Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer- I own nothing.

(She is the one) But I have a purpose

(She is the one) And I have to fight this

(She is the one) This gift is my curse for now...


"Zach," Solomon nodded his greeting, "What were you able to get?"

I pulled the large folder from it's hiding place within my suit jacket, and handed it to him. He took it, and his already creased brow drew closer together as he read.

"Who gave all of this intel to you?" He asked, and I could tell he was a little curious, at least.

"Some of the guys tat I used to be friends with. I don't know how hey got it, but they gave it to me, and when it was found out..."

I didn't have to finish that sentence.

He nodded solemnly, and opened the folder again, looking though it as if to double-check what he had read.

"She's going to try to protect Macey you know," he said, not looking up from the folder, "it wouldn't surprise me if she was here now," and, as if on cue, a girl in a tight black dress who had long black hair and high heels on virtually slid across the floor about a hundred yards away.

"Just keep an eye out for her," he looked up this time, and I could tell that guilt was written all over his face.

I know that he feels bad about what happened, and I do too (even though neither of us had anything to do with it.)

But there's nothing we can do about it now...

"Keep an eye on her okay?" He said again, and I nodded, and without another word, he left.

After that, I disappeared into the crowd, and headed for the tunnel- my way back to Blackthorne. And once I reached the entrance of the train at the very end of the long line of cars, I went in.

Apparently he Secret Service hadn't really gotten things together yet, because no one was at the entrance to stop me (which was a good thing.) So I'll have to remember that seventeen year old guys in a padded bodysuit that makes them look about three times larger with a three-year-old wig and fake glasses on are not a threat. In fact, I guess that everyone should just let them onto trains where some of the most powerful people in America are kept...

Bravo on the tight security.

I walked through the narrow aisles, nodding to people, and smiling (which I'm pretty sure made me look like a walrus- like Brad Pitt) the whole while looking for halfway secure cover to stay in until the train reaches the designated spot.

There were compartments lining the walls of one cart, and when no one else was around, I tried the doorknobs of each one- every one ending up being locked.

Then, I found one that wasn't.

Number fourteen, not too far away from the entrance, and it had a window, perfect for spotting my drop-off. I tip-toed in (literally) and set my stuff down on the far side of the wall, and I pressed up against it, in case anyone came in and I had to knock them out quickly.

At that moment, I felt kind of stupid, kind of like those kids from the old Scooby-Doo cartoons, sneaking around and avoiding the bad guys.

I don't know how long I stood there (which was sloppy of me) trying to pass the time by doing homework in my head (but this has proven kind of pointless, seeing as how none of the homework never gets done, and besides- I'm no Liz Sutton.) But after a while, I heard a sudden banging on the door, and a familiar voice go "Ms. McHenrey, are you in there? May I have a word?"


I pulled away from the wall, getting into fighting stance just in case (because, for one thing, I wasn't Macey McHenrey, and second, I would probably get flattened by one of those Secret Service guys is I was found out, well, they would try flatten me anyway, but I doubt they could.) I heard the banging get louder, and I thought, wow, they really are desperate to talk to McHenrey...

But then the door opened.

I was blinded for a second by the sudden blast of light, but I was still able to act immediately. I grabbed at the person, but they dodged it, so I gabbed their hair, feeling the need to get them unconscious as soon as possible so I don't get caught...

But I ended up with a huge wad of black hair in my fist.

I looked from the wig to the girl who had just came barreling into my hideout, and I looked at the wig again, the pieces finally coming together.

"You aren't supposed to be here Gallagher Girl."

I felt anger burning in my chest as I looked down at her. Anger so hot that I felt my whole chest burn and my head buzz...

She's here.

She's here.

They might be here.

"You're telling me that I shouldn't be here?" She hissed. I didn't stop to think about her point, I just concentrated on not knocking her out and carrying her back to Gallagher myself.

"It's dangerous." I growled, trying to hide the fact that it was a huge understatement.

"In case you haven't noticed, I can take care of myself." She snapped, but she didn't have time to snap any more, because the train chose that moment to lurch. Instinctively, I opened my arms, and she fell into them, struggling at first, but stopping after a while.

"Shh," I whispered as we heard voices outside the door.

I looked down at her.

I tried not to gulp down the lump that had formed in my throat as she stared up at me beneath long and very fake lashes. Her fake nose had slid a little to the side, and her contacts hid her chocolate brown eyes, but in my mind, I peeled those away, leaving only Cammie...

Oh God.

I fought the urge to kiss her as I held her close still, not wanting to let her go, but knowing that I had to get her out of here...

Who knows how close they were by now.

"Nice disguise," I said, almost cringing at my sad and inadequate excuse of a compliment.

"You too," she said, a small smile growing on her lips, "It looked even better in Boston."

At that moment, I felt incredibly stupid, so my mind scrambled for an excuse as to why I was practically stalking her, "Yeah... I-"

But I never got a chance to finish, because I heard a loud knocking on the door. She looked up at me, her fake blue eyes wide with panic.

"Here," I said, gesturing to the only hiding place in the five-by four room, the collapsible bunk.

Outside, I heard a voice yell "Who's got a key for this?"

But by the time the door burst open, Secret Service personnel and McHenrey flooding in, we were already in the bunk...

Pressed together in complete and total blackness.

I think I am starting to like my little missions.

I wrapped my arms around her waist for two reasons, one, because it would give us about two inches more moving space, and two, because I could.

