he was so utterly gentle.

"You're so cute when you're mad." His voice mimicked that of someone speaking to a baby, now my irritation was for real.

I swatted his hand away and pushed with all my strength to budge him enough so I could roll out from underneath him. When I turned to look at him again, he was laying on his side with his head propped up on his hand, dressed in his respective track pants he no doubt hauled on while we were closing our hunt. No denying it, he was handsome… and minus the temperature, very hot.

Glaring at him, I sat crossing my legs and started combing my hair out with my fingers, removing some of the plant matter and what not from my long ringlets. "You're not funny, not when you speak to me like a baby."

The smart individual, of course, didn't cut it out. "Aw, what's the matter, baby? You don't like it."

I ceased my brushing and took in a deep breath. I knew his senses were much more developed, but I promised myself I'd try anyway. I shifted deliberately and slowly stood up, brushing off my black track pants and rearranging my top. I dusted the bottom of my bare feet of, right then left, and when I set my left foot back on the ground I used it as leverage to throw my weight forward and seize Jake.

His eyes widened and his body jumped in an effort to run, but I was a little quicker this time and I was proud. I landed on his stomach and grabbed his hands, pushing them between my legs and his side while I tightened my grip to fasten them there. I felt his hands flick back and rest on my calves. My hands rested either side of his head as I leant forward to whisper, "Got cha," and press my lips to the hollow under his ear.

I leant back and drew my finger across my tongue to mark a strike in the air, "One for Nessie, forty-eight for Jake."

"Forty-nine," he argued.

"Forty-eight. I can count, and you've only caught me forty-eight times," I retorted defensively.

A slow grin spread across his mouth and my eyes tapered. I had seen this look way to many times, and the events never ended in my favour.

Time to move, I warned myself.

The muscles in my body contracted to move me, a little way too late.

Jacob's hands tightened on my calves and his weight shifted to roll over again, knocking me off balance so I fell forward on his chest, gripping his shoulders. He smiled cunningly as he held my waist to him while he pressed my back into the ground… again. My hands clutch his shoulders tighter as I stared into his jet black eyes and my breath caught in my throat. I jumped as his hands, still warm on my waist, started stroking my side lightly. My heart was unruly, and I prayed that, although he probably did, Jacob couldn't hear.

"Forty-nine," he whispered.

His eyes searched my face for some reaction, some emotion. I released my breath in a quick exhale and bit my lip, looking away from his gaze. One of his hands moved away from my waist to cup my face and stroke my cheek.

"I'll let you win another day," he promised as he leant forward and pressed his warm lips to my cheek again. I closed my eyes and fought the temptation to turn my head and catch his mouth with mine.

He let our cheeks brush together, and I subconsciously felt my hands slide over his shoulders and around to his back, holding him there. His warm breath caressed my neck as he turned to rest his head on my shoulder.

This was home.

I don't know how long we lay there; minutes, probably hours, but my breathing had just returned to normal, although my heart would take a while to recover, when I felt his body freeze over me.

I opened my eyes to look at him. "Wh—"

He shot upwards, dragging me with him. He set me on the ground and pried my hands away from his broad shoulders.

"Dust your self off," he instructed.

I followed his lead, mimicking his movements until we both looked more like people than the forest. The next best thing to being in contact with him was having him shirtless. His body was… strong. Amazing, beautiful, miraculous. And whenever I was around him, I felt safe; he was my safety, my harbor. I was appreciating that right now.

"Renesmee, Jacob."

I gave a little gasp at the cool voice and turned to see my father and mother standing a few meters away.

"Mom, Dad. Hi," I stuttered. "What are you doing? Hunting?"

Dad was frowning at me, and I think maybe Jake too. He didn't look like he was going to answer so Mom did.

"We came to get you, Charlie's coming over," she said, watching between Jacob and Dad. "He should be here soon."

"Okay, I'll… uh… Want to go back now, Jake?" I turned to look at him. He shrugged intelligently so I rolled my eyes and called the shot. "We'll follow you right up, Mom."

She nodded and pulled Dad towards the path they had to take home. Once they were gone I let out a shaky laugh and turned to face Jacob.

"Well, that was exciting," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Go phase, dog, you can carry me home."

He play groaned but trotted of behind a large shrub to strip and change. I watched him stroll out from behind the plant carrying his pants in his mouth a few seconds later. He was so huge! My head would barely reach his shoulder when he was standing.

He stood in front of me and dropped his pants, which he had lovingly covered in saliva for me to hold while we traveled home, on my head. He was so charming. I ripped them off my head and held them in front of me between my pinched fingers.

"Gross, Jake! Did you have to?"

He gave me his lopsided wolfy grin with his tongue flopping out. I tried not to, but I gave him a smile and head quaver just for how cute he looked. In reply, he dropped on his haunches and then lowered himself to his stomach, resting his huge head on his paws. And his head wasn't just huge because he was a wolf form, either. I sniggered a little at my lame insult and he cocked his head at me. I tapped my nose, telling him not to be so inquisitive.

He rolled his eyes and dropped his head again, watching me curiously as I approached closer. He exhaled loudly, a sigh.

Better make up for it, I said to myself.

"I'm glad I have you," I told him as I draped his pants over his neck and perched my self on his saddle. My legs tightened firmly around his ribs and I held the fur around his neck softly. He glanced behind him quickly to make sure I was on and then hopped up, turning around and starting to walk back home.

Jake gave a little whine. A why? I was gathering, so I answered.

"Well, mom and dad won't let me have a dog. And I love spending time with you." I must have said something right because he started prancing modestly.

I laughed a petite giggle, leaning down to rub his neck.

And I adore you, Jacob.