"What's going on Zach?" I heard Cammie whisper through the darkness.

I could hear Abby Morgan outside, lecturing McHenrey about staying in her compartment, but I just looked at Cammie, memorizing every aspect of her face...

Because I didn't know when I might see it again, truthfully.

"You were in Boston, Zach." She said, her voice cracking a little.

"Shhh," I whispered with a jerk at her waist, because the conversation had stopped outside, and I hoped that they hadn't heard her.

We lay there and listened for a second... I could hear McHenrey mumbling something, and after a while of searching through speech patterns in my head, I recognized the other voice as the Winters kid.

"You know, I've been told this is my best suit," he said in a braggy way, I rolled my eyes at his attempt at flirting.

"That's how you knew about the laundry chute," she hissed, and I looked in her eyes as the pieces seemed to fall into place in her head. "Why were you there Zach?"

"Not now." I really didn't want to go into all of it- considering the fact that our cover could be blown at any second.

"And don't say it was because we were in danger, because at the time, we weren't in any danger."

Haha, yeah right...

"Do you want to take a nap or something?" I asked, my mind desperately scrambling for ways to shut her up.

"Yeah, and while we're on the subject, why are you here?" Actually, that was off-subject, but that didn't seem to stop her.

"I could ask the same thing of you, Gallagher Girl, except we should be shutting up now."

The voices outside the cabin had stopped, and I could hear some quite familiar sounds coming from those two...

Oh God.

That's disgusting.

"What were you and Mr. Solomon talking about?"

That was it, I was sick and tired of this interrogation.

"You really don't get it, do you?" I twisted so I could look into her face better, and I stared her straight in the eyes, trying to tell her what was really happening. "This is dangerous Cammie," I thought –no, hoped- that calling her by her real name would help her understand, "This is-"

"Yeah, I kinda figured that out the day I woke up with a concussion."

"Don't make light of this," I hissed.

"What about concussion is synonymous with 'making light'?"

"You shouldn't be here," I said, slower now, trying to drill it into her head.

"You're here," she snapped.

"Listen, this is no place for..." I drifted off, trying to think of the right word.

"A girl? A student? What, Zach? Tell me what you are that I'm not."

It's not who she is. It's what she has.

She has friends, a family, a home. Sure, my parents were still alive, but they were doing God-knows what –they don't care about me anymore. And I do have friends, Grant and Jonas, but I know that if I died trying to keep Cammie safe, they would be able to live. But what about Cam's friends? Her mom?

"I'm someone who's got nothing to lose."

The world seemed to fade away then. I saw Cammie eyes seem to soften. Maybe she realized that I was someone who had nothing, and she was all I had, all that mattered. Maybe she was finally tired of fighting, and decided to listen to someone else besides herself for once. There were a lot of maybes, but none of them mattered, because I was reaching up to her face, brushing a few strands of golden-brown hair out of her eyes...

But I never got a chance to kiss her.

Because the world had fallen from underneath me.

"Well," I heard McHenrey say, her voice smug, "this wasn't on my agenda."

I looked up at McHenrey, and she had her hands on her hips, smiling her smug smirk (hey, that's mine! I knew Grant was right when he said I should copyright it.)

"Ms. McHenrey! Is everything okay in there?" A deep voice called from the other side of the door.

She looked at us, the smug smile still plastered on her lips, as if she knew that her decision right then could either make or break us.

"Everything's fine, I just knocked over a tray," she said, her voice sounding too chipper.

"Shall we send a porter to-"

"No!" She screech, the smile and chipper tone gone. "I just want to be alone, or is that too hard to understand?!"

The person retreated.

I tried to untangle myself from Cammie and a backpack I got my feet tangled into, and I sat on the lower bunk, and Cammie soon plopped down beside me. Macey sat across from us on a small bench, and crossed one leg over the other, seeming to love this way too much.

"Hi Zach," her smile widened.

"Hey, Macey," I said casually, like I did this every day. "Sorry to drop in, but Cammie just had to be alone with me. You know how she gets."

She smacked my arm –hard.

"You know, you're going to hurt me one of these days, and then you're going to feel really bad about it."

"Yeah, well, maybe if you would just be honest with me for one-"

Hey! I was partially honest...

"Um, just so you know," Macey said as she leaned back, enjoying the show, "Abby will be back in a approximately two minuets, so you lovebirds might want to make this quick."

I didn't have a chance to react to the word 'lovebirds', because I grabbed my bag and glanced out the window, my destination near.

"Thanks, this is my stop anyway." Cammie looked up at me like I was crazy as I stood up, like the fact that the train was still movie would stop me from jumping. "Hey, McHenrey, you mind?"

She nodded, and opened the door, peeking outside. "Oh officer, may I see your gun?"

The man turned, and I dashed out into the hall, sprinting to the end of the car. I heard Cammie follow, but I turned to her, making her skid to a stop.

"Hey, Gallagher Girl," I said, my voice softening a little, "Promise me something."

She didn't say anything, so I stepped a little closer.

"Be," I reached up to her head, where the bruise had once been, "Careful."

I didn't kiss her or anything, because I saw Abby coming toward us, her green eyes focused directly on me. I turned back to the door, and opened it.

I jumped, and spread my arms wide.

I looked back at her, her face slightly pressed up to the glass.

"Later Cammie," I whispered as I turned my head back to the rushing water below.